6 research outputs found

    Značilnosti plodov in sestava metabolitov v različno obarvanih delih plodov žlahtnega jagodnjaka (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)

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    Neenakomerno zorenje jagod je pojav, pri katerem del plodu žlahtnega jagodnjaka (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) ne dozori. Nezreli del se lahko pojavi na vrhu pri čaši ploda ali na konici plodu. Težava je še razmeroma neraziskana, zato smo želeli z našo raziskavo primerjati lastnosti ter vsebnosti primarnih in sekundarnih metabolitov v enakomerno obarvanih in neenakomerno obarvanih plodovih. V raziskavi smo primerjali plodove dveh sort, \u27Clery\u27 in \u27Asia\u27. V prvem delu raziskave smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv termina pridelave na vsebnosti metabolitov v plodovih, primerjali smo jagode obrane v pomladanskem in jesenskem času. Ugotovili smo, da čas obiranja ne vpliva na barvo in trdoto plodov, vpliva pa na vsebnost metabolitov (SS, skupni sladkorji, organske kisline, vitamin C, fenolne spojine). V drugem delu raziskave smo primerjali različno obarvane dele plodov. Ugotovili smo, da, bolj obarvani deli plodu vsebujejo več topne suhe snovi, sladkorjev, vitamina C in fenolnih spojin in manj organskih kislin ter imajo manjšo trdoto. Spomladanski plodovi sorte \u27Asia\u27, pri kateri se je neenakomerno zorenje kazalo v obliki »zelene konice« na plodu, so imeli največjo vsebnost sladkorjev ravno v belem delu. Domnevamo, da je v zeleni nedozoreli konici plodu motena encimska aktivnost in normalno kopičenje sladkorjev, medtem ko to ni opazno v belem delu ploda pri čaši, vendar so za potrditev te domneve potrebne dodatne raziskave.Uneven ripening is a disorder where a part of fruit remains unripe after the rest of the fruit has ripened. In strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.), it takes form as \u27white shoulder\u27 on the top or \u27green tip\u27 at the basal side of the fruit. This experiment aimed to determine the fruit characteristics and metabolite compositions of both evenly and unevenly ripe strawberry fruits in two varieties, \u27Clery\u27 and \u27Asia\u27. The first part examined the effects of harvesting time on evenly ripe fruits. Results showed that the metabolite concentrations (SSC, sugars, organic acids, vitamin C, and phenolics) in fruits were more affected by harvest time than the fruit color and firmness. The second part compared the differently pigmented parts of unevenly ripe fruits. Results showed that the fruits’ more pigmented parts had higher concentrations of soluble solids, sugars, vitamin C, and phenolic compounds, and lower levels of organic acids and firmness. In the spring fruits of \u27Asia\u27, where the only \u27green tip\u27 form of uneven ripening was found, the highest concentration of sugars was found in the white part. It was speculated that the ‘green tip’ disturbed the enzyme activity and changed the normal pattern of sugar accumulation, while the ‘white shoulder’ didn’t, but this theory needs further research

    Številčnejši pojav petih vrst sovk (Noctuidae) v Sloveniji v obdobju 2019-2022: predstavitev vrst in preliminarni rezultati njihovega pojavljanja in škodljivosti

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    In this paper, we present five species of owlet moths (Noctuidae), whose greater abundance was found in Slovenia in the period 2019-2022 as part of research and expert work in the field of plant protection. The greatest economic importance is attributed to the tomato looper (Chrysodeixis chalcites), which two years after its first strong appearance on the Slovenian coastal area is already causing major problems for tomato growers. We did not confirm the harmfulness of the caterpillars on cultivated plants for the silver-Y moth (Autographa gamma), the adult males of which are caught in large numbers using pheromone traps in central Slovenia, and the less numerous beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua). We can confirm the same for the shark moth (Cucullia umbratica), whose adult males are caught in pheromone traps of the EU quarantine pest Spodoptera frugiperda and the copper underwing (Amphipyra pyramidea), for which we suggest the Slovenian name ‘bakreni podkrilec’, which appeared in, on or in the immediate vicinity of the pheromone traps of the spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) in the oak-hornbeam forest in Prekmurje.V prispevku predstavljamo pet vrst sovk (Noctuidae), katerih večjo številčnost smo v Sloveniji ugotovili v obdobju 2019-2022 v okviru raziskovalnega in strokovnega dela na področju varstva rastlin. Največji gospodarski pomen pripisujemo paradižnikovi sovki (Chrysodeixis chalcites), ki dve leti po prvem močnejšem pojavu v Slovenski Istri že povzroča večje težave pridelovalcem paradižnika. Za glagolko (Autographa gamma), katere samci se v feromonske vabe v osrednji Sloveniji lovijo v velikih številih in manj številčno pesno sovko (Spodoptera exigua), nismo potrdili škodljivosti gosenic na gojenih rastlinah. Podobno lahko potrdimo tudi za škrbinkinega meniha (Cucullia umbratica), katerega odrasli samci se lovijo v feromonske vabe karantenske sovke Spodoptera frugiperda in sovko Amphipyra pyramidea, za katero predlagamo slovensko ime ‚bakreni podkrilec‘, ki se je pojavljal v, na ali v neposredni bližini feromonskih pasti gobarja (Lymantria dispar) v hrastovo- gabrovem gozdu v Prekmurju

    The suitability of wheat grain and grain of three less common cereals as hosts for the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae [L.]) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    The aim of the present study was to test the suitability of different grain commodities, i.e., common wheat (Triticum aestivum), millet (Panicum miliaceum), spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta), and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) as hosts for the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae). We monitored weevil mortality and progeny emergence. Two different amounts of grains (50 g and 100 g) were applied. The experimental units were stored at three temperatures (15, 20, and 25 °C) and at two relative humidities (RHs) (55 and 75%), for a total of six combinations. Mortality was assessed on the 7th, 14th and 21st days after exposure. After 56 days, we determined progeny emergence. We determined that weevil mortality was correlated to temperature, RH, grain commodity, grain quantity and exposure duration. In general, mortality counts were higher at lower grain quantities. The mortality and progeny emergence were highest in wheat grain, since wheat grain is the most suitable host. Progeny production (emergence) was highest at 25 °C. Only a few individuals emerged from buckwheat and millet

    The indigenous species of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) as biological control agents of plant pests in Slovenia

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    International audiencePhytoseiid mites are of great importance for the biological control of spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies. In this article, we present six species of predatory mites from the family Phytoseiidae, which are included in the list of indigenous organisms for biological control in Slovenia. These species are Amblyseius andersoni, Neoseiulus californicus, N. barkeri, N. cucumeris, Euseius gallicus, and Typhlodromus pyri. Being included in the list mentioned above, these species have great potential to be used in biological control and are technically qualified sources for the management of several pest species in agricultural production in Slovenia. Detailed information about the feeding habits, food preferences, and biological control potentials of these species is presented herein

    The indigenous species of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) as biological control agents of plant pests in Slovenia

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    Phytoseiid mites are of great importance for the biological control of spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies. In this article, we present six species of predatory mites from the family Phytoseiidae, which are included in the list of indigenous organisms for biological control in Slovenia. These species are Amblyseius andersoni, Neoseiulus californicus, N. barkeri, N. cucumeris, Euseius gallicus, and Typhlodromus pyri. Being included in the list mentioned above, these species have great potential to be used in biological control and are technically qualified sources for the management of several pest species in agricultural production in Slovenia. Detailed information about the feeding habits, food preferences, and biological control potentials of these species is presented herein

    Five invasive alien plant powders, Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst.) wood ash and diatomaceous earth against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) adults

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    We tested the insecticidal efficacy of different powders as surface treatment against the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) adults. We have applied dusts from five invasive alien plant species (Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea, Amorpha fruticosa, Rhus typhina, Ailanthus altissima) and two inert dusts, i.e. wood ash from Norway Spruce (Picea abies) and commercial product SilicoSec® (as diatomaceous earth). Mortality was evaluated from 1st till 7th day after exposure, at 20 and 25 °C, two values of relative humidity and two doses (20 and 40 g/m2^2). After Day 7, alive beetles were placed into clean Petri dishes, and mortality counts were measured from 8th till 14th day. In general, we have detected poor efficacy of plant powders against S. oryzae. SilicoSec® at 20 g/m2^2 caused 100 % mortality at 25 °C and 55% RH, after seven days. Wood ash (13.46% SiO2_2) was less effective in comparison to SilicoSec® (79.48% SiO2_2), as approx. 60% mortality was recorded at the same conditions. We have detected that leaves of A. altissima and flowers od S. gigantea are rich with polyphenols (like catechin hydrate), on average almost 17 mg/g in S. gigantea flowers. Flowers and leaves of Solidago species are also rich with essential oil, like beta-copaene. The results of our research indicate that the powders of invasive plants are closer to fragrant roses in controlling S. oryzae adults, while the gun for this pest is only diatomaceous earth. To improve the effectiveness of invasive plant products, we suggest testing their independent effectiveness in liquid form as well as combinations of their essential oils with inert dusts