24 research outputs found

    The history of the formation of higher education in Russia through the prism of the activities of the Slavic-Greek-Latin academy

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    В рамках данной работы осуществлен анализ истории становления высшего образования в России сквозь призму функционирования только одного учреждения – Славяно-Греко-Латинской Академии. Выделены основные тенденции в формировании социального заказа на высококвалифицированные кадры для государственной и церковной службы. Продемонстрированы основные этапы в столь долгой и насыщенной истории функционирования и развития академии вплоть до настоящего времени. Подчеркнуты основные отличительные характеристики академии, позволившие свидетельствовать особый статус учреждения, а именно всесословность, бесплатность образования, наличие цензуры и суда, корпоративная академическая политика, академическая мобильность, широкий спектр изучаемых дисциплин для духовных и светских служащих.Within the framework of this work the history of the formation of higher education in Russia is analyzed through the prism of functioning of the only institution – the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. The basic trends in the formation of social procurement for highly-qualified personnel for the state and the church service are distinguished. The main stages of a long and rich history of functioning and development of the Academy are demonstrated. The main distinctive features of the Academy, which allow to testify of its special status, are emphasized: universality, free education, censorship and court, corporate academic policy, academic mobility, a wide range of subjects for spiritual and secular employees

    News Media Consumption by Residents of Small Towns of Russia

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 27.09.2021. Принята к публикации: 15.11.2021.Received: 27.09.2021. Accepted: 15.11.2021.Медиапотребление глобального и федерального контентов в современной России на различных территориях имеет больше общего, но потребление местного контента значительно отличается в зависимости от территории. Малые города обладают уникальной инфраструктурой и уровнем доступа к разным медиаканалам. С одной стороны, наличие Интернета позволяет подключиться ко всем возможным СМИ, особенно в ситуации цифровизации ТВ, радио, газет и выхода в социальные сети. С другой стороны, очевиден разрыв, когда практически отсутствуют городские СМИ и информирование о местных новостях в большей степени связано с «сарафанным радио», а не с соответствующими типами СМИ городского значения (так, городские газеты могут выходить с периодичностью раз в неделю, в то время как о событиях в мире информация поступает ежедневно). Данная статья интересна анализом эмпирических данных — серии фокус-групп с жителями малых городов Свердловской области, возможности обратиться к высказываниям об уровне развития региональных СМИ.Media consumption of global and federal content in modern Russia in different territories has more in common, but the consumption of local content differs significantly depending on the area. Small towns have a unique infrastructure and access to various media channels. On the one hand, the presence of the Internet allows you to connect to all possible media, especially in the situation of digitalization of TV, radio, newspapers, and access to social networks. On the other hand, there is virtually a lack of urban media outlets, and local news dissemination is more connected with word of mouth, and not with the corresponding types of media of urban significance (for example, city newspapers can be published once a week, while as information about events in the world is received daily). This article is interesting due to its analysis of empirical data — a series of focus groups with residents of small towns in the Sverdlovsk region, the opportunity to refer to statements about the level of development of regional media

    Environmental Behavior of Youth and Sustainable Development

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    The relationship between people and nature is one of the most important current issues of human survival. This circumstance makes it necessary to educate young people who are receptive to global challenges and ready to solve the urgent problems of our time. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of the environmental behavior of young people in the metropolis. The authors studied articles and monographs that contain Russian and international experience in the environmental behavior of citizens. The following factors determine people’s behavior: the cognitive capabilities of people who determine the understanding and perception of nature and the value-affective component that determines the attitude towards nature. The next task of the study is surveying young people through an online survey and its analysis. The research was realized in Ekaterinburg, the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region (Russia). The study of the current ecological situation in Ekaterinburg made it possible to conclude that the environmental problem arises not only and not simply as a problem of environmental pollution and other negative influences of human economic activity. This problem grows into transforming the spontaneous impact of society on nature into a consciously, purposefully, systematically developing harmonious interaction with it. The study results showed that, from the point of view of the youth of Ekaterinburg, the city’s ecological situation is one of the most pressing problems. Despite minor improvements over the past 3–5 years, this problem has not lost relevance, and regional authorities and city residents should be responsible for its solution. Young people know environmental practices, but they often do not apply them systematically. Ecological behavior is encouraged and discussed among friends/acquaintances. The key factors influencing the formation of environmental behavior practices are the mass media and social networks. The most popular social network for obtaining information on ecological practices among young people is Instagram, and the key persons are bloggers. This study did not reveal the influence of the socio-demographic characteristics of young people on the application of eco-behavior practices, which may indicate the need for a survey of a larger sample. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Acknowledgments: This research was supported by TPU development program

    Global and National Tracks of Mobility of Graduates of Educational Institutions in Russia

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    Introduction. Involvement in global information flows, holding major international events in Russia, focusing on interaction with foreign universities and partners creates conditions for the formation of modern youth's focus on the global track of mobility - admission to educational organizations of foreign countries. At the same time, role and quality of education in Russia in the global market are increasing through the development of Russian education, internationalization and networking of universities. Such tendencies to increase mobility in education naturally require a study of the prevalence of the ideas of mobility in general and in certain areas among schoolchildren and university students. The aim of the study is to reveal the prevalence of the ideas of mobility (potential mobility), both within Russia and abroad, among graduates of educational institutions (at different levels). Materials and research methods. The study involved 1136 graduates of educational institutions in Ekaterinburg, of which 30% are graduates of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, 60% are graduates of bachelor's degrees from 4 universities, and 10% are graduates of master's degree from 3 universities. Research results. A study conducted in 2020-2021 indicated the following trends: the higher the level of education, the higher the value of the educational environment in the country of residence, the more broadly represented the national track of mobility (schoolchildren - 46%, bachelors - 51%, masters - 54%). Among the global market of educational services for all graduates of educational institutions in Russia, priority is given to Europe. Among bachelors, there are more of those who are confident that they can find the desired job in Russia (21%) than in another country. Master students are more confident in the possibilities of working in their specialty in Russia (36%). The older the graduate becomes, the more rational motives prevail in the track of mobility. Conclusion. The study of potential mobility allows us to conclude that the predominance of the national track of mobility is directly proportional to growing up, the older the respondent, the more rationally he approaches the choice of a further place of study and residence, taking into account the possibilities, both intellectual and financial. Thus, it becomes obvious why sufficiently high figures of potential mobility do not become as high indicators of real educational and labor emigrations. © 2021 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Traditional Media and New Media as a Source of News

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    В статье подробно рассматриваются особенности потребления новостей из разных источников: традиционных СМИ (телевидение, газеты, радио), а также новых медиа (интернет-порталов, социальных сетей, блогеров). Показано, что в Екатеринбурге отмечаются общероссийские тенденции востребованности новостных источников информации.The article discusses in detail the features of news consumption from various sources: traditional media (television, newspapers, radio), as well as new media (Internet portals, social networks, bloggers). It is shown that in Ekaterinburg there are all-Russian trends in the demand for news sources of information

    Цифровизация российской высшей школы: технологии образовательного процесса (опыт вузов Уральского федерального округа Российской Федерации)

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    The Russian higher school is in constant transformation, which is associated with the entry of the Russian Federation into the world market of educational services. To achieve the goals of positioning Russian universities in world rankings, various federal projects are being created, for example, within the framework of the state program “Development of Education” for 2019-2025, the project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation” has been developed. To analyze the readiness of Russian universities for digital transformation, a study was conducted in which students of universities of the Ural Federal District (N = 300) took part, who evaluated the degree of implementation of various digital technologies in the educational process at the moment. It is for students as the main consumers of educational services to master the digital components of the educational process, to use technical means. The results of the study revealed the high willingness of students to work in a digital educational environment, the use of distance learning. Moreover, a higher level of readiness was demonstrated by students of technical and IT areas. At the same time, a contradiction was revealed between the readiness of students and their perception of the technical equipment of universities and the willingness of teachers to carry out the educational process in the new digital environment. Obviously, the use of centralized digital technologies (included by universities in the educational process) is significantly inferior to the students' spontaneous development of instant messengers, smartphone applications, and other software that facilitates the development of courses and disciplines (initiated by students on their own). Thus, to implement state programs to create a digital educational environment, it is necessary to strengthen the technical infrastructure of universities and improve the qualifications of teachers for the effective implementation of digitalization processes in higher education. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved


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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a global public health problem. Studies in immunological features and their correlations with clinical course of COPD are of importance. The aim of this study was to elucidate clinical and immunological features in COPD of different severity grade, concerning Th1- and Тh17-dependent types of immune response.The study included 132 COPD patients and 32 healthy individuals. According to clinical and functional patterns, the patients with COPD were divided into 3 groups, i.e., 36 cases (28%) of mild severity; 62 individuals (48%), of moderate severity, and 30 patients (23%) of severe clinical grade. We have performed both clinical and immunological evaluation of the patients. The Th1- and Th17-specific lymphocyte subpopulations were assessed according to the serum levels of cytokines, i.e. tumor necrosis factor (TNFα), IL-4, IL-10, IL-17A, IL-21, IFNγ, as well as transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1). We have also determined expression of IL-6R receptor (CD126+) on mature T lymphocytes (CD3+) and T helper cells (CD4+) from peripheral blood. We have obtained the following results: the patients with mild-grade COPD exhibited three different T cell phenotypes were determined, with a prevalence of Th1-dependent immune response. The IL-6R were mostly expressed on CD3+CD126+ cells for the Th1/Th17 phenotype, and CD4+CD126+ cells in cases of Th17-dependent type immune response. In patients with COPD of moderate severity, the Th1, Th17, or Th1/Th17 types of immune response was revealed at similar rates. The level of IL-6R expression on mature T lymphocytes and T-helper cells increased to the greatest extent in cases of Th17-dependent immune response. In severe COPD patients, we have found a dominance of Th17 and Th1/Th17 type immune response. The levels of IL-6R expressionwere increased in Th17- and Th1/Th17-dependent types of immune response, the most significant increase was observed for CD4+ cells in Th17 phenotype. Clinical features of COPD proved to be associated with the phenotypes of immune response. These results allow of specifying the inflammatory phenotype, predicting the course of chronic disease, and selecting appropriate therapy

    Attitude of youth to economic separation (On the example of the Sverdlovsk region)

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    The article is devoted to reveal the relationship of groups of young people such as school-age students, students from technical schools and colleges, students from universities. They are active users of social networks and they may be consumers of ideas of the Urals republic and the ideas of economic separatism. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the ideas of the Urals republic and economic separatism which can impact on the youth environment. We ranked sources such as communication channels with youth peers and older people, the media. In addition, age-related indicators identified for youth groups, the most and least inclined to accept the ideas of the Urals republic and economic separatism. We investigated youth orientation in relation to regional policy. The idea of the Ural republic and economic separatism is not yet widespread and deeply rooted in youth, but may be amplified in certain circumstances.Статья посвящена выявлению отношения групп молодежи школьного возраста, учащихся техникумов и колледжей, а также вузов, активных пользователей социальных сетей, к идеям Уральской республики и к идеям экономического сепаратизма. В статье проанализирована эффективность влияния источников распространения идей Уральской республики и идей экономического сепаратизма на молодежную среду. Проранжированы такие источники, как коммуникационные каналы молодежи со сверстниками и людьми старшего возраста, средства массовой информации. Кроме того, выявлены возрастные показатели для молодежных групп, наиболее и наименее склонных к восприятию идей Уральской республики и экономического сепаратизма. Исследованы молодежные ориентации в отношении региональной политики. Показано, что идеи проекта Уральской республики и экономического сепаратизма пока не распространены и глубоко не укоренились в молодежной среде, но могут усилиться при определенных обстоятельствах


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    Combination of bronchial asthma (BA) and obesity is a difficult-to-control phenotype. Studies of inflammatory process with respect to severity of the disease are important for understanding the potential influence of obesity on the BA clinical course. The objective of this study was to determine cytokine profile in patients with mild BA combined with obesity. The study involved fifty-three patients with partially controlled mild BA. The patients were recruited as volunteers and signed an informed consent. The first observation group consisted of 27 asthma patients with normal body weight, the second observation group consisted of 26 patients with BA combined with obesity. A control group included 25 healthy volunteers. All the patients underwent clinical and laboratory examination in accordance with clinical standards for BA and obesity. The levels of TNFα, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 were evaluated in blood serum by means of flow cytometry. The ratios of proand anti-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα/IL-4, TNFα/IL-10, IL-6/IL-4, IL-6/IL-10) were calculated. Asthma patients with obesity (the 2nd group) had elevated levels of IL-2 over control group and group 1, by 38% and 44% respectively(p < 0.05). The concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-6 was significanty increased in the both patient groups. Mean TNFα level was increased 2.5 times (p < 0.05), and IL-6 levels were increased by 30% (p < 0.05) in the 1st group as compared to the controls. TNFα and IL-6 concentrations showed a 3-fold increase over control values (p < 0.05) in the 2nd group. The level of antiinflammatory cytokine IL-4 was increased in patients with BA, independently of body mass. It should be noted that the concentration of this cytokine in obese patients was higher by 29% than in patients with normal body weight. IL-10 levels in patients from the 2nd group were reduced more than 2 times than in the 1st group. The patients of the 1st group showed a decrease in the IL-6/IL-10 index, in comparison with control parameters, thus indicative of an imbalance due to the elevation of the anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine. Among BA patients with obesity (group 2) the TNFα/IL-10 and IL-6/IL-10 indexes were higher than those of the control group (2.3- and 5.5-fold, respectively) and the group 1 (2.6- and 2.5-fold, respectively). Dynamics of these indexes confirms the systemic nature of inflammation and a predominance of non-atopic  inflammation in asthma patients with obesity. Thus, features of the cytokine profile in BA with obesity consist of a significant increase in pro-inflammatory IL-2, IL-6, TNFα cytokines, and a relative decrease in anti-inflammatory IL- 10 cytokine. The development of BA with obesity, even in mild-severity BA, is accompanied by development of a cytokine disbalance, which is typical for a mixed-type inflammation, with a prevalence of neutrophil inflammation

    Features of immune response in different phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is considered a heterogeneous disorder exhibiting different phenotypes. Chronic systemic inflammation is an important link in the COPD pathogenesis. The studies of immune response in the context of clinical and functional phenotypes seems relevant. Objective of our work was to study the features of immune response in clinical and functional phenotypes of COPD.Eighty-three COPD patients of different severity grade and 22 apparently healthy volunteers were examined. After determining the COPD phenotype by clinical and functional signs, the patients were divided in two groups, i.e., 38 subjects with bronchitis, and 45 patients with emphysematous phenotype. Clinical, functional and laboratory research was carried out in standard mode. Static lung volumes and respiratory capacities were investigated, i.e., functional residual capacity, residual lung volume, total lung capacity, bronchial resistance on inspiration and expiration to assess phenotype of the disease. Subpopulations of Th1 and Th17 lymphocytes were determined by the level of blood serum cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNFá), interleukins (IL) IL-4, IL-10, IL-17A, IFNã).Different features of immune response were revealed in bronchitic and emphysematous phenotypes of the COPD patients. Activation of inflammatory process with differentiation of naive T lymphocytes along the Th1-dependent pathway was found in 68% of cases with bronchitis and 16% of patients with emphysematous phenotypes. As compared with control group, the patients showed a statistically significant increase in the level of TNFá, IFNã, along with decrease in IL-4. Development of immune response by the Th17 type was found in 32% of cases with bronchitis, and 84% of cases with emphysematous phenotypes. Its emergence was associated with increased IL-17A and IL-10 levels, and a decrease in IFNã/IL-17A compared to the control. Differentiation of T helper cells towards Th1 pathway of immune response has been shown to predominate in bronchitic phenotype and at early stages of the disease. The Th17 type of immune response prevailed with increasing severity of the disorder. In emphysematous phenotype of COPD, the Th17-pathway of immune response develops at early stages of the disease. Some relationships are revealed between the systemic inflammation indexes and functional parameters of external respiration. An inverse relationship between TNFá and the OOL/OEL ratio in Th1 type of immune response has been shown. A direct correlation was found between the level of IL-17A and the parameters of external respiration function (FEV1, FEV1/FVC), as well as between IFNã/IL-17A and functional residual capacity in Th17 type of immune response.The type of immune response is associated with severity of the disease, as well with clinical and functional phenotype of COPD. Progression of the disease, broncho-obstructive disorders and hyperinflation are associated with increased levels of cytokines that provide cell polarization along the Th17 pathway. Determination of COPD phenotype and the type of immune response already at an early stage of the disease will enable prediction of its course and justify the choice of phenotype-oriented therapy