78 research outputs found

    Relativistic Alpha Field Theory – Part II: Does a gravitational field could be without singularity?

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    General Relativity Theory (GRT) cannot be applied to the extremely strong gravitational field at the Planckrsquos scale, because of the related singularity. Here we show that Relativistic Alpha Field (RAF) theory extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields at the Planckrsquos scale. This is the consequence of the following predictions of RAF theory: a) no a singularity at the Schwarzschild radius, b) there exists a minimal radius at r = rmin = (GM/2c2) that prevents singularity at r = 0, i.e. the nature protects itself, c) the gravitational force becomes positive (repulsive) if (GM/rc2) gt 1, that could be a source of a dark energy, and d) unification of electrical and gravitational forces can be done in the standard four dimensions (4D). Predictions a) and b) are presented in this (second) part of this theory. It has been shown that the metrics of the line element is regular in the region where radius is greater or equal to rmin and less than infinity. The predictions c) and d) are considered in the third part of the theory. The key point for the predictions of RAF theory is the solution of the field parameters presented in the first part of the theory. If RAF theory is correct, then it could be applied to the both weak and strong fields at the Universe and Planckrsquos scales giving the new light to the regions like black holes, quantum theory, high energy physics, Big Bang theory and cosmology.nbs

    Relativistic Alpha Field Theory – Part I: determination of field parameters

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    General Relativity Theory (GRT) cannot be applied to the extremely strong gravitational field at the Planckrsquos scale, because of the related singularity. Here we show that Relativistic Alpha Field (RAF) theory extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields at the Planckrsquos scale. This is the consequence of the following predictions of RAF theory: a) no a singularity at the Schwarzschild radius, b) there exists a minimal radius at r = (GM/2c2) that prevents singularity at r = 0, i.e. the nature protects itself, c) the gravitational force becomes positive (repulsive) if (GM/rc2) gt 1, that could be a source of a dark energy, and d) unification of electrical and gravitational forces can be done in the standard four dimensions (4D). Predictions a) and b) are presented in the second part of this theory, while predictions c) and d) are considered in the third part of the theory. In this (first) part of the theory we present the solution of the field parameters in RAF theory. This solution is based on the assumption that the field parameters should connect geometry of the line element with potential energy of a particle in an alpha field. The solution of the field parameters is the key point in this theory. If RAF theory is correct, then it could be applied to the both weak and strong fields at the Universe and Planckrsquos scales giving the new light to the regions like black holes, quantum theory, high energy physics, Big Bang theory and cosmology

    Relativistic Alpha Field Theory – Part III: Does gravitational force becomes positive if (GM/rc2) > 1?

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    General Relativity Theory (GRT) cannot be applied to the extremely strong gravitational field at the Planckrsquos scale, because of the related singularity. Here we show that Relativistic Alpha Field (RAF) theory extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields at the Planckrsquos scale. This is the consequence of the following predictions of RAF theory: a) no a singularity at the Schwarzschild radius, b) there exists a minimal radius at r = (GM/2c2) that prevents singularity at r = 0, i.e. the nature protects itself, c) the gravitational force becomes positive (repulsive) if (GM/rc2) gt 1, that could be a source of a dark energy, and d) unification of electrical and gravitational forces can be done in the standard four dimensions (4D). Predictions a) and b) are presented in the second part of this theory, while predictions c) and d) are considered in this (third) part of the theory. In the first part of the theory we present the solution of the field parameters in RAF theory. In this (third) part of the theory we present the solution of the geodesic equations employing alpha field parameters in RAF theory. This solution for a gravitational field gives the prediction c) of RAF theory, while the related solution for unified electrical and gravitational field gives the prediction d) of RAF theory.nbsp If RAF theory is correct, then it could be applied to the both weak and strong fields at the Universe and Planckrsquos scales giving the new light to the regions like black holes, quantum theory, high energy physics, Big Bang theory and cosmology. nbs

    General metrics in Relativistic Alpha Field Theory

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    Is positive gravitational force source of dark energy?

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    As it is well known today, the universe continues to expand, even at an accelerating rate. The main reason for it is an unknown energy called a dark energy. This energy occupies about 68 percents of the total energy in the universe. One of the candidates for the source of dark energy is a cosmological constant Lambda. nbspMeanwhile, recently developed Relativistic Alpha Field (RAF) theory predicts (among the others) that the gravitational force becomes positive (repulsive) if (GM/rc2) gt 1, that could be a source of a dark energy. Here we derived equations of the universe motion using field parameters from RAF theory. These equations show that positive (repulsive) gravitational force really can produce an accelerating rate of the universe motion and therefore could be a candidate for the source of a dark energy. In that sense a dark energy can be seen as a positive (repulsive) gravitational energy. In order to compare the RAF theory solution of the universe motion with one of the existing solution, here we also derived related solution with the cosmological constant Lambda. nbs

    Are singularity and dark energy consequences of vacuum solution of field equation?

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    Modern physics is trying to solve problems like singularity, dark energy and universe expanding by using sophisticated methods in particle and quantum physics. But, the mentioned problems should also be solved in the classical General Relativity Theory (GRT). As it is well known, Schwarzschild solution of the Einsteinrsquos field equations is in fact a vacuum solution. Unfortunately, this vacuum solution generates appearances as singularity and dark energy with unknown source. Here we show that the singularity and dark energy with unknown source are direct consequence of the vacuum solution of the Einsteinrsquos field equations. In that sense we employ new Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (RAFT) that proposes solution of the field equations without appearances of singularity and offers the source of dark energy. This is the consequence of the following predictions of RAF theory: a) no a singularity in a gravitational field and b) the gravitational force becomes positive (repulsive) if (GM/rc2) gt 1, that could be the source of a dark energy

    Quantum Gravity in Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (QG in RAFT)

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    Classical quantum gravity approach is presented in the frame work of the new Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (RAFT).nbsp It is very important to describe gravity at the Planckrsquos scale and near compact astrophysical objects where quantum effects cannot be ignored. Meanwhile, General Relativity Theory (GRT) cannot be applied to the extremely strong gravitational field at the Planckrsquos scale, because of the related singularity. Recently developed RAF theory extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields, including Planckrsquos scale. This is the consequence of determination of field parameters by using condition that they should satisfy both relativistic Hamiltonian and field equations with energy momentum tensor. As the result, we obtain, among the others, the following prediction of RAF theory: there exists a minimal gravitational radius at r = (GM/2c2) that prevents singularity at r = 0. The existence of the minimal gravitational radius opens a new avenue for quantization of a gravitational field. One of the possible approaches is presented in this paper. DOI-nbsphttps://dx.doi.org/10.31871/IJNTR.4.6.

    RAF theory extends the applications of GRT to the extremely strong gravitational fields

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    Modern physics is trying to solve some problems in the extremely strong gravitational field by using sophisticated methods in particle and quantum physics. But, we also should solve the mentioned problems in the classical General Relativity Theory (GRT). As it is the well-known, GRT cannot be applied to the extremely strong gravitational field. The main reason for it is an appearance of the related singularity in that field. Here we show that Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (RAFT) extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields including of the Planckrsquos scale. This is the consequence of the following predictions of RAF theory: a) no a singularity at the Schwarzschild radius and b) there exist a minimal radius at r = (GM/2c2) that prevents singularity at r = 0, i.e. the nature protects itself. It has been theoretically proved that the metrics of RAF theory at the Schwarzschild radius, as well as at the minimal radius and at the Planckrsquos scale are regular
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