47 research outputs found
"They Look at Themselves and Think: 'Well, okay...'":The Contribution of Video Technology to Professional Identity Development
This paper focuses on the development of professional identity by the use of video technology. On the basis of empirical material from a professional bachelor’s e-learning programme, it is argued that the use of video can contribute to reflection of professional identity through its opportunities for visual reification of the professional “Me”: while acting in profession-like settings, the students experience their professional actions from an inside “I”-perspective, but while watching themselves on the video recording of it later on, they can see, reflect and evaluate their professional “Me” from an outside perspective in the role of the professional other. </jats:p
The Paradoxes of Emergency Remote Teaching
This article presents and discusses some of the paradoxes that educators in the higher education
sector encountered during the COVID-19 lockdowns. It takes a fresh look at data from a study
involving 3,000 teachers and 20,000 students as the empirical background in the form of both
quantitative and qualitative material. Based on a paradoxical-theoretical perspective, the article looks
at the experiences of educators who had to teach online - some of them for the first time. The article
finds that the lockdowns led to teaching and learning situations in an online format which were
paradoxically different from both familiar on-site and online teaching
Learning analytics som udgangspunkt for refleksion over didaktisk design i blended learning
Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i learning analytics, som et nyt felt i forskningen inden for bl.a. it-didaktisk design, og artiklen vil argumentere for, at learning analytics kan og bør bidrage til designrefleksioner. Med udgangspunkt i empiri fra et blended learning-baseret mastermodul ved [X] Universitet vil artiklen præsentere, analysere og diskutere to cases, hvori learning analytics spiller en central rolle. I den ene case undersøges det, hvordan studerende bruger og interagerer med video podcasts som forberedelse til face-to-face undervisning, når podcasten henviser til andre læringsressourcer hhv. fungerer som stand-alone ressource. I den anden case undersøges, – ligeledes gennem learning analytics – hvilken indflydelse øjenkontakt har for de studerendes interaktion med video podcasts og for deres udbytte af dens indhold. Artiklen peger på, hvordan et mix af kvantitative og kvalitative data kan bidrage til at udvide forståelse af studerendes læring og interaktioner med læringsressourcer, og den argumenterer for, at der med inddragelse af learning analytics kan skabes anledning til nye refleksioner over et didaktisk design