10,468 research outputs found

    Thruster maintenance system Patent

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    System for removing and repairing spacecraft control thrusters by use of portable air lock

    VAMP: A computer program for calculating volume, area, and mass properties of aerospace vehicles

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    A computerized procedure developed for analyzing aerospace vehicles evaluates the properties of elemental surface areas with specified thickness by accumulating and combining them with arbitrarily specified mass elements to form a complete evaluation. Picture-like images of the geometric description are capable of being generated

    Parton distribution functions and nuclear EMC effect in a statistical model

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    A new and simple statistical approach is performed to calculate the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the nucleon in terms of light-front kinematic variables. Analytic expressions of x-dependent PDFs are obtained in the whole x region. And thereafter, we treat the temperature T as a parameter of the atomic number A to explain the nuclear EMC effect in the region x[0.2,0.7]x \in [0.2, 0.7]. We give the predictions of PDF ratios, and they are very different from those by other models, thus experiments aiming at measuring PDF ratios are suggested to provide a discrimination of different models.Comment: 4 pages, no figure; talk given at the 5th International Conference On Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP09), Sep 2009, Beijing Chin

    Periodicities In The X-Ray Intensity Variations of TV Columbae: An Intermediate Polar

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    We present results from a temporal analysis of the longest and the most sensitive X-ray observations of TV Columbae--an intermediate polar. The observations were carried out with the RXTE PCA, ROSAT PSPC, and ASCA. Data were analyzed using a 1-dimensional CLEAN and Bayesian algorithms. The presence of a nearly sinusoidal modulation due to the spin of the white dwarf is seen clearly in all the data, confirming the previous reports based on the EXOSAT data. An improved period of 1909.7+/-2.5s is derived for the spin from the RXTE data.The binary period of 5.5hr is detected unambiguously in X-rays for the first time. Several side-bands due to the interaction of these periods are observed in the power spectra, thereby suggesting contributions from both the disk-fed and the stream-fed accretion for TV Col. The accretion disk could perhaps be precessing as side-bands due to the influence of 4 day period on the orbital period are seen. The presence of a significant power at certain side-bands of the spin frequency indicates that the emission poles are asymmetrically located. The strong power at the orbital side-bands seen in both the RXTE and ROSAT data gives an indication for an absorption site fixed in the orbital frame. Both the spin and the binary modulation are found to be energy-dependent. Increased hardness ratio during a broad dip in the intensity at binary phase of 0.75--1.0 confirms the presence of a strong attenuation due to additional absorbers probably from an impact site of the accretion stream with the disk or magnetosphere. Hardness ratio variations and the energy dependent modulation depth during the spin modulation can be explained by partially covered absorbers in the path of X-ray emission region in the accretion stream.Comment: 34 pages, including 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, scheduled for January 2004 issue (vol. 127

    Magnetization Measurements on Single Crystals of Superconducting Ba0.6K0.4BiO3

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    Extensive measurements of the magnetization of superconducting single crystal samples of Ba0.6K0.4BiO3} have been made using SQUID and cantilever force magnetometry at temperatures ranging between 1.3 and 350 K and in magnetic fields from near zero to 27 T. Hysteresis curves of magnetization versus field allow a determination of the thermodynamic critical field, the reversibility field, and the upper critical field as a function of temperature. The lower critical field is measured seperately and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter is found to be temperature dependent. All critical fields have higher T = 0 limits than have been previously noted and none of the temperature dependence of the critical fields follow the expected power laws leading to possible alternate interpretation of the thermodynamic nature of the superconducting transition.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Philosophical Magazine B on 7 August 1999. This paper supplies the experimental details for the argument presented in our PRL 82 (1999) p. 4532-4535 (also at cond-mat/9904288

    Interprofessional Education Through Home Modification

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    Creating safe and accessible environments for all people, including physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities is an important part of training students in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and interior design. Approximately 125 students from these disciplines worked together during a unique interprofessional experience, to perform everyday tasks with a simulated disability, then collaborated as interprofessional teams to make recommendations for home environment modifications to improve safety and accessibility for individuals with physical challenges. This was a unique opportunity for all the students to learn about other disciplines and the expertise that each brings to the table to help our clients

    The impact of superphosphate and surface-applied lime on the profitability and sustainability of wool production on the tablelands of NSW

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    Soil acidification is one of the major forms of soil degradation in higher rainfall areas of the tablelands of NSW. A grazing experiment was conducted near Sutton, NSW, to assess the effect of various rates of superphosphate, lime, sewage ash and stocking rates on wool production and sustainability between 1999 and 2008. The results from the discounted cash flow analysis show that the net present value of the treatment without lime, the lower rate of superphosphate and the lowest stocking rate returned the highest net present value of 266.30/ha.Raisingtheapplicationofsuperphosphatefrom125kg/haeverytwotothreeyearsto250kg/haeveryyearonunlimedandlimedsoilreducedthenetpresentvalueby266.30/ha. Raising the application of superphosphate from 125kg/ha every two to three years to 250kg/ha every year on un-limed and limed soil reduced the net present value by 278.70/ha and 249.30/ha,respectively.Theadditionoflimeattherateof4t/haonunlimedsoilatthelowsuperphosphatelevelreducedthenetpresentvaluebyabout249.30/ha, respectively. The addition of lime at the rate of 4t/ha on un-limed soil at the low superphosphate level reduced the net present value by about 234.60/ha. The net present value fell by $205.24/ha when the level of superphosphate rate increased to 250kg/ha every year. The net present value decreased as the level of stocking rate increased. We conclude that wool producers will be unlikely to use lime to ameliorate acid soil, even though production will not be sustainable, unless there are more favourable input and commodity prices in the market and government intervention.economic, acid soil, lime, superphosphate, sewage ash, stocking rate, policy,

    Measurements of CH4, N2O, CO, H2O and O3 in the middle atmosphere by the ATMOS experiment on Spacelab 3

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    The volume mixing ratios of five minor gases (CH4, N2O, CO, H2O, and O3) were retrieved through the middle atmosphere from the analysis of 0.01/cm resolution infrared solar occultation spectra recorded near 28 N and 48 S latitudes with the ATMOS (Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy) instrument, flown on board Spacelab 3. The results, which constitute the first simultaneous observations of continuous profiles through the middle atmosphere for these gases, are in general agreement with reported measurements from ground, balloon and satellite-based instruments for the same seasons. In detail, the vertical profiles of these gases show the effects of the upper and middle atmospheric transport patterns dominant during the season of these observations. The profiles inferred at different longitudes around 28 N suggest a near-uniform zonal distribution of these gases. Although based on fewer observations, the sunrise occultation measurements point to a larger variability in the vertical distribution of these gases at 48 S

    New observations of stratospheric N2O5

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    The unequivocal detection of N2O5 in the stratosphere was reported by Toon et al. based on measurements of the absorption by the N2O5 bands at 1246 and 1720/cm in solar occulation spectra recorded at sunrise near 47 S latitude by the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment during the Spacelab 3 (SL3) shuttle mission. Additional measurements and analysis of stratospheric N2O5 derived from the ATMOS/SL3 spectra are reported. The primary results are the detection and measurement of N2O5 absorption at sunset in the lower stratosphere, the inversion of a precise (approximately 10 percent) N2O5 sunrise vertical distribution between 25.5 and 37.5 km altitude, and the identification and measurement of absorption by the N2O5 743/cm band at sunrise. Assuming 4.32 x 10(sup -17) and 4.36 x 10(sup -17)/cm/molecule/sq cm respectively for the integrated intensities of the 1246 and 743/cm bands at stratospheric temperatures, retrieved volume mixing ratios in parts per billion by volume (ppbv) at sunrise (47 S latitude) are 1.32 + or - 0.34 at 37.5 km, 1.53 + or - 0.35 at 35.5 km, 1.63 + or - 0.36 at 33.5 km, 1.60 + or - 0.34 at 31.5 km, 1.43 + or - 0.30 at 29.5 km, 1.15 + or - 0.24 at 27.5 km, and 0.73 + or - 0.15 at 25.5 km. Retrieved VMRs in ppbv at sunset (30 N latitude) are 0.13 + or - 0.05 at 29.5 km, 0.14 + or - 0.05 at 27.5 km, and 0.10 + or - 0.04 at 25.5 km. Quoted error limits (1 sigma) include the error in the assumed band intensities (approximately 20 percent). Within the error limits of the measurements, the inferred mixing ratios at sunrise agree with diurnal photochemical model predictions obtained by two groups using current photochemical data. The measured mixing ratios at sunset are lower than the model predictions with differences of about a factor of 2 at 25 km altitude

    Nematodes and Fungi Are Cutting Hay Yields

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    Because of parasitic nematodes and fungi many Iowa farmers are not getting nearly the quantity of hay that alfalfa is capable of producing. Hay losses from these pests and diseases cost several million dollars annually