51 research outputs found

    Austerity as bureaucratic violence: understanding the impact of (neoliberal) austerity on disabled people in Sweden

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    Drawing on a framework offered by Bauman and literature from disability studies and other sociological areas, this article argues that the experience of austerity for disabled people in Sweden is one of bureaucratic violence, shaped by disablism. The article aims to broaden the sociological conceptualisation of bureaucratic violence to include disablist austerity within its purview. It utilises fieldwork data from interviews with disabled people in Sweden to explore how welfare bureaucracy isolates and dehumanises disabled people. It also examines how Swedish welfare bureaucracies obscure the impact of austerity on this population. Due to the convergence of neoliberalism and austerity in Sweden, the exploration of bureaucratic violence opens up important questions regarding the Social Darwinist elements in neoliberal theory. Ultimately, bureaucratic violence is a useful concept for sociologists for two reasons: it sheds austerity of its technocratic veneer and connects lived experiences of welfare reform to the lethal consequences of austerity

    Life in the hands of welfare bureaucracy: the impact of austerity on disabled people in Sweden

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    Sweden has often been seen as the epitome of a social democratic welfare state. These accounts, however, often fail to take into consideration the development of neoliberal thought in Sweden and the expansion of austerity. Reflections regarding Sweden’s welfare state also often neglect to include disabled people. This is partly to do with the fact that the Swedish welfare state conflates illness and disability, which is rarely explored in Swedish disability research. This thesis will address these lacunas by investigating how disabled people in Sweden have been impacted by austerity. By looking at a range of areas, such as the social consequences of being a disabled person, bureaucracy, the representation of disabled people in economic theory, and employment, it offers a holistic approach to understand the development of Sweden into a neoliberal country and how disabled people have been affected by this change. The data for this thesis was gathered by interviewing 24 disabled people, eight welfare professionals, and eight disability organisation representatives. Using thematic data analysis, it became clear that disabled people experience stigma and discrimination in Sweden and that welfare bureaucracy has significant an impact on their lives. This was particularly the case for those whom cannot access resources on the ‘free market’. The thesis argues that the decreased provision of welfare resources for disabled people require a broader reflection upon the normative nature of economic theory and the social position of disabled people in Sweden

    Transition to where and to what? Exploring the experiences of transitions to adulthood for young disabled people

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    Transition to adulthood for young disabled people remains a major policy failure across OECD countries. The support available is often inappropriate, fails to meet young peoples’ needs and they fall through the cracks, becoming lost in the system. Much of the work on transition takes a narrow approach, focussing on the shift from paediatric to adult services in health and social care. Drawing on interviews with young disabled people, collected as part of an evaluation of a new cash-based transitions fund, we explore transitions for young disabled people in Scotland. Like the wider personalisation agenda, this fund aims to promote autonomy and individual responsibility. We examine and critique this approach and argue that while the emphasis on young people and their families as social entrepreneurs can facilitate transition, it can also act as a barrier by failing to tackle broader structural constraints faced by young disabled people. We argue that whilst it is important to promote individual agency, structural disadvantage and inequality frame the transition process and these also have to be tackled. This is harder, and arguably more expensive, but without it there is a danger that attempts to improve transition for young disabled people will fail

    Kolfiber frÄn sulfatlignin

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    Kraft lignin has a high potential for use in more valuable applications than its current use as fuel in pulp mills and integrated pulp and paper mills. The possibility of using kraft lignin, a green material with a carbon content of more than 60 %, for the manufacturing of carbon fibres was investigated in this thesis. The strong and lightweight carbon fibre material has many potential application areas, e.g. in cars; the main obstacle limiting its demand is the high production cost, with the raw material (petroleum pitch and polyactrylonitrile) and fibre spinning constituting approximately 50 % of the cost. Industrial kraft lignins originating from both softwood (spruce/pine) and hardwood (birch/aspen) were isolated with the LignoBoost technique and then purified and characterized to determine the best suitable lignin for the production of carbon fibre. Using ultrafiltration of the black liquor before isolation using the LignoBoost technique, a kraft lignin with satisfactory high purity was obtained. The fractionated kraft lignin can be used either as such or as a softening agent during melt spinning to obtain continuously spun kraft lignin fibres. The behaviour during thermal treatment was found to differ depending on the type of kraft lignin used. After oxidative stabilisation, the studied lignins became more stable, and thus, the final yield after carbonisation was increased by 10-20 % in comparison to stabilisation in absence of oxygen. The identified products indicate that the main reactions during oxidative stabilisation are radical, oxidation, condensation and rearrangement reactions. The structural differences between softwood and hardwood kraft lignins facilitated the stabilisation of the softwood lignin fibre as compared with the hardwood lignin fibres. Thermal stabilisation in an inert atmosphere using only heat was successfully achieved for the softwood kraft lignin fibres. Stabilisation and carbonisation was successfully performed in a one-step operation on softwood kraft lignin fibres. Thus, it seems possible that the separate stabilisation step can be omitted, which may reduce the processing costs of softwood kraft lignin-based carbon fibres.Sulfatlignin har hög potential för att kunna anvÀndas i mer vÀrdefulla applikationer jÀmfört med idag dÄ det frÀmst anvÀnds som brÀnsle i massabruk och integrerade massa/pappersbruk. I egenskap av ett grönt material med en kolhalt pÄ mer Àn 60 %, har möjligheterna att anvÀnda kraftlignin vid kolfibertillverkning undersöks i den hÀr avhandlingen. Kolfiber Àr lÀtt och starkt med mÄnga olika potentiella anvÀndningsomrÄden. Det som idag huvudsakligen begrÀnsar efterfrÄgan Àr den höga produktionskostnaden, dÀr rÄmaterialet (petroleum pitch och polyakrylonitril) och fiberspinningen stÄr för ca 50 % av kostnaden. Industriella sulfatligniner frÄn bÄde barrved (gran/tall) och lövved (björk/asp) har framstÀllts enligt LignoBoost-processen och har dÀrefter renats och karaktÀriserats med syfte att hitta det mest lÀmpliga rÄmaterialet för tillverkning av kolfiber. Genom att anvÀnda ultrafiltrering av svartlut innan isolering med LignoBoost-tekniken, kan man fÄ ett kraftlignin som Àr tillrÀckligt rent. Det fraktionerade kraftligninet kan anvÀndas antingen rent eller som mjukgörare under smÀltspinning, för att fÄ fram kontinuerligt spunna sulfatligninfibrer. Sulfatligniner frÄn olika vedslag beter sig olika under termisk behandling. Efter oxidativ stabilisering blir ligninerna mer stabila jÀmfört med stabilisering i frÄnvaro av syre, vilket medför ett högre utbyte med 10-20 % av den slutgiltiga kolfibern efter karbonisering. De viktigaste reaktionerna som sker under oxidativ stabilisering av fibrer frÄn sulfatlignin Àr radikal-, oxiderings- och omlagringsreaktioner. De strukturella skillnaderna mellan sulfatlignin frÄn barrved och lövved gör det möjligt att stabilisera barrvedslignin mycket fortare. Termisk stabilisering i inert atmosfÀr med endast vÀrme har lyckats med sulfatligninfibrer frÄn barrved. Vidare har Àven stabilisering och karbonisering i ett enda steg lyckats med sulfatligninfibrer frÄn barrved. Detta kan göra det möjligt att utesluta stabiliseringssteget, vilket förhoppningsvis kan reducera processkostnaderna för kolfiber frÄn barrvedssulfatlignin.QC 2012033

    Lean-production - en studie om trivsel pÄ en offentlig arbetsplats

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate how employees of a government agency is experiencing the transition from a traditional operation metod to Lean Production. To what extent does the Lean Production satisfaction in the workplace?Previous research in the essay deals with the Hawthorne study which found that people's needs are social, further study on job satisfaction which freedom and proficiency demonstrated as a prerequisite for the job. Finally, one of the hierarchy of needs closely related theory with two further branching factors premise of job satisfaction.Theory which is the basis for the interview guide is Maslow's hierarchy of needs Furthermore, I discuss Lean Production and New Public Management.The results in the paper show different views concerning satisfaction in the workplace where Lean Production does not seem to be the fundamental factor, but rather play management approach in implementing major role.Validerat; 20151030 (global_studentproject_submitter

    KostnadsfrÄgan som struktruell diskriminering

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