69 research outputs found

    The concept of conditional “Hibah” and its application in property planning

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    The ‘gift with conditions’ has become one of the increasingly popular products in property planning industry in Malaysia. The article aims to analyze the position of the ‘gift with conditions’ based on the perspective of Islamic law and also its applications as well as the potential of using that concept in property planning. In addition, this article also discusses the issues arising from its application. This study is qualitative and uses a content analysis approach. From the whole discussion in this study, it is concluded that the ‘gift with conditions’ has its own position in Islamic law in Malaysia. This concept are seen to have the potential to be an effective instrument in property planning, as the ‘gift with conditions’ are more flexible and unlimited as in faraid and will

    Islamic estate planning and management: Malaysian experience

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    This research explains Islamic estate planning and management for Muslim particularly in Malaysia. This research employs library research which refers to primary sources such as Al-Quran, Hadis and relevant enactments or acts, and secondary sources such as published journals, articles and proceedings related to hibah, wasiyyah and faraid. This study indicates that hibah giving is the first instrument in the estate planning components, followed by wasiyyah and faraid. Hibah is a voluntary gift giving of one or several subject matters to recipient(s) by owners of wealth during their lifetime without any consideration or return. From the legal perspective, there are no special laws or acts which are related to hibah in Malaysia. Meanwhile, wasiyyah is made during the lifetime of testators and the distribution of the estate to beneficiaries becomes effective only after their death. To date, only four states have special enactment related to wasiyyah which are Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Kelantan. Then, faraid is another Islamic inheritance distribution method to legal heirs after the death of a Muslim based on the Islamic law. Faraid jurisdiction is under the Syariah Court which is responsible to produce "Faraid Certificate'. The differences among these three instruments can be seen from five aspects namely hukm of implementation, time of enforcement, amount of wealth or estate, recipients and time of making contract

    Wasiat Dan wisayah: analisis perbandingan dalam perancangan harta pusaka Muslim = Will And wisayah: an analitical study In Muslim estate planning

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    Will and Islamic entrustment (wisayah)are part of the instruments of estate planning in Islam. The implementation of will has been widely discussed among scholars and applied in the Malaysian estate planning industry. In contrast, the trust instrument is not given enough attention and is not discussed in detail as the will. Whereas, trust has its mechanism and had been debated in earlier classical fiqh books. Therefore, this article will discuss the similarities and differences between will and Islamic entrustment related to the implementationof estate planning in Malaysia. The author uses a qualitative approach by analyzing the content of fiqh books, journal articles, proceedings, civil law statutes and the Islamic Family Law Enactment (IFLA). This study will focus on the implementation of will and islamic entrustment in Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) to better understand both of the concepts. The finding shows that will and Islamic entrustment have some similarities and differences. Both of these instruments have their significance in resolving issues that arise in estate planning. __________________________________________________________ Wasiat dan wisayahadalah sebagai instrumen perancangan harta pusaka dalam Islam. Pelaksanaan wasiat banyak dibincangkan dalam kalangan para sarjana dan diaplikasikan dalam industri perancangan harta pusaka di Malaysia. Berbeza pula dengan instrumen wisayah, perkara ini tidak diberi perhatian sewajarnya dan masih kurang dibincangkan secara terperinci seperti mana wasiat. Sedangkan wisayahmempunyai mekanisme tersendiri dan turut dibahaskan dalam kitab-kitab fiqh klasik terdahulu. Justeru, artikel ini akan membincangkan persamaan dan perbezaan wasiat dan wisayahyang berkait rapat dengan pelaksanaan perancangan harta pusaka di Malaysia. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menganalisis kandungan dari kitab-kitab fiqh, artikel jurnal, prosiding, statut undang-undangsivil dan Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam. Melalui kajian terdahulu yang telah dijalankan, kajian ini akan memberi fokus kepada pelaksanaan wasiat dan wisayahdi Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) untuk memahami konsep kedua-dua instrumen ini dengan lebih jelas. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa wasiat dan wisayahmempunyai beberapa persamaan seperti melibatkan pelantikan wasi, tujuan pensyariatan, pembatalan dan penamatan akad, dan hubungkait kedua-duanya dengan undang-undang sivil. Manakala dari sudut perbezaan adalah pada rukun dan syarat, penjagaan terhadap kanak-kanak bawah umur, pemberian harta amanah dengan kadar 1/3, keizinan wasiat kepada ahli waris, Akta dan Enakemen, dan fleksibel dalam perancangan harta bercagar. Kedua-dua instrumen ini mempunyai signifikan tersendiri dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu yang berlaku dalam perancangan harta pusaka

    Wasiat Dan Wisayah: analisis perbandingan dalam perancangan harta pusaka Muslim

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    Wasiat dan wisayah adalah sebagai instrumen perancangan harta pusaka dalam Islam. Pelaksanaan wasiat banyak dibincangkan dalam kalangan para sarjana dan diaplikasikan dalam industri perancangan harta pusaka di Malaysia. Berbeza pula dengan instrumen wisayah, perkara ini tidak diberi perhatian sewajarnya dan masih kurang dibincangkan secara terperinci seperti mana wasiat. Sedangkan wisayah mempunyai mekanisme tersendiri dan turut dibahaskan dalam kitab-kitab fiqh klasik terdahulu. Justeru, artikel ini akan membincangkan persamaan dan perbezaan wasiat dan wisayah yang berkait rapat dengan pelaksanaan perancangan harta pusaka di Malaysia. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menganalisis kandungan dari kitab-kitab fiqh, artikel jurnal, prosiding, statut undang-undang sivil dan Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam. Melalui kajian terdahulu yang telah dijalankan, kajian ini akan memberi fokus kepada pelaksanaan wasiat dan wisayahdi Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) untuk memahami konsep kedua-dua instrumen ini dengan lebih jelas. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa wasiat dan wisayah mempunyai beberapa persamaan seperti melibatkan pelantikan wasi, tujuan pensyariatan, pembatalan dan penamatan akad, dan hubungkait kedua-duanya dengan undang-undang sivil. Manakala dari sudut perbezaan adalah pada rukun dan syarat, penjagaan terhadap kanak-kanak bawah umur, pemberian harta amanah dengan kadar 1/3, keizinan wasiat kepada ahli waris, Akta dan Enakemen, dan fleksibel dalam perancangan harta bercagar. Kedua-dua instrumen ini mempunyai signifikan tersendiri dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu yang berlaku dalam perancangan harta pusaka

    The analysis of trust as an Islamic estate planning instrument in Malaysia: challenges and effects

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    Efficient and effective Islamic estate planning not only provides convenience to Muslims, but it is also capable of driving national economic progress and development. One of the instruments of Islamic estate planning is dependent on the trust instrument, which is based on civil law. The effect of not implementing the trust at an early stage can be seen in the status of property acquired, as it may not be managed effectively and may indirectly harm the beneficiary. Therefore, the present study was an attempt to identify the challenges and effects in the implementation of trust; when it has not been implemented efficiently and to look into the effects of late Islamic estate planning during one’s lifetime. The study has applied a qualitative study method by analysing previous articles, related statutes, and looking at the application of the trust instrument by trust institutions in Malaysia. To achieve the objectives of the present study, the researchers conducted interviews with officers from the Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB), which is the largest Public Trustee in Malaysia and it has just marked the 100th anniversary of its establishment this year. The finding of the study revealed that the trust instrument has a few challenges in its implementation, whether with respect to the trustee, society, and the inconsistencies of law. For example, the failure in planning when using the trust instrument will affect the family institution and the management of the property itself. In conclusion, the issue of Islamic estate planning during one’s lifetime should not be taken lightly by society as it can turn out to be detrimental to the family and the national economy

    Development of Wakf Fund in Public Higher Education Institutions

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    In light of evolving socioeconomic factors, the annual rise in education costs presents a pressing concern. Johor Islamic Religious Council has appointed special trustees from the UTM Education Wakf Fund and UTHM Education Cash Wakf Fund to address this challenge. This paper aims to analyze the development of wakf funds as practiced by UTM and UTHM. The research methodology employed for this study encompasses content analysis and interviews, unveiling the systematic and effective management of wakf funds for education. Notably, enhancements are evident in fund accumulation, refined management strategies, and the proactive adoption of fundraising approaches. These findings underscore the institutions' commitment to mitigating the escalating cost of education while ensuring sustainable financial support for their student communities

    A solution for inheritance property of lost person (Mafqud) from Islamic law perspective

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    The issue of muslims inheritence has been discussing since in recent years. This is due to the increased value of the estate, particularly involving muslims property unclaimed and completed by the beneficiary. Mafqud case is one of the causes of the deceased estate that could not be completed. In this context, the meaning of Mafqud is beneficiary who lost his life in which the status cannot be determined. This is not to be taken lightly as it can cause other problems such as Munasakhat (death plated). This article will discuss the theory and calculations of Taqdir and al-Jam’u, which are combined the calculation if beneficiary still alive and the calculation if beneficiary is dead. On the basis of this calculation, the least part of beneficiaries obtained between two destinies will be determined to solve the problem of distribution of the estate. The authors also discuss the application of the theory of al-Taqdir in some circumstances Mafqud case in detail. The data obtained in order to produce this article is from a literature review of previous studies and the view of Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore the authors suggested that the theory of al-Taqdīr should be used for the settlement of Muslim inheritance in Mafqud cases

    Analisis kefahaman instrumen amanah (trust) dalam pentadbiran harta pusaka di negeri Perlis

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    Amanah (trust) adalah salah satu instrumen perancangan harta pusaka yang merujuk kepada undangundang kontrak dan komersial yang berasaskan kepada Undang-Undang Inggeris terutama melibatkan prinsip ekuiti. Namun begitu, pelaksanaan amanah (trust) masih kurang dibahaskan secara terperinci. Ini kerana masyarakat lebih mengenali instrumen perancangan harta pusaka sedia ada dalam Islam seperti faraid, hibah, wasiat, wakaf, dan takaful. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap kefahaman masyarakat mengenai amanah (trust) sebagai salah satu instrumen dalam pentadbiran harta pusaka. Bagi mencapai objektif ini, kajian berbentuk kualitatif dijalankan dengan menganalisis artikel, dokumen perundangan dan kajian kes mahkamah. Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) sebagai Public Trustee di Malaysia dipilih untuk melihat sejauh manakah mekanisme amanah (trust) dilaksanakan. Temu bual bersama beberapa orang pegawai di ARB dan juga wakil Majlis Pengawasan Syariah Amanah Raya Berhad (MPS ARB) telah dijalankan untuk melihat mekanisme pelaksanaan dan sudut pandang syariah. Di samping itu, kajian lapangan turut dilaksanakan dengan mengedarkan borang kaji selidik secara atas talian yang melibatkan 150 orang responden yang beragama Islam di negeri Perlis. Data yang diperoleh telah dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa responden mempunyai tahap kefahaman yang sederhana mengenai hukum-hakam amanah (trust) daripada perspektif syariah dengan nilai min 3.66 (s. p=.47). Manakala dari sudut kefahaman konsep pelaksanaan instrumen amanah (trust) menunjukkan responden mempunyai tahap kefahaman yang tinggi dengan nilai min adalah 3.89 (s. p=.51). Kesimpulannya, amanah (trust) berupaya menjadi alternatif kepada masyarakat muslim dalam perancangan harta untuk kepentingan waris yang akan ditinggalkan

    “I want to withdraw my hibah”: why and how to explain it?

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    Hibah or Islamic intervivos plays a vital role in reducing unclaimed inheritance estate problems, aiding recipients, and expecting recipients’ care. However, there are cases of withdrawn hibah that have been argued in the court. This study was performed to understand this problem by interviewing hibah experts in Malaysia. Thematic analysis was applied to find an overview of why donors withdraw their hibah by interviewing 19 respondents who are hibah experts in Malaysia. There were two main themes which were ‘Donor’s desire’ and ‘Recipient’s attitude.’ ‘Donor’s desire’ can be understood by the desire of donor to get benefits from the property that has been perfectly transferred or if the donor still resides on the property. Meanwhile, ‘Recipient’s attitude’ describes a change in recipients’ attitude such as ignoring and expelling the donors from the transferred property. The recipients also might sell the transferred property. This reason leads to donors wanting to withdraw their hibah. This study’s findings recommend that absolute hibah needs to be replaced with hibah legal documentation or living trust. These types of hibah are recognized by Sharī‘ah and Civil law and enable the donors to withdraw their hibah during lifetime. This study is the first attempt to discuss profoundly withdrawn hibah in qualitative approach. The paper offers an additional study on hibah practice in Malaysia

    Aplikasi qabd dalam hibah : pandangan fuqaha dan pengamalan dalam perundangan di Malaysia

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    Hibah merupakan salah satu amalan dalam merancang dan mengurus harta orang Islam. Amalan hibah yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat pada hari ini telah memperlihatkan satu perkembangan yang baik dalam usaha mengagihkan harta sebelum berlaku kematian. Namun, dalam memastikan amalan hibah selari dengan tuntutan syarak, terdapat beberapa rukun hibah yang perlu dipatuhi untuk memastikan akad hibah sah. Hal ini kerana terdapat satu elemen yang menjadi perselisihan dalam kalangan fuqaha iaitu kedudukan qabd dalam akad hibah. Kesan kepada perbezaan pandangan fuqaha terhadap kedudukan qabd telah menyebabkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan qabd dalam amalan hibah. Penulis telah mengesan beberapa bentuk penerimaan hakim terhadap bentuk qabd melalui beberapa kes hibah yang telah dibicarakan di Mahkamah Syariah. Oleh yang demikian, artikel ini akan membincangkan pendapat fuqaha berkaitan kedudukan qabd dalam akad hibah serta hujah yang mendasari pandangan mereka. Kajian ini juga akan mengesan kedudukan pelaksanaan qabd dalam perundangan di Malaysia melalui kes-kes hibah yang dibicarakan di Mahkamah Syariah. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan adalah melalui kajian kepustakaan dan analisis data-data yang diperolehi. Kajian ini mendapati perbezaan pendapat di antara fuqaha berkenaan dengan kedudukan qabd dalam akad hibah telah memberi kesan terhadap amalan hibah dalam kalangan orang Islam di Malaysia