16 research outputs found


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    A língua azul é uma doença viral, cujo agente etiológico pertence à família Reoviridae, gênero Orbivirus, transmitida por um vetor (artrópode) hematófago, do gênero Culicoides. Os animais acometidos são ruminantes domésticos e selvagens, porém os pequenos ruminantes são os mais afetados. O estudo teve como objetivo detectar a presença de anticorpos para língua azul em ovinos da região de Araçatuba, por possuir um rebanho expressivo e condições climáticas favoráveis à multiplicação de insetos. Foram analisadas 1.002 amostras de soros ovinos, provenientes de 31 cabanhas, pelas provas de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar (AGID) e ELISA (Enzyme Linked immunosorbent Assay) de competição da fase sólida (ELISA CFS), provenientes do Centro Panamericano de Febre Aftosa. Desses soros, 651 (65%) foram reagentes ao vírus da língua azul, pela técnica de AGID, e 742 (74,1%) ao teste de ELISA–CFS. Esses resultados sugerem que o vírus da língua azul encontra-se disseminado nessas regiões, ocasionando infecções inaparentes.  PALAVRAS-CHAVES: AGID, ELISA, inquérito soroepidemiológico, vírus da língua azul

    Ocorrência de enfermidades virais em asininos (Equus asinus) no estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Among the diseases that affect equines, viral diseases play an important role from a health and economic point of view, especially influenza, viral arteritis, herpes infections and vesicular stomatitis. In the Brazilian literature, there is little or no account of the occurrence of infectious diseases in donkeys. Given the importance of donkeys in different activities and the lack of information on infections that may occur in these animals, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of anti-equine herpesvirus (EHV), anti-equine arteritis virus (EAV), anti-vesicular stomatitis, and anti-equine influenza (H3N8) antibodies in the serum of 85 donkeys bred in some regions of the state of Sao Paulo. We found the following antibody frequencies: 50.6% (43/85) antibodies against influenza virus subtype H3N8, 47% (40/85) anti-EHV, and 20% (17/85) anti-EAV. The donkeys were not seropositive for vesicular stomatitis. The results suggested that the agents EHV, EAV, and equine influenza subtype H3N8 circulate among donkeys in some regions of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, reinforcing the importance of establishing a routine diagnosis and epidemiological study of this species.Dentre as doenças que acometem os equídeos, as enfermidades virais assumem um papel importante do ponto de vista sanitário e econômico, especialmente a influenza, arterite viral, as infecções herpéticas e a estomatite vesicular. Na literatura nacional, existe pouco ou nenhum relato sobre a ocorrência de enfermidades infecciosas nos asininos. Tendo em vista a importância dos asininos para diferentes atividades e a falta de informações sobre as doenças que acometem esses animais, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a frequência de anticorpos anti-EHV, antivírus da arterite equina, anti-estomatite vesicular e anti-influenza equina (H3N8) em 85 soros de jumentos criados no estado de São Paulo. Estimou-se que 50,6% apresentavam anticorpos contra o subtipo H3N8 do vírus da influenza; 47% (40/85) apresentavam anticorpos contra o EHV e 20% apresentavam anticorpos contra o vírus da arterite. Os jumentos não foram soro reagentes contra a estomatite vesicular. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os agentes EHV, vírus da arterite equina e influenza equina subtipo H3N8, circulam entre os jumentos do estado de São Paulo, caracterizando a importância do estabelecimento de uma rotina diagnostica e estudos epidemiológicos na espécie

    Evaluation of bovine Parainfluenza type-3 virus and Influenza virus D participation in bovine respiratory disease of calves from Brazilian family farming

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    Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is responsible for great economic losses in bovine production with major impact on family farming. Among all possible causes of bovine respiratory disease, viruses are commonly categorized as primary etiological agents. The present study aimed to identify the presence of bovine parainfluenza type 3 virus and Influenza virus D (IVD) in tracheobronchial fluid samples of healthy calves and calves showing clinical signs of bovine respiratory disease.  Samples were collected from 42 family farming farms in São Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 141 tracheobronchial fluid samples from healthy calves (n=100) and calves showing clinical signs of bovine respiratory disease (n=41) were enrolled in this study.  No sample was positive for both viruses after Real-Time PCR. Serum neutralization for bovine Parainfluenza type 3 virus (bPI-3v) was performed using 88 randomly selected serum samples and antibodies were detected in 45.45% (40/88) samples. Serum reactive samples were detected in both healthy (46.8%; 22/47) and BRD calves (43.9%; 18/41). Regarding antibody titer, numerical differences were detected between healthy (3%) and BRD calves (9%) for titers 128-512 (P > 0.05). The present research was the first that aimed to study the presence of bPI-3V and IVD in family farming herds from São Paulo State, Brazil. This research revealed that bPI-3v is circulating in the region studied and is possibly involved in some BRD cases. On the other hand, IVD was not detected

    Inquérito sorológico de lentiviroses de pequenos ruminantes (Maedi-Visna e artrite-encefalite caprina) no estado de São Paulo

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    The aim of this study was to carry out the serological occurrence of Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) and CAE virus (CAEV) in ovines and caprines breeding in São Paulo state. The test to detect MVV and CAEV antibodies was agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). The detection of antibodies against MVV was 0,3% (4/1235) and against CAEV was 15,1% (30/199). Was carried analysis of risk factors associated with the presence of positive property for CAEV and Maedi-Visna. Variables were selected for both diseases, however, when these variables were used in multivariate logistic regression model were not identified risk factors for the infections. The CAEV infection in the São Paulo state has a wide spread and a high prevalence while MVV has low prevalence. It emphasizes the importance of prevention and control measures to reduce CAEV occurrence and prevent the spread of Maedi-Visna.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência de animais soropositivos ao vírus da Maedi-Visna (MVV) em ovinos e ao vírus da CAE (CAEV) em caprinos criados no estado de São Paulo. Na pesquisa dos anticorpos séricos anti- MVV e anti-CAEV foi utilizada a técnica de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA). Dentre os ovinos estudados, 0,3% (4/1235) eram sororreagentes ao MVV e 15,1% caprinos (30/199) ao CAEV. Foi realizada a análise de fatores de risco associados à condição de propriedade positiva para CAEV e Maedi-Visna. Foram selecionadas variáveis para as duas enfermidades, no entanto, quando essas variáveis foram usadas na regressão logística múltipla, não foram identificados fatores de risco para as infecções. A infecção pelo CAEV no estado de São Paulo tem uma ampla disseminação e com uma alta prevalência enquanto que o MVV apresenta baixa prevalência. Ressalta-se a importância de medidas de prevenção e controle para diminuir a ocorrência da CAE e evitar a disseminação da Maedi-Visna

    Prevalência da língua azul em ovinos da região de Araçatuba – São Paulo, Brasil

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    A língua azul é uma doença viral, cujo agente etiológico pertence à família Reoviridae, gênero Orbivírus, transmitida por um vetor (artrópode) hematófago, do gênero Culicoides. Por se tratar de doença confundível com Febre Aftosa está incluída na lista de diagnóstico diferencial juntamente com Estomatite Vesicular, Varíola Ovina, Ectima Contagioso. O estudo teve como objetivo detectar a presença de anticorpos para língua azul em ovinos da região de Araçatuba, por ser esta uma região com rebanho expressivo e condições climáticas favoráveis à multiplicação de insetos. As amostras foram colhidas ao longo do ano de 2006, de ovinos adultos, em fase reprodutiva, (acima de 12 meses e com pelo menos uma parição, ou em caso de machos sexualmente maduros) e sem sintomas característicos da doença, de ambos os sexos, cadastrados no Núcleo de Produtores de Ovinos da Região de Araçatuba, distribuídas nos municípios da Região administrativa de Araçatuba. O tamanho da amostras foi calculado, considerando-se distribuição normal, prevalência de 50%, nível de confiança de 95% e precisão absoluta de 3%. Foram analisadas 1002 amostras de soros ovinos adultos, provenientes de 31 cabanhas, pelas provas de imunodifusão dupla em gel de agar (IDGA) e ELISA (Enzyme Linked immunosorbent Assay) de competição da fase sólida (ELISA CFS), provenientes do Centro Panamericano de Febre aftosa. Dessas amostras, 744 (74,3%) foram reagentes ao vírus da língua azul , pelo teste de ELISA–CFS e 651 (65,1%), pela técnica de IDGA. Não houve associação significante entre prevalência da doença e o sexo dos animais. Esses resultados revelam que o Vírus da Língua Azul encontra-se disseminado nessas regiões, sugerindo a ocorrência de infecções inaparente.Bluetongue (BT) is an infectious, non-contagious, insect-born viral disease of Ruminants. The causative agent of BT is bluetongue virus (BTV) that belongs to the family Reoviridae genus Orbivirus. Insect vectors in the genus Culicoides transmit this virus. BT affects domestic and wild ruminants, however small ruminants are considered the most affected specie. BT is included in the OIE list based on the differential diagnosis with Foot and Mouth Disease (FMDV), Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) and Sheep Pox Virus (SPV). The aim of the study was to detect antibodies against BTV in commercial sheep farms, of the Northeastern region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The size of the samples was calculated, considering normal distribution, prevalence of 50%, confidence level of 95% and absolute precision of 3%.A total of 1002 sera samples collected from adult sheep (above 1 year-old), comprising a total of 31 farms, were screened for the presence of BTV antibodies, by agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) and ELISA-CFS (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay – competitive solid phase), both produced by Pan American Center of FMDV. From a total of 744 samples 74,3% were positive by ELISA – CFS and 651 (65,1%) were positive by AGID. There was no significant association between prevalence of the disease and sex of animals.These results suggest that the BTV is widespread among farms, probably causing subclinical infections, with high level of antibodies.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP


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    <div>Bluetongue (BT) is an infectious, insect-born viral disease of ruminants. The causative agent of BT is bluetongue virus (BTV) that belongs to the family Reoviridae genus Orbivirus. Insect vectors in the genus Culicoides transmit this virus. BT affects domestic and wild ruminants, however small ruminants are considered the most affected specie. The aim of the study was to detect antibodies against BTV in commercial sheep farms, of the Northeastern region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 1002 sera samples collected from adult sheep (above 1 year-old), comprising a total of 31 farms, were screened for the presence of BTV antibodies, by agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) and ELISA-CFS (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay – competitive solid phase), both produced by Pan American Center of FMDV. From a total of 1002 samples, 651 (65%) were positive by AGID and 742 (74.1%), were positive by ELISA-CFS. These results suggest that the BTV is widespread among farms, probably causing subclinical infections.</div><div><br /></div><div>KEY WORDS: AGID, bluetongue virus, ELISA-CFS, seroepidemiological survey.</div><div><br /></div> <div>A língua azul é uma doença viral, cujo agente etiológico pertence à família Reoviridae, gênero Orbivirus, transmitida por um vetor (artrópode) hematófago, do gênero Culicoides. Os animais acometidos são ruminantes domésticos e selvagens, porém os pequenos ruminantes são os mais afetados. O estudo teve como objetivo detectar a presença de anticorpos para língua azul em ovinos da região de Araçatuba, por possuir um rebanho expressivo e condições climáticas favoráveis à multiplicação de insetos. Foram analisadas 1.002 amostras de soros ovinos, provenientes de 31 cabanhas, pelas provas de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar (AGID) e ELISA (Enzyme Linked immunosorbent Assay) de competição da fase sólida (ELISA CFS), provenientes do Centro Panamericano de Febre Aftosa. Desses soros, 651 (65%) foram reagentes ao vírus da língua azul, pela técnica de AGID, e 742 (74,1%) ao teste de ELISA–CFS. Esses resultados sugerem que o vírus da língua azul encontra-se disseminado nessas regiões, ocasionando infecções inaparentes. </div><div><br /></div><div>PALAVRAS-CHAVES: AGID, ELISA, inquérito soroepidemiológico, vírus da língua azul.</div><div><br /></div&gt

    Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of the glyco-C and US9 gene-based polymerase chain reaction technique for the detection of bovine Herpesvirus type 5 DNA in decomposed brain suspension from a slaughter house using Bayesian analysis, Brazil

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    Brazil represents the greatest beef producer among tropical countries, and the major obstacle for meat international trade is sanitary problems especially closely related to viral encephalitis. The goal of this study was to estimate the accuracy of the glycol and US9 gene-based polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) for the detection of bovine Herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) from decomposed brain samples (n = 95). For this purpose, a latent-class (bayesian) approach was used. Sensitivity (Se) was estimated to be 70% (95% probability interval, 40-80) and specificity (Sp) 100% in the statistical analysis for both PCRs used. Accordingly, a minimum of ≥40% of the calves was estimated to harbor BoHV-5 DNA even after 72 h of decomposition at room temperature. It was concluded that US9 gene-based PCR could also be considered a cost-effective alternative in sanitary programmers. However, given the importance of veterinary diagnoses, PCR-positive samples should be further confirmed through in vitro isolation and/or sequencing.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Prevalence of anti-pestivirus antibodies and risk factors in dairy goats from the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil

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    t The aim of this survey was to determine the prevalence of anti-pestivirus antibodies in dairy goats from the semiarid region of the Paraíba state, Northeastern Brazil, as well as to identify risk factors associated with the flock-level prevalence. A total of 1,092 dairy goats from 110 flocks randomly selected in the county of Monteiro, Paraíba state, during March 2009 to March 2010, were used. In each selected flock a epidemiological questionnaire was applied to verify the occurrence of possible factors that could be associated with the flock-level prevalence. For the serological diagnosis of Pestivirus infection the serum neutralization test, using the BVDV-1 NADL strain, was carried out. Flock-level prevalence was 6.36% (95% CI = 2.60% – 12.67%) and animal-level prevalence was 0.82% (95% CI = 0.38% – 1.56%). Not to perform vermifugation (odds ratio = 10.49; p = 0.035) and to perform navel cut and disinfection (odds ratio = 12.73; p = 0.034) were identified as risk factors. These results indicate viral circulation in dairy goats in the semiarid region of the Paraíba state