96 research outputs found

    Investigation into the selection of viewing configurations for three-component planar Doppler velocimetry measurements.

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    A method for the calculation of three orthogonal velocity components in planar Doppler velocimetry (PDV) using four or more measured velocity components (to the three typically used) is presented. The advantages and disadvantages are assessed by use of a Monte Carlo simulation and experimental measurements of the velocity field of a rotating disk. The addition of a fourth velocity component has been shown to lead to reductions in the final errors of up to 25%. The selection of viewing configurations for experiments is discussed by simulation of the level of errors in measured velocity components and investigation of the final level of errors in the orthogonal velocity components. Experimental measurements of the velocity field of a rotating disk are presented, demonstrating the effect of the viewing configuration on the final level of error

    Planar Doppler velocimetry measurements of flows using imaging fibre bundles

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    The development of a planar Doppler velocimetry is described. The technique is capable of measuring the three, instantaneous components of velocity in two dimensions using a single pair of signal and reference cameras. PDV can be used to measure the instantaneous 3-D velocity of a fluid by using an absorption line filter (ALF) to determine the Doppler shifted frequency of a narrow line pulsed laser (Nd:YAG) that has been scattered off particles seeded into the flow. The velocity of the fluid is determined using the Doppler formula and is dependent on the laser direction and the viewing direction. Hence, only one velocity component of the flow is measured. This component can be measured in two spatial dimensions using an array detector such as a CCD camera. To capture the three components, three such measurement heads have been used viewing from different angles. In the technique presented here the three views are ported from the collection optics to a single imaging plane using flexible fibre imaging bundles. These are made up of a coherent array of single fibres and are combined at one end as the input plane to the measurement head. The paper discusses the issues involved in developing a full three-dimensional velocity measurement system

    A PIV comparison of the flow field and wall shear stress in rigid and compliant models of healthy carotid arteries

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    Certain systems relevant to circulatory disease have walls which are neither rigid nor static, for example, the coronary arteries, the carotid artery and the heart chambers. In vitro modeling allows the fluid mechanics of the circulatory system to be studied without the ethical and safety issues associated with animal and human experiments. Computational methods in which the equations are coupled governing the flow and the elastic walls are maturing. Currently there is a lack of experimental data in compliant arterial systems to validate the numerical predictions. Previous experimental work has commonly used rigid wall boundaries, ignoring the effect of wall compliance. Particle Image Velocimetry is used to provide a direct comparison of both the flow field and wall shear stress (WSS) observed in experimental phantoms of rigid and compliant geometries representing an idealized common carotid artery. The input flow waveform and the mechanical response of the phantom are physiologically realistic. The results show that compliance affects the velocity profile within the artery. A rigid boundary causes severe overestimation of the peak WSS with a maximum relative difference of 61% occurring; showing compliance protects the artery from exposure to high magnitude WSS. This is important when trying to understand the development of diseases like atherosclerosis. The maximum, minimum and time averaged WSS in the rigid geometry was 2.3, 0.51 and 1.03Pa and in the compliant geometry 1.4, 0.58 and 0.84Pa, respectively

    Orthodontic Bracket Manufacturing Tolerances and Dimensional Differences between Select Self-Ligating Brackets

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    In all manufacturing processes there are tolerances; however, orthodontic bracket manufacturers seldom state the slot dimensional tolerances. This experiment develops a novel method of analyzing slot profile dimensions using photographs of the slot. Five points are selected along each wall, and lines are fitted to define a trapezoidal slot shape. This investigation measures slot height at the slot's top and bottom, angles between walls, slot taper, and the linearity of each wall. Slot dimensions for 30 upper right central incisor self-ligating stainless steel brackets from three manufacturers were evaluated. Speed brackets have a slot height 2% smaller than the nominal 0.559 mm size and have a slightly convergent taper. In-Ovation brackets have a divergent taper at an average angle of 1.47 degrees. In-Ovation is closest to the nominal value of slot height at the slot base and has the smallest manufacturing tolerances. Damon Q brackets are the most rectangular in shape, with nearly 90-degree corners between the slot bottom and walls. Damon slot height is on average 3% oversized

    Enhanced Evaporation of Microscale Droplets With an Infrared Laser

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    Enhancement of water droplet evaporation by added infrared radiation was modeled and studied experimentally in a vertical laminar flow channel. Experiments were conducted on droplets with nominal initial diameters of 50 lm in air with relative humidities ranging from 0% to 90% RH. A 2800 nm laser was used with radiant flux densities as high as 4 Â 10 5 W/m 2 . Droplet size as a function of time was measured by a shadowgraph technique. The model assumed quasi-steady behavior, a low Biot number liquid phase, and constant gas-vapor phase material properties, while the experimental results were required for model validation and calibration. For radiant flux densities less than 10 4 W/m 2 , droplet evaporation rates remained essentially constant over their full evaporation, but at rates up to 10% higher than for the no radiation case. At higher radiant flux density, the surface-area change with time became progressively more nonlinear, indicating that the radiation had diminished effects on evaporation as the size of the droplets decreased. The drying time for a 50 lm water droplet was an order of magnitude faster when comparing the 10 6 W/m 2 case to the no radiation case. The model was used to estimate the droplet temperature. Between 10 4 and 5 Â 10 5 W/m 2 , the droplet temperature changed from being below to above the environment temperature. Thus, the direction of conduction between the droplet and the environment also changed. The proposed model was able to predict the changing evaporation rates for droplets exposed to radiation for ambient conditions varying from dry air to 90% relative humidity

    Surveillance of Sentinel Node-Positive Melanoma Patients with Reasons for Exclusion from MSLT-II:Multi-Institutional Propensity Score Matched Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: In sentinel lymph node (SLN)-positive melanoma, two randomized trials demonstrated equivalent melanoma-specific survival with nodal surveillance vs completion lymph node dissection (CLND). Patients with microsatellites, extranodal extension (ENE) in the SLN, or >3 positive SLNs constitute a high-risk group largely excluded from the randomized trials, for whom appropriate management remains unknown. STUDY DESIGN: SLN-positive patients with any of the three high-risk features were identified from an international cohort. CLND patients were matched 1:1 with surveillance patients using propensity scores. Risk of any-site recurrence, SLN-basin-only recurrence, and melanoma-specific mortality were compared. RESULTS: Among 1,154 SLN-positive patients, 166 had ENE, microsatellites, and/or >3 positive SLN. At 18.5 months median follow-up, 49% had recurrence (vs 26% in patients without high-risk features, p 3 positive SLN constitute a high-risk group with a 2-fold greater recurrence risk. For those managed with nodal surveillance, SLN-basin recurrences were more frequent, but all-site recurrence and melanoma-specific mortality were comparable to patients treated with CLND. Most recurrences were outside the SLN-basin, supporting use of nodal surveillance for SLN-positive patients with microsatellites, ENE, and/ or >3 positive SLN

    Rac Inhibition Reverses the Phenotype of Fibrotic Fibroblasts

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    Background: Fibrosis, the excessive deposition of scar tissue by fibroblasts, is one of the largest groups of diseases for which there is no therapy. Fibroblasts from lesional areas of scleroderma patients possess elevated abilities to contract matrix and produce alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), type I collagen and CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor, CTGF). The basis for this phenomenon is poorly understood, and is a necessary prerequisite for developing novel, rational anti-fibrotic strategies.Methods and Findings: Compared to healthy skin fibroblasts, dermal fibroblasts cultured from lesional areas of scleroderma (SSc) patients possess elevated Rac activity. NSC23766, a Rac inhibitor, suppressed the persistent fibrotic phenotype of lesional SSc fibroblasts. NSC23766 caused a decrease in migration on and contraction of matrix, and alpha-SMA, type I collagen and CCN2 mRNA and protein expression. SSc fibroblasts possessed elevated Akt phosphorylation, which was also blocked by NSC23766. Overexpression of rac1 in normal fibroblasts induced matrix contraction and alpha-SMA, type I collagen and CCN2 mRNA and protein expression. Rac1 activity was blocked by PI3kinase/Akt inhibition. Basal fibroblast activity was not affected by NSC23766.Conclusion: Rac inhibition may be considered as a novel treatment for the fibrosis observed in SSc

    Sustained Delivery of Activated Rho GTPases and BDNF Promotes Axon Growth in CSPG-Rich Regions Following Spinal Cord Injury

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    Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) often results in permanent functional loss. This physical trauma leads to secondary events, such as the deposition of inhibitory chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) within astroglial scar tissue at the lesion. Methodology/Principal Findings: We examined whether local delivery of constitutively active (CA) Rho GTPases, Cdc42 and Rac1 to the lesion site alleviated CSPG-mediated inhibition of regenerating axons. A dorsal over-hemisection lesion was created in the rat spinal cord and the resulting cavity was conformally filled with an in situ gelling hydrogel combined with lipid microtubes that slowly released constitutively active (CA) Cdc42, Rac1, or Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Treatment with BDNF, CA-Cdc42, or CA-Rac1 reduced the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes, as well as CSPG deposition, at the interface of the implanted hydrogel and host tissue. Neurofilament 160kDa positively stained axons traversed the glial scar extensively, entering the hydrogel-filled cavity in the treatments with BDNF and CA-Rho GTPases. The treated animals had a higher percentage of axons from the corticospinal tract that traversed the CSPG-rich regions located proximal to the lesion site. Conclusion: Local delivery of CA-Cdc42, CA-Rac1, and BDNF may have a significant therapeutic role in overcoming CSPGmediate