4 research outputs found

    Analysis of gene function by CRISPR/Cas9 deletions and transcriptomics

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    [SPA] CRISPR-Cas9, una técnica revolucionaria actualmente utilizada para modificar el genoma de una manera precisa, se basa en los mecanismos de reparación del ADN activados localmente por la rotura del ADN. CRISPR se asocia con una endonucleasa llamado Cas9. Este complejo está dirigido por un gRNA (guía) que confiere especificidad de acción para una secuencia de ADN dada. El objetivo del presente trabajo es utilizar la técnica CRISPR / Cas9 para desarrollar una serie de plantas mutagenéticos utilizando la transformación in vitro. [ENG] CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary technique currently used to modify the genome in a precise way, is based on DNA repair mechanisms activated locally by DNA breakage. CRISPR is associated with an endonuclease called Cas9. This complex is directed by a gRNA (guide) conferring specificity of action to a given DNA sequence. The aim of the present work is to use the CRISPR / Cas9 technique to develop a series of mutagenetic plants using in vitro transformation.The experiments will be conducted at the Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBV), Cartagena, Polytechnical University of Cartagena (UPCT

    Premiere recolte de deux especes fongiques du genre polyporus nouvellement recoltees au Maroc : Polyporus arcularius Batsch : Fr. et Polyporus meridionalis (A. David) Jahn

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    Au Maroc, les travaux sur les champignons sont rares et aucune liste complète qui répertorie les espèces d'une région donnée n'est encore disponible. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier la flore fongique au niveau de la Mamora, Moyen Atlas et le Rif. Des prospections effectuées dans ces régions et la détermination des critères macroscopiques et microscopiques ont permis de déterminer pour la première fois au Maroc deux espèces du genre Polyporus: Polyporus arcularius Batsch : Fr. et Polyporus meridionalis (A. David). Cette étude s'intègre dans la contribution à la détermination de la diversité fongique du Maroc, qui demeure jusqu'à présent incomplète.Mots clés : Champignons, Maroc, forêt, Polyporus Arcularius, Polyporus meridionalis.FIRST HARVEST OF TWO FUNGAL SPECIES OF THE Polyporus GENUS IN MOROCCO : Polyporus arcularius BATSCH : FR. AND Polyporus meridionalis (A. DAVID) JAHNIn Morocco, the works on mushrooms are rare and no complete list that lists the species in a given region is not yet available. The objective of this work is to study the fungal flora of Mamora, Moyen Atlas and Rif. Surveys in these areas and the determination of macroscopic and microscopic criteria have allowed us to determine two species of Polyporus for the first time in Morocco : Polyporus arcularius Batsch : Fr. and Polyporus meridionalis (A. David). This study is part of the contribution to the determination of the fungal diversity in Morocco that it remains incomplete.Keywords : Fungi, Morocco, forest, Polyporus Arcularius, Polyporus meridionali

    Some new observations on the Volvariella genus Speg. 1898

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    Three fungal species of the Volvariella genus were described in this study. Volvariella bombycina and Volvaria speciosa were harvested at the level of the Mamora forest. V. media was collected from one garden grass in the city of Kenitra, this species is new to the Moroccan fungal flora