21 research outputs found

    Origen de la casiterita detrítica en los aluviones recientes de Tirados de la Vega-Golpejas (Salamanca)

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras, 5 tablas.[ES] En el sector Tirados de la Vega-Golpejas han sido detectadas dos anomalías de casiterita en los aluviones del Regato de los Lentiscos y en otros existentes al sur de Tirados de la Vega. El estudio granométrico y morfométrico de éstas casiteritas. contrastado con el de la casiterita procedente del granito de Golpejas. permite asegurar que la anomalía del Regato de los Lentiscos se debe a la dispersión de la casiterita de aquel granito. mientras que la de Tirados de la Vega procede de filones estanníferos. La aplicación del análisis factoral corrobora este hecho y permite diferenciar las casiteritas que proceden de rocas graníticas de aquellas que vienen de filones estanníferos. Según esto se puede indicar que la capacidad de migración de la casiterita desde el yacimiento estannífero de Golpejas es de unos 3 Kms.[EN] Two cassiterite anomalies have been detected in the Regato de los Lentisco and Tirados de la Vega alluviums, in the Golpejas area (Salamanca). The granometric and morphometric parameters of these cassiterites have been compared with those shown by the cassiterite crystal ocurrying in the Golpejas granite. The comparison between the two groups of data allow us to conclude that the anomaly observed in the Regato de los Lentistos has been originated by the disperssion of the cassiterite from the primary deposit of Golpejas. On the contrary, the anomaly ocurring in the alloviums to the south of Tirados de la Vega shows a different origin, and is coming from stanniferous veins. The factor anylisis corroborates the differentiation mentionated above, and indicates a migration capacite of about 3 kms. from the stannifeous deposits of Golpejas for the alluvial cassiterite.Peer reviewe

    Standard for Synthesis of Customized Peptides by Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases

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    The purpose of this RFC is to introduce a standardized framework for the engineering of customizable non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and their application for in vivo and in vitro synthesis of short non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) of user-defined sequence and structure

    HiCT: High Throughput Protocols For CPE Cloning And Transformation

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    The purpose of this RFC is to provide instructions for a rapid and cost efficient cloning and transformation method which allows for the manufacturing of multi-fragment plasmid constructs in a parallelized manner: High Throughput Circular Extension Cloning and Transformation (HiCT). Description of construct libraries generated by the HiCT method can be found at http://2013.igem.org/Team:Heidelberg/Indigoidine. This RFC also points out further optimization strategies with regard to construct stability, reduction of transformation background and the generation of competent cells

    miTuner - a kit for microRNA based gene expression tuning in mammalian cells

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    The purpose of this RFC is to introduce a modular expression tuning kit for use in mammalian cells. The kit enables the regulation of the gene expression of any gene of interest (GOI) based on synthetic microRNAs, endogenous microRNAs or a combination of both

    miMeasure – a standard for miRNA binding site characterization in mammalian cells

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    This RFC proposes a standard for the quantitative characterization of miRNA binding sites (miRNA-BS) in mammalian cells. The miMeasure standard introduces a ready-to-use standard measurement plasmid (pSMB_miMeasure, BBa_K337049) enabling rapid experimental characterization of any miRNA-BS of choice. We recommend a new standard unit, RKDU (relative knock-down unit) to describe the knock-down efficiency of a miRNA-BS in a specific cell type. pSMB_miMeasure allows for an easy and fast measurement of RKDU while providing effective normalization against variance stemming from differences in transfection efficiency and from other sources

    Harvard oder Heidelberg? Wissenschaftsstandort Deutschland gewinnt an Bedeutung

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    Die USA – das war das gelobte Land. Nicht nur als Urlaubstrip nach New York, Kalifornien und Florida, sondern vor allem für junge Wissenschaftler. Mehr Freiheit, mehr Anerkennung, mehr Geld, das war die goldene Formel für Nachwuchsforscher an den US-amerikanischen Eliteunis. Nicht erst seit Präsident Trump hat sich das geändert. Die EU und insbesondere Deutschland tun viel, um die besten Forscher zu halten. Heidelberg hat sich dabei zu einem besonders attraktiven Standort entwickelt, berichtet Campus Reporter Nils Birschmann. Der Beitrag erschien in der Sendereihe "Campus-Report" – einer Beitragsreihe, in der über aktuelle Themen aus Forschung und Wissenschaft der Universitäten Heidelberg, Mannheim, Karlsruhe und Freiburg berichtet wird. Zu hören ist "Campus-Report" montags bis freitags jeweils um ca. 19.10h im Programm von Radio Regenbogen (Empfang in Nordbaden: UKW 102,8. In Mittelbaden: 100,4 und in Südbaden: 101,1)


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    Der Mensch besteht aus etwa 100 Billionen Zellen. Und jede davon ist ein kleines Universum für sich. Um die komplexen Abläufe in den winzigen Strukturen besser zu verstehen, gibt es seit etwa 10 Jahren einen neuen Forschungszweig: die Optogenetik. Mithilfe von Licht werden Prozesse in der Zelle angeregt, die auch für viele Krankheiten verantwortlich sind. Campus Reporter Nils Birschmann hat sich das angeschaut und den Molekularbiologen Dr. Dominik Niopek interviewt. Der Beitrag erschien in der Sendereihe "Campus-Report" - einer Beitragsreihe, in der über aktuelle Themen aus Forschung und Wissenschaft der Universitäten Heidelberg, Mannheim, Karlsruhe und Freiburg berichtet wird. Zu hören ist "Campus-Report" montags bis freitags jeweils um ca. 19.10h im Programm von Radio Regenbogen (Empfang in Nordbaden: UKW 102,8. In Mittelbaden: 100,4 und in Südbaden: 101,1)

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    Understanding how the activity of membrane receptors and cellular signaling pathways shapes cell behavior is of fundamental interest in basic and applied research. Reengineering receptors to react to light instead of their cognate ligands allows for generating defined signaling inputs with high spatial and temporal precision and facilitates the dissection of complex signaling networks. Here, we describe fundamental considerations in the design of light-regulated receptor tyrosine kinases (Opto-RTKs) and appropriate control experiments. We also introduce methods for transient receptor expression in HEK293 cells, quantitative assessment of signaling activity in reporter gene assays, semiquantitative assessment of (in)activation time courses through Western blot (WB) analysis, and easy to implement light stimulation hardware

    Dissecting the Determinants of Domain Insertion Tolerance and Allostery in Proteins

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    Domain insertion engineering is a promising approach to recombine the functions of evolutionarily unrelated proteins. Insertion of light‐switchable receptor domains into a selected effector protein, for instance, can yield allosteric effectors with light‐dependent activity. However, the parameters that determine domain insertion tolerance and allostery are poorly understood. Here, an unbiased screen is used to systematically assess the domain insertion permissibility of several evolutionary unrelated proteins. Training machine learning models on the resulting data allow to dissect features informative for domain insertion tolerance and revealed sequence conservation statistics as the strongest indicators of suitable insertion sites. Finally, extending the experimental pipeline toward the identification of switchable hybrids results in opto‐chemogenetic derivatives of the transcription factor AraC that function as single‐protein Boolean logic gates. The study reveals determinants of domain insertion tolerance and yielded multimodally switchable proteins with unique functional properties