40 research outputs found

    The Application of an Hybrid Trilateration Method for Multi-Robot Localization System

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    The ability to know the location (localization) of robots in the environment or other robots, play an important role in multi-robot systems. Many methods and sensors had been propose, for example Dead-Reckoning; GPS; Vision based; etc.. Dead-Reckoning produce an accumulation errors, if used in a wide area or in a long time moving[1]. GPS has a level of significant errors when applied to a small robot or on the environment that are not large [2], while the vision has a poor response when applied to a fast-moving robots [3]. This research applied the trilaterasi methods that have been commonly used in communications systems, for localization in a multi-robot system composed of robots +11 cm in diameter. Sensors that are used in the form of 3 receiver with relatively fixed position to each other on a robot and an ultrasonic transmitter on the other robots. The principle of measurement based on the arrival time difference, or TDOA and processed by equation trilaterasi [4], to get the distance and relative orientation of the robot. Tests conducted on the condition still and moving the robot, at a certain distance and orientation, with a range of distance measurements between 30cm to 180cm. The result shows that this method successfully applied to the robot, with the average accuracy of 6% in the room, and the average accuracy of 5,2% outside the room. From the results of the analysis is also known that due to lack of the presence of some obstacles, that generate a magnetic field and the significant temperature changes in the robot environment. Another weakness of the system this system can not be used the same sensors (ultrasonic) for the purposes of obstacle detection, because it causes the interference


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    The final project highlights a method for controlling a haptic crane and hoist model based on an Active Force Control (AFC) strategy. It is a disturbance rejection control technique in which AFC is employed to control accurately and robustly the trolley part of the crane along a desired path, compensating at the same time the payload sway at the end of the traversed motion. AFC is designed and implemented using a two degree-of-freedom controller-the outer classic Proportional-Integral- Derivative (PID) control loop provides the commanded signal while the internal AFC loop accommodates the known and unknown disturbances present in the crane and hoist system. Results from the simulation clearly show that the crane can perform its predefined task faster with a minimum payload sway angle compared to the PID control method. Result from experiment on the plant is difficult to differentiate which control method is better since both of them show the same swing angle and time to reach the reference position. This is due to the pulse generated by the microcontroller is the same between two controllers, but AFC control shows better result in accuracy of reaching the reference position with smaller error than PID control. Keywords: active force control (AFC), disturbance rejection, PID control, haptic crane and hois

    Implementation of Virtual Force Field Method for Movements Control Autonomous Mobile Robot in Soccer Robot Applications

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    Virtual Force Field method is the one method which have simply concept but have a good ability to solve problem about obstacle avoidance. From the research that have done by Borenstein, Virtual Force Field is developed from the research that have done before that is Potential Field Method which work based on Histogram Grid. But it use Weight Value that different in any place which have obstacle. From the poorness that method, finally it can handled by Virtual Force Field method. In the Virtual Force Field method, an obstacle will represented as Repulsive Force and the target will represented as Attractive Force toward robot. Then the result from two force will be command in steering robot. To detect an obstacle that surrounds robot we use An Ultrasonic Sensor SRF 04 which work optimally up to 100 cm. For detect the object in front of robot we use Object Tracking method which use CMU Cam2 camera. In practically, we get an error resultant about 0.059% for the vector angle and 0.073% for the value of vector


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    Sensor network is a group of sensors which can communicate each other among one and the other in certain range, and recently, the concern about sensor network system has been increasing. Sensors for temperature, humidity, object detection / determination so on are arranged everywhere. In sensor network system, sensors are connected mutually and positional information of each sensor becomes essential. Acquiring positional information will gives better service for advanced analysis. This research idea arises from factual case in a computer control room from a data center which is need a guarantee of operation and clock frequency maintenance. This Final project basically be a watchfulness. Intention of this final project is making a system for position livehood a node with used radio signal strength (RF) from minimum 3 node that known the position.Node hasn�t known the position stayed in field wiper RF 3 node that known their position with calculation analyticly use trilateration method. The result of distance sent and kept to master node, then sent to PC. PC will present it in 2 dimention appearance. The result of this final project declared that radio signal strength can not be used to determine position node according to 2 dimension (x and y) caused by has different value in different measurement condition. Errror measurement of distance that got up to 2.315m. Keyword : Sensor Network, 2D Position, Trilateration metho


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    Vector distance function method used in the obstacle avoidance is a modification of the potential field method has been developed by J. Borenstein and Y. Koren. The basic idea of this concept is that there is a virtual robot based on the resultant force from the virtual repulsive force against a virtual obstacle and attractive force towards the target. The method has the potential field of global navigation system uses a central camera then the modifications made to the final project is a robot using the local navigation system. Distance of obstacle to the robot be discovered using ultrasonic sensors. Target acquisition in Cartesian coordinates is applied with odometry techniques. Data of rotary encoder on the right and left wheels treated with odometry formula so that the robot can know the position and distance to the target currently. Implementation of this method is very accurate and provide many advantages. Robot capable of avoiding room trap obstacles that are keeping close to the target and reach it with error under 13%. This final application in the future be applied to robotic soccer games. Keywords: obstacle, vector, ultrasonic, avoidanc

    Rancang Bangun Robot Leader Dan Robot Follower Dengan Sistem Navigasi Sensor Infra Merah

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    Robot line tracer merupakan suatu bentuk robot bergerak otonom yang mempunyai cara kerja mengikuti suatu garis pandu yang telah ditentukan. Robot Swarm adalah sekumpulan robot dengan struktur fisik relatif sederhana dan kesamaan perilaku yang mampu bekerja sama dari hasil interaksi antar robot dan interaksi antara robot dengan lingkungannya. Penentuan posisi relatif robot dapat dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan antara jarak robot dengan perubahan gerakan robot. Robot leader dapat memberikan pemancar yang menggunakan navigasi sensor infra merah, sedangkan pada robot follower menggunakan sensor phototransistor sebagai penerima. Permasalahan yang harus diatasi dalam proyek akhir ini adalah bagaimana untuk menjaga jarak dan posisi antar kedua robot agar tetap konstan. Sehingga robot follower dapat mengikuti robot leader. Untuk menjaga posisi dan jarak ke dua robot, digunakan sensor ultrasonik untuk mengatur jarak antar robot, agar robot follower tidak menabrak robot leader. Ketika robot berada pada belokan, maka kecepatan robot leader harus pelan. Sehingga robot follower tidak kehilangan sinyal pemancar dari robot leader. Persentase error robot saat dibelokan adalah 2% dari 5 pengujian terakhir. Jarak terjauh sinyal pemancar sensor infra merah yang dapat diterima sensor phototransistor adalah kurang dari 30 cm. Data untuk pengukuran sudut sangat berfariasi hal ini dipengaruhi oleh komponen pemancar infra merah dan kemampuan sensor phototransistor yang berbeda untuk menerima frekuensi dari pemancar


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    Virtual Force Field method is the one method which have simply concept but have a good ability to solve problem about obstacle avoidance. From the research that have done by Borenstein, Virtual Force Field is developed from the research that have done before that is Potential Field Method which work based on Histogram Grid. But it use Weight Value that different in any place which have obstacle. From the poorness that method, finally it can handled by Virtual Force Field method. In the Virtual Force Field method, an obstacle will represented as Repulsive Force and the target will represented as Attractive Force toward robot. Then the result from two force will be command in steering robot. To detect an obstacle that surrounds robot we use An Ultrasonic Sensor SRF 04 which work optimally up to 100 cm. For detect the object in front of robot we use Object Tracking method which use CMU Cam2 camera. In practically, we get an error resultant about 0.059% for the vector angle and 0.073% for the value of vector. Keyword : Virtual Force Field method, Obstacle Avoidance, Ultrasonic SRF 04, Object Tracking, CMU Cam2 camer

    Anti-Sway Control for Haptic Crane for Application of Material Handling by Using Active Force Control (AFC)

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    This paper focuses on anti-sway control system for haptic crane that uses accelerometer and weight sensor as sway sensor and mass calculation of payload. The control method proposed is AFC which is able to control more accurate and robust while transport the payload to another location and at the end of the movement as fast and as accurate as possible. To do this the dynamic mathematical model of the crane is introduced. The result shows that the addition of weight sensor and accelerometer as an additional parameter in AFC loop calculation in the hook gives better performance even with several disturbances than the PID control

    Penerapan Pid-Fuzzy Berbasis Ladder Diagram Untuk Kontrol Kecepatan Dan Posisi Sejajar 2 Benda

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    Pada penelitian ini diimplementasikan sistem kontrol kecepatan dan posisi sejajar 2 benda pada conveyor yang berbeda. Setiap conveyor memiliki sensor jarak. Selisih data jarak pada masing masing conveyor digunakan untuk kontrol posisi sejajar saat conveyor aktif. Selain itu terdapat variasi beban yang perlu dikontrol untuk tetap mencapai kecepatan yang diperlukan. Sistem ini menggunakan hardware (PLC Siemens S7-300), Software (Simatic Manager), dan mekanik berupa motor conveyor untuk sinkronisasi posisi 2 benda. Pada Fuzzy terdapat 4 input dan 1 output berupa setpoint kecepatan motor. Setpoint ini diproses oleh kontrol PID dengan umpan balik yang berasal dari  data rotary encoder atas kecepatan motor yang berubah karena variasi beban. Program Fuzzy-PID diimplemetasikan dengan instruksi dasar (tidak menggunakan fitur add-on software atau Function Block) dan ditanam pada 2 buah PLC yang saling berkomunikasi. Hasil pengujian kecepatan motor paling cepat dan stabil pada 50 rpm terhadap variasi beban 2.5 kg sampai 9.5 kg dengan respon waktu kembali menuju steady state sebesar 200ms (pemberian beban) dan sebesar 350 ms (pelepasan beban). Hasil output fuzzy1 mempunyai galat rata-rata sebesar 5% dan output fuzzy 2 sebesar 5.7%

    Tracking and Formation Control of Leader-Follower Cooperative Mobile Robots Based on Trilateration Data

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    This research deals with formation control of swarm robot based on changing of robot’s relative positional data. A follow the leader movement with simple triangle formation case is applied with three robots; a leader with two followers. Trilateration method is used as a method of determining the position of the leader robot from the follower robots using the distance to the reference point (local positioning). Follower robots are designed to follow every movement of the leader on a formation position. The controller is designed to maintain the formation position of the follower robots relatively to the leader. As a uniqueness, a relative positional control method by using bearing angle and distance error is proposed instead of the common Cartesian positional error control. From the experiment which conducted in maximum distance between the robots,it was obtained a maximum error approximately 56%. The follower robots are able to follow any changes in motion of the robot leader with average distance error of 36%.Keywords: Cooperative mobile robot, formation control, trilateration, follow the leade