266 research outputs found

    Silicon and Iron Differently Alleviate Copper Toxicity in Cucumber Leaves

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    Copper (Cu) toxicity in plants may lead to iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) deficiencies. Here, we investigated the effect of Si and Fe supply on the concentrations of micronutrients and metal-chelating amino acids nicotianamine (NA) and histidine (His) in leaves of cucumber plants exposed to Cu in excess. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) was treated with 10 mu M Cu, and additional 100 mu M Fe or/and 1.5 mM Si for five days. High Cu and decreased Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations were found in Cu treatment. Additional Fe supply had a more pronounced effect in decreasing Cu accumulation and improving the molar ratio between micronutrients as compared to the Si supply. However, the simultaneous supply of Fe and Si was the most effective treatment in alleviation of Cu-induced deficiency of Fe, Zn and Mn. Additional Fe supply increased the His but not NA concentration, while Si supply significantly increased both NA and His whereby the NA:Cu and His:Cu molar ratios exceeded the control values indicating that Si recruits Cu-chelation to achieve Cu tolerance. In conclusion, Si-mediated alleviation of Cu toxicity was directed toward Cu tolerance while Fe-alleviative effect was due to a dramatic decrease in Cu accumulation

    Establishment and in-house validation of stem-loop rt pcr method for microrna398 expression analysis

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) belong to the class of small non-coding RNAs which have important roles throughout development as well as in plant response to diverse environmental stresses. Some of plant miRNAs are essential for regulation and maintenance of nutritive homeostasis when nutrients are in excess or shortage comparing to optimal concentration for certain plant species. Better understanding of miRNAs functions implies development of efficient technology for profiling their gene expression. We set out to establish validate the methodology for miRNA gene expression analysis in cucumber grown under suboptimal mineral nutrient regimes, including iron deficiency. Reverse transcription by "stem-loop" primers in combination with Real time PCR method is one of potential approaches for quantification of miRNA gene expression. In this paper we presented a method for "stem loop" primer design specific for miR398, as well as reaction optimization and determination of Real time PCR efficiency. Proving the accuracy of this method was imperative as "stem loop" RT which consider separate transcription of target and endogenous control. The method was verified by comparison of the obtained data with results of miR398 expression achieved using a commercial kit based on simultaneous conversion of all RNAs in cDNAs

    Visualizing a new sustainable world: toward the next generation of virtual reality in the built environment

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    What is the future of virtual reality (VR) in the built environment? As work becomes increasingly distributed across remote and hybrid forms of organizing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need to rethink how we use the set of collaborative technologies to move toward a sustainable world. We propose a new vision of VR as a discipline-agnostic platform for an interdisciplinary integration of the allied design, social, and environmental disciplines to address emerging challenges across the building sectors. We build this contribution through the following steps. First, we contextualize VR technologies within the changing digital landscape and underlying tensions in the built environment practices. Second, we characterize the difficulties that have arisen in using them to address challenges, illustrating our argument with leading examples. Third, we conceptualize VR configurations and explore underlying assumptions for their use across disciplinary scenarios. Fourth, we propose a vision of VR as a discipline-agnostic platform that can support built environment users in visualizing preferred futures. We conclude by providing directions for research and practice

    Најнови сознанија за рехабилитација на пациенти со Паркинсонова болест

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    Parkinson's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Given the progressive course and numerous motor and motor symptoms, this disorder can significantly affect person's functional status, quality of life, and disability. Possibility of treatment and prevention of parkinsonism varies depending on the type of Parkinson's disease. Medication, physical therapy and surgical treatment are used. Effective pharmacologic therapy includes comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation, starting at the time of diagnosis. It can prevent and treat complications, slow the progression of symptoms, and enhance adaptation to the newly acquired condition. It is necessary to stimulate mechanisms of compensation and neuroplasticity. Experiences show that kinesiotherapy and physical agents are effective in the treatment of pain, walking disorders, postural instability and risk of falls. There are also alternative techniques such as yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, dance therapy, music therapy that have a positive impact on the disease. The efficacy of neurofeedback, art therapy in improving and maintaining cognitive functions has been demonstrated. Occupational therapy is of great importance for empowering the patient with activities of daily living, especially for self-care. Education and support from family and carers, as well as home and workplace adaptation, play an important role in rehabilitation. Rehabilitation and physical therapy for this disease is carried out systematically and for a lifetime. A multidisciplinary approach in treating patients with Parkinson's disease enables the maintenance of quality of life.Паркинсоновата болест е една од најчестите невродегенеративни заболувања. Со оглед на прогресивниот тек  и бројните моторни и немоторни симптоми, оваа болест може значително да влијае на функционалниот статус на лицето, квалитетот на животот и инвалидитетот. Можноста за лекување и превенција кај пациентите се различни и зависат  од видот на  Паркинсоновата болест. Се применува медикаментозна терапија, физикална терапија и хируршко лекување. Со ефективна фармаколошка терапија, сеопфатна физикална терапија и рехабилитација, која започнува од моментот на  дијагностицирање на болеста, можат да се спречат и лекуваат компликациите, да се забави прогресијата на симптомите и да се постигне прилагодување на новостекнатата состојба. Она што се бара е да се стимулираат механизми за компензација и невропластичност. Искуствата покажуваат дека кинезитерапијата и физикалните агенси се ефикасни во третман на болката, нарушување на одењето, постурална нестабилност и ризикот од пад. Исто така, постојат и алтернативни  техники како јога, тај чи, акупунктура, танц терапија, терапија со музика, кои позитивно влијаат на болеста. Докажана е ефикасноста на неврофидбек и арт терапијата во подобрување и одржување на конгнитивните функции. Работната терапија е од големо значење заради оспособување на пациентот за активности во  секојдневниот живот, особено за самозгрижување. Во рехабилитацијата важна улога играат едукацијата и поддршката од семејството и старателите, како и адаптацијата на домот и работното место. Рехабилитацијата и физикалната терапија кај оваа болест се спроведуваат систематски и доживотно. Мултидисциплинарниот пристап во лекувањето на пациентите со Паркинсонова болест овозможува одржување на квалитетот на живот

    Performance of the Product of Three Nakagami-m Random Variables

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    An output signal from a multi-section wireless relay communication system is equal to the product of the signal envelopes from individual sections. In this paper, a three-sections relay system is considered in the presence of Nakagami-m fading at each section. First, random variable (RV) is formed as the product of three Nakagami-m RVs. For such product, the moments are determined in the closed forms. The first moment is the mean of the signal; the second moment is the average power of the signal, and the third moment is skewness. Then, the Amount of Fading (AoF) is calculated. AoF is a measure of the severity effect of fading in a particular channel model. Besides, all system performance are shown graphically and the parameters influence has been analyzed and discussed