269 research outputs found

    Attitudes of education and rehabilitation students towards individuals with intellectual disabilities

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    The attitudes of education and rehabilitation students towards people with intellectual disabilities are very important, because they aim to be future professionals who will provide educational and rehabilitation treatment to these people, as well as advocates for their rights and needs. This study aimed to analyse the attitudes of students towards people with intellectual disabilities and to determine whether their attitudes differed based on self assessments and sources of knowledge about intellectual disabilities, ways of getting to know a person with intellectual disabilities, and number of years of education. The study involved 100 students undergoing their first cycle of studies at the Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Tuzla. The Mental Retardation Attitude Inventory-Revised (MRAI-R) and a general questionnaire were used in this study. The results show that students express positive attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities, they are positive about educational integration of these people, and respect their rights. They do not express to need to socially distance from them and do not attribute unfavourable characteristics to these people. There were no differences in attitudes based on self-assessments of knowledge and the sources of knowledge about intellectual disabilities, or the way in which they got to know a person with intellectual disabilities. There was a significant difference in attitudes based on the number of years of education: fourth-year students were observed to express the highest degree of positive attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities globally and towards the integration of these people in society, and they expressed the lowest level of social distance. Given the small sample of research subjects, as well as the fact that the study involved students of one education and rehabilitation faculty. in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the results obtained and the conclusions derived from them should be considered with caution. Future research should include a larger sample of education and rehabilitation students to verify the results obtained in this study

    The Significance of Life Insurance Sale Management for the Development of the Financial Market

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    Life insurance companies as institutional investors are key participants in the global financial market. By collecting the savings of the insured, accumulating large amounts of funds and their long-term investment into various financial instruments, these companies affect the development and stability of the financial market. Considering their significance, the aim of this paper is to determine the determinants of life insurance demand by analysing the environment in which these companies operate on the European financial markets, in order to detect the possibilities for increasing the sale of life insurance policies, and thus the amount of collected amount that will be invested in the financial market for a long term. Based on the research results, determinants that may encourage the life insurance demand in European countries are determined and the recommendations on how to manage the sale of life insurance policies, with the aim of increasing the amount of collected funds

    The Influence of Natural and Antropogenic Factors on Intensity of Erosion in Jablanica and Kutinska River Basins

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    Предмет докторске дисертације представља комплексна анализа при-родних и антропогених фактора у циљу утврђивања интензитета ерозивних процеса у сливовима Јабланице и Кутинске реке, као и квантификовање утицаја свих фактора на геопросторни распоред интензитета ерозије...The subject of the doctoral dissertation is a complex analysis of the natural and anthropogenic factors in order to determine the intensity of erosive processes in the basins of Jablanica and Kutinska River, as well as the quantification of the influence of all factors on the geospatial distrubition of the erosion intensity..

    Fiction and reality of female characters in the works of Margaret Atwood ; Фикция и реальность женских персонажей в произведении Маргарет Этвуд

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    Циљ докторске дисертације Фикција и стварност женских ликова у делу Маргарет Етвуд јесте да се идентификовањем и упоредном анализом елемената фикције и стварности женских ликова испитају међусобни односи фикције и стварности у делима ове савремене канадске књижевнице, полазећи од хипотезе о њиховој суштинској повезаности. Један од циљева ове дисертације јесте да се покаже, између осталог, и како женски ликови успевају да изграде свој идентитет у непријатељском окружењу кроз непрестано прожимање фикције и стварности. Посебна пажња усмерена је на идентификовање фиктивних светова и фиктивних конструката јунакиња, и утврђивање мере до које они утичу на њихово поимање стварности. Разматран је и однос јунакиња и њихових мајки, али и других женских ликова који посредно и непосредно утичу на перцепцију света деце, касније одраслих жена, као и удео који фиктивни свет, сањарења и фантазијe имају у њему...The objective of the doctoral dissertation Fiction and Reality in the Works of Margaret Atwood is to examine the interrelations between fiction and reality in the works of the contemporary Canadian writer by identifying and analyzing the elements of fiction and reality of selected female characters, relying on the hypothesis of their essential reciprocal relation. The aim of this dissertation is also to demonstrate, among other things, how the female characters manage to establish their identities in a hostile environment through incessant intertwining of fiction and reality. Special attention is given to identifying the fictional worlds and fictional constructs of these female characters, as well as to determining to what extent they affect the characters’ perception of reality. The dissertation also examines the relationship the female protagonists have with both their mothers and other female characters who directly and indirectly exerted influence on their perception of the world in their childhood and their adulthood, as well as the way in which the protagonists’ fictional world, reveries and fantasies affect their reality..

    Optimizacija i validacija ICP-OES metode i ciklične voltametrije za određivanje elementnog sastava i antioksidativne aktivnosti odabranih sorti jagodastog voća

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    Within this doctoral dissertation, the optimization and validation of the ICP-OES method was performed in order to determine the elemental composition of strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. The accuracy of the ICP-OES method ranges from 94.61% to 103.6%. The accuracy of the method ranges from 2.48% to 7.60%. The most abundant macroelement in analyzed samples was K, followed by Ca, P, Mg and Na. The analyzed samples are characterized by a very low sodium content. The most abundant microelement was Mn, followed by Fe, Cu, Zn and Si. The content of Al, Cd and Pb in all analyzed fruit samples was below the prescribed limits and did not pose a risk to human health. The content of total polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids and total anthocyanins in acid methanolic, methanolic, 96% ethanolic, 60% ethanolic, aqueous and acetone extracts was determined by UV/Vis spectrophotometry. The highest content of total polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids and total anthocyanins was detected in acidified methanol extracts. The antioxidant activity of all mentioned extracts was examined by spectrophotometric assays (ABTS, DPPH, FRAP and RP). Blueberry samples exibited the highest antioxidant activity, followed by blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. Optimization of working conditions (scanning speed and pH value of the sample solutions) in cyclic voltammetry was performed in order to determine the antioxidant activity of the samples by electrochemical method. There were 4 peaks observed on cyclic voltammograms. The first anodic peak at potential between 0.310 V and 0.350 V in cyclic voltammograms is due to the oxidation of flavonols (quercetin and its glycosides) and caffeic acid. The second, third and fourth anodic peaks at potentials between 0.426 V and 0.444 V, 0.524 V and 0.540 V, and 0.638 V and 0.756 V, respectively, can be attributed to anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acids (ferulic and coumaric acid). A high degree of positive correlation was observed between electrochemical and spectrophotometric in vitro methods for antioxidant activity determination. Identification and quantification of individual polyphenolic compounds (caffeic, ferulic, coumaric and ellagic acids; rutin, kaempferol, quercetin and their glycosides; glycosides of cyanidin, pelargonidine, delfinidine, peonidine, petunidine and malvidin) was performed by HPLC method. The kinetics of thermal degradation of total anthocyanins in berry jams with higher and lower sugar content was investigated. Activation energies (Ea) of thermal degradation reactions of total anthocyanins at high temperatures (90-105 °C) were calculated. The stability of individual anthocyanins in fruit jams was monitored by HPLC. In order to differentiate the tested samples on the basis of the content of elements and individual polyphenolic compounds, as well as on the basis of antioxidant activity, correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were applied

    Residual monomer content determination in some acrylic denture base materials and possibilities of its reduction

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    Background/Aim. Polymethyl methacrylate is used for producing a denture basis. It is a material made by the polymerization process of methyl methacrylate. Despite of the polymerization type, there is a certain amount of free methyl methacrylate (residual monomer) incorporated in the denture, which can cause irritation of the oral mucosa. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of residual monomer in four different denture base acrylic resins by liquid chromatography and the possibility of its reduction. Methods. After the polymerization, a postpolymerization treatment was performed in three different ways: in boiling water for thirty minutes, with 500 W microwaves for three minutes and in steam bath at 22º C for one to thirty days. Results. The obtained results showed that the amount of residual monomer is significantly higher in cold polymerizing acrylates (9.1-11%). The amount of residual monomer after hot polymerization was in the tolerance range (0.59- 0.86%). Conclusion. The obtained results denote a low content of residual monomer in the samples which have undergone postpolymerization treatment. A lower percent of residual monomer is established in samples undergone a hot polymerization

    The concept of frangmentation of international law and its legal and political meanings

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    Централни предмет истраживања предложене докторске дисертације је проучавање феномена фрагментације у међународном праву, у најширем смислу, њеног утицаја на различите гране општег међународног права, као и проучавање ефеката и значења која фрагментација достиже у правно-политичком контексту. Овако дефинисан предмет спада у област међународног јавног права, а мањим сегментима задире и у области међународних људских права, као и међународног кривичног права. Проблем фрагментисаног међународног система је актуелно питање, о чему сведочи и рад Комисије УН за међународно право и њен извештај о фрагментацији. Истраживање у овом раду се базира на две основне хипотезе. Иако се фрагментација у литератури најчешће посматра као негативна појава, у првој хипотези ћемо показати да она није сама по себи, суштински, позитивна или негативна, већ да се њене одлике могу посматрати само у корелацији са конкретним случајем, као и са другим процесима и појавама. Међународно право се састоји од различитих парцијалних система како универзалних, тако регионалних и билатералних, где су сви различитих нивоа правне интеграције. Овакве карактеристике доводе до извесних контрадикторности. Недостатак јасних правних упутстава за решавање сукоба норми који је један од узрока фрагментације није својствен само систему међународног права, већ се може препознати и у унутрашњем праву држава, али и у оквиру рада једног судског органа. Међународни систем права је фрагментисан, међутим фрагментација сама по себи није искључиво нуспојава која нарушава јединство међународног система.The central research subject of the proposed doctoral dissertation is the study of the phenomenon of international law fragmentation, in the broadest sense, its impact on various branches of general international law, as well as the study of effects and meanings of fragmentation in the legal and political context. The subject thus defined belongs to the field of public international law, and its smaller segments fall within the field of international human rights and international criminal law. The problem of fragmented international system is becoming increasingly topical, as evidenced by the work of the UN International Law Commission and its fragmentation report. The research presented in this paper is based on two basic hypotheses. Although the fragmentation in the literature is most often seen as a negative phenomenon, in the first hypothesis we will demonstrate that, in its essence, the fragmentation is not inherently positive or inherently negative, but that its features can only be seen in correlation with a particular case, as well as with other processes and phenomena. International law consists of different partial systems, universal as well as regional and bilateral, each having a different level of legal integration. Such characteristics lead to some contradictions. The lack of clear legal guidance on resolving conflicts of norms, which is one of the causes of fragmentation, is not only inherent to the system of international law, but can also be recognized in the internal law of states and within the work of a judicial body. International law system is fragmented, however, the fragmentation itself is not only a side effect that undermines the unity of the international system. Fragmentation, as a phenomenon exclusively discussed within the international legal system, also manifests its basic characteristics in completely closed systems of law. It has never been denied that, even within a single judicial body, different chambers in the same situations may apply different rules of international law, contributing quantitatively to case law. The author will make special efforts to prove that such quantity is often accompanied by quality, when it comes to diversification of case law. We will demonstrate that the proliferation of international courts and tribunals leads to legal inequality and uncertainty, which is why the international legal system cannot avoid normative conflicts and incoherence

    Partizanske priredbe u selu Pećani 1941.

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    Reforma penzijskog sistema Republike Srbije u funkciji njegove održivosti

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    At the end of the twentieth century, the problem of pension financing became an acute problem in a large number of European Union Member States. Pay as you go public pension systems have become unsustainable and a threat to the stability of public finances of these states. The unsustainability of pay as you go public pension systems in almost all analyzed EU Member States is the result of an inadequate pension policy of the past, that is, the incompatibility of the pension system design with the changes in the environment, which influence this pension system. With the aim of improving financial sustainability of the public pension systems, reforms were initiated in a great number of countries, and afterwards in Serbia as well. The analysis of the legal regulations of the pension and disability insurance in the Republic of Serbia in the second half of the twentieth century determined that, despite significant demographic, economic and social-political changes in that period, the pension system design has not changed. The empirical analysis confirmed the influence of demographic changes, that is, the average population age on the financial sustainability of the pension system, but not the influence of the number of pension beneficiaries and the ratio of the number of employees and the number of pension beneficiaries. Furthermore, the analysis identified a strong influence of the average insurance period of old-age pension beneficiaries and the average pension of the insured employed on the financial sustainability of the pension system. Comparative analysis of experiences in the reform of pension systems of the selected European Union Member States, various options and measures were determined, which these countries used for the reform of their pension systems, as well as the results achieved through their implementation. Based on the analysis of sustainability of the pension system in the Republic of Serbia, the comparative analysis of experiences in the reform of pension systems of the selected countries and the recommendations of the European Commission for the reform of pension systems of the European Union Member States, the possibilities for increasing the income and reducing the expenses of the system for mandatory pension and disability insurance have been determined, as well as the possibilities for further development of the private pension insurance in the Republic of Serbia. Accordingly, a proposal is conceived for the continuation of the pension system reform in the Republic of Serbia, which would enable the improvement of the pension system sustainability of the Republic of Serbia

    Unusual behavior of growing pollen tubes in the ovary of plum culture (Prunus domestica L.)

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    Unusual behavior of growing pollen tubes in different combinations of pollination was observed in the ovary of the plum (Prunus domestica L.) cv 'Čačanska Lepotica'. It primarily refers to several issues, i.e. the curling up of pollen tubes within the micropyle, the growth of two pollen tubes into the nucellus of an ovule, the occurrence of a bundle above the nucellar cap and fluorescence of the part of the embryo sac containing the egg apparatus. Upon the growth of pollen tubes into the nucellus of the ovule, subsequently penetrating pollen tubes form a bundle either above the micropyle entrance or above the nucellus. Branching and bending of pollen tubes by 180o upon their growth into the micropyle was also observed