22 research outputs found

    Untersuchung von Driftkammersignalen Ein Vergleich zwischen Experiment und theoretischem Modell

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    SIGLETIB Hannover: DR 9417 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Imaging the in-plane magnetization in a Co microstructure by Fourier transform holography

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    We report on experiments using Fourier transform holography to image the in-plane magnetization of a magnetic microstructure. Magnetic sensitivity is achieved via the x-ray magnetic circular dichroism effect by recording holograms in transmission at off-normal incidence. The reference beam is defined by a narrow hole milled at an inclined angle into the opaque mask. We present magnetic domain images of an in-plane magnetized cobalt element with a size of 2 μm × 2 μm× 20 nm. The domain pattern shows a multi-vortex state that deviates from the simple Landau ground state

    Magnetic soft X-ray holography study of focused ion beam-patterned Co/Pt multilayer

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    We report on Fourier transform holographyFTHexperiments on nanostructured Co/Pt multilayerfilms with 40 nm spatial imaging resolution. The films have been nanostructured by means offocused ion beamFIBmilling. Applying the ion beam through the supporting membrane withcontrolled and homogeneous dosing allows for higher resolution magnetic structuring of theion-sensitive film compared to direct FIB patterning. Nanostructured samples with magnetic stripesexposed to different ion doses and magnetic arrays with 200 nm lattice constant were successfullyprepared and imaged by FTH. We present image-processing routines for artifact-free imagereconstruction. With this, we could investigate the FIB-induced anisotropy modulation and theperpendicular domain structure in the nanostructured samples, showing how to control the domainsize and configuration by applying the appropriate ion dose either homogeneously or concentratedin single spot

    За кадры. 1979. № 54 (2204)

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    Надежность и доброта / Г. ГалкинаПарабельская страда политехников / Б. КузнецовЗарождение традиции / Н. ГагаринаДетям нужен светлый дом / А. СоловьевДень театра - студентам / М. КозловаВ гостях у политехников - СМИ / Г. ИльинскийНаш труд - родному городу / А. ТумановНовая страница биографии / Г. ВенделеваНас сдружил Томск / Б. ОлевНастроены по-боевому / Ю. КлыковКонцерты в Липецке / С. ЮрьевТвои заботы, вожатый / Н. Зинченко"Фотография" смены, или репортаж с овощной базы, где уже месяц работают студенты ХТФ / О. БедаревМое знакомство со "СТОП-2" / К. РыжукПраво на охрану здоровья"В сердце тебя берегу""Фантазия" на грани фантастики / А. КостюкПризовые места - наши / А. СобанинСпортивная осень ТПИУвлекательнейший вид спорта / В. ЧерненкоНа соревнованиях по стрельбе / В. СенокосовМоя конституция / И. Кэбирл

    Single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering using a soft x-ray free-electron laser

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    We report on single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering experiments using soft x-ray pulses generated by the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY. We could record a magnetic diffraction pattern from a Co/Pt multilayer sample at the Co M2,3 edge with a single 30-fs-long FEL pulse. The analysis of the magnetic small-angle scattering signal for subsequent pulses indicates a threshold energy density below which there is no indication that the magnetic properties of the sample might be altered