4 research outputs found

    Photoimageable thick-film microwave structures up to 18 GHz

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    The increasing interest in new wireless applications is creating demand for low cost, high performance microwave hybrid circuits. Offering the inherent advantages of thick-film technology such as low manufacturing costs and feasibility for mass production, recent improvements in thick film materials and processing techniques broadens the frequency range where ceramic thick-film circuits can be used and allow current thick-film technology to reach beyond its previous limitations and enter the domain reserved in the past for thin film technology. This paper discusses the advanced thick-film technique called photoimageable thick-film technology that uses photosensitive conductor and dielectric pastes and photoimaging as a method of patterning for manufacturing microwave hybrids operating in the frequency range up to 18 GHz

    Quality profile of pork meat with varying contents of intramuscular fat

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    Celem pracy było porównanie jakości technologicznej i sensorycznej mięsa wieprzowego o zróżnicowanej zawartości tłuszczu śródmięśniowego. Badania przeprowadzono na materiale 64 tuczników pochodzących z krzyżowania loch linii Naima z knurami hybrydowymi P76-PenArLan. Tuczniki podzielono na trzy grupy zróżnicowane zawartością tłuszczu śródmięśniowego w tkance mięśnia Longissimus pobieranych za ostatnim żebrem (I grupa licząca 22 tuczniki o zawartości tłuszczu ≤1,5%, II grupa licząca 22 tuczniki o zawartości tłuszczu 1,51-2,50% i III grupa licząca 20 tuczników o zawartości tłuszczu ≥2,51%). We wszystkich grupach udział loszek i wieprzków był równy. Po uboju określono wartość rzeźną tusz aparatem CGM. W pobranych próbach mięśnia LD oznaczono: zawartość tłuszczu i białka, pH po 45 min oraz po 3 i 24 godz. od uboju, wyciek naturalny, parametry barwy w systemie CIE L*a*b*, wskaźnik wydajności technologicznej "Napole" oraz wydajność mięsa w gotowaniu. Jakość sensoryczną mięsa surowego i po obróbce cieplnej określono po 96 godz. post mortem metodą skalowania. Mięso tuczników o największej zawartości tłuszczu śródmięśniowego charakteryzowało się istotnie wyższym pH końcowym, ciemniejszą barwą i mniejszą zawartością białka. Ocena sensoryczna mięsa surowego wykazała, że mięso o wyższej zawartości tłuszczu śródmięśniowego było bardziej marmurkowate i uzyskało mniejszy stopień akceptacji panelu oceniającego. Z kolei ocena sensoryczna mięsa gotowanego wykazała statystycznie istotnie większą smakowitość oraz najwyższą ocenę zapachu i barwy. Nieistotne statystycznie wyniki uzyskano w odniesieniu do kruchości, soczystości i jakości ogólnej mięsa.The objective of the research was to compare the technological and the sensory quality of pork meat with varying contents of intramuscular fat. The research was carried out using a material consisting of 64 fatteners descending from crossing of the Naima line sows and the P-76 PenArLan hybrid boars. The fatteners were divided into 3 groups characterized by different contents of intramuscular fat in the Longissumus muscle (LD) from behind the last rib (group I of 22 fatteners having the fat content ≤1.5%; group II of 22 fatteners having the fat content from 1.51 to 2.50%; and group III of 20 fatteners with the fat content ≥2.51%). The number of sows and boars was equal in all the groups. Upon the slaughter, the slaughter value of carcasses was determined by a CGM apparatus. In the samples of LD muscle, the following parameters were determined: content of fat and protein, pH determined 45 minutes, 3 hours, and 24 hours after the slaughter, drip loss, colour indicators according to the CIE L*a*b system, "Napole" technological yield indicator, and cooking yield of the meat. The sensory quality of raw and thermally processed meat was assessed 96 hours after post mortem using a scaling method. The meat of fatteners with the highest intramuscular fat content was characterized by a significantly higher final value of pH, darker colour, and lower protein content. The sensory evaluation of raw meat confirmed that the meat with a higher intramuscular fat content was more marbled and it was granted a lower acceptability degree by the estimating panel. The sensory evaluation of cooked meat showed a higher palatability that was statistically more significant, and received the highest ratings for smell and colour. With regard to tenderness, juiciness and overall quality of the meat investigated, the estimation results obtained were statistically insignificant

    Characteristic of slaughter value and meat quality of three synthetic pig lines

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of meat in different lines of pigs with consideration of the intramuscular fat level of the longissimus muscle. The research was conducted on 60 pigs from three pig lines, P76, Redone and Galia, (20 gilts in each group), slaughtered at ca. 105 kg live weight. The percentage meat in the carcass and hot carcass weight were estimated. Samples were taken from the longissimus muscle. The pH value after 1, 3 and 24 h post mortem, natural drip loss, cooking yield and parameters of meat colour were measured. Furthermore, fat level and glycolytic potential (GP) of the muscle were determined. Intramuscular fat level was determined chemically, and marbling on the basis of sensory evaluation according to a Japanese photographic standard. The results showed significant differences between lines in slaughter value of carcasses and for pH3, pH24, GP, colour parameters and marbling of raw meat. The P76 line was characterised as the most meaty line with satisfactory meat quality. The Redone line was characterised by meat with the highest intramuscular fat content and marbling.Keywords: Meat quality, intramuscular fat, P76, Redone, Galia, swin