13 research outputs found

    Progetto Geotermia-Grado per il riscaldamento di edifici pubblici: il pozzo esplorativo e il potenziale geotermico

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    Il Progetto Geotermia-Grado costituisce la prima iniziativa sul territorio della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, per la valutazione e lo sfruttamento razionale delle acque geotermiche contenute nei calcari sepolti a circa 600-700 m di profondit\ue0, mediante un impianto pilota di teleriscaldamento a due pozzi (uno di estrazione ed uno di re-iniezione), che dovr\ue0 essere adibito al riscaldamento di edifici pubblici nella citt\ue0 di Grado (GO). Il progetto rientra negli obiettivi previsti dal Documento Unico di Programmazione, Obiettivo 2, 2000 \u2013 2006 della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, ed \ue8 finanziato nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019Azione 3.1.2. \u201cValorizzazione delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili\u201d, con finanziamenti della Comunit\ue0 Europea. Le ricadute applicativa di questo progetto sono rilevanti in quanto hanno permesso di valutare la risorsa geotermica a bassa entalpia dell\u2019area di Grado e laguna circostante e permetteranno di completare il progetto e di replicare impianti analoghi in altre aree favorevoli della zona costiera veneto-friulana. La prima fase esplorativa del progetto per la caratterizzazione e la quantificazione della risorsa geotermica disponibile nel sottosuolo, avviata nel 2005 e a conclusione entro giugno 2008, ha permesso di portare a termine le indagini geologiche e geofisiche per il posizionamento del pozzo, la progettazione del pozzo stesso, l\u2019espletamento della gara di appalto, la perforazione del pozzo esplorativo Grado-1 fino a 1108 m di profondit\ue0 dal p.c. con esecuzione delle prove di portata e dei logs da pozzo. Questa fase \ue8 stata attuata dalla Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (con la direzione tecnica e supervisione scientifica del DICA, Universit\ue0 di Trieste) ed una spesa complessiva di circa 1.4 M\u20ac. La seconda fase consister\ue0 nella perforazione del secondo pozzo e nella realizzazione degli impianti di superficie (scambiatori di calore, condotte isolate e allacciamenti) e sar\ue0 attuata dal Comune di Grado. La tipologia di questo impianto di sfruttamento \ue8 nota come \u201cdoppietto geotermico\u201d ed \ue8 ampiamente utilizzata in diversi Paesi del mondo

    Roots of Etna volcano in faults of great earthquakes

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    International audienceResults from several seismic methods allow us to sketch the deep structure of Etna and its Ionian margin. Under Etna a volume of high velocity material is found in a structurally high position; the emplacement of this suggests spreading of the surrounding medium. Just offshore, down-to-the-east normal faults penetrate through the upper crust. The deeper crustal structure beneath appears upwarped from the basin towards Etna. Juxtaposed with the crust of Sicily, a thinner crust reaches from the Ionian Basin under Etna, and the mantle is upwarped. In such a structure, magma can then be viewed as a melted lens capping a mantle upwarp at shallow depth, rather than in an intracrustal chamber. This reduces the conflict between estimates of its volume from excess output of volatiles and short residence times. A link in time is indicated between volcanic and seismic activity at a large scale: over the millennium the reported ends of episodes of high output rates of magma are followed by the reported occurrences of magnitude 7 + earthquakes which caused destruction in southeastern Sicily. Several steep active normal fault have been imaged to a depth of 10 km the crust up to 30 km offshore of the cities of Catania and Augusta, which may be fault planes for such large earthquakes. They expand and prolongate the system of the Timpe faults on the eastern flank of Etna, thus linking large-scale tectonics offshore with the volcano. Etna developed together with normal faulting, upwarp, and spreading during the recent evolution of the former Ionian subduction. Activation of the material at depth at the lateral edge of the slab, by vertical motion with extension above, could produce the peculiar type of Etna magmatism

    Fore-arc Deformation in the Paola Basin Segment (Offshore Western Calabria) of the Tyrrhenian‐Ionian Subduction System

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    The 3D stratigraphic architecture and Late Neogene to Recent tectonic evolution of the Paola Basin (offshore western Calabria), a segment in the fore-arc of the Tyrrhenian‐Ionian subduction system, is reconstructed by using a grid of high-penetration reflection seismics. Oligocene to Messinian deposits are interpreted all along the profile. They tend to fossilize preexisting topography and reach the largest thicknesses between (fault controlled) basement highs. Plio‐ Quaternary deposits are found over the entire area and display variations in thickness and tectonic style. They are thicken up to 4.5 km in the depocenter of the basin, and decrease both in the east and west termination of the lines. The Paola Basin can be partitioned into two sectors with different tectonic deformation, separated by a NNW-SSE elongated area that coincides with the basin depocenter. Tectonic features associated with strike-slip restraining and releasing bends are widely spread over the western sector of the basin. Overall, they form an approximately NStrending and geomorphically prominent ridge separating the Paola Basin from the Marsili abyssal plain. A high-angle, NNE-trending, normal fault system develops on the south-west tip of the basin, where the faults offset the Messinian horizon of ca. 500 m. Data suggest that limited vertical slip occurs along reverse faults detected at the border and inside the sedimentary infilling of the Paola Basin, reaching thickness of more than 3.8s two way travel time. The reflection sequence pattern can be interpreted as a result of the infilling of the thrust-top basin related to a prograding system, located between a growth ramp-anticline to the west and a culmination of basement-thrust sheets to the East. We propose that the Paola Basin developed near the northern edge of the Ionian slab where tearing of the lithosphere is expected. Also, the strike-slip fault system is a kinematic consequence of obliquely convergent subduction settings, where interplate strain is partitioned into arc-parallel strike-slip zones within the fore-arc, arc or back-arc region