275 research outputs found

    Impact of wave whitecapping on land falling tropical cyclones

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    Predicting tropical cyclone structure and evolution remains challenging. Particularly, the surface wave interactions with the continental shelf and their impact on tropical cyclones have received very little attention. Through a series of state-of-the-art high-resolution, fully-coupled ocean-wave and atmosphere-ocean-wave experiments, we show here, for the first time, that in presence of continental shelf waves can cause substantial cooling of the sea surface. Through whitecapping there is a transfer of momentum from the surface which drives deeper vertical mixing. It is the waves and not just the wind which become the major driver of stratified coastal ocean ahead-of-cyclone cooling. In the fully-coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave model a negative feedback is found. The maximum wind speed is weaker and the damaging footprint area of hurricane-force winds is reduced by up to 50% due to the strong wave induced ocean cooling ahead. Including wave-ocean coupling is important to improve land falling tropical cyclone intensity predictions for the highly populated and vulnerable coasts

    Estimation of global coastal sea level extremes using neural networks

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    Accurately predicting total sea-level including tides and storm surges is key to protecting and managing our coastal environment. However, dynamically forecasting sea level extremes is computationally expensive. Here a novel alternative based on ensembles of artificial neural networks independently trained at over 600 tide gauges around the world, is used to predict the total sea-level based on tidal harmonics and atmospheric conditions at each site. The results show globally-consistent high skill of the neural networks (NNs) to capture the sea variability at gauges around the globe. While the main atmosphere-driven dynamics can be captured with multivariate linear regressions, atmospheric-driven intensification, tide-surge and tide-tide non-linearities in complex coastal environments are only predicted with the NNs. In addition, the non-linear NN approach provides a simple and consistent framework to assess the uncertainty through a probabilistic forecast. These new and cheap methods are relatively easy to setup and could be a valuable tool combined with more expensive dynamical model in order to improve local resilience

    Synthèse totale de l'isofugomycine, la (S)-désoxyfugomycine et du (S)-fugomycine

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    Il existe un grand nombre de composés naturels très actifs biologiquement qui possèdent une partie 3-alkyl-2(5H)-furanone. Dans le but de préparer aisément quelques-uns de ces composés, des conditions douces de couplage ont été élaborées. Dans un premier temps, un protocole efficace et rapide pour effectuer un couplage croisé C(sp²)-C(sp) de Sonogashira à partir du 5-alkyl-3-bromo-2(5H)-furanone a été développé. Par la suite, son application a été présentée lors des synthèses de l'isofugomycine 1, de la (S)-désoxyfugomycine 19 et de la fugomycine 23. Dans le cadre d'une étude préliminaire sur la lithiation latérale, la première synthèse du diméthylfuranolate 32 a été réalisée. Celle-ci nous a amené à déterminer que la lithiation latérale n'est pas possible chez les furanolates. Dans le cadre d'une étude préliminaire sur la biomimétique des γ-pyrone, la synthèse du (E)-diol 36 a été réalisée. Celui-ci a été époxydé dans des conditions douces pour ensuite subir une oxydation où des traces de γ-pyrone ont été observées par RMN ¹H. Ainsi, des résultats prometteurs ont été obtenus et des études plus poussées sont à prévoir


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    ABSTRACT. We consider the three-dimensional Laplacian with a magnetic field created by an infinite rectilinear current bearing a constant current. The spectrum of the associated Hamiltonian is the positive half-axis as the range of an infinity of band functions all decreasing toward 0. We make a precise asymptotics of the band functions near the ground state energy and we exhibit a semi-classical behavior. We perturb the Hamiltonian by an electric potential. Helped by the analysis of the band functions, we show that for slow decaying potential an infinite number of negative eigenvalues are created whereas only finite number of eigenvalues appears for fast decaying potential. The criterion about finiteness depends essentially on the decay rate of the potential with respect to the distance to the wire

    Publisher correction: Impact of wave whitecapping on land falling tropical cyclones

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-19012-3, published online 12 January 2018. This Article contains errors in References 8, 9, 10, 17 and 48, which were incorrectly given

    Masks will Fall Off -- Higher-Order Optimal Distinguishers

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    Higher-order side-channel attacks are able to break the security of cryptographic implementations even if they are protected with masking countermeasures. In this paper, we derive the best possible distinguishers (High-Order Optimal Distinguishers or HOOD) against masking schemes under the assumption that the attacker can profile. Our exact derivation admits simple approximate expressions for high and low noise and shows to which extent the optimal distinguishers reduce to known attacks in the case where no profiling is possible. From these results, we can explain theoretically the empirical outcome of recent works on second-order distinguishers. In addition, we extend our analysis to any order and to the application to masked tables precomputation. Our results give some insight on which distinguishers have to be considered in the security analysis of cryptographic devices

    Multi-Variate High-Order Attacks of Shuffled Tables Recomputation

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    Masking schemes based on tables recomputation are classical countermeasures against high-order side-channel attacks. Still, they are known to be attackable at order dd in the case the masking involves dd shares. In this work, we mathematically show that an attack of order strictly greater than dd can be more successful than an attack at order dd. To do so, we leverage the idea presented by Tunstall, Whitnall and Oswald at FSE 2013: we exhibit attacks which exploit the multiple leakages linked to one mask during the recomputation of tables. Specifically, regarding first-order table recomputation, improved by a shuffled execution, we show that there is a window of opportunity, in terms of noise variance, where a novel highly multivariate third-order attack is more efficient than a classical bivariate second-order attack. Moreover, we show on the example of the high-order secure table computation presented by Coron at EUROCRYPT 2014 that the window of opportunity enlarges linearly with the security order dd

    Biomimetic bluff body drag reduction by self-adaptive porous flaps

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    The performances of an original passive control system based on a biomimetic approach are assessed by investigating the flow over a bluff-body. This control device consists in a couple of flaps made from the combination of a rigid plastic skeleton coated with a porous fabric mimicking the shaft and the vane of the bird's feathers, respectively. The sides of a square cylinder have been fitted with this system so as to enable the flaps to freely rotate around their leading edge. This feature allows the movable flaps to self-adapt to the flow conditions. Comparing both the uncontrolled and the controlled flow, a significant drag reduction (up to 22%) has been obtained over a broad range of Reynolds number. The investigation of the mean flow reveals a noticeable modification of the flow topology at large scale in the vicinity of the controlled cylinder accounting for the increase of the pressure base in comparison with the natural flow. Meanwhile, the study of the relative motion of both flaps points out that their dynamics is sensitive to the Reynolds number. Furthermore, the comparative study of the flow dynamics at large scale suggest a lock-in coupling of the flap motion and the vortex shedding.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Comptes-Rendus de l' Acad\'emie des Sciences (M\'ecanique

    Boosting Higher-Order Correlation Attacks by Dimensionality Reduction

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    Multi-variate side-channel attacks allow to break higher-order masking protections by combining several leakage samples. But how to optimally extract all the information contained in all possible dd-tuples of points? In this article, we introduce preprocessing tools that answer this question. We first show that maximizing the higher-order CPA coefficient is equivalent to finding the maximum of the covariance. We apply this equivalence to the problem of trace dimensionality reduction by linear combination of its samples. Then we establish the link between this problem and the Principal Component Analysis. In a second step we present the optimal solution for the problem of maximizing the covariance. We also theoretically and empirically compare these methods. We finally apply them on real measurements, publicly available under the DPA Contest v4, to evaluate how the proposed techniques improve the second-order CPA (2O-CPA)