1,420 research outputs found

    The political economy of competing regional images: the case of Tuscany's brands

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    This essay is based on empirical evidence from the case of Tuscany (Italy) and follows previous work on the role and meaning of image in regional development and innovation policies (Bellini, 2004). Discussions about image and branding policies is usually placed in the framework of "place marketing" and marketing literature helps in defining the features, components and main characters of image and of its relationship with local identity. We suggest, however, that managing images is also a political process with significant impact in supporting and shaping the scenario (perceptions and expectations) for innovation policies. In fact this process implies a competition between images in order to "control" the representation of the past, present and future of an area. This competition aims at influencing the policy agenda by manipulating the gap between image and identity. In other words, we suggest that image-related policies should be considered part of the toolbox of a modern innovation policy.

    Learning about innovation in Europe’s regional policy

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    In the good old times scholars and practitioners arguing in favor of a regional dimension of innovation policies felt like being the avant-garde of new, forward-looking thinking against the old-fashioned conventional wisdom, according to which “grand” industrial policy inherently required the full strength of the Nation State or – for some – the new European “super-State”. The former looked for answers from a new territorial and systemic perspective, paying particular attention to SMEs and endogenous capacities rather than searching from exogenous help by, for example, luring inward investment, typically branch plants from multinational companies, through fiscal incentives . At the same time, the emphasis on innovation implied a departure from traditional regional policies, focused on the transfer of resources from “rich” to “poor” areas and on providing basic infrastructures to disadvantaged regions in the name of cohesion objectives.

    Peripherality and proximity. Do business support services matter?

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    This essay is based on empirical evidence from the case of Tuscany (Italy) and follows previous work on the role and meaning of image in regional development and innovation policies (Bellini, 2004). Discussions about image and branding policies is usually placed in the framework of "place marketing" and marketing literature helps in defining the features, components and main characters of image and of its relationship with local identity. We suggest, however, that managing images is also a political process with significant impact in supporting and shaping the scenario (perceptions and expectations) for innovation policies. In fact this process implies a competition between images in order to "control" the representation of the past, present and future of an area. This competition aims at influencing the policy agenda by manipulating the gap between image and identity. In other words, we suggest that image-related policies should be considered part of the toolbox of a modern innovation policy.

    Introduction to RDAs Special Issue

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    Generating Discorrelated States for Quantum Information Protocols by Coherent Multimode Photon Addition

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    AbstractIt is demonstrated that the recently developed technique of delocalized single photon addition may generate discorrelation, a new joint statistical property of multimode quantum light states, whereby the number of photons in each mode can take any value individually, but two modes together never exhibit the same. By coherently adding a single photon to two identical coherent states of light in different temporal modes, the first experimental observation of discorrelation is provided. The capability of manipulating this statistical property has applications in scenarios involving the secure distribution of information among untrusted parties, like in the so‐called "mental poker" games

    Lean body weight-tailored Iodinated contrast Injection in obese patient. boer versus James Formula

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    Purpose. To prospectively compare the performance of James and Boer formula in contrast media (CM) administration, in terms of image quality and parenchymal enhancement in obese patients undergoing CT of the abdomen. Materials and Methods. Fifty-five patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 kg/m2were prospectively included in the study. All patients underwent 64-row CT examination and were randomly divided in two groups: 26 patients in Group A and 29 patients in Group B. The amount of injected CM was computed according to the patient's lean body weight (LBW), estimated using either Boer formula (Group A) or James formula (Group B). Patient's characteristics, CM volume, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of liver, aorta and portal vein, and liver contrast enhancement index (CEI) were compared between the two groups. For subjective image analysis readers were asked to rate the enhancement of liver, kidneys, and pancreas based on a 5-point Likert scale. Results. Liver CNR, aortic CNR, and portal vein CNR showed no significant difference between Group A and Group B (all P ≄ 0.177). Group A provided significantly higher CEI compared to Group B (P = 0.007). Group A and Group B returned comparable overall subjective enhancement values (3.54 and vs 3.20, all P ≄ 0.199). Conclusions. Boer formula should be the method of choice for LBW estimation in obese patients, leading to an accurate CM amount calculation and an optimal liver contrast enhancement in CT
