13,472 research outputs found

    Combining human and computer interpretation capabilities to analyze ERTS imagery

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    The human photointerpreter and the computer have complementary capabilities that are exploited in a computer-based data analysis system developed at the Forestry Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of California. This system is designed to optimize the process of extracting resource information from ERTS images. The human has the ability to quickly delineate gross differences in land classes, such as wildland, urban, and agriculture on appropriate ERTS images, and to further break these gross classes into meaningful subclasses. The computer, however, can more efficiently analyze point-by-point spectral information and localized textural information which can result in a much more detailed agricultural or wildland classification based on species composition and/or plant association. These human and computer capabilities have been integrated through the use of an inexpensive small scale computer dedicated to the interactive preprocessing of the human inputs and the display of raw ERTS images and computer classified images. The small computer is linked to a large scale computer system wherein the bulk of the statistical work and the automatic point-by-point classification is done

    Mapping of the wildland fuel characteristics of the Santa Monica mountains of Southern California

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    LANDSAT digital data was successfully used to map and evaluate the wildland fuels of the Santa Monica Mountains in Southern California. A mixed classification scheme was used where training areas of known vegetation types were entered and the maximum likelihood classifier run, followed by an evaluation of the results and an unsupervised retraining of the classifier using an image of the probability of misclassification. Estimation of maturity class and crown closure percents of the major cover types were assigned to each computer class by associating the photointerpretation of 159 large scale photo samples with the resultant computer classes using analysis of variance and analysis of categorized data. The result of the computer classification and statistical analysis were then transformed from the LANDSAT Coordinate California State Plane Coordinate system for use in a digital format in the FIRESCOPE data retrieval and fire modeling system

    Stellar wind-magnetosphere interaction at exoplanets: computations of auroral radio powers

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    We present calculations of the auroral radio powers expected from exoplanets with magnetospheres driven by an Earth-like magnetospheric interaction with the solar wind. Specifically, we compute the twin cell-vortical ionospheric flows, currents, and resulting radio powers resulting from a Dungey cycle process driven by dayside and nightside magnetic reconnection, as a function of planetary orbital distance and magnetic field strength. We include saturation of the magnetospheric convection, as observed at the terrestrial magnetosphere, and we present power law approximations for the convection potentials, radio powers and spectral flux densities. We specifically consider a solar-age system and a young (1 Gyr) system. We show that the radio power increases with magnetic field strength for magnetospheres with saturated convection potential, and broadly decreases with increasing orbital distance. We show that the magnetospheric convection at hot Jupiters will be saturated, and thus unable to dissipate the full available incident Poynting flux, such that the magnetic Radiometric Bode's Law (RBL) presents a substantial overestimation of the radio powers for hot Jupiters. Our radio powers for hot Jupiters are ∼\sim5-1300 TW for hot Jupiters with field strengths of 0.1-10 BJB_J orbiting a Sun-like star, while we find that competing effects yield essentially identical powers for hot Jupiters orbiting a young Sun-like star. However, in particular for planets with weaker magnetic fields our powers are higher at larger orbital distances than given by the RBL, and there are many configurations of planet that are expected to be detectable using SKA.Comment: Accepted for publication in Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    A program for calculating optimum dimensions of alpha radioisotope capsules exposed to varying stress and temperature

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    Method and computer program for calculating creep and optimizing dimensions of capsules filled with alpha-emitting radioisotopes and exposed to varying stress and temperatur

    Plant microfossil record of the terminal Cretaceous event in the western United States and Canada

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    Plant microfossils, principally pollen grains and spores produced by land plants, provide an excellent record of the terminal Cretaceous event in nonmarine environments. The record indicates regional devastation of the latest Cretaceous vegetation with the extinction of many groups, followed by a recolonization of the earliest Tertiary land surface, and development of a permanently changed land flora. The regional variations in depositional environments, plant communities, and paleoclimates provide insight into the nature and effects of the event, which were short-lived but profound. The plant microfossil data support the hypothesis that an abruptly initiated, major ecological crisis occurred at the end of the Cretaceous. Disruption of the Late Cretaceous flora ultimately contributred to the rise of modern vegetation. The plant microfossils together with geochemical and mineralogical data are consistent with an extraterrestrial impact having been the cause of the terminal Cretaceous event

    Estimates of Optimal Operating Conditions for Hydrogen-Oxygen Cesium-Seeded Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generator

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    The value of percent seed, oxygen to fuel ratio, combustion pressure, Mach number, and magnetic field strength which maximize either the electrical conductivity or power density at the entrance of an MHD power generator was obtained. The working fluid is the combustion product of H2 and O2 seeded with CsOH. The ideal theoretical segmented Faraday generator along with an empirical form found from correlating the data of many experimenters working with generators of different sizes, electrode configurations, and working fluids, are investigated. The conductivity and power densities optimize at a seed fraction of 3.5 mole percent and an oxygen to hydrogen weight ratio of 7.5. The optimum values of combustion pressure and Mach number depend on the operating magnetic field strength

    Closed cycle MHD power generation experiments in the NASA Lewis Facility

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    Many modifications were made in the MHD facility. These include a redesign of the MHD duct interior, addition of mixing bars, increased electrical isolation of all the high temperature components from each other and from ground, and experimentation with various cesium seed vaporization and injection techniques. With the exception of the cesium system which needs further improvement the above modifications were quite successful and resulted in improvements in generator performance. The facility was run for a total of 400 hours in the past year, with 70 hours of this operation at temperatures of 2000 K or more with hot generator walls. With the exception of replacing one cracked brick in the MHD channel no repairs were required in the high temperature loop components for the duration of these tests. Uniform Faraday and Hall voltage profiles were obtained and the Faraday open circuit voltage varied from 90 to 100 percent of the ideal uBh. The magnitudes of the measured parameters are: Faraday open circuit voltage approximately 70 V, total Faraday current approximately 20 A, Hall voltage approximately 250 V, power output approximately 300 W, and power density .036 W/cu cm

    The DSI small satellite launcher

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    A new launcher has been developed by DSI, that is compatible with the GAS canisters. It has the proven capability to deploy a satellite from an orbiting Shuttle that is 18 inches in diameter, 31 inches long, and weighing 190 pounds. These DSI Launchers were used aboard the Discovery (STS-39) in May 1991 as part of the Infrared Background Signature Survey (IBSS) to deploy three small satellites known as Chemical Release Observation (CRO) satellites A, B, and C. Because the satellites contained hazardous liquids (MMH, UDMH, and MON-10) and were launched from GAS Cylinders without motorized doors, the launchers were required to pass NASA Shuttle Payload safety and verification requirements. Some of the more interesting components of the design were the V-band retention and separation mechanism, the separation springs, and the launcher electronics which provided a properly inhibited release sequence operated through the Small Payload Accommodations Switch Panel (SPASP) on board the Orbiter. The original plan for this launcher was to use a motorized door. The launcher electronics, therefore has the capability to be modified to accommodate the door, if desired

    A timer inventory based upon manual and automated analysis of ERTS-1 and supporting aircraft data using multistage probability sampling

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    A quasi-operational study demonstrating that a timber inventory based on manual and automated analysis of ERTS-1, supporting aircraft data and ground data was made using multistage sampling techniques. The inventory proved to be a timely, cost effective alternative to conventional timber inventory techniques. The timber volume on the Quincy Ranger District of the Plumas National Forest was estimated to be 2.44 billion board feet with a sampling error of 8.2 percent. Costs per acre for the inventory procedure at 1.1 cent/acre compared favorably with the costs of a conventional inventory at 25 cents/acre. A point-by-point comparison of CALSCAN-classified ERTS data with human-interpreted low altitude photo plots indicated no significant differences in the overall classification accuracies
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