37 research outputs found

    Changes in nutritive quality of osmodehydrated pork meat in sugar beet molasses

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    The aim of this study was to examine effects of sugar beet molasses as hypertonic solution during osmotic dehydration on nutritional properties of pork meat. Samples of pork meat were dehydrated in sugar beet molasses as an osmotic agent during 5 hours, at room temperature of 22°C and atmospheric pressure. This paper presents basic chemical composition and mineral contents of fresh meat, as compared to meat osmotically treated in sugar beet molasses. It was detected that dehydrated product shows enhanced chemical composition and considerable increased mineral content, thus confirming the usefulness of molasses from a nutritive point of view. The enrichment of the meat in protein, fat, sucrose, sodium chloride and analyzed minerals (K. Na. Mg, Fe and Ca) proves their diffusion from molasses into the raw material during process

    Effects of osmotic dehydration on improving sustainability, nutritive and antioxidative properties of celery leaves and root (Apium graveolens)

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    U ovom radu proučavana je osmotska dehidratacija korena i lista celera u dva različita osmotska rastvora: vodenom rastvoru saharoze i natrijum hlorida i melasi šećerne repe. Ispitivan je uticaj temperature procesa (20°C, 35°C i 50°C) i vremena imerzije (1, 3 i 5h) na gubitak vode, priraštaj suve materije, sadržaj suve materije, vrednosti aktivnosti vode, promenu antioksidativne aktivnosti, promenu boje i promenu mineralnog sastava (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) tokom osmotske dehidratacije korena i lista celera. Dokazano je da se povećanjem temperature i produženjem vremena trajanja procesa pospešuje prenos mase tj. migracija molekula vode iz tretiranog biljnog materijala u okolni rastvor, i prodiranje molekula rastvorene supstance iz osmotskog rastvora u tretirano biljno tkivo. Snižene aw vrednosti u svim ispitivanim uzorcima ukazuju na pozitivan uticaj osmotske dehidratacije na mikrobiološku stabilnost tretiranog korena i lista celera, što je potvrdila i mikrobiološka analiza. Nasuprot rastvoru saharoze i natrijum hlorida koji je uticao na opadanje ukupne antioksidativnosti osmotski dehidriranih uzoraka, melasa šećerne repe, kao bogat izvor prirodnih antioksidanasa, doprinosi povećanju antioksidativnosti i poboljšanju funkcionalnog kvaliteta dehidriranog produkta. Usled transfera bojenih materija (melanoidina) iz melase, dolazi do tamnjenja tretiranih uzoraka. Bojene materije iz melase, zbog svojih antioksidativnih svojstava takođe doprinose poboljšanju antioksidativnosti krajnjeg produkta. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali značajno poboljšanje mineralnog sastava korena i lista celera, dehidriranih u melasi šećerne repe, dok je kod uzoraka tretiranih u rastvoru saharoze i natrijumhlorida uočeno smanjenje sadržaja ispitivanih mineralnih materija. Statističkom obradom rezultata, uočeno je da su optimalni procesni parametri u pogledu efikasnosti procesa, kao i mikrobiološkog, nutritivnog, senzornog i funkcionalnog kvaliteta osmotski dehidriranog korena i lista celera, vreme trajanja procesa od 5h, na temperaturi od 50°C, u melasi šećerne repe kao osmotskom rastvoru.In this thesis, the osmotic dehydration of celery leaves and root in two different osmotic solutions (sucrose and sodium chloride dissolved in water and sugar beet molasses), was investigated. The effect of process temperature (20°C, 35°C i 50°C) and immersion time (1, 3 and 5h) on water loss, solid gain, dry matter content, value of water activity, change of antioxidant activity, change of color parameters and change of mineral composition (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) was investigated. It was found that increasing of process temperature and immersion time enhance mass transfer, intesifying migration of water molecules from the treated plant material into the surrounding solution and penetration of dissolved substances molecules from the osmotic solution into the treated plant tissue. Reduced aw values in all examined samples indicate a positive effect of osmotic dehydration on the microbiological stability of the treated celery leaves and root, which was also confirmed by the microbiological analysis. Contrary to the solution of sucrose and sodium chloride, which was contributed to the decrease in total antioxidantivity of osmotically dehydrated samples, sugar beet molasses, as a rich source of natural antioxidants, contributed to an increase in antioxidant activity and an improvement in the functional quality of the dehydrated products. Due to the transfer of colored substances (melanoidins) from the molasses, the color of treated samples was darker. The colored substances from molasses, due to their antioxidant properties, also contribute to the enhancement of the antioxidativity of the final product. The results showed a significant improvement of the mineral content of celery leaves and root dehydrated in sugar beet molasses, while the samples treated in sucrose and sodium chloride solution show reduction of the examined mineral matters. Statistical analysis revealed that optimal process parameters in terms of process efficiency, as well as the microbiological, nutritive, sensory and functional quality of the osmotically dehydrated celery leaves and root were: the process time of 5 hours, at a temperature of 50°C, in sugar beet molasses as an osmotic solution

    Effects of osmotic dehydration on improving sustainability, nutritive and antioxidative properties of celery leaves and root (Apium graveolens)

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    U ovom radu proučavana je osmotska dehidratacija korena i lista celera u dva različita osmotska rastvora: vodenom rastvoru saharoze i natrijum hlorida i melasi šećerne repe. Ispitivan je uticaj temperature procesa (20°C, 35°C i 50°C) i vremena imerzije (1, 3 i 5h) na gubitak vode, priraštaj suve materije, sadržaj suve materije, vrednosti aktivnosti vode, promenu antioksidativne aktivnosti, promenu boje i promenu mineralnog sastava (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) tokom osmotske dehidratacije korena i lista celera. Dokazano je da se povećanjem temperature i produženjem vremena trajanja procesa pospešuje prenos mase tj. migracija molekula vode iz tretiranog biljnog materijala u okolni rastvor, i prodiranje molekula rastvorene supstance iz osmotskog rastvora u tretirano biljno tkivo. Snižene aw vrednosti u svim ispitivanim uzorcima ukazuju na pozitivan uticaj osmotske dehidratacije na mikrobiološku stabilnost tretiranog korena i lista celera, što je potvrdila i mikrobiološka analiza. Nasuprot rastvoru saharoze i natrijum hlorida koji je uticao na opadanje ukupne antioksidativnosti osmotski dehidriranih uzoraka, melasa šećerne repe, kao bogat izvor prirodnih antioksidanasa, doprinosi povećanju antioksidativnosti i poboljšanju funkcionalnog kvaliteta dehidriranog produkta. Usled transfera bojenih materija (melanoidina) iz melase, dolazi do tamnjenja tretiranih uzoraka. Bojene materije iz melase, zbog svojih antioksidativnih svojstava takođe doprinose poboljšanju antioksidativnosti krajnjeg produkta. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali značajno poboljšanje mineralnog sastava korena i lista celera, dehidriranih u melasi šećerne repe, dok je kod uzoraka tretiranih u rastvoru saharoze i natrijumhlorida uočeno smanjenje sadržaja ispitivanih mineralnih materija. Statističkom obradom rezultata, uočeno je da su optimalni procesni parametri u pogledu efikasnosti procesa, kao i mikrobiološkog, nutritivnog, senzornog i funkcionalnog kvaliteta osmotski dehidriranog korena i lista celera, vreme trajanja procesa od 5h, na temperaturi od 50°C, u melasi šećerne repe kao osmotskom rastvoru.In this thesis, the osmotic dehydration of celery leaves and root in two different osmotic solutions (sucrose and sodium chloride dissolved in water and sugar beet molasses), was investigated. The effect of process temperature (20°C, 35°C i 50°C) and immersion time (1, 3 and 5h) on water loss, solid gain, dry matter content, value of water activity, change of antioxidant activity, change of color parameters and change of mineral composition (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) was investigated. It was found that increasing of process temperature and immersion time enhance mass transfer, intesifying migration of water molecules from the treated plant material into the surrounding solution and penetration of dissolved substances molecules from the osmotic solution into the treated plant tissue. Reduced aw values in all examined samples indicate a positive effect of osmotic dehydration on the microbiological stability of the treated celery leaves and root, which was also confirmed by the microbiological analysis. Contrary to the solution of sucrose and sodium chloride, which was contributed to the decrease in total antioxidantivity of osmotically dehydrated samples, sugar beet molasses, as a rich source of natural antioxidants, contributed to an increase in antioxidant activity and an improvement in the functional quality of the dehydrated products. Due to the transfer of colored substances (melanoidins) from the molasses, the color of treated samples was darker. The colored substances from molasses, due to their antioxidant properties, also contribute to the enhancement of the antioxidativity of the final product. The results showed a significant improvement of the mineral content of celery leaves and root dehydrated in sugar beet molasses, while the samples treated in sucrose and sodium chloride solution show reduction of the examined mineral matters. Statistical analysis revealed that optimal process parameters in terms of process efficiency, as well as the microbiological, nutritive, sensory and functional quality of the osmotically dehydrated celery leaves and root were: the process time of 5 hours, at a temperature of 50°C, in sugar beet molasses as an osmotic solution

    Modeling the Effects of Osmotic Dehydration Pretreatment Parameters and Lyophilization Kinetics on Mass Transfer and Selected Nutritive Parameters of Peaches

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    The effects of the osmodehydration pretreatment parameters on successive lyophilization mass transfer kinetics of the peaches, dehydrated in the combined dehydration process, were investigated and mathematically modelled. The obtained results showed the statistically significant effect of osmotic dehydration pretreatment and its parameters on the final dry matter content and water activity values of the dehydrated peaches. The maximum dry matter content and minimal water activity values of dehydrated peach samples were 84.60 % and 0.423, respectively, produced in osmodehydration pretreatment in molasses of 80 % concentration, at 50 °C, during a 5-hour process and subsequent 6-hour lyophilization. With the increase of all osmodehydration pretreatment parameters it is possible to reduce the duration of the lyophilization process, reducing the high energy demand of the dehydration method (lyophilization) and substituting it with low energy demanding dehydration method (osmodehydration) without compromising the quality of the final product, regarding the dry matter content and water activity values. Mathematical models describing the effect of the duration of the lyophilization on the dry matter content and water activity values of the fresh and dehydrated peaches were developed. They showed a good correlation between calculated and experimental values, allowing a good prediction of the investigated responses. In the combined method, protein, sugar, K and Fe content of the dehydrated peach samples were enriched and further enhanced in prolonged lyophilization stages

    Re-use of Osmotic Solution

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    In this paper the re-use of osmotic solution after osmotic treatment has been studied. A large amount of used osmotic solution remaining after the process is one of the major unsolved problems of osmotic treatment process. This problem has both ecological and economic aspects that should be concerned.Pork meat cubes were treated in three different osmotic solutions diluted with distilled water (R1 -sugar beet molasses, R2 – solution of salt and sucrose and R3 - combination of R1 and R2 solutions in a 1:1 mass ratio). Osmotic process has been observed during 5 hours, at temperature of 35oC and atmospheric pressure. Osmotic treatment has been performed simultaneously in concentrated solutions and diluted solutions (dilutions were obtained by mixing the solution and water in the mass ratio of 7:1 and 3:1). Parameters monitored during osmotic treatment were: dry mater content (DMC), water loss (WL), solid gain (SG) and osmotic dehydration efficiency index (DEI).Maximum values of these parameters were obtained in the dehydration with concentrated solutions, while recorded values in diluted solutions were much lower.The results show that the least effect on the osmotic process efficiency, when the osmotic concentration is lowered, has been observed for solution R3. This conclusion indicates that molasses is good osmotic solution with the possibility of re-using in successive processes of osmotic dehydration, with minimal treatment of reconstitution to original values of concentration

    Protok granulisanog materijala u statičkoj mešalici, DEM/CFD pristup

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    The mixing process greatly influence the quality of the intermediate and/or the final product, moreover, the parameters of the mixing process and the design of used equipment have a strong impact on mixing efficiency, the quality and the price of the product. In this article, Discrete Element Method is used for modeling of granular flow in multiple static mixer applications (Komax and Ross configurations were utilized). Computational Fluid Dynamic method was chosen for fluid flow modeling, using Eulerian multiphase model. Coupling of these two methods provides reliable, sufficiently correct and adequate results of proposed model compared to experimental measurements. The aim of this article is to predict the behavior of granules in different mixer configuration and to optimize parameters of the mixing process taking into account the duration of the mixing process and the quality of mixture, as well as the price of final product.Proces mešanja veoma utiče na kvalitet krajnjeg poluproizvoda i/ili krajnjeg proizvoda, a parametri procesa mešanja i dizajn opreme veoma utiču na efikasnost mešanja, kvalitet proizvoda i cenu proizvoda. U ovom radu, prikazana je upotreba metode diskretnih elemenata (engl. Discrete Element Method - DEM) na modelovanje mešanja granula u različitim konfiguracijama statičkih mešača (korišćene su različite Komax i Ross konfiguracije za mešanje). Za modelovanje protoka fluida primenjena je metoda računske dinamike fluida (engl. Computational Fluid Dynamic - CFD), korišćenjem Ojlerovog višefaznog modela. Povezivanjem rezultata ove dve metode dobija se pouzdan, dovoljno tačan i adekvatan model koji daje rezultate koji odgovaraju eksperimentalnim merenjima. Praćene su i analizirane trajektorije, brzine i ubrzanja čestica, u cilju procene kvaliteta procesa mešanja. Dobro poznati kriterijum za kvalitet mešanja, pod nazivom relativna standardna devijacija (RSD) je korišćen za ovu svrhu. Optimizacija dimenzija i parametara mešanja u statičkoj mešalici je izvedena korišćenjem matematičkog modeliranja. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se predvidi ponašanje granulamog materijala u različitim konfiguracijama mešalica i da optimizuje parametre procesa uzimajući u obzir trajanje procesa mešanja, kvalitet mešavine i cenu finalnog proizvoda mešanja. U istraživanju je primećeno da su Komax elementi primenljiviji, u poređenju sa Ross elementima, posebno kada je visina instalacije mala. Međutim, upotreba Ross je finansijski prihvatljivija, zbog njegove jednostavnije geometrije. Dodatna pregrada sa kvadratnim otvorima, koja se postavlja na izlazu iz statičke mešalice, koristi se da bi se umirilo kretanje granula na obodu cevi, kao i da smanji segregaciju granula

    Application of discrete element method for the transportat of seed in screw conveyor

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    Pužni transporteri imaju široku primenu u prehrambenoj industriji, građevinskim i rudarskim kompanijima, u hemijskoj, poljoprivrednoj i prerađivačkoj industriji, uglavnom za podizanje i / ili transport rasutih materijala na kratkim i srednjim rastojanjima. Uprkos njihovoj očiglednoj jednostavnosti, poboljšanje transportnih parametara je veoma zahtevan zadatak i inženjeri obično moraju da se oslanjaju na podatke dobijene empirijskim istraživanjima. U ovom radu, ispitivano je petnaest horizontalnih pužnih transportera sa konstantnim korakom pužnice, različite dužine, sa modifikovanom geometrijom. Ovi puževi su ispitivani radi mogućnosti pomoćnog mešanja tokom transporta materijala. Sva ispitivanja su rađena eksperimentalno i numerički, pomoću metode diskretnih elemenata (Discrete Element Method - DEM). Uticaji dužine puža, kao i predložene modifikacije geometrije u dizajnu pužne spirale, ipitivani su radi pomoćnog mešanja, tokom transporta granulisanog materijala kroz pužni transporter. Pomoćno mešanje (koje se koristi se za poboljšanje finalnog procesa mešanja) je postignuto tokom transporta materijala. Geometrija pužnog transportera se menja dodavanjem tri komplementarne spirale orijentisane u istom ili suprotnom smeru od pužne spirale. Čestice materijala se transportuju padaju dole sa vrha spirale do sledeće slobodne površine, i taj segment spirale je korišćen za dodatnu akciju mešanje. Prema eksperimentima i DEM analizema trajektorija čestice se povećava, sa primenjenim modifikacijama transportera, a ovakva geometrija može se koristiti za povećanje kvaliteta finalnog mešanja.Fifteen horizontal single-pitch screw conveyors with modified geometry and the different lengths were investigated for premixing action, during the transport of materials. All investigations were performed experimentally and numerically, by using Discrete Element Method (DEM). The influences of screw length, observed geometry variations and different types of screw design, on the performances of the screw conveyor-mixer during material transport were explored. The auxiliary mixing action was achieved during the transport of the material. The geometry of the screw conveyor is changed by adding three complementary helices oriented in the same or the opposite direction from screw blades. The particles of the material being transported tumble down from the top of the helix to the next free surface, and that segment of helix was used for additional mixing action. According to DEM analysis, particle path length is increased, and the improved geometry could be determined for increasing the quality of mixing

    Application of discrete element method for the transportat of seed in screw conveyor

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    Pužni transporteri imaju široku primenu u prehrambenoj industriji, građevinskim i rudarskim kompanijima, u hemijskoj, poljoprivrednoj i prerađivačkoj industriji, uglavnom za podizanje i / ili transport rasutih materijala na kratkim i srednjim rastojanjima. Uprkos njihovoj očiglednoj jednostavnosti, poboljšanje transportnih parametara je veoma zahtevan zadatak i inženjeri obično moraju da se oslanjaju na podatke dobijene empirijskim istraživanjima. U ovom radu, ispitivano je petnaest horizontalnih pužnih transportera sa konstantnim korakom pužnice, različite dužine, sa modifikovanom geometrijom. Ovi puževi su ispitivani radi mogućnosti pomoćnog mešanja tokom transporta materijala. Sva ispitivanja su rađena eksperimentalno i numerički, pomoću metode diskretnih elemenata (Discrete Element Method - DEM). Uticaji dužine puža, kao i predložene modifikacije geometrije u dizajnu pužne spirale, ipitivani su radi pomoćnog mešanja, tokom transporta granulisanog materijala kroz pužni transporter. Pomoćno mešanje (koje se koristi se za poboljšanje finalnog procesa mešanja) je postignuto tokom transporta materijala. Geometrija pužnog transportera se menja dodavanjem tri komplementarne spirale orijentisane u istom ili suprotnom smeru od pužne spirale. Čestice materijala se transportuju padaju dole sa vrha spirale do sledeće slobodne površine, i taj segment spirale je korišćen za dodatnu akciju mešanje. Prema eksperimentima i DEM analizema trajektorija čestice se povećava, sa primenjenim modifikacijama transportera, a ovakva geometrija može se koristiti za povećanje kvaliteta finalnog mešanja.Fifteen horizontal single-pitch screw conveyors with modified geometry and the different lengths were investigated for premixing action, during the transport of materials. All investigations were performed experimentally and numerically, by using Discrete Element Method (DEM). The influences of screw length, observed geometry variations and different types of screw design, on the performances of the screw conveyor-mixer during material transport were explored. The auxiliary mixing action was achieved during the transport of the material. The geometry of the screw conveyor is changed by adding three complementary helices oriented in the same or the opposite direction from screw blades. The particles of the material being transported tumble down from the top of the helix to the next free surface, and that segment of helix was used for additional mixing action. According to DEM analysis, particle path length is increased, and the improved geometry could be determined for increasing the quality of mixing