14 research outputs found

    The relationship between perception of quality and length of service on integrity among Penang civil servant

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    Malaysia in its effort to become a fully developed nation by 2020 has undertaken a monumental task in instilling noble values into its society including its civil sector. The integrity of the civil servants needs to be greatly improved in order to turn this vision into a reality. This project attempted to examine the level of awareness, knowledge and understanding on noble values particularly integrity among selected civil servants in selected State Government agencies in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. The respondents were selected based on a purposive sampling technique. The research used a quantitative approach where self-administered structured questions were distributed. Descriptive and inference analysis were carried out to meet the research objectives outlined. The research findings showed that there were civil servants groups who were unclear and uncertain about the meaning of integrity in public sector. Those with shorter length of services were found to be less knowledgeable on the rule and procedure which led to them being unsure about integrity. Length of service was found to be inversely related to the perception on the knowledge of integrity, corruption and quality of service delivery

    Perception of Civil Servants on the Knowledge of Integrity and Corruction Level in Three State Agencies in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Malaysia in its effort to become a fully developed nation by 2020 has undertaken a monumental task in instilling noble values into its society including its civil sector. The objective of this research was to examine the level of awareness, knowledge and understanding of integrity among selected civil servants of three State agencies in Terenganu, Malaysia, which basically served as the scope of the research. The respondents were selected based on a purposive sampling technique. The research used a quantitative approach where self-administered structured questions were distributed. Descriptive and inference analysis were carried out to meet the research objectives outlined. The research findings indicated that there were civil servants groups who were unclear and uncertain about the meaning of integrity in public sector. Those with shorter length of services were found to be less knowledgeable on the respective rule and procedure which led to them being unsure about integrity. The civil servants also believed that corruption level in Malaysia was still high. The research contended that length of service was inversely related to the perception on the knowledge of integrity, corruption and quality of service delivery.Keywords: Integrity; Civil Servants; Perception; Corruption; Public Sector; Public Service Résumé: Dans l'effort de devenir une nation pleinement développée d'ici à 2020, la Malaisie a entrepris une tâche monumentale pour inculquer des valeurs nobles dans la société, y compris dans le secteur civil. L'objectif de cette recherche était d'examiner le niveau de sensibilisation, de connaissances et de compréhension de l'intégrité des fonctionnaires sélectionnés des trois organismes d'État à Terenganu en Malaisie, qui a essentiellement servi à la portée de la recherche. Les répondants ont été sélectionnés sur la base d'une technique d'échantillonnage raisonnée. La recherche a utilisé une approche quantitative où des questions auto-administrées et structurées ont été distribuées. Des analyses descriptives et inférées ont été réalisées pour répondre aux objectifs énoncés de recherche. Les résultats de la recherche a indiqué qu'il y avait des groupes de fonctionnaires civils qui n'étaient pas claires sur le sens de l'intégrité dans le secteur public. Ceux avec une plus courte durée de services ont été trouvés d'être moins bien informés sur la règle respective et la procédure, ce qui les a donné un doute sur l'intégrité. Les fonctionnaires ont également estimé que le niveau de corruption en Malaisie était toujours élevé. La recherche a fait valoir que la durée de service était liée inversement à la perception de la connaissance de l'intégrité, de la corruption et de la qualité de prestation des services.Mots-clés: intégrité; fonctionnaires; perception; corruption; secteur privé; service publi

    Effects of Machiavellianism on Ingratiation in Organizational Settings

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    Abstract: Influential behaviour has generally been shaped by personality. In organizational research, Machiavellianism has commonly been defined as the need to develop and defend one’s power and success. It is the utilisation of power to incite other people to act or believe in conformity with one’s own principle and a personality disposition that involves manipulative and deceptive intent. Whereas, ingratiation is an influence tactic to obtain favour from somebody by purposeful efforts. It is depicted as subordinates’ improper efforts within an organisation to enhance their interpersonal allure in the eyes of their superior. In other words, the subordinates are attempting to obtain the superior's approval with the aim of attaining favourable perquisites such as promotions and raises. Thus, such influence tactic is more often than not, a reflection of a personality trait found in Machiavellianism. On this premise, this paper elucidates the relationship between Machiavellianism and ingratiatory behaviours of subordinates in organisations. Key words: Machiavellianism; Ingratiation; Employees; Influence; Management Résumé: Les comportements influents ont généralement été façonnés par la personnalité. Dans les recherches organisationnelles, le machiavélisme a souvent été défini comme la nécessité de développer et de défendre le pouvoir et succès de quelqu’un. L'utilisation du pouvoir peut inciter d'autres personnes à agir ou à croire en conformité avec son propre principe et une disposition de personnalité qui implique l'intention manipulatrice et trompeuse. Alors que, la complaisance est une tactique d’influence pour obtenir la faveur de quelqu'un par des efforts constructifs. Elles sont considérées comme des efforts incorrects des subordonnés au sein d'une organisation pour améliorer leur allure interpersonnelles aux yeux de leur supérieur. En d'autres termes, les subordonnés tentent d'obtenir l'approbation du supérieur dans le but d'atteindre les avantages indirects favorables telles que la promotion et l’augmentation de salaire. Ainsi, ce genre de tactique d’influence est souvent un reflet d'un trait de personnalité trouvé dans le machiavélisme. Sur ce prémisse, ce document met en lumière la relation entre le machiavélisme et les comportements de complaisance des subordonnés dans les organisations. Mots clés: Machiavélisme; Complaisance; Employés; Influence; Gestio

    Upward influence strategies: relationship with academics' career advancement

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    Often times, in academia world, academics report to superiors who are not from similar backgrounds and do not share the same standards, points of view or needs. Hence, to be effective, any particular academic staff must understand that upward power is partly based on the ability and willingness to use influence tactics. The aim of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the relationship between upward influence strategies and employees’ career success. All three dimensions of upward influence strategies i.e. soft, hard and rational tactics have different effects towards career progression due to the nature of the tactics. The paper argues that career advancement, assuming that all other factors are equal, is a very subjective matter which lies upon three main influencing factors of ingratiation, assertiveness and reasoning

    Ingratiation and the use of power in Malaysian secondary schools

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    It is presumed that an ingratiating subordinate would acquire more rewards from a leader. When the leader is receptive to influence, subordinates would attempt to impress him/her by presenting themselves to be competent. This holds true for any type of organizations. The objective of this paper is to analyze principals’ exertion of power in Malaysian secondary schools and teachers’ ingratiatory strategy. This paper argues that generally, principals’ leadership in schools can be considered as authoritarian and that therefore, teachers are prone to employing ingratiation tactic in order to obtain the principal’s approval and receive favorable outcomes

    Knowledge and perception of integrity among Penang civil servants

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    The integrity of the civil servants needs to be greatly improved in order to turn Malaysian Vision 2020 into a reality. This objective of this research was to determine the level of awareness, knowledge and understanding on noble values particularly integrity among selected civil servants in selected State Government agencies in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. The respondents were selected based on a purposive sampling technique. The research used a quantitative approach where self-administered structured questions were distributed. Descriptive and inference analysis were carried out to meet the research objectives outlined. The research findings showed that there were civil servants groups who were unclear and uncertain about the meaning of integrity in public sector. Those with shorter length of services were found to be less knowledgeable on the rule and procedure which led to them being unsure about integrity. Length of service was found to be inversely related to the perception on the knowledge of integrity, corruption and quality of service delivery. In this research, respondents might or might have not disclosed the actual truth when answering questions. Most heads of departments might have not wanted to disclose actual work realities of their offices. They, in particular, did not want to wash their dirty linen in public. For that reason, future research may improve on such limitation

    The perception of integrity of three public agencies in Kuala Terengganu

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    Malaysia in its effort to become a fully developed nation by 2020 has undertaken a monumental task in instilling noble values into its society including its civil sector. The integrity of the civil servants needs to be greatly improved in order to turn this vision into a reality. This project attempted to examine the level of awareness, knowledge and understanding on noble values particularly integrity among selected civil servants in selected State Government agencies in Terenganu, Malaysia. The respondents were selected based on a purposive sampling technique. The research used a quantitative approach where self-administered structured questions were distributed. Descriptive and inference analysis were carried out to meet the research objectives outlined. The research findings showed that there were civil servants groups who were unclear and uncertain about the meaning of integrity in public sector. Those with shorter length of services were found to be less knowledgeable on the rule and procedure which led to them being unsure about integrity. Length of service was found to be inversely related to the perception on the knowledge of integrity, corruption and quality of service delivery. For that reason, future research should identify the causes that will lead to enhancement of perception of integrity

    Motivation Model for Employee Retention: Applicability to HRM Practices in Malaysian SME Sector

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    In the Vision 2020, Malaysian government aims at achieving a developed nation status by the year 2020. To realize the vision, the country needed the support and motivation from all Malaysians. Hence, human resource management (HRM) plays an important role for the said vision since it is a significant capital in the operation of an organization. For Malaysian entrepreneurial firms, it is crucial to retain their employees in order to achieve their ultimate goal i.e. maximizing profits. Such small, growthoriented firms are considered vulnerable to lose even one key employee because it may aggravate extensive consequences and, at the extreme, may imperil exertions to attain organizational objectives. Employee retention becomes a vital human capital objective for entrepreneurial companies which are seeking to grow and capture market share. Motivation is essential in leading the employees towards achieving organizational goals besides fostering the organizational commitment. Such organizational attachment and motivation has implications for whether an employee will opt for remaining with the organization or not. With HRM, the human resource (HR) model would regard humans as being inspired by an intricate collection of interconnected aspects, such as recognition, interpersonal relation, and desire for meaningful work. HR managers must endeavour to redesign the job to be more varied and decentralized in order to encourage sovereignty among employees. Therefore, motivation model is relevant to be employed in HRM practices for employee retention. This paper is primarily based on literature review. Extensive literature study is used to identify relevant information and references. This paper intends to elucidate one particular issue with regards to Malaysian SMEs which is employee retention and in more specifically, this study will aim to produce a model for employee retention conjoining it with organizational strategies, organizational culture and benefits factors. To attain this aim, the two-factor, or motivation-hygiene theory (Herzberg, 1968) was taken as the basic foundation.Key words: Motivation-hygiene; Vital human capital; Sovereignity; JEL Codes: C11, J1