3,379 research outputs found

    A Decade of Changes for Virginia Freshwater Aquaculture (1993-2003)

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    Aquaculture surveys were designed and initiated along with the writing of the State Aquaculture Plan during 1993 to 1995. The first Virginia Aquaculture Survey, conducted for the production year 1993, established the status of both freshwater and marine commercial industries. Subsequent surveys were conducted to trace industry developments relevant to production aspects and economic impacts. Survey data from Virginia Agricultural Statistics Service Reports for 1993, 1995, 1997, and 2003 summarize a decade of Virginia freshwater aquaculture information. Significant changes in sales among the principal aquaculture species occurred over the 10-year period. The 1993 freshwater aquaculture value of 2.8millionincreasedto2.8 million increased to 6.0 million in 2003; however, the increase was due to 4.2millionintilapiasales.Thus,thebalanceof4.2 million in tilapia sales. Thus, the balance of 1.8 million is actually a decrease by 1millionfor2003saleswhencomparedto1993.Lossesintroutsalesaccountforthe1 million for 2003 sales when compared to 1993. Losses in trout sales account for the 1 million decrease in 2003. Catfish and hybrid striped bass production and sales remained low and declined during the 10-year period

    The Social Production of Gentility and Capital in Early Modern England: The Newtons of Lincolnshire.

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    This thesis has two principal aims; first, to examine and illuminate the social production of gentility and capital which was experienced by the Newton family between the early part of the seventeenth century and c.1743. Secondly, to ask larger questions about the social production of identity and capital in this period. The approach to these aims has been to blend the conceptual paradigms offered by complexity, post-structuralism and social constructionism in a new way, applying that new interpretive scheme principally to the letter-books of the family between c.1660 and c.1743. Previous gentry and social mobility studies have been governed by philosophical and linguistic tenets which have been radically challenged in the last few decades by post-structuralism, social constructionism and complexity. This thesis begins with the proposition that English society was a complex social network in a wider complex adaptive system. At the micro-level all social individuals had certain inseparable imperatives which follow from the pre-conditions for socialised human beings to form a complex adaptive system, and were expressed as five imperatives. These imperatives, expressed in everyday iterated exchanges in a social network, articulated inert resources into capital in the form of real estate, currency and credit - physically, discursively and reflexively. Gentry identity was likewise a recursive social production, which articulated a neutral social individual into a gentleman, esquire, or baronet. The same repeated social processes produced a tenant, almsmen and women, rector, burgess and spouse. The gaps, dynamic chains of substitutions, and variation (which characterised the complex material space and the social network) made these productions broadly stable, but also contingent, contested and uncertain. Capital and identities were flows rather than things; they were economies, characterised as a flux of valencies in a state of unstable equilibrium. The economic and status mobility demonstrated by the Newton family in the period was made possible because capital and identity were these economies

    Valuing the scholarship of integration and the scholarship of application in the academy for health sciences scholars: recommended methods

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    In the landmark 1990 publication Scholarship Reconsidered, Boyer challenged the 'teaching verses research debates' by advocating for the scholarship of discovery, teaching, integration, and application. The scholarship of discovery considers publications and research as the yardstick in the merit, promotion and tenure system the world over. But this narrow view of scholarship does not fully support the obligations of universities to serve global societies and to improve health and health equity. Mechanisms to report the scholarship of teaching have been developed and adopted by some universities. In this article, we contribute to the less developed areas of scholarship, i.e. integration and application. We firstly situate the scholarship of discovery, teaching, integration and application within the interprofessional and knowledge exchange debates. Second, we propose a means for health science scholars to report the process and outcomes of the scholarship of integration and application with other disciplines, decision-makers and communities. We conclude with recommendations for structural and process change in faculty merit, tenure, and promotion systems so that health science scholars with varied academic portfolios are valued and many forms of academic scholarship are sustained. It is vital academic institutions remain relevant in an era when the production of knowledge is increasingly recognized as a social collaborative activity