664 research outputs found

    The Milky Way's stellar halo - lumpy or triaxial?

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    We present minimum chi-squared fits of power law and Hernquist density profiles to F-turnoff stars in eight 2.5 deg wide stripes of SDSS data: five in the North Galactic Cap and three in the South Galactic cap. Portions of the stellar Galactic halo that are known to contain large streams of tidal debris or other lumpy structure, or that may include significant contamination from the thick disk, are avoided. The data strongly favor a model that is not symmetric about the Galaxy's axis of rotation. If included as a free parameter, the best fit to the center of the spheroid is surprisingly approx 3 kpc from the Galactic center in the direction of the Sun's motion. The model fits favor a low value of the density of halo stars at the solar position. The alternative to a non-axisymmetric stellar distribution is that our fits are contaminated by previously unidentified lumpy substructure.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figs, to appear in proceedings of conference "Physics at the end of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectrum", Journal of Physics: Conf. series, eds. G. Thomson and P. Sokolsk

    The Recognition of Unusual Objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Color System

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    We present 5 filter photometry of 21 carbon stars, 15 asteroids, 15 cataclysmic variables, 6 metal-poor stars, 5 Cepheids, 1775 field stars, blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars and RR Lyrae stars in the globular clusters M 15 and M 2, two primary standards, and 19 secondary standards. The photometry was carried out using a filter set identical to that which will be used for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that carbon stars, CVs, R-type, J-type, and V-type asteroids, BHB stars, and RR Lyr stars should be identifiable on the basis of SDSS photometry alone, while Cepheids, metal-poor stars, and many types of asteroids are indistinguishable from the stellar locus of field stars.Comment: 44 pages, 13 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 110, November 1998. Uses AAS Latex style file, version 4.

    New Models for a Triaxial Milky Way Spheroid and Effect on the Microlensing Optical Depth to the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We obtain models for a triaxial Milky Way spheroid based on data by Newberg and Yanny. The best fits to the data occur for a spheroid center that is shifted by 3kpc from the Galactic Center. We investigate effects of the triaxiality on the microlensing optical depth to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The optical depth can be used to ascertain the number of Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs); a larger spheroid contribution would imply fewer Halo MACHOs. On the one hand, the triaxiality gives rise to more spheroid mass along the line of sight between us and the LMC and thus a larger optical depth. However, shifting the spheroid center leads to an effect that goes in the other direction: the best fit to the spheroid center is_away_ from the line of sight to the LMC. As a consequence, these two effects tend to cancel so that the change in optical depth due to the Newberg/Yanny triaxial halo is at most 50%. After subtracting the spheroid contribution in the four models we consider, the MACHO contribution (central value) to the mass of the Galactic Halo varies from \~(8-20)% if all excess lensing events observed by the MACHO collaboration are assumed to be due to MACHOs. Here the maximum is due to the original MACHO collaboration results and the minimum is consistent with 0% at the 1 sigma error level in the data.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor revisions. v3: expanded discussion of the local spheroid density and minor revisions to match version published in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP

    Detection of a population gradient in the Sagittarius Stream

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    We present a quantitative comparison between the Horizontal Branch morphology in the core of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr) and in a wide field sampling a portion of its tidal stream (Sgr Stream), located tens of kpc away from the center of the parent galaxy. We find that the Blue Horizontal Branch (BHB) stars in that part of the Stream are five times more abundant than in the Sgr core, relative to Red Clump stars. The difference in the ratio of BHB to RC stars between the two fields is significant at the 4.8 sigma level. This indicates that the old and metal-poor population of Sgr was preferentially stripped from the galaxy in past peri-Galactic passages with respect to the intermediate-age metal rich population that presently dominates the bound core of Sgr, probably due to a strong radial gradient that was settled within the galaxy before its disruption. The technique adopted in the present study allows to trace population gradients along the whole extension of the Stream.Comment: 4 pages, 3 .ps figures (fig. 1 at low resolution); Accepted for publication by A&A Letter

    Market Outlets Used by Ohio Farmers in Selling and Buying Livestock

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    Probing the Nanomechanical Behavior of Cells and Cell Nuclei

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a nanoscale characterization technique that at its most basic level employs a nanometer-scale probe tip to physically trace a surface, generating a topographical map of the sample. However AFM has many applications beyond topography, including nanomechanical property analysis via cantilevered nanoindentation. In this project, tipless AFM probes functionalized with a 10 µm diameter glass bead have been used to measure the elastic modulus of live multipotent stromal stem cell nuclei before and after vibration treatments and/or structural component knockouts. The goal of these nanoindentation measurements of nuclear stiffness is to gain a better understanding of how mesenchymal stem cells respond to mechanical (in addition to chemical) signals in their environment to guide differentiation into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, or other cell types

    Spectroscopy of Quasar Candidates from SDSS Commissioning Data

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has obtained images in five broad-band colors for several hundred square degrees. We present color-color diagrams for stellar objects, and demonstrate that quasars are easily distinguished from stars by their distinctive colors. Follow-up spectroscopy in less than ten nights of telescope time has yielded 22 new quasars, 9 of them at z>3.65z> 3.65, and one with z=4.75z = 4.75, the second highest-redshift quasar yet known. Roughly 80% of the high-redshift quasar candidates selected by color indeed turn out to be high-redshift quasars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies were Young (the Universe at 2<z<5)", 9th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Marylan
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