46 research outputs found

    Eşekle Gelen Aydınlık: Mustafa Güzelgöz Kitabı

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    Türkiye’de Kültür Politikası ve Kütüphane

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    Information Organization and Access in Museums: A Survey on Museums in Ankara

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    With the transition from an industrial society into information society, the indispensability of information for societies, and consequently the development of information technology has directly affected museum services including cultural knowledge and heritage. In the past, museums had traditional services, such as collecting, keeping and exhibiting objects. However, today a contemporary information-centered approach is followed in which the information conveyed via various objects are transferred to people through new methods and techniques. Regarded as information centres, museums have been rendered a signicant role in arranging information on the basis of understandable standard and sustainable/readable technology for the future. In this way, information conveyed by objects, and other supporting information resources can be maintained, transferred to the next generation, and thus an effective museum management can be achieved. This study aims to evaluate the applications and services that museums have developed to arrange the objects in their collections and make them accessible in accordance with information technologies. 40 state and private museums in Ankara have been included in the research. In the study, the descriptive method along with observation and interviewing have been used. The research indicates the following: the museums included in the study do not use an information system; the museum objects are not dened in accordance with international guidelines, principles, rules, standards, schemas and models; national and international visibility and interoperability on information access systems are not provided; the opportunity of access in terms of seeking, discovering, reading and sharing information is not given

    Linked Data Model in Libraries and Future of Bibliographic Records

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    The ongoing development of digital culture and Web technologies has directly influenced and changed the standards, principles, rules, approaches and implementations about information organization and access. Today, the needs and trends are increasing in terms of enhancing visibility of information resources in libraries on web, integrating library data to the web, enabling different information systems to exchange data with each other, and revealing relationships / connections between data. In particular, semantic web and linked data applications provide libraries with significant opportunities to manage bibliographic records better and ensure better access to information. In this context, libraries are re-shaping services of bibliographic descrription and working hard in order to adapt to new developments. In this study, the concepts of semantic web and linked data will be explained and the effects of these concepts on libraries and the applications of linked data in libraries will be mentioned

    Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Programı Öğrencilerinin Öğrenme Stratejileri

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    Today, the development of information and communication technologies has changed the learning styles of students; educational practices based on transferring information as it is are out of date. The views on students’ being active participants in the learning-to-learn process have made learning strategies one of the important issues in the field of education. It has gained importance to provide students with the skills of accessing information, using information and learning to learn. Therefore, student-centered educational activities should be carried out within the framework of innovative approaches in line with student learning strategies. This research was conducted to determine the use of learning strategies by medical documentation and secretarial program students and to determine whether the learning strategies they use differ according to some variables (gender, age, etc.) According to the findings obtained in the study, while medical documentation and secretarial students use comprehension monitoring strategies and interpretation strategies intensively, they use organization strategies, repetition strategies, and effective strategies less frequently. It was determined that some of the learning strategies used by the students differed according to age group, gender, whether they chose the program they studied voluntarily. It has been determined that there is no significant difference between the learning strategies used by the students of the medical documentation and secretarial program and the variables of the type of high school they graduated from and grade level.Günümüzde bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesi, öğrencilerin öğrenme biçimlerini değiştirmiş; bilginin olduğu gibi aktarılmasına dayalı eğitim uygulamaları güncelliğini yitirmiştir. Öğrencilerin öğrenmeyi öğrenme sürecinde aktif olarak yer almalarına ilişkin görüşler, öğrenme stratejilerini eğitim alanında önemli konulardan biri haline getirmiştir. Öğrencilere bilgiye erişme, bilgiyi kullanma ve öğrenmeyi öğrenme becerilerinin kazandırılması önem kazanmıştır. Bu nedenle, öğrenci merkezli eğitim etkinlikleri, öğrenci öğrenme stratejileri doğrultusunda ve yenilikçi yaklaşımlar çerçevesinde yürütülmelidir. Bu araştırma, tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik programı öğrencilerinin öğrenme stratejileri kullanımlarını belirlemek ve kullandıkları öğrenme stratejilerinin bazı değişkenlere (cinsiyet, yaş vb.) göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik öğrencileri, anlamayı izleme stratejilerini ve anlamlandırma stratejilerini yoğun olarak kullanırlarken, örgütleme stratejilerini, yineleme stratejilerini ve duyuşsal stratejileri daha az kullanmaktadırlar. Öğrencilerin kullandıkları bazı öğrenme stratejilerinin yaş grubu, cinsiyet ve eğitim gördükleri programı isteyerek seçip seçmeme durumlarına göre farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik programı öğrencilerinin kullandıkları öğrenme stratejileri ile mezun oldukları lise türü ve sınıf düzeyi değişkenleri arasında anlamlı bir farklılığın olmadığı tespit edilmiştir

    Yapay Zekâ ve Kütüphaneler

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    Innovations and changes in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) affect almost every sector, accelerate the fields and increase the quality of products and services. Especially the constantly developing software and web technologies provide the emergence of innovative ideas and inventions and open new horizons. Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of the technologies that has developed since the middle of the 20th century and is the focal point in today’s world, has a structure that can realize the dream of intelligent beings with thinking and reasoning functions, which human beings have dreamed of since the beginning of history. This technology, which is thought to bring about great transformations in almost every field, has the potential to fundamentally change libraries, which are information centers, in terms of both service understanding and institutional structure. In this study, AI implementations in the field of AI and libraries were examined based on the literature; the perceptions, awareness and expectations of university librarians about AI technology and implementations was tried to be determined. For this purpose, a questionnaire consisting of 18 questions was applied to all librarians (160 people) working in university libraries in Ankara, and the research data were obtained from 110 librarians who volunteered to participate in the study. These data were analyzed through SPSS program. In this study, where the descriptive method was used, it was found that the level of knowledge and skills of librarians about artificial intelligence technologies and applications was low; and it was determined that there are training needs to develop them. It is supposed that this study will provide opportunities by giving information about new technologies that can be used in libraries; raise awareness about AI and give ideas and contribute to librarians and administrators while planning the training to be held in libraries.Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinde (BİT) yaşanan yenilikler ve değişim, hemen her sektörüetkilemekte, çalışma alanlarına ivme kazandırmakta, ürün ve hizmetlerin kalitesini artırmaktadır.Özellikle sürekli gelişen yazılım ve web teknolojileri, yenilikçi fikirlerin ve icatların ortayaçıkmasını sağlamakta ve yeni ufuklar açmaktadır. 20. yüzyıl ortalarından itibaren gelişen vebugünün dünyasında odak noktası konumunda bulunan teknolojilerden birisi olan yapay zekâ,insanoğlunun tarihin başlangıcından beri hayalini kurduğu ve kendisi gibi düşünme ve akılyürütme işlevlerine sahip akıllı varlıklar düşünü gerçekleştirebilecek güçte bir yapıya sahiptir.Halihazırda büyük dönüşümlere kapı açan bu teknoloji, bilgi merkezlerinden olan kütüphaneleride gerek hizmet anlayışı gerekse kurum yapısı bağlamında temelden değiştirecek potansiyeldedir.Bu çalışmada, yapay zekâ alanı ve kütüphanelerde yapay zekâ uygulamaları literatüre dayalıolarak incelenmiş; üniversite kütüphanecilerinin yapay zekâ teknolojisi ve uygulamalarına ilişkinalgıları, farkındalıkları ve beklentileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Ankara’daki üniversitekütüphanelerinde görev yapan kütüphanecilerin tamamına (160 kişi) 18 soruluk bir anketuygulanmış, çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü 110 kütüphaneciden araştırma verileri elde edilmiştir.Bu veriler SPSS programı aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. İstatistiksel analiz yöntemlerindenbetimsel analiz yönteminin kullanıldığı araştırmada, kütüphanecilerin yapay zekâ teknolojilerive uygulamaları ile ilgili bilgi ve beceri düzeylerinin düşük olduğu; bunları geliştirmeye yönelikeğitim ihtiyaçlarının bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın kütüphanelerde kullanılabilecek yeniteknolojiler hakkında bilgi vererek fırsatlar sunacağı; yapay zekâyla ilgili farkındalık oluşturacağı;kütüphanelerde yapılacak eğitim planlanırken kütüphanecilere ve kütüphane yöneticilerine fikirvereceği ve katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir

    Providing research assistants with information literacy skills in the framework of information and communication technologies

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    The constant development in information and communication technologies has had a direct impact on the environment of knowledge acquisition and learning besides reshaping the structure of this environment. As a result, the resources, tools, applications and services used in this environment have changed and been presented digitally. While these developments provide easy access to information by individuals, they bring a complex structure which makes people be equipped with "information literacy skills" including searching, accessing, evaluating, using and presenting/conveying information by using digital technologies. Comprehensive, systematic, planned and permanent information literacy programs prepared by librarians enables people to have these skills.This study aims to determine perceptions of the research assistants at Ankara University about their levels of information literacy skills based on their own statements, identify their educational expectations and evaluate the effects of an information literacy program developed accordingly on their skills. The hypotheses of the study are defined as "information literacy skills level of the research assistants at Ankara University is low.", "information literacy skills levels of the the research assitants are positively effected by the information literacy program based on their needs." and "educational activities prepared by Ankara University Libraries do not meet educational requirements of the research assistants.".The universe of the study is 1028 research assistants working in 14 faculties at Ankara University. The descriptive and experimental method is used in this study.The hypotheses were confirmed at the end of the study

    A study on the educational needs of librarians working in cataloging departments of university libraries

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    Especially the technological innovations in today’s changing and developing environment directly influence the resources in the scope of cataloging and classification (the cataloging rules, classification systems, subject heading lists, electronic applications, etc.). This causes the librarians working in Cataloging Departments of University Libraries to face different practices while trying to move the cataloging and classification services to the new occasions and continuing them. Accordingly, supplying them with educational opportunities so as to develop and update their present knowledge and skills in the rules and systems are rather fundamental. In this study, the aims are focused on “determining the level, quality and scope of educational needs in the rapidly changing and varying cataloging and classification issues”. The hypothesis of the study was formulated as: ‘‘Only with high quality educational programs it is probable for the librarians to continue the cataloging and classification services which are developing and changing together with information and communication technologies.’’ In the study, which has a descriptive method, a literature survey has been accomplished and the data which have been constructed the core of the study have been gathered through questionnaire and interviewing techniques. The research was conducted on the librarians working in the cataloging departments of 11 university libraries in Ankara. In the study, the educational needs and educational preferences of 60 librarians working in cataloging departments of universities were acquired and then assessed; moreover 24 administrators were interviewed on this issue. The hypothesis was confirmed at the end of the study