20 research outputs found

    Optimizing Phonetic Encoding for Viennese Unit Selection Speech Synthesis

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    While developing lexical resources for a particular language variety (Viennese), we experimented with a set of 5 different phonetic encodings, termed phone sets, used for unit selection speech synthesis. We started with a very rich phone set based on phonological considerations and covering as much phonetic variability as possible, which was then reduced to smaller sets by applying transformation rules that map or merge phone symbols. The optimal trade-off was found measuring the phone error rates of automatically learnt grapheme-to-phone rules and by a perceptual evaluation of 27 representative synthesized sentences. Further, we describe a method to semi-automatically enlarge the lexical resources for the target language variety using a lexicon base for Standard Austrian German

    Resources for speech synthesis of Viennese varieties

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    This paper describes our work on developing corpora of three varieties of Viennese for unit selection speech synthesis. The synthetic voices for Viennese varieties, implemented with the open domain unit selection speech synthesis engine Multisyn of Festival will also be released within Festival. The paper especially focuses on two questions: how we selected the appropriate speakers and how we obtained the text sources needed for the recording of these non-standard varieties. Regarding the first one, it turned out that working with a 'prototypical' professional speaker was much more preferable than striving for authenticity. In addition, we give a brief outline about the differences between the Austrian standard and its dialectal varieties and how we solved certain technical problems that are related to these differences. In particular, the specific set of phones applicable to each variety had to be determined by applying various constraints. Since such a set does not serve any descriptive purposes but rather is influencing the quality of speech synthesis, a careful design of such a (in most cases reduced) set was an important task

    Modeling and interpolation of Austrian German and Viennese dialect in HMM-based speech synthesis

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    International audienceAn HMM-based speech synthesis framework is applied to both Standard Austrian German and a Viennese dialectal variety and several training strategies for multi-dialect modeling such as dialect clustering and dialect-adaptive training are investigated. For bridging the gap between processing on the level of HMMs and on the linguistic level, we add phonological transformations to the HMM interpolation and apply them to dialect interpolation. The crucial steps are to employ several formalized phonological rules between Austrian German and Viennese dialect as constraints for the HMM interpolation. We verify the effectiveness of this strategy in a number of perceptual evaluations. Since the HMM space used is not articulatory but acoustic space, there are some variations in evaluation results between the phonological rules. However, in general we obtained good evaluation results which show that listeners can perceive both continuous and categorical changes of dialect varieties by using phonological transformations employed as switching rules in the HMM interpolation

    Learning Duration

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    In this paper, we investigate the possibilities to enhance statistic modelling of segment duration for speech synthesis