311 research outputs found

    Secretion and composition of nectar and the structure of perigonal nectaries in Fritillaria meleagris L. (Liliaceae)

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    The structure of perigonal nectaries, nectar production and carbohydrate composition were compared at various stages in the lifespan of the flower of Fritillaria meleagris L. The six nectaries each occupied a groove that is located 2–4 mm above the tepal base. The average nectary measured 11.0 mm long and 1.0–1.2 mm wide. The structure of nectaries situated on both inner and outer tepal whorls was identical, and at anthesis they were equally accessible to potential pollinators. However, secretion from nectaries associated with inner tepals tended to exceed that produced by nectaries located on the outer tepals. On average, regardless of flower stage, one flower secreted 10.87 ± 12.98 mg of nectar (mean and SD; N = 182). The nectar concentration ranged between 3 and 75%, with average concentration of sugars exceeding 50%. Both nectar production and concentration were dependent on the stage of anthesis, with the highest scores being recorded during full anthesis (21.75 ± 16.08 mg; 70.5%, mass and concentration, respectively) and the lowest at the end of anthesis (1.32 ± 2.69 mg; 16.9%, mass and concentration, respectively). A decline in both mass of nectar secreted and nectar concentration during the final stage of anthesis indicates nectar resorption. Nectar was composed of sucrose, glucose and fructose in approx. equal quantities, and its composition did not change significantly during subsequent stages of flowering. The nectaries comprised a single-layered secretory epidermis and several layers of subepidermal parenchyma. The nectariferous cells did not accumulate starch during any of the investigated stages. The nectary was supplied with one large and several smaller vascular bundles comprising xylem and phloem. Transport of assimilates and nectar secretion by protoplasts of secretory cells (and probably also nectar resorption) were facilitated by cell wall ingrowths present on the tangential walls of epidermal cells and subepidermal parenchyma. Epidermal cells lacked stomata. Nectar passed across the cell wall and through the cuticle which was clearly perforated with pores

    Experimental Detection of Entanglement with Polarized Photons

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    We report on the first experimental realization of the entanglement witness for polarization entangled photons. It represents a recently discovered significant quantum information protocol which is based on few local measurements. The present demonstration has been applied to the so-called Werner states, a family of ''mixed'' quantum states that include both entangled and non entangled states. These states have been generated by a novel high brilliance source of entanglement which allows to continuously tune the degree of mixedness

    Local Positioning Services on IEEE 802.11 Networks

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    This paper deals with localization services in IEEE 802.11 networks, for indoor environment. The proposed solution processes the Time Of Arrival of location packets sent by a Mobile Terminal, that makes access in a IEEE 802.11 network. A set of Location Supporting Nodes and a Location Support Server composes an indoor location services architecture. A fully compatible IEEE 802.11 Localization Services protocol supporting data exchange related to both TOA measurement and processing is reported. Simulation results show the method efficiency in both IEEE 802.11 PCF and DCF modes. Assessment of the maximum number of users for which location services can be provided is also reported. Since high localization accuracy requires large bandwidth, a broadband antenna for LSN and LSS was designed. The related results are reported in the second part of the paper. The antenna works at 5.0 GHz (centre frequency) in broadband mode and is matched on the wireless operating frequencies with a percentage more than 8% (1:1.5 VSWR)

    Nectar sugars and bird visitation define a floral niche for basidiomycetous yeast on the Canary Islands

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    Studies on the diversity of yeasts in floral nectar were first carried out in the late 19th century. A narrow group of fermenting, osmophilous ascomycetes were regarded as exclusive specialists able to populate this unique and species poor environment. More recently, it became apparent that microorganisms might play an important role in the process of plant pollination. Despite the importance of these nectar dwelling yeasts, knowledge of the factors that drive their diversity and species composition is scarce

    To each their own! Nectar plasticity within a flower mediates distinct ecological interactions

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    Our results highlight the plasticity of nectar traits underlying the diversity of nectaries within a plant, which mediates distinct ecological interactions. Nuptial nectaries are exclusively visited by bees and extranuptial nectaries by ants, cockroaches, wasps and flies. Nectar from these nectaries differ in energy amount, nutritional value and neuroactive specialized metabolites. The specificity of visitors' taxa between distinct nectaries may be due to plant-driven differences in nectar chemical composition. Nevertheless, as all floral visitors exclusively consume only one of the two nectar types, they are prone to exert selective pressures upon nectar traits, selecting those that fit their specific preferences.Nuptial and extranuptial nectaries are involved in interactions with different animal functional groups. Nectar traits involved in pollination mutualisms are well known. However, we know little about those traits involved in other mutualisms, such as ant-plant interactions, especially when both types of nectaries are in the same plant organ, the flower. Here we investigated if when two types of nectaries are exploited by distinct functional groups of floral visitors, even being within the same plant organ, the nectar secreted presents distinct features that fit animal requirements. We compared nectar secretion dynamics, floral visitors and nectar chemical composition of both nuptial and extranuptial nectaries in natural populations of the liana Amphilophium mansoanum (Bignoniaceae). For that we characterized nectar sugar, amino acid and specialized metabolite composition by high-performance liquid chromatography. Nuptial nectaries were visited by three medium- and large-sized bee species and extranuptial nectaries were visited mainly by ants, but also by cockroaches, wasps and flies. Nuptial and extranuptial nectar differed regarding volume, concentration, milligrams of sugars per flower and secretion dynamics. Nuptial nectar was sucrose-dominated, with high amounts of gamma-aminobutyric acid and beta-aminobutyric acid and with theophylline-like alkaloid, which were all exclusive of nuptial nectar. Whereas extranuptial nectar was hexose-rich, had a richer and less variable amino acid chemical profile, with high amounts of serine and alanine amino acids and with higher amounts of the specialized metabolite tyramine. The nectar traits from nuptial and extranuptial nectaries differ in energy amount and nutritional value, as well as in neuroactive specialized metabolites. These differences seem to match floral visitors' requirements, since they exclusively consume one of the two nectar types and may be exerting selective pressures on the composition of the respective resources of interest
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