29 research outputs found

    A field outbreak in Ile-de-France sheep of a cardiotoxicosis caused by the plant Pachystigma pygmaeum (Schltr) Robyns (Rubiaceae)

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    A field outbreak of Pachystigma pygmaeum intoxication in sheep is described. Noteworthy clinical signs were: respiratory distress, apathy and subcutaneous oedema of mainly the head. Gross changes included cardiomegaly, centrilobular hepatic necrosis and effusion of body cavities. Microscopically myocardial fibrosis, affecting predominantly the endocardium of the apex, left free ventricular wall and interventricular septum, was most striking in the majority of animals, whilst myofibre atrophy was present in 1 sheep.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.lmchunu2014mn201

    The pathology of Cestrum laevigatum (Schlechtd.) poisoning in cattle

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    The clinical features and pathological findings of 6 steers drenched with dried plant material of Cestrum laevigatum are described. Doses ranging from 0,5 to 10g/kg/day were given intraruminally for 1 to 38 days. Animals that received 5 to 10g/kg/day showed nervous signs including ataxia, muscle tremors, hypersensitivity and intermittent chewing. Clinical signs in the steers which received 0,5 to 4g/kg/day were mild. High doses induced moderate to severe hepatosis characterized by centrilobular to midzonal coagulative necrosis, haemorrhage and congestion. At lower rates only mild hepatic lesions, characterized by disappearance of hepatocytes and collapse of the reticulin stroma in the centrilobular areas were evident. Ultrastructural changes were primarily limited to the hepatocytes and comprised degeneration, necrosis and fatty change. Degeneration and necrosis of endothelial cells and disruption of sinusoidal walls were occasionally observed.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Experimentally-induced Cestrum laevigatum (Schlechtd.) poisoning in sheep

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    Dried, milled Cestrum laevigatum plant material was drenched to 6 ewes at doses ranging from 2,5 to 10 g/kg/day for 1 to 47 days. The most noticeable clinical signs were depression, anorexia and ruminal stasis. These signs were accompanied by clinical pathological changes indicative of liver involvement such as increases in the serum activities of aspartate transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase and gamma-glutamyltransferase. Hepatosis characterized by accentuated lobulation, and centrilobular to midzonal coagulative necrosis, haemorrhage and congestion occurred in 2 of the 3 ewes given high doses of plant material. Liver lesions in the other animals included disappearance of hepatocytes and collapse of the reticulin stroma in the centrilobular areas. Spongy changes in the cerebral white matter were evident in the ewes of the high-dose group. Ultrastructural changes in the liver comprised degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes and occasionally endothelial cells, and disruption of sinusoidal walls.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Concurrent babesiosis and ehrlichiosis in the dog : blood smear examination supplemented by the indirect fluorescent antibody test, using Cowdria ruminantium as antigen

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    Giemsa-stained, peripheral blood smears of 67 dogs, showing clinical signs typical of babesiosis or reminiscent of concurrent babesiosis and ehrlichiosis, were examined for the presence of Babesia canis and Ehrlichia canis. Since Cowdria ruminantium cross-reacts with Ehrlichia, the sera of these dogs were also subjected to the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test in which C. ruminantium was used as antigen. Fifty-five per cent of these dogs had mixed infections of B. canis and E. canis, as judged by blood smear examination and serology. The serum of 32 % of these dogs with mixed infections reacted positively in the IFA test. Six out of 9 dogs, the blood smears of which were negative for both B. canis and E. canis, were serologically positive for E. canis. Furthermore, sero-conversion from a negative in the initial serum sample to titres of up to 1:160 in a subsequent sample was recorded in 9 out of 13 dogs with suspected mixed infection on blood smear.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Cardiomyopathy of ruminants induced by the litter of poultry fed on rations containing the ionophore antibiotic, maduramicin. 1. Epidemiology, clinical signs and clinical pathology

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    The epidemiological, clinical and clinical pathological findings in 20 cattle and 4 sheep from 15 outbreaks of poultry litter toxicity in South Africa over the past 6 years are documented. In 6 outbreaks, the litter emanated from batteries where maduramicin had been incorporated into rations of broilers. According to circumstantial evidence the litter involved in the 9 other outbreaks was also derived from broilers which had been fed on rations containing an ionophore. The litter was fed ad libitum to the affected stock or constituted 30-80% by volume of their rations. The principal sign manifested was sudden mortality of up to 70% of the herd or flock, usually within 20-40 days of commencement of feeding of poultry litter. A few cattle developed signs of congestive heart failure, and stiffness was commonly seen in sheep. In a dosing trial with poultry litter involving 1 steer and 6 sheep, the steer and a sheep died suddenly and a second sheep was destroyed in extremis. Tachycardia and/or cardiac arrythmia were recorded in 5 sheep, and the activity of aspartate transaminase (AST) and/or lactate dehydrogenase (LD) in the sera of 4 was elevated. Since the cardiac lesions in field cases were similar to those of ionophore poisoning and broiler rations containing maduramicin was a common factor in several outbreaks, toxic litter from some of these outbreaks were tested for the presence of this compound. Analysis by high performance liquid chromatography of litter from 2 specimens of outbreaks revealed that they contained 2,5ppm and 6,1ppm maduramicin. Sheep in a trial fed rations incorporating c 2,5ppm and 5ppm maduramicin, developed clinical signs and lesions consistent with those of the field cases.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Cardiomyopathy of ruminants induced by the litter of poultry fed on rations containing the ionophore antibiotic, maduramicin. II. Macropathology and histopathology

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    This report contains an account of the gross and histopathological lesions of 20 cattle and four sheep in 15 field outbreaks of poultry litter toxicity, one steer fed ad lib. and six sheep dosed with toxic poultry litter, and ten sheep fed experimental rations containing c 2,5 ppm and 5 ppm maduramicin. The principle macroscopic lesions in most cattle that died in field outbreaks were indicative of congestive heart failure. The lesions in sheep were similar, but generally milder. Cardiac dilatation was observed in both sheep and cattle. Microscopically, the cardiac lesions were more pronounced in cattle and comprised varying degrees of atrophy, hypertrophy, degeneration, necrosis of myocardial fibres, and interstitial fibrosis. Skeletal muscle lesions were usually more severe in sheep, particularly in the muscles of the hindquarters which appeared pale, oedematous and mottled. One of the sheep in the poultry litter dosing trial developed signs of congestive heart failure and the hearts of two others were dilated. Extensive hypertrophy and atrophy of myocardial fibres were evident in the steer fed ad lib. with this material. As in field cases, the myocardial lesions of the sheep were less severe than those of the steer. Mild cardiac dilatation was present in four of the seven sheep in the maduramicin feeding trial. Diffuse hypertrophy of myocardial nuclei was present in all seven cases, myocardial fibre atrophy in six, multifocal fibrosis and necrosis in six and two cases, respectively, and focal endocardial thickening in two. The skeletal muscles revealed granular degeneration and foci of necrosis and regeneration. The cardiac and skeletal lesions in the field outbreaks, poultry litter feeding trials and maduramicin feeding trials, were highly comparable. This suggests that this form of poultry litter intoxication is a chronic form of ionophore toxicity, the pathology of which is characterized by a dilated cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure and mild (cattle) to severe (sheep) skeletal muscle lesions.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Cardiac glycoside poisoning in sheep caused by Urginea physodes (Jacq.) Bak. and the isolated physodine A

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    Urginea physodes (Jacq.) Bak., a species closely related to or possibly synonymous with U. pusilla, is described and its distribution given. Four bufadienolides were isolated from U. physodes and the approximated LD₅₀ and cumulative effect of some of them determined in guinea pigs. The most toxic one proved to be mildly cumulative. Typical signs of acute cardiac glycoside poisoning, involving the locomotory, gastro-intestinal, respiratory and cardiac systems, were seen in the field cases and/or were experimentally induced by the plant. Similar signs could also be induced by injecting the isolated bufadienolide, physodine A, to a sheep.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.lmchunu2014mn201

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284–1382

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antartica, Cladosporium austrolitorale from coastal sea sand. Australia, Austroboletus yourkae on soil, Crepidotus innuopurpureus on dead wood, Curvularia stenotaphri from roots and leaves of Stenotaphrum secundatum and Thecaphora stajsicii from capsules of Oxalis radicosa. Belgium, Paraxerochrysium coryli (incl. Paraxerochrysium gen. nov.) from Corylus avellana. Brazil, Calvatia nordestina on soil, Didymella tabebuiicola from leaf spots on Tabebuia aurea, Fusarium subflagellisporum from hypertrophied floral and vegetative branches of Mangifera indica and Microdochium maculosum from living leaves of Digitaria insularis. Canada, Cuphophyllus bondii fromagrassland. Croatia, Mollisia inferiseptata from a rotten Laurus nobilis trunk. Cyprus, Amanita exilis oncalcareoussoil. Czech Republic, Cytospora hippophaicola from wood of symptomatic Vaccinium corymbosum. Denmark, Lasiosphaeria deviata on pieces of wood and herbaceousdebris. Dominican Republic, Calocybella goethei among grass on a lawn. France (Corsica) , Inocybe corsica onwetground. France (French Guiana) , Trechispora patawaensis on decayed branch of unknown angiosperm tree and Trechispora subregularis on decayed log of unknown angiosperm tree. Germany, Paramicrothecium sambuci (incl. Paramicrothecium gen. nov.)ondeadstemsof Sambucus nigra. India, Aureobasidium microtermitis from the gut of a Microtermes sp. termite, Laccaria diospyricola on soil and Phylloporia tamilnadensis on branches of Catunaregam spinosa. Iran, Pythium serotinoosporum from soil under Prunus dulcis. Italy, Pluteus brunneovenosus on twigs of broad leaved trees on the ground. Japan, Heterophoma rehmanniae on leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis. Kazakhstan, Murispora kazachstanica from healthy roots of Triticum aestivum. Namibia, Caespitomonium euphorbiae (incl. Caespitomonium gen. nov.)from stems of an Euphorbia sp. Netherlands, Alfaria junci, Myrmecridium junci, Myrmecridium juncicola, Myrmecridium juncigenum, Ophioceras junci, Paradinemasporium junci (incl. Paradinemasporium gen. nov.), Phialoseptomonium junci, Sporidesmiella juncicola, Xenopyricularia junci and Zaanenomyces quadripartis (incl. Zaanenomyces gen. nov.), fromdeadculmsof Juncus effusus, Cylindromonium everniae and Rhodoveronaea everniae from Evernia prunastri, Cyphellophora sambuci and Myrmecridium sambuci from Sambucus nigra, Kiflimonium junci, Saro cladium junci, Zaanenomyces moderatricis academiae and Zaanenomyces versatilis from dead culms of Juncus inflexus, Microcera physciae from Physcia tenella, Myrmecridium dactylidis from dead culms of Dactylis glomerata, Neochalara spiraeae and Sporidesmium spiraeae from leaves of Spiraea japonica, Neofabraea salicina from Salix sp., Paradissoconium narthecii (incl. Paradissoconium gen. nov.)from dead leaves of Narthecium ossifragum, Polyscytalum vaccinii from Vaccinium myrtillus, Pseudosoloacrosporiella cryptomeriae (incl. Pseudosoloacrosporiella gen. nov.)fromleavesof Cryptomeria japonica, Ramularia pararhabdospora from Plantago lanceolata, Sporidesmiella pini from needles of Pinus sylvestris and Xenoacrodontium juglandis (incl. Xenoacrodontium gen. nov. and Xenoacrodontiaceae fam. nov.)from Juglans regia. New Zealand, Cryptometrion metrosideri from twigs of Metrosideros sp., Coccomyces pycnophyllocladi from dead leaves of Phyllocladus alpinus, Hypoderma aliforme from fallen leaves Fuscopora solandri and Hypoderma subiculatum from dead leaves Phormium tenax. Norway, Neodevriesia kalakoutskii from permafrost and Variabilispora viridis from driftwood of Picea abies. Portugal, Entomortierella hereditatis from abio film covering adeteriorated limestone wall. Russia, Colpoma junipericola from needles of Juniperus sabina, Entoloma cinnamomeum on soil in grasslands, Entoloma verae on soil in grasslands, Hyphodermella pallidostraminea on a dry dead branch of Actinidia sp., Lepiota sayanensis onlitterinamixedforest, Papiliotrema horticola from Malus communis , Paramacroventuria ribis (incl. Paramacroventuria gen. nov.)fromleaves of Ribes aureum and Paramyrothecium lathyri from leaves of Lathyrus tuberosus. South Africa, Harzia combreti from leaf litter of Combretum collinum ssp. sulvense, Penicillium xyleborini from Xyleborinus saxesenii , Phaeoisaria dalbergiae from bark of Dalbergia armata, Protocreopsis euphorbiae from leaf litter of Euphorbia ingens and Roigiella syzygii from twigs of Syzygium chordatum. Spain, Genea zamorana on sandy soil, Gymnopus nigrescens on Scleropodium touretii, Hesperomyces parexochomi on Parexochomus quadriplagiatus, Paraphoma variabilis from dung, Phaeococcomyces kinklidomatophilus from a blackened metal railing of an industrial warehouse and Tuber suaveolens in soil under Quercus faginea. Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Inocybe nivea associated with Salix polaris. Thailand, Biscogniauxia whalleyi oncorticatedwood. UK, Parasitella quercicola from Quercus robur. USA , Aspergillus arizonicus from indoor air in a hospital, Caeliomyces tampanus (incl. Caeliomyces gen. nov.)fromoffice dust, Cippumomyces mortalis (incl. Cippumomyces gen. nov.)fromatombstone, Cylindrium desperesense from air in a store, Tetracoccosporium pseudoaerium from air sample in house, Toxicocladosporium glendoranum from air in a brick room, Toxicocladosporium losalamitosense from air in a classroom, Valsonectria portsmouthensis from airinmen'slockerroomand Varicosporellopsis americana from sludge in a water reservoir. Vietnam, Entoloma kovalenkoi on rotten wood, Fusarium chuoi inside seed of Musa itinerans , Micropsalliota albofelina on soil in tropical evergreen mixed forest sand Phytophthora docyniae from soil and roots of Docynia indica. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes

    Presence of microplastics in the tube structure of the reef-building polychaete Gunnarea gaimardi (Quatrefages 1848)

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    The prevalence of microplastics in the marine environment has resulted in a need to understand their association with various fauna. The aim of this study was to assess whether microplastic particles are present in the tube structure of the indigenous reef-building polychaete Gunnarea gaimardi, which occurs along the coast of South Africa. Sampling was conducted at nine stations along the west and southeast coastlines of South Africa, in July 2016 and April/May 2017. Microplastic particles were recorded in all tube structures of G. gaimardi, with the density ranging between 0.056 and 1.113 microplastic particles g–1 dry weight (dwt). There were no significant differences between sites (p > 0.05), resulting in an overall average of 0.275 (SD 0.215) microplastic particles g–1 (dwt). To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to show that synthetic polymers are found in the tubes of reef-building polychaetes along the coast of South Africa.Keywords: biogenic habitat, intertidal ecosystem, invertebrates, marine pollution, plastic particles, sabellariid, South Afric