19 research outputs found

    MRCISD Studies of the Dissociation of Vinylhydroperoxide, CH<sub>2</sub>CHOOH: There Is a Saddle Point

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    Multireference ab initio methods are used to investigate the dissociation of vinylhydroperoxide CH<sub>2</sub>CHOOH into vinyl oxide and hydroxide radicals. In contrast to some previous studies, which claim the reaction has no saddle point, our calculations confirm that the dissociation is associated with a kinetic barrier (transition state). We further propose the existence of a hitherto undiscovered radicalā€“radical complex on the reaction path. The computed reaction energetics are used to estimate VHP dissociation rates, and the results are discussed in the context of atmospheric ozonolysis pathways. Qualitative aspects of the dissociation of larger, substituted vinylhydroperoxides are also discussed

    Probing the Evaporation Dynamics of Mixed SOA/Squalane Particles Using Size-Resolved Composition and Single-Particle Measurements

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    An analysis of the formation and evaporation of mixed-particles containing squalane (a surrogate for hydrophobic primary organic aerosol, POA) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is presented. In these experiments, one material (D<sub>62</sub>-squalane or SOA from Ī±-pinene + O<sub>3</sub>) was prepared first to serve as surface area for condensation of the other, forming the mixed-particles. The mixed-particles were then subjected to a heating-ramp from 22 to 44 Ā°C. We were able to determine that (1) almost all of the SOA mass is comprised of material less volatile than D<sub>62</sub>-squalane; (2) AMS collection efficiency in these mixed-particle systems can be parametrized as a function of the relative mass fraction of the components; and (3) the vast majority of D<sub>62</sub>-squalane is able to evaporate from the mixed particles, and does so on the same time scale regardless of the order of preparation. We also performed two-population mixing experiments to directly test whether D<sub>62</sub>-squalane and SOA from Ī±-pinene + O<sub>3</sub> form a single solution or two separate phases. We find that these two OA types are immiscible, which informs our inference of the morphology of the mixed-particles. If the morphology is coreā€“shell and dictated by the order of preparation, these data indicate that squalane is able to diffuse relatively quickly through the SOA shell, implying that there are no major diffusion limitations

    Organic Aerosol Mixing Observed by Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry

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    We present direct measurements of mixing between separately prepared organic aerosol populations in a smog chamber using single-particle mass spectra from the high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS). Docosane and docosane-<i>d</i><sub>46</sub> (22 carbon linear solid alkane) did not show any signs of mixing, but squalane and squalane-<i>d</i><sub>62</sub> (30 carbon branched liquid alkane) mixed on the time scale expected from a condensational-mixing model. Docosane and docosane-<i>d</i><sub>46</sub> were driven to mix when the chamber temperature was elevated above the melting point for docosane. Docosane vapors were shown to mix into squalane-<i>d</i><sub>62</sub>, but not the other way around. These results are consistent with low diffusivity in the solid phase of docosane particles. We performed mixing experiments on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) surrogate systems finding that SOA derived from toluene-<i>d</i><sub>8</sub> (a surrogate for anthropogenic SOA (aSOA)) does not mix into squalane (a surrogate for hydrophobic primary organic aerosol (POA)) but does mix into SOA derived from Ī±-pinene (biogenic SOA (bSOA) surrogate). For the aSOA/POA, the volatility of either aerosol does not limit gas-phase diffusion, indicating that the two particle populations do not mix simply because they are immiscible. In the aSOA/bSOA system, the presence of toluene-<i>d</i><sub>8</sub>-derived SOA molecules in the Ī±-pinene-derived SOA provides evidence that the diffusion coefficient in Ī±-pinene-derived SOA is high enough for mixing on the time scale of 1 min. The observations from all of these mixing experiments are generally invisible to bulk aerosol composition measurements but are made possible with single-particle composition data

    Probing the Evaporation Dynamics of Mixed SOA/Squalane Particles Using Size-Resolved Composition and Single-Particle Measurements

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    An analysis of the formation and evaporation of mixed-particles containing squalane (a surrogate for hydrophobic primary organic aerosol, POA) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is presented. In these experiments, one material (D<sub>62</sub>-squalane or SOA from Ī±-pinene + O<sub>3</sub>) was prepared first to serve as surface area for condensation of the other, forming the mixed-particles. The mixed-particles were then subjected to a heating-ramp from 22 to 44 Ā°C. We were able to determine that (1) almost all of the SOA mass is comprised of material less volatile than D<sub>62</sub>-squalane; (2) AMS collection efficiency in these mixed-particle systems can be parametrized as a function of the relative mass fraction of the components; and (3) the vast majority of D<sub>62</sub>-squalane is able to evaporate from the mixed particles, and does so on the same time scale regardless of the order of preparation. We also performed two-population mixing experiments to directly test whether D<sub>62</sub>-squalane and SOA from Ī±-pinene + O<sub>3</sub> form a single solution or two separate phases. We find that these two OA types are immiscible, which informs our inference of the morphology of the mixed-particles. If the morphology is coreā€“shell and dictated by the order of preparation, these data indicate that squalane is able to diffuse relatively quickly through the SOA shell, implying that there are no major diffusion limitations

    Emulsified and Liquidā€“Liquid Phase-Separated States of Ī±ā€‘Pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol Determined Using Aerosol Optical Tweezers

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    We demonstrate the first capture and analysis of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) on a droplet suspended in an aerosol optical tweezers (AOT). We examine three initial chemical systems of aqueous NaCl, aqueous glycerol, and squalane at āˆ¼75% relative humidity. For each system we added Ī±-pinene SOAī—øgenerated directly in the AOT chamberī—øto the trapped droplet. The resulting morphology was always observed to be a core of the original droplet phase surrounded by a shell of the added SOA. We also observed a stable emulsion of SOA particles when added to an aqueous NaCl core phase, in addition to the shell of SOA. The persistence of the emulsified SOA particles suspended in the aqueous core suggests that this metastable state may persist for a significant fraction of the aerosol lifecycle for mixed SOA/aqueous particle systems. We conclude that the Ī±-pinene SOA shell creates no major diffusion limitations for water, glycerol, and squalane core phases under humid conditions. These experimental results support the current prompt-partitioning framework used to describe organic aerosol in most atmospheric chemical transport models and highlight the prominence of coreā€“shell morphologies for SOA on a range of core chemical phases

    Wall effects in smog chamber experiments: A model study

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    <p>Wall losses of condensable organic vapors are a significant complication for smog-chamber experiments designed to constrain production of Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA). Here we develop a dynamical mass-balance model based on the Volatility Basis Set (VBS) to explore various pathways for mass transfer between the bulk of a smog-chamber volume (the vapors and suspended particles) and reservoirs near the chamber walls (deposited and/or nucleated particles on the walls, adsorption to the walls, and sorption into Teflon walls). We consider various limiting cases and explore the sensitivity of inferred SOA yields to assumptions about the actual parameters in a given SOA experiment. We also present data suggesting that adsorptive uptake to Teflon for typical SOA is modest. Broadly, we find that walls become a sink for condensable vapors when those vapors interact with either deposited particles of the Teflon walls, with qualitatively similar effects on the suspended particles. Finally, we show that having a relatively high seed condensation sink is vital to reliable chamber mass balances.</p> <p>Copyright Ā© 2016 American Association for Aerosol Research</p

    Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds: Cyclic, Linear, and Branched Alkanes

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    Intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) are an important class of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) precursors that have not been traditionally included in chemical transport models. A challenge is that the vast majority of IVOCs cannot be speciated using traditional gas chromatography-based techniques; instead they are classified as an unresolved complex mixture (UCM) that is presumably made up of a complex mixture of branched and cyclic alkanes. To better understand SOA formation from IVOCs, a series of smog chamber experiments was conducted with different alkanes, including cyclic, branched, and linear compounds. The experiments focused on freshly formed SOA from hydroxyl (OH) radical-initiated reactions under high-NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> conditions at typical atmospheric organic aerosol concentrations (<i>C</i><sub>OA</sub>). SOA yields from cyclic alkanes were comparable to yields from linear alkanes three to four carbons larger in size. For alkanes with equivalent carbon numbers, branched alkanes had the lowest SOA mass yields, ranging between 0.05 and 0.08 at a <i>C</i><sub>OA</sub> of 15 Ī¼g m<sup>ā€“3</sup>. The SOA yield of branched alkanes also depends on the methyl branch position on the carbon backbone. High-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer data indicate that the SOA oxygen-to-carbon ratios were largely controlled by the carbon number of the precursor compound. Depending on the precursor size, the mass spectrum of SOA produced from IVOCs is similar to the semivolatile-oxygenated and hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol factors derived from ambient data. Using the new yield data, we estimated SOA formation potential from diesel exhaust and predict the contribution from UCM vapors to be nearly four times larger than the contribution from single-ring aromatics and comparable to that of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons after several hours of oxidation at typical atmospheric conditions. Therefore, SOA from IVOCs may be an important contributor to urban OA and should be included in SOA models; the yield data presented in this study are suitable for such use

    Near-Unity Mass Accommodation Coefficient of Organic Molecules of Varying Structure

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    Atmospheric aerosol particles have a significant effect on global climate, air quality, and consequently human health. Condensation of organic vapors is a key process in the growth of nanometer-sized particles to climate relevant sizes. This growth is very sensitive to the mass accommodation coefficient Ī±, a quantity describing the vapor uptake ability of the particles, but knowledge on Ī± of atmospheric organics is lacking. In this work, we have determined Ī± for four organic molecules with diverse structural properties: adipic acid, succinic acid, naphthalene, and nonane. The coefficients are studied using molecular dynamics simulations, complemented with expansion chamber measurements. Our results are consistent with Ī± = 1 (indicating nearly perfect accommodation), regardless of the molecular structural properties, the phase state of the bulk condensed phase, or surface curvature. The results highlight the need for experimental techniques capable of resolving the internal structure of nanoparticles to better constrain the accommodation of atmospheric organics

    Photochemical Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosols Generated from the Photooxidation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Gas-Phase

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    Aging processes of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) may be a source of oxygenated organic aerosols; however, the chemical processes involved remain unclear. In this study, we investigate photochemical aging of SOA produced by the gas-phase oxidation of naphthalene by hydroxyl radicals and acenaphthylene by ozone. We monitored the SOA composition using a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer. We initiated SOA aging with UV photolysis alone and with OH radicals in the presence or absence of light and at different NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> levels. For naphthalene, the organic composition of the particulate phase seems to be dominated by highly oxidized compounds such as carboxylic acids, and aging data may be consistent with diffusion limitations. For acenaphthylene, the fate of oxidized products and the moderately oxidized aerosol seem to indicate that functionalization reactions might be the main aging process were initiated by the cumulative effect of light and OH radicals

    Simulations of Smog-Chamber Experiments Using the Two-Dimensional Volatility Basis Set: Linear Oxygenated Precursors

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    We use a two-dimensional volatility basis set (2D-VBS) box model to simulate secondary organic aerosol (SOA) mass yields of linear oxygenated molecules: <i>n-</i>tridecanal, 2- and 7-tridecanone, 2- and 7-tridecanol, and <i>n-</i>pentadecane. A hybrid model with explicit, a priori treatment of the first-generation products for each precursor molecule, followed by a generic 2D-VBS mechanism for later-generation chemistry, results in excellent model-measurement agreement. This strongly confirms that the 2D-VBS mechanism is a predictive tool for SOA modeling but also suggests that certain important first-generation products for major primary SOA precursors should be treated explicitly for optimal SOA predictions