108 research outputs found


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    In the context of the growing importance of the cooperation for development in the European Union and the appearance of a common growing public opinion agreement supporting this kind of initiatives, it is necessary to understand if we can talk today about a true common European policy. Still covered on intergovernmental level and considered to be a part of the national foreign policies, EU development aid is still far from reaching the maximum of its efficiency. In this paper we try to introduce a new evaluation method of the cooperation for development policies and interpretation of the degree of Europeanization of the national policies, starting from the case studies of France, the Czech Republic and Romania, that will enable us to appreciate the stages that have to be completed by the member countries but also by the EU to realize a completely uniform European foreign assistance strategy. The understanding of the European development aid environment is also necessary for the elaboration and the implementation of the Romanian development cooperation policy which is just taking its first steps as an international donor.Developing countries, development cooperation, Europeanization, public opinion, foreign aid Romania

    The Nabucco Project and Communicating about Energy Security

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    Energy Security was considered by many of the Eastern European countries a priority in their fight for breaking the ties with the former Soviet Union. The dependence of the Eastern European countries to the Russian gas and petroleum generated for most of the local governments a feeling of inferiority that they were willing to replace if the opportunity will be offered. One of the main alternative projects to the Russian gas is the Nabucco Project designed to enable the access to Caspian gas for all the European countries. Knowing that a decision on the realization of the pipeline should be made by the end of June 2013, our article will try to illustrate the importance of the Nabucco Project for the regional and European energy security by studying the history of the project, the competing projects and the recent political evolutions of the project. This will enable researchers, decision makers and policy makers in the energy sector to better evaluate the Nabucco project and better act into promoting it

    The role of trademarks in the marketing activity of community pharmacy

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Astăzi în literatura despre management și marketing, conceptele de „brand”, „branding”, „brand value” sunt folosite în raport cu sfera de circulație a medicamentelor. Relevanța subiectului „brand” se datorează faptului că creșterea gamei de medicamente de pe piață dictează nevoia companiilor farmaceutice de a utiliza strategii speciale de marketing. Una dintre strategiile eficiente de a crește cererea pentru un produs prin diferențierea acestuia de analogi este branding – procesul de creare a unui brand. Scopul lucrarii. Analiza particularităților poziționării mărcilor de medicamente pe piața farmaceutică autohtonă, din punctul de vedere al abordărilor utilizate în marketing pe baza: - proprietăților speciale ale produsului sau beneficiilor din utilizarea acestora; − „preț – calitate”; - circumstanțe specifice de utilizare a bunurilor; − grupa anatomo-terapeutico-chimică; − opoziția față de alte bunuri; - diferențierea după țara de origine. Material și metode. O căutare sistematică a literaturii efectuate pe National Library of Medicine, Medline, PubMed și Embase. S-a căutat în bazele de date Medline, PubMed și Science Direct, inclusiv în listele de referințe ale lucrărilor relevante din 1980 până în 2022, folosindIntroduction. Today, often in the literature of management and marketing, the concepts of “brand”, “branding”, “brand value” are used in relation to circulation of medicines. The relevance of the topic „brand” is mainly due to the fact that increase in the range of drugs on the market dictates the need for pharmaceutical companies to use special marketing strategies. One of the most effective strategies to increase the demand for a specific product by differentiating it from analogues products, is branding - the process of creating a brand. The scope of analysis. Analysis of drug brands positioning in the domestic pharmaceutical market from the standpoint of the basic approaches used in marketing, are based on: special properties of the product or benefits from the use of these properties; representations of „price - quality”; specific circumstances of the use of product; anatomical-therapeutic-chemical group; − position compared to other products; - differentiation by country of origin. Material and methods. A systematic literature search was conducted based on the National Library of Medicine, Medline, PubMed and Embase. Medline, PubMed and Science Direct databases were searched, including reference lists of relevant papers, from 1980 to 2022 using keywords. To analyze the State Nomenclature of medicines. Results. According to analysis, formed by the results of the research, the brand is a „promoted „ trademark that has gained wide popularity, and not every trademark is a brand. A trademark is an official market concept while the brand exists only in the minds of consumers. Over the past 7 years (from 2015 to 2022), the share of unbranded drugs in the domestic pharmaceutical market has decreased from 23 to 19% in monetary terms and from 57% to 46% in physical terms. Conclusions. Nowadays, the level of trust in public/community pharmacies is higher towards branded medicine with a patented trademark, exactly as it was decades ago, when branding was still just born. Further development of branding technology requires specialized sociological research, brand development forecast

    Fiscal harmonisation trends in the european union: Challenges for Romania

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    Particularitățile artritelor în parazitoze

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    Background. Different parasites have been associated with rheumatic manifestations. Were described clinical cases, but no „parasitic syndrome” has beed defined and the pathogenesis remains unknown. Joint damage develops through direct penetration into the joint or through an immunologically mediated response. Objective of the study. To study the clinical and paraclinical features of joint damage in parasitic infections with Toxocara, Giardia intestinalis and Toxoplasma gondii. Material and Methods. Were studied 50 patients,44% men and 56% women,average age 41,diagnosed with Toxocara 44%,Toxoplasma gondii 30%,Giardia intestinalis 26% and with clinical signs of arthritis.Patients were investigated clinically and paraclinically (CRP, ESR,total IgE,eosinophils,ultrasound and joint radiography) to evaluate datas and to exclude other causes of arthritis (ANA,FR,anti-CCP Antibody,Uric acid,ASO). Results. In 15 patients (30%) pain of the arthritis have been of inflammatory type, 5 patients (10%) - mechanical and 30 patients (60%) - mixed. 25 subjects (50%) had swollen joints and in 8 patients (16%) were attested fluid effusions. 8 people (16%) had monoarthritis, 26 persons (52%) - oligoarthritis and 16 persons (32%) - polyarthritis. The ultrasound examination showed synovitis at 10 patients (20%), degenerative changes at 14 subjects (28%) and at 26 persons (52%) was normal. Increased values of total IgE were recorded at 40 persons (80%), eosinophils at 44 p. (88%), ESR at 30 p. (60%), CRP - 38 p (76%). Conclusion. In the studied parasitosis, predominantely were noticed oligo and polyarthritis with mixed features of pain, asymmetric, with allergic and inflammatory changes in laboratory tests and the imaging changes were non-specific in most cases. Introducere. Diverși paraziți s-au asociat cu manifestări reumatice. Au fost descrise multe cazuri clinice dar nu s-a definit un „sindrom parazitar” iar patogeneza rămâne necunoscută. Afectarea articulară în parazitoze se dezvoltă prin pătrunderea directă a parazitului în articulație sau ca răspuns mediat imunologic. Scopul lucrării. Cercetarea particularităților clinice și paraclinice a afectărilor articulare în infecțiile parazitare cu Toxocara, Giardia intestinalis și Toxoplasma gondii. Material și Metode. A fost efectuat un studiu pe 50 de pacienți,44%bărbați și 56%femei,vârsta medie - 41 de ani, diagnosticați cu Toxocara 44%,Toxoplasma gondii 30%,Giardia intestinalis 26% și cu semne clinice de artrită. Pacienții au fost investigați clinic-paraclinic (PCR, VSH, IgE total, eozinofile, ecografia și radiografia articulară) pentru a evalua datele și pentru excluderea altor cauze de artrite (ANA, FR, Ac anti-CCP, Acidul uric, ASLO). Rezultate. La 15 pacienți (30%) artritele aveau caracter inflamator, 5 pacienți (10%) caracter mecanic și 30 persoane (60%) erau cu caracter mixt. 25 de subiecți (50%) aveau articulații tumefiate iar la 8 pacienți (16%) s-au atestat efuzii lichidiene. 8 persoane (16%) erau cu monoartrită, 26 persoane (52%) - oligoartrite și 16 pacienți (32%) - poliartrite. La examenul ecografic s-a evidențiat sinovită la 10 subiecți (20%), modificări degenerative la 14 pacienți (28%) și la 26 persoane (52%) era aspect normal. S-au înregistrat valori mărite ale IgE totale la 40 de pacienți (80%), eozinofile la 44 pacienți (88%), VSH la 30 p. (60%), PCR la 38 p. (76%). Concluzii. În parazitozele studiate predominau oligo și poliartritele cu caracter mixt, asimetrice, cu schimbări alergice și inflamatorii în investigațiile de laborator iar modificările imagistice erau cu aspect nespecific în majoritatea cazurilor

    A decade of privatization in Romania

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    Criminal responsibility of minors

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    El presente trabajo analiza de forma detallada la delincuencia juvenil en España. Para ello, se hace un análisis sobre los factores que llevan a delinquir a los menores de edad y se realiza un perfil del menor delincuente. En segundo lugar, examinaremos el modelo de responsabilidad penal de los menores recogido en la Ley Orgánica 5/2000, de 12 de enero (en adelante LORPM), atendiendo a su naturaleza, principios generales que la inspiran, medidas susceptibles de ser impuestas, así como al proceso penal. Para finalizar, se analizará la efectividad de la LORPM con la finalidad de observar si la reeducación y reintegración de los menores infractores se consigue.The present work analyzes in detail the juvenil delinquency in Spain. To do this, I made an analysis of the factors that lead minors to commit crimes and I have also made a profile os the minor delinquent. Secondly, I Will examine the model of the criminal repsonsability of minors contained in Ley Orgánica 5/2000, de 12 de enero(hereinafter LORPM), taking into account its nature, general principles that inspires it, measures susceptibles to be imposed, as well as the criminal process. Finally, the effectiveness of the LORPM Will be analyzed in order to see if the reeducation and the reintegration of juvenil offenders is achieved.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155