5 research outputs found

    L’honneur revisitĂ© dans le discours des femmes algĂ©riennes : Ă©tude sociolinguistique

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    La reprĂ©sentation de l’honneur ,dans les pays du Maghreb, est intimement liĂ©e Ă  la puretĂ© sexuelle de la femme qui trouve son ultime consĂ©cration dans la prĂ©servation de la virginitĂ© comme le soulignent plusieurs anthropologues et Ă©crivains pour ne citer, entre autres, que Bennoune, M,(1999), Guessous Naanane S., (1990),Bouhdiba, A(1998), M., Khadra Hadjadji,H.,(1989). Cette recherche s’inscrit dans les Ă©tudes de language and gender et plus particuliĂšrement dans celles orientĂ©es vers les rapports de pouvoir entre l’homme et la femme qui consistent Ă  considĂ©rer les diffĂ©rences sociales sexistes en termes de supĂ©rioritĂ©/infĂ©rioritĂ© construites par une idĂ©ologie patriarcale androcentrique (Bourdieu et Foucault).La dominance indirecte dans sa forme ‘ de violence douce’ comme la nomme Bourdieu puise sa lĂ©gitimitĂ© d’abord dans la culture orale et puis dans les religions monothĂ©istes. La culture orale a non seulement catĂ©gorisĂ© la culture des hommes et des femmes, mais aussi la reprĂ©sentation de l’honneur des uns et des autres en relation avec la sexualitĂ©.  

    Analyse du discours de la riposte fĂ©minine Ă  l’insulte dans un contexte algĂ©rien

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    L’insulte est considĂ©rĂ©e dans plusieurs cultures comme un empiĂštement territorial de l’autre, selon le rituel d’interaction et la thĂ©orie de la politesse de E .GOFFMAN. Sa perception dans la culture algĂ©rienne, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, et kabyle, en particulier, est rĂ©gie par le code de l’honneur, qui reste encore en vigueur pour un bon nombre de personnes. Notre objectif est de tenter d’identifier les tenants et les aboutissants de l’insulte et de la riposte chez la femme kabyle. Pour ce faire, nous avons optĂ© pour une approche pluridisciplinaire afin d’analyser les donnĂ©es du terrain quantitativement et qualitativement .Notre Ă©chantillon est composĂ© d’informatrices rĂ©sidant dans les wilayas de BoumerdĂšs et de Tizi-Ouzou . 

    Creating A Bridge Between Academic Research and Artistic Creativity

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    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of mastering the academic writing skill . In order toachieve our goal, two main ideas will be developed %253Bthe first will discuss new concepts of the theory of learning with aspecific focus on the relationship between transformational%252Ftelling knowledge, constructivist theory and the differencebetween successful %252Faverage learner . The second section will expose the three-stages of writing as a process approach interms of pre writing, writing and post writing tasks. This will hopefully help students of fine arts promote an analyticalspirit and achieve personal and academic writing for the fulfillment of their memoir

    Multilingual code switching in Algerian rap song lyrics: a functional approach

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    The use of multilingual lyrics in contemporary rap songs is a recurrent phenomenon in Algeria. If the lyrics are articulated through Algerian Arabic as a “base language,” the rappers saturate them with other languages for the sake of producing linguistically mixed songs. The most frequently used languages for code-switching are Standard Arabic, Berber (Tamazight), French, English and Spanish. These multilingual songs are most often embedded with code-switching (CS) where each used language assumes a particular discourse and pragmatic function. Therefore, this investigation aims to explore the recent phenomenon of multilingual CS in Algerian rap songs, basically to identify the functions that CS fulfils in song lyrics. Indeed, the analysis is mainly qualitative. A corpus of 10 songs from five Algerian rappers was collected and analysed. The researchers applied Gumperz's (1982) and Appel and Muysken’s (2005) functions of CS. This research answers the following question: What are the functions of CS in the lyrics of contemporary Algerian rap songs? The corpus included lyrics from rap songs produced in the period extending from 2019 to 2021. The findings reveal that the concerned multilingual CS is underpinned by a strategic positioning issued by rappers based on the social representations that specify each language in the Algerian sociolinguistic space concerning particular functions and socio-cultural considerations. A distinct set of functions was identified: 1) code-switching for language convenience, 2) identifying or drawing the attention of addressees, 3) serving as a marker of social/cultural identity, 4) complying with social norms, and 5) facilitating rhyme. This study can act as an asset for anyone who wants to extend the framework to examine multilingual CS in other Algerian communication contexts. Furthermore, it highlights the fundamental role of CS in rap song lyrics to increase the potential of promoting freedom of expression, multilingualism, and modernity