28 research outputs found

    Possible Aspects of E-Materials Application in the Teaching Process

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    This study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and these results are parts of the Grant No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200132 with University of Kragujevac - Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak.The effectiveness of the teaching process and learning is partly determined by the quality of the teaching material. Digital teaching material means all material that can be used and distributed in electronic form. This paper presents aspects of the application of e-materials in the teaching process, which are based on technological progress and the development of new possibilities. The paper discusses the types of e-materials as well as their role in the teaching process.Publishe

    Risk management in information system projects

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    Ovaj članak predstavlja studiozan pregled ključnih čimbenika uspjeha projekta u provedbi informacijskog sustava u poslovnim sustavima. Članak prikazuje rezultate teorijskih i praktičnih istraživanja, koja pokazuju da proces upravljanja razvojnim projektima informacijskih sustava ima mnogo problema i neizvjesnosti u praksi, koji se unatoč brojnim poboljšanjima u području razvoja metoda, tehnika i alata još uvijek suočavaju s nekim problemima i teškoćama u procesu implementacije integriranih informacijskih sustava. Upravljanje projektima implementacije ERP (planiranja resursa poduzeća) je povezano s različitim specifičnim problemima, koji su bitno različiti od onih tradicionalnih informacijskog sustava razvoja, jer sadrže strateške, taktičke, organizacijske čimbenike te čimbenike poslovnog okruženja.This paper presents a studious overview of key project success factors in the implementation of information system to business systems. The paper presents the results of theoretical and practical studies, which have shown that the process of managing development of information system projects holds many problems and uncertainties in practice, which despite many improvements in the area of development methods, techniques and tools are still facing some problems and difficulties in the process of implementation of integrated information systems. Managing ERP implementation projects is associated with different specific problems, which are essentially different from the traditional information system developments, because they contain the strategic, tactical, organizational and business environment factors

    The role of digital marketing in promotion of wine fromap Kosovo and Metohija

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    The territories of AP Kosovo and Metohija represent the challenging and fast-growing wine market. However, many wine producers from Kosovo and Metohija are forced to acquire an innovative marketing approach which provides enhanced consumer experience and value. Therefore, they have implemented various marketing strategies in order to develop a positive brand reputation and create new opportunities for small and medium-sized wine producers. This paper aims to inspect the role of digital marketing in promotion of wine from Kosovo and Metohija, which enables producers to combine and integrate different marketing techniques in order to promote their strengths, that is, brand. Based on the primary data collected through the questionnaires, in-depth interviews and surveys, this study attempts to show how using digital marketing is statistically significant with reported increases in wine sale. The findings show that digital marketing facilitates the implementation of various marketing strategies which can improve the value of the consumption experience offered to the customer

    Information and communications technologies in function of teaching process

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    This paper, based on the extensive research of relevant professional literature, will present and elaborate possible aspects of influence which information-communications technologies (ICT) have on educational process. Contemporary information-communications technologies and their use in teaching process resulted in numerous enhancements of teaching process altering traditional methods of learning and teaching. With the aim of confirming theoretical postulates researches were conducted on candidates with specific educational degrees in various forms of traditional teaching and teaching with educational software. The survey was conducted on a control and experimental group, on a sample of 1542 candidates. The candidates were observed in a period of approximately five months. The results of this research indicate that the candidates taught by use of educational software have shown far greater level of achieved knowledge and significantly higher motivation for learning. The participants of the experimental group actively participated in the acquisition of their competences. The contribution of this paper is in the new methodological approach to the organization of education, which significantly improves the teaching process, its goals and outcomes

    Role and support of the state in the development and promotion of the corporate social responsibility of the enterprises: A case study

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    The modern world has for decades been confronted with a request for a shared responsibility for the development which would be in line with the needs of people and nature, ie. for equal responsibility for the natural and social environment. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that is used with the aim that economic, environmental and social objectives are effectively integrated into the company's operations. The first part of this paper shows the legal and institutional framework of CSR in our country in order to draw attention to the decisions taken by our country in the field of corporate social responsibility in terms of the adopted laws and strategies related to this area. The second part presents the results of research conducted in companies: Lola "FOT"-Lesak, FE "Ibar"-Leposavic and RIF "Kopaonik"-Leposavic, in order to point out the factors which, in the opinion of managers employed by these companies, have the greatest impact on a clearer and stronger policy of social responsibility in companies

    Environmental and economic assessments the effect of critical mineral of green revolution: Lithium

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    In this paper, we wanted to explain the phenomenon of economic and environmental effect of the green mineral lithium in the world and our country. We started with an answer to the question why the mineral lithium is the future and support for the green revolution in the world. We have tried to also give a special dimension to tendencies and activities with regard to the usage of green mineral lithium in the world market. In addition, the paper presents the Jadar project and mineral lithium as economic and environmental opportunity for Serbia

    Intelligent systems in business function

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    The goal of this studious analysis is to determine the extent to which sophisticated technology can be used to improve business operations. Today's time brings daily new and rapid changes in the business environment to which small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia should adapt as soon as possible, often and on the fly. The defined objectives of the research refer to the assumption that business intelligence with its methods, techniques and tools can improve existing business processes in the company, make them more efficient while reducing overall business costs. Research shows that there are almost no companies that have not incorporated the principles of reengineering, introduction of total quality management (eng. Total Quality Management-TQM), "outsourcing" and the like into their strategies and plans. One of the most appropriate ways to create a competitive advantage for SMEs in Serbia, in the current conditions of the world economic crisis and recession, is the concept of business intelligence (eng. Business Intelligence - BI). The work is based on the original methodological approach to the development and construction of BIS and on the testing of the intelligent system and the critical assessment of its application in the process of managing the enterprise


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    This research study is an analysis of patent applications based on different input parameters. Nine patent indicators for describing patent applications are retrieved from the World Bank database. The method of ANFIS (adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system) is applied to selecting the most important parameters for patent applications. The inputs are: charges for the use of intellectual property for payments and receipts, research and development expenditure, trademark applications for residents and nonresidents, researchers in research and development (R&D), technicians in R&D and high-technology exports. As the ANFIS outputs, patent applications for nonresidents and residents are considered. The results show that the combination of research and development expenditure and technicians in R&D is the most influential combination of input parameters for patent applications

    A contribution to the research of children protection in use of Internet

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    Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati trenutačno stanje zaštite djece u korištenju interneta. Istraživanje uključuje razmatranje čimbenika koji utječu na zaštitu djece s različitih aspekata, na temelju rezultata ispitivanja djece, roditelja i nastavnika. Rezultati ukazuju na izraženi utjecaj određenih društvenih okolnosti okruženja u kojem je provedeno istraživanje. S obzirom na obrazovanje djece s važnom ulogom škola i nastavnika, u radu se naglašava važnost stručnog i metodički primjenljivog IT obrazovanja u obrazovnim institucijama, korištenje novih informacijskih tehnologija u obrazovanju, s naglaskom na prijetnje na internetu, sigurnost na internetu, prevenciju nasilja na internetu, prava djece na Internetu i pravila za sigurno korištenje Interneta u odnosu na dob. Ovo istraživanje je provedeno na jednom primjeru studije slučaja.The main aim of this paper is to study the current state of children protection in their use of the Internet. The research includes a consideration of the factors influencing the protection of children from various aspects, based on the test results of the children, their parents and teachers. The results suggest a pronounced influence of the specific social circumstances of the environment in which the research study was conducted. With regard to the education of children, where schools and teachers play an important role, the paper highlights the importance of professional and methodical applicable IT education at educational institutions, the use of new information technologies in education, with an emphasis on the threats on the Internet, security on the Internet, the prevention of violence on the Internet, the rights of children on the Internet and the rules for a safe Internet use in relation to age. This study was carried out on the example of a case study


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    This research study is an analysis of patent applications based on different input parameters. Nine patent indicators for describing patent applications are retrieved from the World Bank database. The method of ANFIS (adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system) is applied to selecting the most important parameters for patent applications. The inputs are: charges for the use of intellectual property for payments and receipts, research and development expenditure, trademark applications for residents and nonresidents, researchers in research and development (R&D), technicians in R&D and high-technology exports. As the ANFIS outputs, patent applications for nonresidents and residents are considered. The results show that the combination of research and development expenditure and technicians in R&D is the most influential combination of input parameters for patent applications