152 research outputs found

    Peran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan terhadap Pengawasan Pendaftaran Jaminan Fidusia

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    Dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi dan teknologi saat ini, masyarakat dituntut cepat dan produktif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan (needs) dan keinginannya (wants) seperti moda transportasi yakni motor dan mobil. Hal ini menjadikan kendaraan sebagai kebutuhan mendasar bagi masyarakat (basic need). Konsep kendaraan sekarang ini telah mengalami pergeseran tidak hanya sebagai kebutuhan dasar saja, namun sebagai alat penunjang kegiatan usaha. Namun saat ini, kendaraan juga telah menjadi gaya hidup (life style), memberikan kemudahan dan menunjukkan karakteristik serta kelas sosial. Kelebihan-kelebihan atas sesuatu produk mendorong masyarakat (konsumen) tergiur untuk memilikinya meskipun secara kemampuan dana (financial) untuk membelinya tidak mencukupi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan lembaga yang mampu untuk menjamin terhadap selera masyarakat. Kondisi seperti ini yang menyebabkan tumbuh dan berkembangnya lembaga pembiayaan konsumen dalam sektor Lembaga Keuangan Non-Bank, selain lembaga pembiayaan yang termasuk dalam Lembaga Keuangan Non-Bank adalah asuransi, pegadaian, dana pensiun, reksa dana, bursa efek dan lain-lain. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v2i2.232

    Application of a Spatially Explicit, Agent-Based Land Use Conversion Model to Assess Water Quality Outcomes under Buffer Policies

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    Land use changes within watersheds have spatially explicit dynamics and involve decision making by individuals. The role of the spatial dimension of human behavior and its impact on land use change has been analyzed using agent-based modelling approaches. Agent-based land use change has received a significant theoretical attention; however, these models lack empirical implementation and testing due to the lack of spatial modelling tools and data that can capture human land use dynamics.;This research presents a methodology for projecting land use conversions through the implementation of a spatially explicit agent-based simulation model in the Opequon Creek watershed of Berkeley County, West Virginia. Empirical estimates for factors that influence the land use conversion probability are captured using a spatial logistic regression model. Then, agentbased probabilistic land use conversion (APLUC) model is programmed on Python language within a geographic information system (GIS) to explore the impacts of policies on land use conversion decisions using estimates from actual land use change from 2001-2011. A series of model runs are executed under buffer policy scenarios. Three policy scenarios are developed: (1) a scenario where there is no policy implemented, (2) a scenario where 50 ft buffer zones are applied to all streams, and (3) a scenario where 50 ft buffers are applied only on critical source areas (CSAs) watersheds. The land use patterns project in APLUC model are driven by individual land conversion decisions over 50 model runs of 10 iterations each under each policy scenario. The APLUC model is validated at sub-basin level and outcomes are analyzed to identify the influence of various land use policies on land use patterns. The results show that a 50 ft buffer policy everywhere in watershed, greatly reduced the residential land use conversions. Spatial patterns generated under a 50 ft buffer policy in CSAs only showed that future projected land use changes occurred close to major highways. In the baseline policy, most conversions occurred near existing residential land use and urban centers. Results from the APLUC model also suggests that forest is serving as distant amenity for residential land conversion.;Finally, the impacts of these three policies on water quality are estimated using an ArcSWAT model, a graphical user interface for SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). This model indicates that the 50 ft buffer policy in CSAs is most effective among the three policies in reducing the pollutant loads. This study suggests that carefully designed policies, which discourage residential land use conversion in CSAs, result in less pollutant loads by shifting the location of residential conversion to less critical areas where agricultural land is dominant in the watershed

    English Language Competency and Outsourced Call Centers in Bangladesh

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    This paper attempts to investigate whether or not the English competency of Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) is hindering the growth and development of outsourced call centers in Bangladesh. It also looks into the problems being faced by call centers in hiring English competent CSRs. A limited appraisal of the English communication training of the CSRs offered by Call Centre Training Institutes is also within the purview of the paper. With this purpose 33 supervisors of different call centers, who are in charge of monitoring the CSRs, have been interviewed with a questionnaire comprised of both close and open ended questions. The result shows there is scarcity of skilled English communicators which is one of the major barriers in the growth and development of the call centers. However, factors like product knowledge, intercultural communication skills, service personality are also crucial as they are integral for successful transaction and addressing them will pave the way for the progress of the industry. The result also implicitly indicates that mainstream education system in Bangladesh is still unable to produce competent English communicators. The findings of the study reveal that the current shortage of skilled manpower can further become more acute when call center industry grows in line with the expectation of the government. It is also revealed that the call center training institutes are incapable of delivering the kind of training required for the aspirant CSRs. This study pinpoints the necessity of future research in several directions to ensure a balance between the demand and supply of native like fluent English communicators for call center Industry in Bangladesh

    Assessing cellular response to functionalized α-helical peptide hydrogels

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    α-Helical peptide hydrogels are decorated with a cell-binding peptide motif (RGDS), which is shown to promote adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of PC12 cells. Gel structure and integrity are maintained after functionalization. This opens possibilities for the bottom-up design and engineering of complex functional scaffolds for 2D and 3D cell cultures.</p

    Epidemiological Characteristics of Poliomyelitis During the 21st Century (2000-2013)

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    Poliovirus is the pathogenic agent of paralytic poliomyelitis that belongs to the picornaviridae family. Poliomyelitis has an extended history dating over to the Egyptian eighteenth dynasty. It was recognized as distinct disease in the late nineteenth century when the world was ravaged by large number of outbreaks and epidemics in many countries. Paralytic Polio, the rarest but the most severe form of the disease, is characterized by acute flaccid paralysis of any or rarely both of the limbs. Increasing epidemics during the late 19th and 20th centuries lead to the initiation of a worldwide global effort for polio eradication in 1988, super headed by WHO and various other organizations. The launch of Global Polio Eradication Initiative together with the introduction of two polio vaccines resulted in 99% reduction of wild poliovirus cases worldwide while the total number of polio-endemic countries dropped from 24 countries in the year 2000 to only three countries in 2012; Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. This review will focus on the general biology of poliovirus, some historic and geographic epidemiological aspects of poliomyelitis eradication during the year 2000-2012 and also on the major failing factors associated with the efficiency of the vaccines to eradicate polio in Pakistan

    Arabidopsis CAM7 and HY5 physically interact and directly bind to the HY5 promoter to regulate its expression and thereby promote photomorphogenesis

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    Arabidopsis thaliana CALMODULIN7 (CAM7), a unique member of the calmodulin gene family, plays a crucial role as a transcriptional regulator in seedling development. The elongated HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5) bZIP protein, an integrator of multiple signaling pathways, also plays an important role in photomorphogenic growth and light-regulated gene expression. CAM7 acts synergistically with HY5 to promote photomorphogenesis at various wavelengths of light. Although the genetic relationships between CAM7 and HY5 in light-mediated seedling development have been demonstrated, the molecular connectivity between CAM7 and HY5 is unknown. Furthermore, whereas HY5-mediated gene regulation has been fairly well investigated, the transcriptional regulation of HY5 is largely unknown. Here, we report that HY5 expression is regulated by HY5 and CAM7 at various wavelengths of light and also at various stages of development. In vitro and in vivo DNA–protein interaction studies suggest that HY5 and CAM7 bind to closely located T/G- and E-box cis-acting elements present in the HY5 promoter, respectively. Furthermore, CAM7 and HY5 physically interact and regulate the expression of HY5 in a concerted manner. Taken together, these results demonstrate that CAM7 and HY5 directly interact with the HY5 promoter to mediate the transcriptional activity of HY5 during Arabidopsis seedling development

    Caerulomycin A inhibits Th2 cell activity: a possible role in the management of asthma

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    We have recently demonstrated that Caerulomycin A induces regulatory T cells differentiation by suppressing Th1 cells activity. The role of regulatory T cells is well established in suppressing the function of Th2 cells. Th2 cells are known to inflict the induction of the activation of asthma. Consequently, in the present study, we monitored the influence of Caerulomycin A in inhibiting the activity of Th2 cells and its impact in recuperating asthma symptoms. Interestingly, we observed that Caerulomycin A significantly suppressed the differentiation of Th2 cells, as evidenced by downregulation in the GATA-3 expression. Further, decline in the levels of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 cytokines and IgE was noted in the animals suffering from asthma. Furthermore, we noticed substantial suppression in the inflammatory response and number of eosinophils in the lungs. In essence, this study signifies an important therapeutic role of Caerulomycin A in asthma

    Tuberculosis: an experience at government chest disease hospital

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    Background: This retrospective study was carried out to find the incidence, clinical profiles and treatment outcome of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients attending the only Chest Disease Hospital in Srinagar.Methods: A retrospective analysis of 613 patients having EPTB and PTB was undertaken from the chest disease hospital of Government Medical College Srinagar. Demographic characteristics, clinical features and treatment outcome were obtained from medical case records of all patients visiting the hospital for a period of two years from May 2016-May 2018.Results: The study comprised of 613 patients, out of which 365% were having pulmonary TB while 35% were having extrapulmonary TB. Majority of patients (44.5%) in TB group were in age group 10-30 while majority of patients (42%) in EPTB group were in age group 51-70. Males were seen more commonly affected. Majority (90%) of patients in EPTB group had pleural effusion. Majority of patients (71%) were smear positive by ZN staining in PTB group. Majority (90%) of PTB patients in smear negative group were BAL negative. In PTB group 8% were treatment failure while in EPTB group 2% were treatment failure. MDR was seen in 4.2% of total tuberculosis patient while XDR was seen in 0.32% of total patients. Out of treatment failure in PTB group MDR was seen in 64% followed by monoresistance to INH in 30% and XDR in 6%. In EPTB group MDR was seen in 100% of treatment failure. All patients with XDR died. Among the MDR patients majority are on treatment while 12% died, another 12% defaulter while 12% completed treatment.Conclusions: Among evaluated tuberculosis patients, maximum had PTB. Pleural tuberculosis was the most common presentation of EPTB. The study shows male preponderance in both groups. Treatment response was excellent with failure rate of 8% in PTB and 2% in EPTB. Most common cause of failure was MDR. XDR was seen in two patients and both of them died

    Improving throughput and fairness by improved channel assignment using topology control based on power control for multi-radio multichannel wireless mesh networks

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    Multi-radio multi-channel (MRMC) wireless mesh networks (WMNs) achieve higher throughput using multiple simultaneous transmissions and receptions. However, due to limited number of non-overlapping channels, such networks suffer from co-channel interference, which degrades their performance. To mitigate co-channel interference, effective channel assignment algorithms (CAAs) are desired. In this article, we propose a novel CAA, Topology-controlled Interference-aware Channel-assignment Algorithm (TICA), for MRMC WMNs. This algorithm uses topology control based on power control to assign channels to multi-radio mesh routers such that co-channel interference is minimized, network throughput is maximized, and network connectivity is guaranteed. We further propose to use two-way interference-range edge coloring, and call the improved algorithm Enhanced TICA (e-TICA), which improves the fairness among flows in the network. However, the presence of relatively long links in some topologies leads to conflicting channel assignments due to their high interference range. To address this issue, we propose to utilize minimum spanning tree rooted at the gateway to reduce conflicting channels, and in turn, improve medium access fairness among the mesh nodes. We call the improved algorithm e-TICA version 2 (e-TICA2). We evaluate the performance of the proposed CAAs using simulations in NS2. We show that TICA significantly outperforms the Common Channel Assignment scheme in terms of network throughput, and e-TICA and e-TICA2 achieve better fairness among traffic flows as compared to TICA. It is also shown that e-TICA2 leads to improved network throughput, as compared to TICA and e-TICA

    Spatial and population drivers of persistent cholera transmission in rural Bangladesh: Implications for vaccine and intervention targeting

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    We identify high risk clusters and measure their persistence in time and analyze spatial and population drivers of small area incidence over time. The geographically linked population and cholera surveillance data in Matlab, Bangladesh for a 10-year period were used. Individual level data were aggregated by local 250 × 250 m communities. A retrospective space-time scan statistic was applied to detect high risk clusters. Generalized estimating equations were used to identify risk factors for cholera. We identified 10 high risk clusters, the largest of which was in the southern part of the study area where a smaller river flows into a large river. There is persistence of local spatial patterns of cholera and the patterns are related to both the population composition and ongoing spatial diffusion from nearby areas over time. This information suggests that targeting interventions to high risk areas would help eliminate locally persistent endemic areas
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