84 research outputs found

    Taxonomy, chorological composition and trophic relationships of the Euronemoral fauna of Nepticulidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera)

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    Tikslas – atlikus bendrąjį pasaulio ir Europos Nepticulidae faunos įvertinimą, pateikti pirmąją Krymo ir Lietuvos taksonominę, chorologinę ir trofinę charakteristiką. Tikslui įgyvendinti suformuluota 19 uždavinių, suskirstytų į 3 dalis: I. Bendrasis Nepticulidae faunos įvertinimas (analizuojama Nepticulidae faunos taksonominė sudėtis, pasiskirstymas Žemės biogeografiniuose regionuose. Taip pat patikslinti Stigmella hemargyrella rūšių grupės trofiniai ryšiai. Atliktas Stigmella genties rūšių grupių, trofiškai susijusių su Quercus, taksonominių ir diagnostinių požymių įvertinimas, pateikiant dichotomines rūšių grupių identifikacijos sistemas, bei kladistinė analizė). II Krymo Nepticulidae Europos faunos kontekste (įvertinta Europos Nepticulidae taksonominę faunos sudėtis ir trofiniai ryšiai, atlikta chorologinė analizė. Identifikuota kolekcinė mokslinė medžiaga, išaiškintos Krymo faunoje aptinkamos Nepticulidae rūšys, jų priklausomybė įvairioms chorologinėms grupės, išaiškinta trofinė specializacija ir nustatyti vikšrų minavimo periodai. Taip pat išaiškintos Krymo Nepticulidae faunos dažnosios ir retosios rūšys). III Lietuvos Nepticulidae faunos taksonominė, chorologinė ir trofinė analizė (pateiktas Lietuvos mažųjų gaubtagalvių taskonominis sąvadas, nustatytos rūšių chorologinės grupės, o duomenys palyginti tarp atskirų Lietuvos regionų. Išaiškinti Lietuvos Nepticulidae trofines ypatybes ir nustatyti vyraujantys gyvybiniai ciklai. Nustatytos Lietuvos mažųjų gaubtagalvių mitybinių augalų šeimos ir gentys, trofinės ryšių ypatybės, minavimo gausumas ir registruotų rūšių aptinkamumas pagal dažnąsias ir retąsias rūšis).The goal of the dissertation is to present the first taxonomic, chorological and trophic review of the Nepticulidae of the Crimea and Lithuania within the context of the global and European Nepticulidae fauna. There are 19 objectives of the research which are divided into 3 parts: I. General assessment of the Nepticulidae fauna (In this part of the dissertation the general assessment of taxonomic composition and distribution of Nepticulidae fauna was performed within the Earth’s biogeographical regions. We estimated the data of trophic relationships among the Stigmella hemargyrella species and performed cladistic analysis). II. The Crimean Nepticulidae within the context of the European Fauna (The taxonomic composition and trophic relationships of the European Nepticulidae was estimated and the chorological analysis was performed. We examinated the scientific material and identified Nepticulidae species of the Crimean fauna. The geographical distribution and chorological groups of the Crimean fauna were identified and defined the periods of larval activity). III. Taxonimic, chorological and trophic analysis of the Lithuanian Nepticulidae Fauna (In this part we evaluated the taxonomic composition of the Lithuanian Nepticulidae and presented a checklist. We also performed the chorological analysis and compared chorological data on the Nepticulidae fauna of various regions of Lithuania)Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Euronemoralinės faunos mažųjų gaubtagalvių (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) taksonominė ir chorologinė analizė bei trofiniai ryšiai

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    The goal of the dissertation is to present the first taxonomic, chorological and trophic review of the Nepticulidae of the Crimea and Lithuania within the context of the global and European Nepticulidae fauna. There are 19 objectives of the research which are divided into 3 parts: I. General assessment of the Nepticulidae fauna (In this part of the dissertation the general assessment of taxonomic composition and distribution of Nepticulidae fauna was performed within the Earth’s biogeographical regions. We estimated the data of trophic relationships among the Stigmella hemargyrella species and performed cladistic analysis). II. The Crimean Nepticulidae within the context of the European Fauna (The taxonomic composition and trophic relationships of the European Nepticulidae was estimated and the chorological analysis was performed. We examinated the scientific material and identified Nepticulidae species of the Crimean fauna. The geographical distribution and chorological groups of the Crimean fauna were identified and defined the periods of larval activity). III. Taxonimic, chorological and trophic analysis of the Lithuanian Nepticulidae Fauna (In this part we evaluated the taxonomic composition of the Lithuanian Nepticulidae and presented a checklist. We also performed the chorological analysis and compared chorological data on the Nepticulidae fauna of various regions of Lithuania).Tikslas – atlikus bendrąjį pasaulio ir Europos Nepticulidae faunos įvertinimą, pateikti pirmąją Krymo ir Lietuvos taksonominę, chorologinę ir trofinę charakteristiką. Tikslui įgyvendinti suformuluota 19 uždavinių, suskirstytų į 3 dalis: I. Bendrasis Nepticulidae faunos įvertinimas (analizuojama Nepticulidae faunos taksonominė sudėtis, pasiskirstymas Žemės biogeografiniuose regionuose. Taip pat patikslinti Stigmella hemargyrella rūšių grupės trofiniai ryšiai. Atliktas Stigmella genties rūšių grupių, trofiškai susijusių su Quercus, taksonominių ir diagnostinių požymių įvertinimas, pateikiant dichotomines rūšių grupių identifikacijos sistemas, bei kladistinė analizė). II Krymo Nepticulidae Europos faunos kontekste (įvertinta Europos Nepticulidae taksonominę faunos sudėtis ir trofiniai ryšiai, atlikta chorologinė analizė. Identifikuota kolekcinė mokslinė medžiaga, išaiškintos Krymo faunoje aptinkamos Nepticulidae rūšys, jų priklausomybė įvairioms chorologinėms grupės, išaiškinta trofinė specializacija ir nustatyti vikšrų minavimo periodai. Taip pat išaiškintos Krymo Nepticulidae faunos dažnosios ir retosios rūšys). III Lietuvos Nepticulidae faunos taksonominė, chorologinė ir trofinė analizė (pateiktas Lietuvos mažųjų gaubtagalvių taskonominis sąvadas, nustatytos rūšių chorologinės grupės, o duomenys palyginti tarp atskirų Lietuvos regionų. Išaiškinti Lietuvos Nepticulidae trofines ypatybes ir nustatyti vyraujantys gyvybiniai ciklai. Nustatytos Lietuvos mažųjų gaubtagalvių mitybinių augalų šeimos ir gentys, trofinės ryšių ypatybės, minavimo gausumas ir registruotų rūšių aptinkamumas pagal dažnąsias ir retąsias rūšis).Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of Vilkaviškis district (Lithuania): fauna and trophic relationships

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    Šiame straipsnyje pirmą kartą skelbiami duomenys apie Vilkaviškio rajono Nepticulidae fauną ir trofinius ryšius. 2004-2006 m. tyrimų laikotarpiu išaiškintos 4 gentims priskiriamos 38 mažųjų gaubtagalvių rūšys iš Lietuvoje žinomų 73 rūšių. Identifikuotos rūšys trofiniais ryšiais yra susijusios su 8 mitybinių augalų šeimomisIn 2004-2006 the fauna of Nepticulidae of Vilkaviškis district has been studied for the first time. Nepticulid larvae were collected and, if possible, reared. Mined leaves were placed in Petri dishes (detailed methods are given in Puplesis, Diškus, 2003). In total, the present list of the Nepticulidae of Vilkaviškis includes 38 species associated with 8 host-plant families. The miners on the Rosaceae are predominat (15 nepticulid species). The species discovered in Vilkaviškis fall into 4 genera: Enteucha (1 species), Stigmella (30 species), Bohemannia (1 species) and Ectoedemia (6 species). Some species collected in Vilkaviškis district are very rare in Lithuania (e.g., Stigmella continuella, S. nivenburgensis, Ectoedemia turbidella, etc.); some species are very common (e.g., Stigmella plagicolella, S. tiliae)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Fomoria septembrella Stainton 1849

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    54. <i>Fomoria septembrella</i> (Stainton, 1849) (new to the Crimea) <p>(Figs 122, 123)</p> <p> <b>Host-plants.</b> Unknown in the Crimea; probably <i>Hypericum</i> spp. as in other regions.</p> <p> <b>Type of distribution</b> (chorological group). West-Palaearctic; the species is widespread in Europe, also known from the Caucasus (Georgia and Azerbaijan) and Central Asia (Turkmenistan: Kopet Dag).</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> CRIMEA: 4♂, 20 km SW Feodosiya, Karadag Reserve, at light, 31.vii.2011, leg. J. R. Stonis, A. Navickaitė & G. Varačinskas, genitalia slide no. AN 521♂.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The species is rare in the Crimea: limited in distribution and not abundant (no leaf-mine, collected only at light).</p>Published as part of <i>Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2)</i> on page 167, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251666">http://zenodo.org/record/251666</a&gt

    Stigmella paliurella Gerasimov 1937

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    6. Stigmella paliurella Gerasimov, 1937 (Figs 15, 66) Host-plants. Paliurus spina-christi Mill. in the Crimea; in Central Asia Ziziphus jujuba Mill. (Puplesis & Diškus 2003). Type of distribution (chorological group). West-Palaeractic; the species occurs from southern Europe to the eastern Caucasus (Azerbaijan) and western part of Central Asia (Turkmenistan: Kopet Dag) (Puplesis 1994, Puplesis & Diškus 2003). Material examined. CRIMEA: 1 ♂, 20 km SW Feodosiya, Karadag Reserve, at light, 21.viii. 1987, leg. Yu. Budashkin, 2 ♂, the same locality, at light, 12–19.vii. 1987, leg. R. Puplesis; 3 ♂, the same locality, at light, 28.vi– 15.vii. 1988, leg. R. Puplesis, genitalia slide no. RA 252 ♂; 1 ♂, the same locality, at light, 24.viii. 2011, leg. J. R. Stonis & S. Hill; 1 ♂, Yalta, Mys Martian, at light, 08.vii. 1988, leg. R. Puplesis; 20 ♂, the same locality, at light, 23–31.vii. 2011, leg. J. R. Stonis, A. Navickaitė & G. Varačinskas; 50 km SE Feodosiya, Sudak, empty leaf-mines on Paliurus spina-christi Mill., fieldwork card no. 5062, 07.viii. 2011, leg. J. R. Stonis, A. Navickaitė & G. Varači nskas. Remarks. The species is common in the Crimea: widespread and very abundant.Published as part of Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2) on page 154, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/25166

    Stigmella lemniscella Zeller 1839

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    33. Stigmella lemniscella (Zeller, 1839) (new to the Crimea) (Figs 50, 51) Host-plants. Ulmus spp. in the Crimea (as in other regions). Type of distribution (chorological group). Euro-Submediterranean; the species is widespread in Europe occurring from Spain and Ireland to Finland, central European Russia, Bulgaria, and the western Caucasus. Material examined. CRIMEA: 20 km SW Feodosiya, Karadag Reserve, empty leaf-mines on Ulmus sp., fieldwork card no. 5031, 14.vii. 2011, leg. A. Diškus; 23 km S Simferopol, near Angarskij Pereval, empty leafmines on Ulmus sp., fieldwork card no. 5031, 22.vii. 2011, leg. A. Diškus; 12 km E Sudak, Sonyachna Dolyna, empty leaf-mines on Ulmus sp., fieldwork card no. 5031, 17.vii. 2011, leg. A. Diškus & A. Navickaitė; Yalta, Mountain Forest Reserve, empty leaf-mines on Ulmus sp., fieldwork card no. 5031, 19.vii. 2011, leg. A. Diškus & A. Navickaitė; 49 km S Simferopol, Alushta, empty leaf-mines on Ulmus sp., fieldwork card no. 5031, 08.viii. 2011, leg. J. R. Stonis, A. Navickaitė & G. Varačinskas. Remarks. The species is not rare in the Crimea: widespread and abundant.Published as part of Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2) on page 162, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/25166

    Stigmella paradoxa Frey 1858

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    12. <i>Stigmella paradoxa</i> (Frey, 1858) <p>(Figs 23, 70–73)</p> <p> <i>Stigmella juryi</i> Puplesis, 1991: 125, 126.</p> <p> <b>Host-plants.</b> <i>Crataegus monogyna</i> Jacq. in the Crimea; in other regions also other species of <i>Crataegus</i>.</p> <p> <b>Type of distribution</b> (chorological group). West-Palaearctic; the species occurs from Portugal, Spain and Ireland to Sweden, central European Russia, Greece, Turkmenistan (Kopet Dag), and Iran.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> CRIMEA: 1♂ [holotype of <i>S. juryi</i>], 20 km SW Feodosiya, Karadag Reserve, at light, 05.vii.1987, leg. R. Puplesis, genitalia slide no. AN 209♂; 9♂, paratypes, the same locality, at light, 05–22.vii.1987, leg. R. Puplesis, genitalia slide no. AN 203♂; 7♂, the same locality, at light, 15–21.vii.1987, leg. Yu. Budashkin; 1♂, the same locality, at light, 25.vii.1987, leg. Yu. Budashkin, genitalia slide no. AG 109♂; 4♂, the same locality, mining larvae on <i>Crataegus monogyna</i> Jacq., fieldwork card no. 5051, 23.vii.2011, leg. A.Diškus & A.Navickaitė; 12 km N Alushta, Lavanda, empty leaf-mines on <i>Crataegus monogyna</i> Jacq., fieldwork card no. 5051, 09.viii.2011, leg. J. R. Stonis, A. Navickaitė & G. Varačinskas, genitalia slide nos AN 495♂, AN 496♂, AN 497♂.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The species is common in the Crimea: widespread and very abundant.</p>Published as part of <i>Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2)</i> on page 156, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251666">http://zenodo.org/record/251666</a&gt

    Trifurcula subnitidella Duponchel 1843

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    56. <i>Trifurcula subnitidella</i> (Duponchel, 1843) <p>(Fig. 126)</p> <p> <b>Host-plants.</b> Unknown in the Crimea; probably <i>Lotus</i> spp. as in other regions.</p> <p> <b>Type of distribution</b> (chorological group). Euro-Mediterranean; the species occurs from North Africa (Tunisia), Spain and Ireland to Finland, the Ural (Cheliabinsk), Crimea, and Greece.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> CRIMEA: 1♂, 20 km SW Feodosiya, Karadag Reserve, at light, 11.vi.1987, leg. Yu. Budashkin, genitalia slide no. AG094♂.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The species is very rare in the Crimea: highly limited in distribution and sporadic (no mines, collected only at light).</p>Published as part of <i>Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2)</i> on page 168, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251666">http://zenodo.org/record/251666</a&gt

    Acalyptris platani Muller-Rutz 1934

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    55. <i>Acalyptris platani</i> (Müller-Rutz, 1934) <p>(Figs 54, 55, 124, 125)</p> <p> <b>Host-plants.</b> <i>Platanus</i> spp. (incl. <i>P. orientalis</i> L. and other, introduced species of <i>Platanus</i> in the Crimea).</p> <p> <b>Type of distribution</b> (chorological group). Sub-Mediterranean-Mediterranean; the species occurs from Portugal, France and Italy to Slovakia, Crimea, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Iran (and possibly the western Caucasus).</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> CRIMEA: 7♂, 3♀, 20 km SW Feodosiya, Karadag Reserve, mining larvae on <i>Platanus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 4965, 12 –26.viii.2009, leg. A. Remeikis & J. R. Stonis, genitalia slide nos RA 238♂, RA 239♂, RA 240♂, RA 241♂, RA 242♂, RA237♀, RA243♀; 2♂, 2♀, 31 km SW Feodosiya, Kurortnoe, mining larvae on <i>Platanus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5043, 28.vii.2011, leg. A.Diškus, A. Navickaitė & G. Varačinskas, genitalia slide no. AN 500♂; 50 km SE Feodosiya, Sudak, empty leaf-mines on <i>Platanus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5043, 15.vii.2011, leg. A. Diškus & A. Navickaitė; 12 km E Sudak, Sonyachna Dolyna, empty leaf-mines on <i>Platanus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5043, 17.vii.2011, leg. A. Diškus; Simferopol, empty leaf-mines on <i>Platanus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5043, 20.vii.2011, leg. A. Diškus & A. Navickaitė; Feodosiya, empty leaf-mines, on <i>Platanus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5043, 05.viii.2011, leg. J. R. Stonis, A. Navickaitė & G. Varačinskas.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The species is very common in the Crimea: widespread and extremely abundant. For the first time recorded from the Crimea (as the easternmost record in Europe) by Stonis & Remeikis (2011).</p>Published as part of <i>Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2)</i> on page 168, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251666">http://zenodo.org/record/251666</a&gt

    Trifurcula eurema Tutt 1899

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    60. <i>Trifurcula eurema</i> (Tutt, 1899) (new to the Crimea) <p>(Figs 58, 129)</p> <p> <b>Host-plants.</b> <i>Lotus</i> sp. in the Crimea; in other regions also <i>Dorycnium</i> spp. and <i>Tetragonolobus maritimus</i> (L.) Roth.</p> <p> <b>Type of distribution</b> (chorological group). Euro-Mediterranean; the species occurs from Spain, Italy and Great Britain to Sweden, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece, and the Asiatic part of Turkey.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> CRIMEA: 1♂, 2♀, 10 km E Sudak, near Pereval Sinor, mining larvae on <i>Lotus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5035, 15.vii.2011, leg. A. Diškus; mining larvae and epmty leaf-mines on <i>Lotus</i> sp., fieldwork card no. 5035, 17.vii.2011, leg. A. Diškus & A. Navickaitė, genitalia slide no. AN 528♂.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The species is rare in the Crimea: highly limited in distribution and not abundant.</p>Published as part of <i>Navickaitė, Asta, Diškus, Arūnas & Stonis, Jonas R., 2014, An updated checklist of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the Crimea, Sub-Mediterranean SE Europe, pp. 151-202 in Zootaxa 3847 (2)</i> on page 169, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251666">http://zenodo.org/record/251666</a&gt