6 research outputs found

    Revisiting the role of steam methane reforming with CO2 capture and storage for long-term hydrogen production

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    Road transport is associated with high greenhouse gas emissions due to its current dependence on fossil fuels. In this regard, the implementation of alternative fuels such as hydrogen is expected to play a key role in decarbonising the transport system. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to the suitability of hydrogen production pathways as low-carbon solutions. In this work, an energy systems optimisation model for the prospective assessment of a national hydrogen production mix was upgraded in order to unveil the potential role of grey hydrogen from steam methane reforming (SMR) and blue hydrogen from SMR with CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in satisfying the hydrogen demanded by fuel cell electric vehicles in Spain from 2020 to 2050. This was done by including CCS retrofit of SMR plants in the energy systems model, as a potential strategy within the scope of the European Hydrogen Strategy. Considering three hypothetical years for banning hydrogen from fossil-based plants without CCS (2030, 2035, and 2040), it was found that SMR could satisfy the whole demand for hydrogen for road transport in the short term (2020–2030), while being substituted by water electrolysis in the medium-to-long term (2030–2050). Furthermore, this trend was found to be associated with an appropriate prospective behaviour in terms of carbon footprint.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE)

    Prospective techno-economic and environmental assessment of a national hydrogen production mix for road transport

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    Fuel cell electric vehicles arise as an alternative to conventional vehicles in the road transport sector. They could contribute to decarbonising the transport system because they have no direct CO2 emissions during the use phase. In fact, the life-cycle environmental performance of hydrogen as a transportation fuel focuses on its production. In this sense, through the case study of Spain, this article prospectively assesses the techno-economic and environmental performance of a national hydrogen production mix by following a methodological framework based on energy systems modelling enriched with endogenous carbon footprint indicators. Taking into account the need for a hydrogen economy based on clean options, alternative scenarios characterised by carbon footprint restrictions with respect to a fossil-based scenario dominated by steam methane reforming are evaluated. In these scenarios, the steam reforming of natural gas still arises as the key hydrogen production technology in the short term, whereas water electrolysis is the main technology in the medium and long term. Furthermore, in scenarios with very restrictive carbon footprint limits, biomass gasification also appears as a key hydrogen production technology in the long term. In the alternative scenarios assessed, the functional substitution of hydrogen for conventional fossil fuels in the road transport sector could lead to high greenhouse gas emission savings, ranging from 36 to 58 Mt CO2 eq in 2050. Overall, these findings and the model structure and characterisation developed for the assessment of hydrogen energy scenarios are expected to be relevant not only to the specific case study of Spain but also to analysts and decision-makers in a large number of countries facing similar concerns.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry ofEconomy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE

    A review of techno-economic data for road transportation fuels

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2019 The AuthorsWorldwide, the road transport sector typically arises as one of the main sources of air pollutants due to its high energy intensity and the use of fossil fuels. Thus, governments and social agents work on the development and prospective planning of decarbonisation strategies oriented towards sustainable transport. In this regard, the increase in the use of alternative fuels is the recurrent approach to energy planning, e.g. through the promotion of electric vehicles, biofuels, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, etc. However, there is a lack of comprehensive information on the techno-economic performance of production pathways for alternative fuels. The acquisition of robust techno-economic data is still a challenge for energy planners, modellers, analysts and policy-makers when building their prospective models to support decision-making processes. Hence, this article aims to fill this gap through a deep literature review including the most representative production routes for a wide range of road transportation fuels. This led to the development of datasets including investment costs, operating and maintenance costs, and transformation efficiencies for more than 40 production pathways. The techno-economic data presented in this work are expected to be especially useful to those energy actors interested in performing long-term studies on the transition to a sustainable transport system.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE). This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness ( ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE ).Peer reviewe

    Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of the Increased Electricity Demand Associated with the Penetration of Electric Vehicles in Spain

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    The penetration of electric vehicles (EV) seems to be a forthcoming reality in the transport sector worldwide, involving significant increases in electricity demand. However, many countries such as Spain have not yet set binding policy targets in this regard. When compared to a business-as-usual situation, this work evaluates the life-cycle consequences of the increased electricity demand of the Spanish road transport technology mix until 2050. This is done by combining Life Cycle Assessment and Energy Systems Modelling under three alternative scenarios based on the low, medium, or high penetration rate of EV. In all cases, EV deployment is found to involve a relatively small percentage (<4%) of the final electricity demand. Wind power and waste-to-energy plants arise as the main technologies responsible for meeting the increased electricity demand associated with EV penetration. When considering a high market penetration (20 million EV by 2050), the highest annual impacts potentially caused by the additional electricity demand are 0.93 Mt CO2 eq, 0.25 kDALY, and 30.34 PJ in terms of climate change, human health, and resources, respectively. Overall, EV penetration is concluded to slightly affect the national power generation sector, whereas it could dramatically reduce the life-cycle impacts associated with conventional transport

    Long-term production technology mix of alternative fuels for road transport: A focus on Spain

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2020 Elsevier LtdRoad transport is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions due to the current dependence on fossil fuels such as diesel and gasoline. This situation needs to be changed through the retirement of fossil fuels and the implementation of alternative fuels and vehicles such as biofuels, battery electric vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles fuelled by hydrogen. Nevertheless, the environmental suitability of alternative fuels is conditioned by how they are produced. Through the case study of Spain, this article prospectively assesses – from a techno-economic and carbon footprint perspective– the production technology mix of alternative fuels from 2020 to 2050. The proposed energy systems optimisation model includes a large number of production technologies regarding biofuels (bioethanol, biodiesel, synthetic diesel/gasoline, and hydrotreated vegetable oil), electricity, and hydrogen. The combined study of these fuels provides a relevant framework to discuss the targets established for the road transport sector with a high level of detail not only regarding fuel type but also technology breakdown. The results show the relevance of second-generation biofuel production technologies in fulfilling the future biofuel demand. Regarding the extra electricity demand associated with the penetration of electric vehicles, the results suggest a key role of wind- and solar-based technologies in meeting such a need. Concerning hydrogen as an option to decarbonise the transport system, even though steam methane reforming is the most mature and cost-competitive production technology, hydrogen production would be satisfied through electrolysis in order to avoid relying on fossil resources as the main feedstock. Overall, this integrated approach to the long-term production technology mix of alternative fuels for road transport is expected to be relevant to a wide range of decision-makers willing to prospectively assess road transport systems from a technology perspective.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE). This study is also framed within the Spanish Network MENTES, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RED2018-102794).Peer reviewe

    Influence of climate change externalities on the sustainability-oriented prioritisation of prospective energy scenarios

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    The implementation of externalities in energy policies is a potential measure for sustainability-oriented energy planning. Furthermore, decisions on energy policies and plans should be based on the analysis of a number of potential energy scenarios, considering the evolution of key techno-economic and life-cycle sustainability indicators. The joint interpretation of these multiple criteria should drive the choice of appropriate decisions for energy planning. Within this context, this work proposes –for the first time– the combined use of Life Cycle Assessment, externalities calculation, Energy Systems Modelling and dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis to prioritise prospective energy scenarios. For demonstration and illustrative purposes, the application of this methodological framework to the case study of electricity production in Spain leads to quantitatively discriminate between 15 prospective energy scenarios by taking into account the life-cycle profile of the transformation path of the power generation system with time horizon 2050. When compared to the application of the framework without implementation of external costs, the internalisation of climate change externalities is found to affect the ranking of energy scenarios but still showing the rejection of those scenarios based on the lifetime extension of coal power plants, as well as the preference for those scenarios leading to a high penetration of renewable technologies.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE). Dr. Martín-Gamboa states that thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019) through national funds