104 research outputs found

    Understanding Health Risks for Adolescents in Protective Custody

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    Children in child welfare protective custody (e.g., foster care) are known to have increased health concerns compared to children not in protective custody. The poor health documented for children in protective custody persists well into adulthood; young adults who emancipate from protective custody report poorer health, lower quality of life, and increased health risk behaviors compared to young adults in the general population. This includes increased mental health concerns, substance use, sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancy, and HIV diagnosis. Identifying youth in protective custody with mental health concerns, chronic medical conditions, and increased health risk behaviors while they remain in custody would provide the opportunity to target prevention and intervention efforts to curtail poor health outcomes while youth are still connected to health and social services. This study leveraged linked electronic health records and child welfare administrative records for 351 youth ages 15 and older to identify young people in custody who were experiencing mental health conditions, chronic medical conditions, and health risk behaviors (e.g., substance use, sexual risk). Results indicate that 41.6% of youth have a mental health diagnosis, with depression and behavior disorders most common. Additionally, 41.3% of youth experience chronic medical conditions, primarily allergies, obesity, and vision and hearing concerns. Finally, 39.6% of youth use substances and 37.0% engage in risky sexual behaviors. Predictors of health risks were examined. Those findings indicate that women, those with longer lengths of stay and more times in custody, and those in independent living and conjugate care settings are at greatest risk for mental health conditions, chronic medical conditions, and health risk behaviors. Results suggest a need to ensure that youth remain connected to health and mental health safety nets, with particular attention needed for adolescents in care for longer and/or those placed in non-family style settings. Understanding who is at risk is critical for developing interventions and policies to target youth who are most vulnerable for increased health concerns that can be implemented while they are in custody and are available to receive services

    The growth of ZnO crystals from the melt

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    The peculiar properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) make this material interesting for very different applications like light emitting diodes, lasers, and piezoelectric transducers. Most of these applications are based on epitaxial ZnO layers grown on suitable substrates, preferably bulk ZnO. Unfortunately the thermochemical properties of ZnO make the growth of single crystals difficult: the triple point 1975 deg C., 1.06 bar and the high oxygen fugacity at the melting point p_O2 = 0.35 bar lead to the prevailing opinion that ZnO crystals for technical applications can only be grown either by a hydrothermal method or from "cold crucibles" of solid ZnO. Both methods are known to have significant drawbacks. Our thermodynamic calculations and crystal growth experiments show, that in contrast to widely accepted assumptions, ZnO can be molten in metallic crucibles, if an atmosphere with "self adjusting" p_O2 is used. This new result is believed to offer new perspectives for ZnO crystal growth by established standard techniques like the Bridgman method.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for J. Crystal Growt

    Vergleichende Untersuchung von „nicht-traditionellen“ Studierenden auf See und an Land

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    Programme der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung und des Lebenslangen Lernens adressieren sogenannte „nicht-traditionelle“ Studierende als Zielgruppen. In diesem Kontext werden in einer vergleichenden Untersuchung die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten von nebenberuflich studierenden Nautiker:innen mit ihren an Land berufstätigen Kommiliton:innen erarbeitet. Der Untersuchung wird die Boundary-Theorie zugrunde gelegt: Individuen unterscheiden sich in der Art und Weise, wie sie Aktivitäten unterschiedlicher Lebensbereiche voneinander abgrenzen oder vermischen. Betrachtet werden die Einflüsse von Raum, Zeit, Familie und privatem Umfeld, beruflichen Positionen sowie Lernmotivationen

    Prevalence and Timing of Enamel Hypoplasias in the Vagnari Skeletal Sample (1st - 4th centuries A.D.)

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    This thesis investigates infant and childhood health in the Roman period (1st to 4th centuries A.D.) cemetery at Vagnari using data on the prevalence and timing of linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH‘s). These results are examined in the context of historical and archaeological evidence for childhood health in ancient Rome. Analysis of the prevalence of LEH‘s in 48 individuals reveals a low frequency (64.6 %) of enamel hypoplasias in comparison with other Roman period skeletal samples, suggesting that political–economic or geographical variables may have contributed to the generally healthy conditions for subadults at Vagnari. Intrasite analysis indicates no significant difference between sexes or burial types with respect to the average number of teeth affected with hypoplasias and the average total number of defects, but a significant difference does exist between age groups (divided into 15 year intervals). The hypoplastic data indicate that males and females were experiencing similar levels of stress during infancy and childhood. These results are not consistent with the historical evidence, which suggests that male children were preferentially treated in ancient Roman society. Measurement of each hypoplastic defect indicates a peak age at occurrence of 2.75 years of age, which is interpreted as evidence of the end of the weaning process. Enamel hypoplasias occurred until around 6.5 years of age, suggesting that these Roman children experienced stress throughout childhood, possibly the result of childhood illness or malnutrition. The hypoplastic data are consistent with the historical evidence from the Roman period with respect to the general timetable of weaning. This research integrates biological, archaeological, and historical information about the lives of children to help investigate the physical well–being of a rural working class population in the ancient Roman Empire

    Untersuchungen zum Brandverhalten von mit kunststoffmodifizierten Mörteln sanierten Bauteilen: Abschlußbericht

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    Aspekte einer Systemanalyse zur Bewertung des CONVISO® SMART Systems

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    In Feldversuchen zeigte sich, dass das Herbizid Conviso One über ein breites Wirkungsspektrum und eine lange Wirkungsdauer verfügt. Die Erwartung an das System aus Herbizid und toleranter Sorte (Conviso Smart) ist, dass typische Probleme der praxisüblichen Unkrautbekämpfung im Zuckerrübenanbau besser gelöst werden können. Damit wären Voraussetzungen geschaffen, die Anzahl an Herbizidmaßnahmen zu reduzieren und damit die Intensität des Herbizideinsatzes insgesamt zu verringern. Wie vorteilhaft das neue System für einen Zuckerrüben anbauenden Betrieb ist, ergibt sich aus dessen Unkrautsituation und damit aus den Veränderungen in den Direktkosten für Herbizide und der Anzahl eingesparter Überfahrten zur Unkrautbekämpfung