19 research outputs found

    Radiation dose optimization in pediatric temporal bone computed tomography: influence of tube tension on image contrast and image quality

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    Introduction: The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of tube tension reduction on image contrast and image quality in pediatric temporal bone computed tomography (CT). Methods: Seven lamb heads with infant-equivalent sizes were scanned repeatedly, using four tube tensions from 140 to 80kV while the CT-Dose Index (CTDI) was held constant. Scanning was repeated with four CTDI values from 30 to 3mGy. Image contrast was calculated for the middle ear as the Hounsfield unit (HU) difference between bone and air and for the inner ear as the HU difference between bone and fluid. The influence of tube tension on high-contrast detail delineation was evaluated using a phantom. The subjective image quality of eight middle and inner ear structures was assessed using a 4-point scale (scores 1-2 = insufficient; scores 3-4 = sufficient). Results: Middle and inner ear contrast showed a near linear increase with tube tension reduction (r = −0.94/−0.88) and was highest at 80kV. Tube tension had no influence on spatial resolution. Subjective image quality analysis showed significantly better scoring at lower tube tensions, with highest image quality at 80kV. However, image quality improvement was most relevant for low-dose scans. Conclusions: Image contrast in the temporal bone is significantly higher at low tube tensions, leading to a better subjective image quality. Highest contrast and best quality were found at 80kV. This image quality improvement might be utilized to further reduce the radiation dose in pediatric low-dose CT protocol

    An education and training programme for radiological institutes: impact on the reduction of the CT radiation dose

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    Objectives: To establish an education and training programme for the reduction of CT radiation doses and to assess this programme's efficacy. Methods: Ten radiological institutes were counselled. The optimisation programme included a small group workshop and a lecture on radiation dose reduction strategies. The radiation dose used for five CT protocols (paranasal sinuses, brain, chest, pulmonary angiography and abdomen) was assessed using the dose-length product (DLP) before and after the optimisation programme. The mean DLP values were compared with national diagnostic reference levels (DRLs). Results: The average reduction of the DLP after optimisation was 37% for the sinuses (180 vs. 113mGycm, P < 0.001), 9% for the brain (982 vs. 896mGycm, P < 0.05), 24% for the chest (425 vs. 322mGycm, P < 0.05) and 42% for the pulmonary arteries (352 vs. 203mGycm, P < 0.001). No significant change in DLP was found for abdominal CT. The post-optimisation DLP values of the sinuses, brain, chest, pulmonary arteries and abdomen were 68%, 10%, 20%, 55% and 15% below the DRL, respectively. Conclusions: The education and training programme for radiological institutes is effective in achieving a substantial reduction in CT radiation dos

    Macrocephaly in neurofibromatosis type 1: a sign post for optic pathway gliomas?

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    Purpose: Optic pathway gliomas, which occur in 15-20% of paediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1, are the most common central nervous system tumour associated with this neurocutaneous disorder. The detection of optic pathway gliomas is essential for further management but is often delayed in infancy due to oligosymptomatic progression and difficulties in clinical detection. Therefore, the aim of our study was to find a clinical indicator for the presence of optic pathway gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 in order to facilitate early diagnosis and initiate further ophthalmological and neuroimaging investigations. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 70 patients (mean age of 10.5years; SD of 4.3years; range of 0.5-19.6years; 35 females) with neurofibromatosis type 1 seen at the University Children's Hospital of Bern, Switzerland, between January 1998 and December 2008 regarding clinical features of neurofibromatosis type 1 in relation to the presence of optic pathway gliomas. Results: Fifty-seven of the 70 patients (81.4%) had no clinical or radiological signs of optic pathway gliomas [magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain in 26/57], whereas 13/70 patients (18.6%) were diagnosed with optic pathway gliomas by MRI. Patients with optic pathway gliomas showed macrocephaly significantly more often compared to patients without optic pathway gliomas (8/13 vs. 9/57, respectively; p = 0.004). Conclusion: Macrocephaly significantly correlates with the incidence of optic pathway gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1. We therefore hypothesise that in otherwise asymptomatic patients, macrocephaly is an additional indicator for performing MRI to detect optic pathway glioma

    Left Shifting of Language Related Activity Induced by Bihemispheric tDCS in Postacute Aphasia Following Stroke

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    Both anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the left IFG and cathodal stimulation of the right IFG were shown to improve rehabilitation of stroke patients with Broca’s aphasia. The study aimed at assessing the impact of a bihemispheric IFG stimulation compared to sham on postacute non-fluent aphasia. Twelve patients with non-fluent aphasia were included at least 4 weeks following cerebral stroke. Ten daily sessions of 2 mA bihemispheric verum or sham tDCS (anode on left IFG and cathode on right IFG) were performed concomitantly with individual language therapy in a double-blinded randomized controlled study with parallel group design. Language functions [i.e., communication (ANELT), picture naming and the Aachen aphasia test (AAT)] were assessed up to 1 month following tDCS. The picture naming task significantly improved (increased number of nouns) at the end of the tDCS procedure in the verum but not sham group. Improvements in the picture naming task and the communication task of the AAT at 4 weeks after tDCS procedure were only seen in the verum group. In patients with postacute cerebral stroke, repeated sessions of tDCS applied on both IFG concomitantly with language therapy were able to induce immediate effects on picture naming presumably due to an early left shift of language-associated function that maintained for 4 weeks. Effects on clinically relevant communicative abilities are likely

    Low-Dose Temporal Bone CT in Infants and Young Children: Effective Dose and Image Quality

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    The temporal bone is ideal for low-dose CT because of its intrinsic high contrast. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate image quality and radiation doses of a new low-dose versus a standard high-dose pediatric temporal bone CT protocol and to review dosimetric data from the literature

    Radiation dose optimization in pediatric temporal bone computed tomography: influence of tube tension on image contrast and image quality

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    The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of tube tension reduction on image contrast and image quality in pediatric temporal bone computed tomography (CT)

    Lamb Temporal Bone as a Surgical Training Model of Round Window Cochlear Implant Electrode Insertion

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    OBJECTIVE The preservation of residual hearing in cochlear implantation opens the door for optimal functional results. This atraumatic surgical technique requires training; however, the traditional human cadaveric temporal bones have become less available or unattainable in some institutions. This study investigates the suitability of an alternative model, using cadaveric lamb temporal bone, for surgical training of atraumatic round window electrode insertion. INTERVENTION A total of 14 lamb temporal bones were dissected for cochlear implantation by four surgeons. After mastoidectomy, visualization, and drilling of the round window niche, an atraumatic round window insertion of a Medel Flex24 electrode was performed. Electrode insertion depth and position were verified by computed tomography scans. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE All cochleas were successfully implanted using the atraumatic round window approach; however, surgical access through the mastoid was substantially different when compared human anatomy. The mean number of intracochlear electrode contacts was 6.5 (range, 4-11) and the mean insertion depth 10.4 mm (range, 4-20 mm), which corresponds to a mean angular perimodiolar insertion depth of 229 degrees (range 67-540°). Full insertion of the electrode was not possible because of the smaller size of the lamb cochlea in comparison to that of the human. CONCLUSION The lamb temporal bone model is well suited as a training model for atraumatic cochlear implantation at the level of the round window. The minimally pneumatized mastoid as well as the smaller cochlea can help prepare a surgeon for difficult cochlear implantations. Because of substantial differences to human anatomy, it is not an adequate training model for other surgical techniques such as mastoidectomy and posterior tympanotomy as well as full electrode insertion

    Radiation dose reduction in postoperative computed position control of cochlear implant electrodes in lambs - An experimental study

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    OBJECTIVE Cochlear implants (CI) are standard treatment for prelingually deafened children and postlingually deafened adults. Computed tomography (CT) is the standard method for postoperative imaging of the electrode position. CT scans accurately reflect electrode depth and position, which is essential prior to use. However, routine CT examinations expose patients to radiation, which is especially problematic in children. We examined whether new CT protocols could reduce radiation doses while preserving diagnostic accuracy. METHODS To investigate whether electrode position can be assessed by low-dose CT protocols, a cadaveric lamb model was used because the inner ear morphology is similar to humans. The scans were performed at various volumetric CT dose-indexes CTDIvol)/kV combinations. For each constant CTDIvol the tube voltage was varied (i.e., 80, 100, 120 and 140kV). This procedure was repeated at different CTDIvol values (21mGy, 11mGy, 5.5mGy, 2.8mGy and 1.8mGy). To keep the CTDIvol constant at different tube voltages, the tube current values were adjusted. Independent evaluations of the images were performed by two experienced and blinded neuroradiologists. The criteria diagnostic usefulness, image quality and artifacts (scaled 1-4) were assessed in 14 cochlear-implanted cadaveric lamb heads with variable tube voltages. RESULTS Results showed that the standard CT dose could be substantially reduced without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy of electrode position. The assessment of the CI electrode position was feasible in almost all cases up to a CTDIvol of 2-3mGy. The number of artifacts did not increase for images within this dose range as compared to higher dosages. The extent of the artifacts caused by the implanted metal-containing CI electrode does not depend on the radiation dose and is not perceptibly influenced by changes in the tube voltage. Summarizing the evaluation of the CI electrode position is possible even at a very low radiation dose. CONCLUSIONS CT imaging of the temporal bone for postoperative electrode position control of the CI is possible with a very low and significantly radiation dose. The tube current-time product and voltage can be reduced by 50% without increasing artifacts. Low-dose postoperative CT scans are sufficient for localizing the CI electrode

    Macrocephaly in neurofibromatosis type 1: a sign post for optic pathway gliomas?

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    Optic pathway gliomas, which occur in 15-20% of paediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1, are the most common central nervous system tumour associated with this neurocutaneous disorder. The detection of optic pathway gliomas is essential for further management but is often delayed in infancy due to oligosymptomatic progression and difficulties in clinical detection. Therefore, the aim of our study was to find a clinical indicator for the presence of optic pathway gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 in order to facilitate early diagnosis and initiate further ophthalmological and neuroimaging investigations