109 research outputs found

    Comunicación, ciudad e Internet: flujos de información urbana en entornos digitales

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    Se estima que para el 2050 más del 70% de la población mundial viva en ciudades (Hábitat, 2013). Al mismo tiempo, va aumentando la conexión a internet en el mundo y la difusión de conocimiento se hace de manera más acelerada. Es en este punto de encuentro entre el crecimiento urbano mundial y el acceso a redes digitales que se enmarca esta investigación. El objetivo de la investigación en desarrollo es identificar las relaciones que pueden existir entre el crecimiento urbano mundial y la producción de blogs y redes enfocados a temas de conocimiento urbano.It is estimated that by 2050 over 70% of the world population will live in cities (Habitat 2013). At the same time, the internet access is increasing in the world improving the dissemination of knowledge. It is at this meeting point between global urban growth and access to digital networks that this research takes place. The objective of the research is to identify relationships that may exist between global urban growth and the production of blogs and networks focused on urban issues.Peer Reviewe

    Manejo de la inestabilidad acromioclavicular crónica

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    ResumenLa articulación acromioclavicular representa el vínculo entre la clavícula y la escápula necesario para que se produzca una dinámica funcional sincronizada. La inestabilidad acromioclavicular crónica supone la producción de cambios en la orientación anatómica de la escápula, situación que condiciona alteraciones en la trayectoria cinemática de los grupos musculares que se pueden traducir finalmente en dolor crónico. Se han descrito una serie de estrategias quirúrgicas para el tratamiento de los pacientes con inestabilidad acromioclavicular crónica sintomática. El abanico de posibilidades contempla técnicas anatómicas y no anatómicas, cirugía abierta y cirugía asistida por artroscopia, injertos biológicos y plastias sintéticas. En el manejo quirúrgico de la inestabilidad acromioclavicular crónica de debe contemplar la reconstrucción de los ligamentos rotos, ya que se acepta que después de 3 semanas de producida la lesión dichas estructuras carecen de potencial de cicatrización.En el presente artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura en cuanto al manejo de la inestabilidad acromioclavicular crónica.AbstractThe acromioclavicular joint represents the link between the clavicle and the scapula, responsible for the synchronized dynamics of the shoulder girdle. Chronic acromioclavicular joint instability involves the occurrence of changes in the anatomical orientation of the scapula, a situation that leads to changes in muscle kinematics that could result in chronic pain. Several surgical strategies for the management of patients with chronic and symptomatic acromioclavicular joint instability have been described. The range of possibilities includes anatomical and non-anatomical techniques, open and arthroscopy-assisted surgery, and biological and synthetic grafts. Surgical management of chronic acromioclavicular joint instability should involve the reconstruction of the torn ligaments, as it is accepted that after 3 weeks from the injury, these structures lack healing potential.This paper describes a review of the literature as regards to the management of chronic acromioclavicular instability

    La construcción de comunidades en red sobre conocimiento urbano en el marco del crecimiento urbano: los blogs de espacio público

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    La investigación aborda el proceso de construcción de comunidades en red sobre conocimiento urbano, en el marco del crecimiento urbano mundial y la producción de blogs relacionados al espacio público. Con base en la teoría de las redes y el modelo Barabási-Albert, el objetivo de la investigación es identificar, analizar y ofrecer matrices comprensivas sobre la construcción de comunidades en red que distribuyen información de conocimiento urbano en entornos digitales, articulados por las temáticas relacionadas al espacio público. The objective of the research is to identify the formation of communities of blogs that address issues of urban knowledge, looking for patterns and topography with the aim to analyze their relations and how does they relate to each others and with other networks. The data is analyzed with the networks theory and the Barabási-Albert Model.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Extracting the multimodal fingerprint of urban transportation networks

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    Urban mobility increasingly relies on multimodality, combining the use of bicycle paths, streets, and rail networks. These different modes of transportation are well described by multiplex networks. Here we propose the overlap census method which extracts a multimodal profile from a city's multiplex transportation network. We apply this method to 15 cities, identify clusters of cities with similar profiles, and link this feature to the level of sustainable mobility of each cluster. Our work highlights the importance of evaluating all the transportation systems of a city together to adequately identify and compare its potential for sustainable, multimodal mobility.Comment: Accepted for publication in Transport Findings. 6 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1907.0708

    Management of chronic unstable acromioclavicular joint injuries

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    The acromioclavicular joint represents the link between the clavicle and the scapula, which is responsible for the synchronized dynamic of the shoulder girdle. Chronic acromioclavicular joint instability involves changes in the orientation of the scapula, which provokes cinematic alterations that might result in chronic pain. Several surgical strategies for the management of patients with chronic and symptomatic acromioclavicular joint instability have been described. The range of possibilities includes anatomical and non-anatomical techniques, open and arthroscopy-assisted procedures, and biological and synthetic grafts. Surgical management of chronic acromioclavicular joint instability should involve the reconstruction of the torn ligaments because it is accepted that from three weeks after the injury, these structures may lack healing potential. Here, we provide a review of the literature regarding the management of chronic acromioclavicular joint instability. Expert opinion, Level V

    Data-driven strategies for optimal bicycle network growth

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/952026/EU//HumanE-AI-NetUrban transportation networks, from pavements and bicycle paths to streets and railways, provide the backbone for movement and socioeconomic life in cities. To make urban transport sustainable, cities are increasingly investing to develop their bicycle networks. However, it is yet unclear how to extend them comprehensively and effectively given a limited budget. Here we investigate the structure of bicycle networks in cities around the world, and find that they consist of hundreds of disconnected patches, even in cycling-friendly cities like Copenhagen. To connect these patches, we develop and apply data-driven, algorithmic network growth strategies, showing that small but focused investments allow to significantly increase the connectedness and directness of urban bicycle networks. We introduce two greedy algorithms to add the most critical missing links in the bicycle network focusing on connectedness, and show that they outmatch both a random approach and a baseline minimum investment strategy. Our computational approach outlines novel pathways from car-centric towards sustainable cities by taking advantage of urban data available on a city-wide scale. It is a first step towards a quantitative consolidation of bicycle infrastructure development that can become valuable for urban planners and stakeholders.Peer reviewe

    Emulador de canal de radio

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    A procedure to interact real antennas with a virtual wireless channel simulating the multipath is presented. The method permits to test the performance of the antennas in the channel. The proposed technique achieves the interaction between the channel and the antennas by means of a file with their measured directional radiation characteristics. As a result, the amplitudes and phases of the output signals resulting from the multipath channel are obtained

    Multimodal urban mobility and multilayer transport networks

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    Transportation networks, from bicycle paths to buses and railways, are the backbone of urban mobility. In large metropolitan areas, the integration of different transport modes has become crucial to guarantee the fast and sustainable flow of people. Using a network science approach, multimodal transport systems can be described as multilayer networks, where the networks associated to different transport modes are not considered in isolation, but as a set of interconnected layers. Despite the importance of multimodality in modern cities, a unified view of the topic is currently missing. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging research areas of multilayer transport networks and multimodal urban mobility, focusing on contributions from the interdisciplinary fields of complex systems, urban data science, and science of cities. First, we present an introduction to the mathematical framework of multilayer networks. We apply it to survey models of multimodal infrastructures, as well as measures used for quantifying multimodality, and related empirical findings. We review modelling approaches and observational evidence in multimodal mobility and public transport system dynamics, focusing on integrated real-world mobility patterns, where individuals navigate urban systems using different transport modes. We then provide a survey of freely available datasets on multimodal infrastructure and mobility, and a list of open source tools for their analyses. Finally, we conclude with an outlook on open research questions and promising directions for future research.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    ASYTRAIN: a new methodology for teaching and learning antennas

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    This paper presents ASYTRAIN, a new tool to teach and learn antennas, based on the use of a modular building kit and a low cost portable antenna measurement system that lets the students design and build different types of antennas and observe their characteristics while learning the insights of the subjects. This tool has a methodology guide for try-and-test project development and, makes the students be active antenna engineers instead of passive learners. This experimental learning method arises their motivation during the antenna courses