68 research outputs found

    Tawaf crowd simulation using reciprocal velocity obstacle

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    Studies on crowd simulation have been around us for nearly 30 years. It remains one of the important and fundamental fields in three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics. Simulating large amount of crowds such as the crowd during Hajj is never an easy task. Therefore, a more refined technique is needed to avoid the entities, agents or characters in Hajj crowd from colliding with each other. In order to simulate such a huge crowd, the reciprocal velocity obstacles concept is used. The simulation is made using the reciprocal velocity obstacles as the collision avoidance technique. An experiment with up to 200 pilgrims is then conducted on four different personal computers (PCs) with different specifications

    A bird’s eye view on the Islamic discourse in Indonesia

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    This study takes a quick look at the Islamic literature discourse in Indonesia. This study seems essential considering the fact that the names of many Indonesian writers, especially Hamka, have been mentioned on several occasions in the discussions on Islamic literature in Malaysia. The arguments presented in this study have been carefully chosen from previous studies, carried out by E.U. Kratz (1986, 1997), Ungku Maimunah Mohd. Tahir (1990), Peter Riddell (2001) and articles published in the Indonesian journals, Horison and Panji Masyarakat. A point to be noted from the beginning however, is that we do not propose a detailed study of the Islamic literature discourse in Indonesia but merely to look at it as a whole. This is because the Indonesian Islamic literature discourse deserves an extensive study of its own. However, for the purpose of general comparison, some points in the Indonesian discourse, which stand out even at a cursory glance, are taken up for discussion

    [The Concept of Islamic Children’s Literature from al-Nadwi’s Perspective] Tasawur Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami Menurut Perspektif al-Nadwi

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    Literature is one of the mediums in conveying knowledge to human beings. This shows that literature is inseparable from education. Indeed, the literary works that contains knowledge is a manifestation of the writer’s understanding towards the function of literature. Therefore, it is a must for society to expose with a good quality of literary works, including for the children. The literary books for the Muslim children that carries Islamic teachings and suitable for their ages must be considered as the main reading materials. The understanding of the concept of Islamic Children’s Literature based on Muslim scholars’ perspectives is considered as a guideline for writers and readers to understand this concept. Al-Nadwi was one of the Islamic scholars who had a clear understanding on the idea of Islamic Children’s Literature. Thus, this paper will analyse al-Nadwi’s perspective on the Islamic Children’s Literary books. This study uses text analysis methods which involve several materials, including primary and secondary sources. The findings of this study show that al-Nadwi had outlined at least three elements representing his idea on the Islamic Children’s Literature, which are the empowerment of “al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah”, the use of “al-qissah” as literary genre and the emphasis on values in the literary works for the children. These three elements are not only stated by al-Nadwi as his theoretical point of views, but also applied in producing of his literary works for the children. Sastera adalah antara medium penyampaian ilmu untuk manusia. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahawa sastera tidak boleh dipisahkan daripada pendidikan. Sememangnya penghasilan bahan karya sastera yang mengandungi mesej ilmu adalah manifestasi kefahaman karyawan tentang fungsi sastera. Maka wajarlah segenap lapisan masyarakat didedahkan dengan karya sastera yang bermutu termasuk golongan kanak-kanak. Bagi kanak-kanak Muslim pula, bahan sastera yang membawa mesej Islam perlu dijadikan bahan bacaan utama yang bersesuaian dengan peringkat umur mereka. Pemahaman terhadap konsep Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami berdasarkan kupasan para sarjana berautoriti dilihat dapat memandu karyawan dan pembaca untuk memahami konsep ini sebaiknya. Al-Nadwi adalah antara sarjana Islam yang mempunyai ufuk pandangan jelas berkenaan Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami. Justeru, makalah ini akan menghuraikan perspektif al-Nadwi tentang tasawur Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis teks melibatkan bahan-bahan penulisan merangkumi sumber primer dan sekunder. Hasil kajian mendapati al-Nadwi antara lain menggariskan tiga elemen yang mendasari pemikirannya mengenai Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami iaitu, pemerkasaan tema “al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah”, pemanfaatan genre “al-qissah” dan penekanan terhadap aspek nilai murni dalam karya. Ketiga-tiga elemen ini bukan sahaja dinyatakan oleh al-Nadwi secara teori, malah turut diterapkan dalam penghasilan karya sasteranya untuk golongan kanak-kanak

    EZ-Arabic for children : a virtual learning resource tool for Malaysian primary schools

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    This innovation features a virtual Arabic learning tool prototype, which is specifically designed for learners at primary schools in Malaysia. The innovative process begun with the literature analysis of 3 theories based on the work of Nation (2003), Prensky (2001) and Mayer (2001). The design and development of this game-based learning prototype are modelled on the methods and approaches of design and development research (Richey & Klein, 2007) or formerly known as developmental research (Richey, Klein & Nelson, 2004). This method is also known as designed case (Reigeluth & Frick, 1999), design-based research (Reeves, 2006 & Herrington, et. al, 2007), formative research (Nieveen, 2007), and design research (Bannan-Ritland, 2003; Van der Akker, 2007). This prototype is designed and developed based on ‘design principles’ adapted from a study by Muhammad Sabri (2011), which was conducted on the design and development of an online Arabic vocabulary learning games prototype among pre-university learners in IIUM. This expanded Arabic virtual learning tool prototype enables teachers and students access to additional Arabic language learning aids, and complementing traditional learning methods. It facilitates Arabic learning enhancement through a compendium and variety of open-sources of learning tools such as the followings : a) E-book of Arabic text books, including extra reading story books, b) Educational Arabic games, c) Audio learning aids (MP 3) in Arabic, d) Visual learning aids (MP 4) in Arabic, e) Online dictionary and translator for Arabic, f) Online chat-box for virtual discussion and synchronous learning, g) Arabic keyboard for PC without stickers in Arabic letters, and h) Links of various websites for learning Arabic for children. The prototype provides a new learning experience for students who have been through a traditional Arabic teaching and learning methods, by immersing into the attractive, interesting and interactive virtual learning environment. The prototype is still in its pilot phase of design and development by analysing the feedbacks from teachers and pupils from several selected teachers in Malaysian primary schools. The prospect potential market and use of this product are wide, it includes: schools, universities and other learning institutions, special programmes, eg: J-Qaf, KAFA, states religious schools, etc. The URL for this prototype is http://ezarabic.net/v1/. This initial prototype won bronze medal award in 2012 International Islamic University Malaysia Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE 2012) which was organised on 21-22 February 2012

    Tinjauan Persepsi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Tujuan Ibadah Sebagai Satu Keperluan Bagi Masyarakat Muslim Awam Di Malaysia (A Perception Survey On Arabic Language Learning For Worship Purpose As A Requirement For Public Muslim Society In Malaysia)

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    Bahasa Arab merupakan satu bahasa yang mempunyai kedudukan istimewa dalam Islam. Ia dipilih untuk menjadi bahasa pengantara bagi membawa mesej Islam. AlQuran dan hadis yang merupakan panduan utama umat Islam disampaikan kepada mereka dalam bahasa Arab. Selain itu, kesemua amal ibadah umat Islam tidak terlepas daripada penggunaan bahasa Arab, malah menjadi syarat sesuatu ibadah itu diterima oleh Allah SWT khususnya yang melibatkan ibadah seperti solat dan haji. Hal ini menjadikan bahasa Arab amat sinonim dengan Islam dan umatnya. Kepentingan bahasa ini dalam kehidupan setiap muslim menjelaskan keperluan untuk mempelajari dan menguasai bahasa Arab. Selain itu, kepelbagaian bangsa dan bahasa umat Islam di seluruh dunia menjadi asas utama perlunya usaha mempelajari bahasa Arab khususnya bagi tujuan ibadah. Oleh itu, dapat difahami bahawa pembelajaran bahasa Arab oleh setiap individu muslim bukan merupakan satu pilihan tetapi satu keperluan. Artikel ini dihasilkan dengan tujuan untuk meninjau persepsi berkaitan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan masyarakat muslim awam di Malaysia. Kajian dijalankan melalui soal selidik yang dimuat naik dalam laman sosial Facebook® melibatkan sejumlah 616 responden di seluruh Malaysia. Sasaran utama bagi kajian ini ialah masyarakat muslim awam daripada pelbagai latar belakang pendidikan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan majoriti masyarakat awam mengiktiraf kepentingan pembelajaran bahasa Arab bagi masyarakat muslim khususnya bagi memahami bacaan-bacaan asas dalam ibadah. Selain itu, pelbagai cadangan turut dikemukakan oleh responden bagi meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Berdasarkan dapatan daripada kajian ini, satu rumusan cadangan modul pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tujuan ibadah telah dicadangkan bagi membantu masyarakat awam mempelajari bahasa ini berdasarkan cadangan responden

    Instructional Feedback Analysis of an Online Virtual Language Learning Platform Through EZ-Arabic among Malaysian Teachers of Primary Schools

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    The use of online educational courseware serves as an important teaching and learning aid among digital generation. It is increasingly becoming the focus of researchers in designing and developing new and up-to-date educational aids that cater to the learning needs of 21st century learners as well as keeping in-line with the transformation of latest technologies. This paper aims to analyze instructional feedback of an online virtual language learning platform through EZ-Arabic among Malaysian teachers of primary schools. It is a virtual Arabic virtual learning platform which is specifically designed for primary school?s learners in Malaysia. The respondents were purposively selected from 118 primary school teachers by using an adapted survey related to this study via an online virtual learning platform from 11 Jun until 22 October 2016. This interactive Arabic virtual learning tool prototype enables teachers and students access to additional Arabic language learning aids that complement traditional learning methods. It facilitates Arabic learning enhancement through a compendium and a variety of open-sources of learning tools such as e-book of Arabic text books, educational games, audio-video learning aids, online translator, online chat-box for discussion, link of Arabic keyboard for typing purpose, and links of various websites in learning Arabic for children. General findings indicate that teachers show a very good preference of using virtual language learning platform in teaching Arabic by using computer programmes with mixed competency levels and usages of ICT skills. Moreover, the respondents show promising expectation in using mobile learning. The implication of this study is to help educational stakeholders to better understand issues related to teaching and learning implementation of e-learning in their institutions

    Persepsi pelajar bukan Muslim terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    Pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Malaysia melibatkan pelbagai peringkat pengajian seperti di sekolah, institusi pengajian tinggi dan juga orang awam. Para penuntut bahasa Arab mempunyai tujuan tertentu apabila berusaha mempelajari dan mendalami bahasa yang amat sinonim dengan Islam. Dewasa ini, pembelajaran bahasa Arab turut melibatkan golongan bukan Muslim di pelbagai peringkat pengajian, termasuk di institusi pengajian tinggi. Justeru, makalah ini membincangkan persepsi golongan bukan Muslim terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk meneroka persepsi mereka terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam usaha untuk memastikan kandungan pembelajaran bahasa Arab selari dengan tujuan pembelajaran bahasa ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kajian kualitatif yang melibatkan temu bual tujuh pelajar bukan Muslim yang mempelajari bahasa Arab di Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan semua responden memberikan respons yang positif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Respons yang diberikan melibatkan metode pembelajaran yang dipraktikkan dalam usaha untuk menguasai bahasa Arab serta memperoleh motivasi dalam mempelajari bahasa ini. Semua respons ini memberi petunjuk bahawa persepsi bukan Muslim terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab amat positif sekiranya proses pembelajaran dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan berkesan. Beberapa cadangan berkaitan pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk pelajar bukan Muslim turut dibincangkan dalam makalah ini sebagai satu input yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh para pengajar bahasa Arab

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Tujuan Pelancongan: Satu Tinjauan Terhadap Prospek di Malaysia

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    Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Tujuan Pelancongan: Satu Tinjauan Terhadap Prospek di Malaysia - The International Social Science and Tourism Research Conference (ISSTRC 2016) from April 20th to 22nd, 2016 at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu

    التطرق على قصيدة "البردة" للبوصيري وقصيدة "الاءمين" للاءديب الملايوي الماليزي داتوك ا.صمد سعيد: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة “Attarruq ‘Ala Qasidah Al Burdah li Al Busairi wa Qasidah Al Amin li A. Samad Said:Dirasah Tahliliyyah Muqaranah” (An Analytical Comparative Study on the “Burdah’ Panegyric of Busairi (The Arab Poet) and A.Samad Said (The Malay Poet)

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    المديح النبويّ فنّ من فنون الشعر الإسلاميّ عربيّا كان أم عجميّا. وقد ذكر الدكتور زكي مبارك تعريفاً خاصاً حسب مفهومه عن المديح النبويّ حيث يقول: "هي لون من التعبير عن العواطف الدينية، وباب من الأدب الرفيع لأنّه لا يصدر إلاّ عن قلوب مفعمة بالصدق والإخلاص". وهناك أرآء كثيرة حول مفهوم المديح النبويّ منها من حدّده تحديداً ضيّقاً حيث يقول بأنّ ما ينظّم في حياة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يسمى مدحاً، وما ينظّم بعد مماته يسمى رثاءً. فأصحاب هذا التحديد لحظوا في مدحهم للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم أنّه موصول الحياة، وأنّهم يخاطبونه كما يخاطبون الأحياء. وأمّا بالنّسبة إلى رأي الباحثة المتواضع أنّ المديح النبويّ هو كلّ كلام نظّم عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في حياته أو بعد وفاته. ومن خلال هذه التعريفات والآراء، يظهر جليّا بأنّ المديح النبويّ موضوع من موضوعات الأدب الدينيّ. وهذا لأنّ الموضوع يتناول عن فكرة ورواية قائدنا العظيم سيّدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. فعلى كلّ مسلم معرفة سيرة إمامه المصطفى ورسوله المجتبى صلى الله عليه وسلم بحيث يستطيع أن يتّبعه في جميع أمور الحياة اليومية. وقد قال الله عزّ وجلّ في القرآن الكريم: ﴿قُلْ إِنْ كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَاللّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ﴾ ومن هنا، ترى الباحثة شخصيّة بأنّ السبب الرئيسيّ في تشجيع الأدباء لتنظيم القصائد التي تتعلّق بالمديح النبويّ في أيّ عصر من العصور وفي أيّ بلد من بلدان هو توفير المعلومات والقصص التي تمرّ بها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم طول حياته حتى تكون قلوب القرّاء والسامعين تتأثّر بها ويزيد الحبّ الخالص للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ويثني على شمائله الكاملة. فانطلاقاً من هذا، حاولت الباحثة في هذه الكتابة مقارنة بين قصيدتين العربية والملايوية اللتين تتكلّمان عن المديح النبويّ وسيرة حياته المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم. فاختارت الباحثة قصيدة "البردة" للبوصيري العربيّ وقصيدة "الأمين" للأديب الملايوي الماليزيّ أ. صمد سعيد للدراسة والمناقشة. ومن خلال هذه الدراسة والمناقشة، حاولت الباحثة النظر إلى أوجه الاتفاق والاختلاف بين قصيدتين وكذلك إبراز مدى التأثير والتأثّر بينهما إنْ كان موجوداً على الرغم من أنّ الشاعرين يعيشان في عصرين مختلفين وفي بلدين بعيدين بعضهما بعضاً

    Karya Al Tawabi’ wa Al Zawabi’ oleh Ibn Shuhayd dan Risalat Al Ghufran oleh Al Ma’ari: satu adaptasi daripada peristiwa Isra’ Mi’raj” (Ibn Shuhayd’s Al Tawabi’ and Al Ma’ari’s Risalat Al Ghufran: an adaptation of the Isra’ Mi’raj incident).

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    Fourteen hundred years ago al-Isra’ wa al-Mi‘raj or ‘The Night Journey’ brought to the world something that changed the course of history. The Isra’ Mi‘raj is considered a sign of Allah’s power by the God conscious. Therefore, this magnificent journey which contains a thousand and one wisdoms and miracles is very significant in Islam and will remain etched in the history of Islam. This article discusses the impact of the Isra’ Mi‘raj in the world of Arabic literature. For this purpose, this study will analyses two examples of Arabic literary works, which have been directly or indirectly inspired by the Isra’ Mi‘raj: al-Tawabi‘ wa al-Zawabi‘ and Risalat al-Ghufran. This article unveils a number of issues, which are seen as a direct result from the impact of the Isra’ Mi‘raj. Should this aspect really exist in these literary works, an inevitable fact avails, which is, that the Isra’ Mi‘raj has definitely played a significant role in fiction writings of Arabic literatures. Having established the above, caution should be practiced to ensure that the truth behind the Isra’ Mi‘raj be preserved and protected from any negative and offensive elements towards Islam and Muslims, notwithstanding the artistic nature of the works in scrutiny. Without any doubt, Isra’ Mi‘raj is a fact that has been mentioned in the Qur’an and the authentic Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW