103 research outputs found

    Investigating important factors influencing purchasing from chains

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    In this paper, we survey important factors, influencing customers to buy more from one of well known food market operating in capital city of Iran named Shahrvand. The survey studies the effects of six factors including customer's perception, persuasive factors, brand, customers' expectations, product's characteristics and special features of store on attracting more customers. We have distributed questionnaire among 196 customers who regularly visit stores and analyzed details of the data. The results indicate that customers' perception is the most important item, which includes eight components. Years of experience is the most important item in our survey followed by impact of color and working hours. Diversity of services is another factor, which plays the most important role followed by quality of services. Next, fidelity and brand are other most important factors and the name of store and risk are in lower degree of importance

    A study on effects of knowledge management on organizational entrepreneurship: A case study of educational system

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    Knowledge management plays an important role in business development specially in educational system. The proposed study designs and distributes a questionnaire among experts who are involved in education systems in province of Tehran, Iran. The population of this survey includes 1680 people who are enrolled in administration levels of this province and using a simple sapling technique is calculated as 313. The questionnaire consists of 30 questions in Likert scale and there are six categories for the proposed study of this paper including the concept of knowledge, management, knowledge tools, knowledge measurement, change management, knowledge content. We have used LISREL software package to find the relationship between entrepreneurship and knowledge management components. Based on the results of this survey, knowledge content is number one priority followed by knowledge tools and concept of knowledge. The other factors including management, knowledge measurement and change management are in lower levels of importance

    A survey on measuring the effect of website on customer satisfaction

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    During the past few years, there has an increasing trend on using internet facilities to do different personal banking. People transfer money, pay their bills and even purchase shares of different companies using internet. There is also an increasing competition among banks and other financial institutions through providing new web based facilities. There is no doubt that a bank with no online banking can easily lose market share. The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate how a bank website can impact customer loyalty. The proposed study is implemented for one of governmental Iranian banks called Bank of Industry and Mine. The study distributes a questionnaire among 330 people who use the internet banking of this bank. We then analyze their feedback using structural equation system and all the hypothesis are confirmed

    The role of information technology on developing free zone markets

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    Information technology (IT) plays an important role on developing different markets. Today, people can easily purchase goods from different stores using varieties of IT based facilities such as POS, ATM, etc. These devices help customers literally carry significant amount of money without bothering about any possible threat. In this paper, we study the impact of IT on developing businesses located mainly on free zones or in the borders of countries. We have distributed 300 questionnaires consists of 35 questions among different people and build structural equations using 28 variables. The results are analyzed using LISREL software package and they are grouped in five different groups including management, social and cultural, organizational, technical and investment factors. Chi-square represents a relatively high value, which means the null hypothesis can be rejected when All t-student represent meaningful values when the significance level is five percent. The results indicate that all these factors influence IT development, significantly

    An empirical study on identifying critical success factors on chaos management

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    Chaos management is one of the most necessary efforts on managing business units. Many organizations fail to cope with undesirable circumstances, which may happen without any prior notice and as a result, they may face with significant financial losses. In this paper, we present an empirical study to determine critical success factors, which could help handle any possible chaos in organizations. The proposed study of this paper is implemented for a set of travel agencies located in Tehran, Iran. Chronbach alpha is calculated as 0.821, which is well above the minimum desirable level. In addition, we have also performed factor analysis, which yields a KMO value of 0.576 with the level of significance of 0.000. The results indicate that there are six important factors including effective management strategy, internal environmental factors, creative and innovative attitudes, external environmental factors and top level management thoughts

    The Impact of Sales Encounters on Loyalty Brand TV Samsung in Tehran

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    sustaining brand loyalty is a key challenge in increasingly competitive markets. Many marketing researchers as well as practitioners emphasize the critical role of the interpersonal interaction between the customer and the salesperson in influencing customer satisfaction, generating favorable brand attitudes and strengthening the bond between the customers and the brand. Using data from 154 dyads of customers and sumsong tv in tehran, this study shows the perceptions of both the customer and the salesperson? brand Communication ?brand Trust? regarding the impact of sales encounter performance on satisfaction. Sales encounter satisfaction, in turn, leads to brand loyalty by enhancing brand attitude and salesperson loyalty. Keywords: Brand loyalty? Brand attitude ?Sales encounter?Sales encounter satisfaction ?Salesperson loyalty

    An empirical investigation on factors influencing export of herbal supplements

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    During the past few years, there have been growing interests in business development of herbal supplements in many developing countries especially in Iran. Herbal supplements are used to cure many deceases such as medicating anxiety, acne, weight loss, depression, etc. In this paper, we present an empirical investigation to detect important factors influencing exporting herbal supplements. The proposed study designs a questionnaire consists of 31 questions, distributes it among 210 experts who are professional in the area of production and distribution of herbal supplements and using factor analysis, the study detects eight factors including supportive laws and regulations, organizational atmosphere, marketing structure, knowledge oriented, feasibility study, research and development, competitive strategy and partnership strategies

    Investigating the role of commercialization on purchase intention

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    This paper presents a study to determine the role of commercialization on purchase intention in auto industry. The study designs a questionnaire in Likert scale and distributes it among some randomly selected people who lived in city of Tehran, Iran. The study investigates the effects of four factors including competitive condition, product development strategy, competitive advantage and economic growth on customers’ intention to purchase. Using structural equation modeling the study has determined a positive and meaningful relationship between each four components and purchase intention. In our study, the highest impact belongs to competitive condition followed by product development strategy

    The role of influential perceptual dimensions on the client's use of Internet banking services: A case study in Pasargad Bank

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    The aim of the present research is to study the role of the influential perceptual dimensions on the client's use of internet banking services of Pasargad Bank branches of Tehran. For this purpose, 384 of the clients of the branches of this bank in Tehran have been selected by using stratified random sampling method and the research questionnaires were distributed among them. The influential factors on acceptance of these services by the clients were studied in terms of four dimensions of efficiency, individual, social and security and for testing the proportionality of the research questionnaire, the exploratory factor analysis were used. The results indicated that the indices under study relatively represent the dimensions of the study. Hence, during the fitting the structural model, the effect of each of these dimensions were studied on the use of internet banking services, the results of which indicate that the efficiency and security dimensions have a significant effect (p<0.01) on the use of internet banking services while other dimensions such as individual and social dimensions in comparison to the efficiency dimension which were measured in terms of two concepts of usefulness and convenience and security, do not have a significant effect (p<0.01) on the use of internet banking services

    The role of influential perceptual dimensions on the client's use of Internet banking services: A case study in Pasargad Bank

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    The aim of the present research is to study the role of the influential perceptual dimensions on the client's use of internet banking services of Pasargad Bank branches of Tehran. For this purpose, 384 of the clients of the branches of this bank in Tehran have been selected by using stratified random sampling method and the research questionnaires were distributed among them. The influential factors on acceptance of these services by the clients were studied in terms of four dimensions of efficiency, individual, social and security and for testing the proportionality of the research questionnaire, the exploratory factor analysis were used. The results indicated that the indices under study relatively represent the dimensions of the study. Hence, during the fitting the structural model, the effect of each of these dimensions were studied on the use of internet banking services, the results of which indicate that the efficiency and security dimensions have a significant effect (p<0.01) on the use of internet banking services while other dimensions such as individual and social dimensions in comparison to the efficiency dimension which were measured in terms of two concepts of usefulness and convenience and security, do not have a significant effect (p<0.01) on the use of internet banking services
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