3 research outputs found

    Interneto, kaip šiuolaikinės reklamos komunikacijos priemonės, plėtros galimybės

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    Today we can clearly state that fast development of the Internet opens up marketing opportunities for business. The Internet single-sidedly conquers an increasingly larger segment in businesses' marketing programmes. This is understandable, as more and more marketing executives have convinced themselves that the Internet, as an advertising communication channel, is able to put business advertising projects into practice more cheaply and efficiently. Therefore, most often advertising on the Internet becomes the means of communication of such projects. Most writers admit that it is those businesses using the Internet present themselves to the surrounding world as contemporary ones, perceiving the tendencies of the world economy and moving step in step with time

    Emigracijos prielaidų įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtrai Lietuvoje

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    Free movement of work force, although somewhat limited during transitional periods, provided freedom to choose both a place for work and living not only in the home country but also in the whole of the European Union. Increasing work force demand due to economic growth and aging of the local labour force in Western European countries promotes labour mobility. With regards to a considerably lower employment level, differences in income, career opportunities and migration, this context of technological and global market growth is characterized by a clear growth of labour force movement, as the main manufacturing and service factor. Soon after integration large numbers of Lithuanian citizens in their turn used these opportunities