557 research outputs found

    Elbows on the Table: The Ethics of Doing Theology, Reflections from a U.S. Hispanic Perspective

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    The author proposes a richly local theology, contextualized in the banter, struggles, and confrontations of daily life, en lo cotidiano. These experiences are considered the foundational touchstones for theological reflection

    A View from the City: Creation, Recreation, y la Nueva Creación

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    Cell wall development of chambered crystalliferous cells in the secondary phloem of Populus euramericana is described. These cells were differentiated from parenchyma strands which contacted with phloem fiber groups. A crystal was formed in a vacuole surrounded by tonoplast in each chamber. Then, the secondary wall deposition of chambered crystalliferous cells began only at the part adjacent to phloem fibers forming a protruding fringe which encircled the crystal. When the vacuole disappeared, the crystal had been surrounded by the wall substance on all sides except that away from the fiber. The wall on the crystal surface was not formed by the growth of any protrusion of the secondary wall, but formed independently by the deposition of wall substance on the crystal surface. The secondary wall development was completed after filling up the space between the crystal-surface wall and the thickened side wall adjacent to phloem fiber with newly deposited wall. The crystal-surface wall must be deposited after the tonoplast surrounding the crystal is converted into the plasma membrane多室結晶細胞は分化中の師部繊維に接する柔細胞ストランドから分化した。結晶は最初液胞中に認められた。師部繊維が二次壁の堆積を始める頃, 結晶細胞壁の師部繊維側の部分で二次壁形成が始まり, 結晶を取巻くように壁の突出部が形成された。結晶を取囲む液胞が見えなくなると, 師部繊維と反対側の面を除きすべての結晶表面に壁の堆積が起こった。しかし, この壁は結晶細胞の壁の突出部が張出してきて結晶表面を被ったものではなかった。最後に結晶表面の壁と結晶細胞の師部繊維側に堆積した二次壁との間が, 新たに堆積してきた壁物質によって埋められ, 結晶は厚い細胞壁中に取込まれた状態となる。結晶表面の壁は, 結晶を取囲んでいた液胞膜が原形質膜に置換えられた後に形成されたものと考えられる

    Effects of doping elements in ¢-FeSi2 prepared utilizing cast iron scrap chips

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    In this work, the thermoelectric properties of p- and n-type ¢-FeSi2, prepared utilizing cast iron scrap chips, have been characterized by measuring the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity at temperatures ranging from room temperatures to 800°C. In a previous study, the upgrade recycling of cast iron scrap chips into ¢-FeSi2 thermoelectric materials was proposed as an eco-friendly and costeffective production process. By doping with different substitution concentrations of Co, Mn and Al, the conduction type and properties of ¢FeSi2 can be modified and improved using cast iron scrap chips as a starting material. The effects of the doping elements are discussed for preparing ¢-FeSi2 utilizing cast iron scrap chips. Cast iron scrap chips could be preferable as a starting material to replace pure Fe for n- and ptype ¢-FeSi2 thermoelectric materials. An optimum composition for n-type ¢-FeSi2 0.94C.I.-0.06Co-1.86Si shows that the largest ZT value of 0.22 occurs at 700°C, whereas for p-type ¢-FeSi2 0.92C.I.-0.08Mn-1.86Si, the largest ZT value of 0.17 occurs at 800°C


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    The effect of two substances with regulatory effect – RENI and RENI A on the quality and productivity of peas were studied. The experimental work was carried out in 2005-2006 on the territory of the town of Alexandroupolis, Greece. Wrinkled-seed garden peas of Vyatovo cultivar was an object of the study. The experiment was set by the plot method in four repetitions, the plot area being 6,4 m2. The plants were grown by the technology adopted for pea production. The experimental variants were the following: 1. Control; 2. Treated with RENI; 3. Treated with RENI A. Pre-sowing treatment with nitrogen at the rate of 3,3 kg/da, applied as ammonium nitrate and with phosphorus (P2O5) at the rate of 5 kg/da, applied as triple superphosphate was carried out. Treatment with RENI substances was conducted at the stage of bud formation and at the beginning of flowering. The applied rate of 200 ml/da was determined in our previous studies. It was found out that treatment with RENI had a positive effect on the dry matter accumulation and the carbohydrate exchange dynamics in peas of Vyatovo cultivar. Thus, the unfavourable environmental conditions could be compensated and a produce of better technological features and taste qualities could be obtained. Treatment with RENI brought about the improvement of the biological value of the proteins by increasing the total amount of the essential amino acids and changing the ratio between essential and total amino acids in favour of the essential ones. Treatment with RENI increased the molybdenum content in the pea grain and it is a prerequisite for replacing the presowing treatment with molybdenum chemicals.Изпитани са нови средства (РЕНИ и РЕНИ А) върху някои качествени показатели, определящи биологичната стойност на зърното, неговите вкусови и технологични качества. Установено е, че третирането с РЕНИ влияе благоприятно върху натрупването на сухо вещество и динамиката на въглехидратния обмен при грах сорт “Вятово”. По този начин могат да се компенсират неблагоприятните фактори на околната среда и да се получи продукция с по-добри технологични и вкусови качества. Третирането с РЕНИ подобрява биологичната стойност на белтъците – увеличава се общото количество на незаменимите аминокиселини и се променя съотношението на незаменими аминокиселини – общи аминокиселини в полза на незаменимите. Третирането с РЕНИ увеличава съдържанието на молибден в зърното на граха и може да замени предпосевното им третиране с молибденови препарати

    「人間科学研究交流会」報告 : 第74回 触覚提示技術と視覚障害の支援

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    departmental bulletin pape

    Preparation of eco-friendly Fe2VAl-based thermoelectric materials using cast iron scrap chips as a source material

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    This study investigates the upgraded recycling of cast-iron scrap chips in synthesising Heusler alloys Fe2VAl for thermoelectric materials. It mainly examines the microstructure and the thermoelectric performance of the products. The thermoelectric performance showed positive results, as the maximum power factor, the PF value, of p-type 2C.I.-V-Al prepared using cast-iron scrap chips (the prefix ‘C.I.’ presumably stands for ‘cast-iron scrap chips’) was 1604 µWm−1K−2 at 200°C, the highest PF value. Meanwhile, the undoped 2C.I.-V-Al prepared using cast-iron scrap chips showed an approximate two-fold improvement in the power factor value, with 967 µWm−1K−2 at 200°C, a higher PF value than those previously reported. Unfortunately, in this study, the n-type 2C.I.-V-Al specimen made from cast-iron scrap chips could not be fabricated due to the effect of unavoidable impurities in the cast-iron scrap chips. The use of cast-iron scrap chips to produce undoped and p-type 2C.I.-V-Al alloys can contribute towards eco-friendly and cost-effective production processe