96 research outputs found

    Improvement of complementary relationship-based evapotranspiration model

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    Advection-Aridity(AA) model can calculate actual evapotranspiration by using only meteorological data. However, comparing the model with Penman equation showed that AA model doesn’t properly evaluate evapotranspiration from urban moisture area. In urban area, Actual evaporation from water calculated by AA model(E) are much less than that by Penman equation(Epo). Multiple regression analysis using estimation results indicates that the difference between the models is due to the difference of the sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit between the models. To improve this problem, modification coefficient k, defined as k=a・albedo+b, is suggested. Regression coefficients a, b are determined as satisfying k=Epo/E for water and k=1 for urban surface. By using this coefficient k, evaporation from water is nearly equal to value estimated by Penman equation, while evaporation from urban surface is changeless

    Late-Time Mild Inflation --- a possible solution of dilemma: cosmic age and the Hubble parameter ---

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    We explore the cosmological model in which a late-time mild inflation is realized after the star formation epoch. Non-vanishing curvature coupling of a classical boson field yields this mild inflation without a cosmological constant. Accordingly the lifetime of the present Universe is remarkably increased in our model. Thus we show that the present observed high value of the Hubble parameter H07080km/sec/MpcH_0 \approx 70-80{\rm km/sec/Mpc} is compatible with the age of the oldest stars 14Gyr14{\rm Gyr} without introducing the cosmological constant or the open Universe model. Moreover in our model, the local Hubble parameter becomes larger than the global one. Thus we show that the present observed local Hubble parameter measured by using the Cepheid variables is compatible with the global Hubble parameter measured by using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. We also examine the energy conditions, evolution of the effective gravitational constant and the nucleosynthesis process.Comment: 18 page

    Possible activation by the green tea amino acid theanine of mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in undifferentiated neural progenitor cells in vitro

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    AbstractWe have shown marked promotion of both proliferation and neuronal differentiation in pluripotent P19 cells exposed to the green tea amino acid theanine, which is a good substrate for SLC38A1 responsible for glutamine transport. In this study, we evaluated the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase pathway, which participates in protein translation, cell growth and autophagy in a manner relevant to intracellular glutamine levels, in murine neural progenitor cells exposed to theanine. Exposure to theanine promoted the phosphorylation of mTOR and downstream proteins in neurospheres from embryonic mouse neocortex. Although stable overexpression of SLC38A1 similarly facilitated phosphorylation of mTOR-relevant proteins in undifferentiated P19 cells, theanine failed to additionally accelerate the increased phosphorylation in these stable transfectants. Theanine accelerated the formation of neurospheres from murine embryonic neocortex and adult hippocampus, along with facilitation of both 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine incorporation and 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide reduction in embryonic neurospheres. In embryonic neurospheres previously exposed to theanine, a significant increase was seen in the number of cells immunoreactive for a neuronal marker protein after spontaneous differentiation. These results suggest that theanine activates the mTOR signaling pathway for proliferation together with accelerated neurogenesis in murine undifferentiated neural progenitor cells

    Ordered nano-structure of a stamped self-organized protein layer on a HOPG surface using a HFB carrier

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    金沢大学理工研究域バイオAFM先端研究センターA groundbreaking method for ordered molecular layer preparation on a solid surface employing the drop-stamp method has been developed by us taking advantage of the characteristics of the HFB molecule as a self-organizer/adsorption carrier. It is a smart method which can be used to prepare a self-organized protein layer on a solid surface without unspecific adsorption or defects. In our previous report, we clarified the self-organizing nature of HFB-tagged protein molecules on a surface of a solution droplet. In this report, a protein layer was prepared on a HOPG surface by using the drop-stamp method with a maltose binding protein (MBP)-tagged HFBII molecule. The structure of the stamped protein layer was investigated using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM) in a liquid condition. The FM-AFM images show that the drop-stamp method can prepare an ordered protein layer on a solid surface smartly. The drop-stamp method using a HFB carrier is a practical method which can be used to prepare an ordered protein layer on a solid substrate surface without unspecific adsorption defects. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Prognosis factors in the treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw - Prognostic factors in the treatment of BRONJ -

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    Objectives: Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is a relatively rare but serious side effect of bisphosphonate (BP)-based treatments. This retrospective study aimed to investigate the risk factors and predictive markers in cases where patients were refractory to a recommended conservative treatment offered in our hospital. Patients and Methods: This single-center study collated the medical records of all patients treated for BRONJ between 2004 and 2011. A complete medical history, including detailed questionnaires, was collected for all patients, focusing on identifying underlying risk factors, clinical features, location and bone marker levels of BRONJ. Results: The mean BRONJ remission rate was 57.6%, and the median duration of remission was seven months. Eighteen patients (34.6%) had persistent or progressive disease with a recommended conservative treatment for BRONJ. Notably, urinary cross-linked N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen (NTX) levels in those resistant to conservative treatment tended to be lower than in patients that healed well. Conclusions: We confirm that a significant proportion of BRONJ sufferers are refractory to a recommended conservative treatment and find that anticancer drugs, periodontal disease, the level of bone exposure and the dosage of intravenous BPs (e.g. zoledronate) represent specific risk factors in BRONJ that may determine the success of a recommended conservative treatment. Additionally, the NTX levels might be able to be a prognostic factor for the conservative treatment of BRONJ; additional research is necessary

    Subjective Factors Affecting Urban Renewal in a Stagnant Satellite City

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    大阪市を母都市としてその周辺には,30に余る,いわゆる衛星都市群が蛸集する。これらの周辺諸都市は母都市との間において,機能的補完関係をもって分業的に並立するとともに,相互に激しい都市間競争に晒されている。本報告でとりあげる大阪府摂津市は淀川右岸の,いわゆる北摂7市の1つとして周囲に吹田,茨木,高槻など都市的水準において高位置を占める都市群に囲繞され,近年,これら諸都市との競合関係の中で,相対的な停滞性を次第に顕在化させてきた。行政,市民のいずれのレベルにおいても,一種の危機感が蔓延し,それへの対応を求める声が近時急速に盛り上がってきた。1987年,市長の諮問機関として「摂津市経済活性化懇談会」が設置されるにいたった。懇談会はその討議資料の作製を行政を介して,「関大都市問題研究会」に委託した。当研究会は1988年,1989年の両年にわたり,それぞれ性質を異にする2つの調査を実施した。本報告はこれらの調査結果を素材として当研究会が独自の問題意識と分析視角に基づき主題の追求を試みたものである。There are more than thirty satellite cities on the outskirts of Osaka. These cities are functionally in a supplemental relationship to the central city, Osaka. They also enegage in severe competition with one another. Settsu City, which we deal with in this paper, is one of the seven cities in north-Osaka. Settsu City is surrounded by cities which occupy a higher position on this urban level, and is gradually developing a relatively stagnant characteristics in the competitive relations to these cities. A sense of crisis has spread recently to the municipal authorities and to the inhabitants in Settsu as well. Public discussion, to consider how to cope with this situation, has risen remarkably. In 1987, the "Committee for Economic Activation in Settsu" was founded as a consultative organ of the mayor. The Committee entrusted to us, the "Group for the Study of Urban Problems in Kansai University", with various materials for discussion through the municipal administration. We carried out the qualitative research in 1988 and the quantitative research in 1989. This paper is a report on our inquiry into the subject. Our inquiry was based on our examination of the materials received and guided by our own concerns and our modes of analysis