163 research outputs found

    A case of giant urachal cyst in a neonate

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    AbstractWe report a case of giant urachal cyst in a neonate presenting characteristic features on fetal ultrasonography. A 28-year-old woman of 21 weeks gestation was referred to our hospital for evaluation of a cystic mass in the lower portion of the fetal abdomen. On fetal ultrasonography, at 23 weeks gestation, the two umbilical arteries in the base of the umbilical cord became separated from each other due to the fetal cyst. On fetal MRI, at 25 weeks gestation, the cyst was depicted as a unilocular serous cyst, independent of the surrounding organs such as the kidney, gallbladder and intestines. The cyst had no communication with the bladder or umbilical cord. A male infant was delivered at term. Although the infant was thriving and remained asymptomatic, an enhanced CT examination 13 days after birth showed the cyst was still present without any decrease in size. The infant underwent surgery to make a definite diagnosis and to prevent future complications. The cyst was excised without any complication and finally diagnosed as a urachal cyst based on morphological and pathological findings

    An attempt of dissemination of potential fishing zones prediction map of Japanese common squid in the coastal water, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan

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    Accurate prediction of potential fishing zones is regarded as one of the most immediate and effective approaches in operational fisheries. It helps fishermen reduce their cost on fuel and also decrease the uncertainty of their fish catches. To predict potential fishing zones of Japanese common squid, we derived fishing positions from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS), combine with bathymetry and model-derived environmental factors from the 4D-VAR data assimilation system and fitted using habitat suitability index (HSI) model. Validations with an independent DMSP/OLS dataset showed better performance of the model in figuring out the squid aggregations than our previous model established with satellite-derived environmental data. Nighttime visible images during June and early July of 2013 derived from Day/Night band (DNB) of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor with a better resolution and quality compared to DMSP/OLS, were also applied for validation and results showed differences of fitness between actual fishing activities and predictions in Japan Sea and Tsugaru Strait

    Diminished Gastric Resection Preserves Better Quality of Life in Patients with Early Gastric Cancer

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    Using the Postgastrectomy Syndrome Assessment Scale (PGSAS)-45, we compared the surgical outcomes and the quality of life (QOL) between patients undergoing limited gastrectomies and those undergoing conventional gastrectomies. In Oomoto Hospital between January 2004 and December 2013, a total of 124 patients who met the eligibility criteria were enrolled. Using the main outcome measures of PGSAS-45, we compared 4 types of limited gastrectomy procedures (1/2 distal gastrectomy [1/2DG] in 21 patients; pylorus-preserving gastrectomy [PPG] in 15 patients; segmental gastrectomy [SG] in 26 patients; and local resection [LR] in 13 patients) with conventional gastrectomy (total gastrectomy [TG] in 24 patients and 2/3 or more distal gastrectomy [WDG] in 25 patients). The TG group showed the worst QOL in almost all items of the main outcome measures. The 1/2DG, PPG, and SG groups showed better QOL than the WDG group in many of the main outcome measures, including the body weight ratio, total symptom score, ingested amount of food per meal, and the dissatisfaction for daily life subscale. The LR group showed a better intake of food than the 1/2DG, PPG, and SG groups. The body weight ratio of the LR group was better than that of the SG group. Diminished gastric resection preserved better QOL in patients with early gastric cancer

    Supplementation of protein-free diet with whey protein hydrolysates prevents skeletal muscle mass loss in rats

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    AbstractMuscle mass loss is induced by aging, several catabolic diseases, and malnutrition. It is well known that ingestion of whey protein and its hydrolysates (WPH) is effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis. However, these studies focused on the acute up-regulation of muscle protein synthesis, and few studies have investigated the effect of whey protein and WPH on muscle mass during chronic malnutrition. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of 7 days supplementation of whey protein and WPH on muscle reduction in Wistar rats fed a protein-free (PF) diet. Wistar rats were fed either a standard diet (containing 20% protein) or a PF diet during the experimental period. Those fed a PF diet received a dietary supplement containing an amino acid mixture, whey protein, or WPH for 7 days. The weight of the extensor digitorum longus decreased in rats fed a PF diet supplemented with the amino acid mixture or the whey protein. However, this decrease was partially but significantly suppressed in the group fed the WPH supplement. Additionally, administration of WPH induced a postprandial increase in plasma essential amino acids, branched-chain amino acids, and leucine concentration compared with animals fed the amino acid mixture or the whey protein. These results suggest that 7 days supplementation of the diet with WPH suppressed muscle weight loss in rats fed a PF diet

    Testing the External Shock Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts using the Late-Time Simultaneous Optical and X-ray Afterglows

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    We study the ``normal'' decay phase of the X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which follows the shallow decay phase, using the events simultaneously observed in the R-band. The classical external shock model -- in which neither the delayed energy injection nor time-dependency of shock micro-physics is considered -- shows that the decay indices of the X-ray and R-band light curves, αX\alpha_{\rm X} and αO\alpha_{\rm O}, obey a certain relation, and that in particular, αOαX\alpha_{\rm O}-\alpha_{\rm X} should be larger than -1/4 unless the ambient density increases with the distance from the central engine. For our selected 14 samples, we have found that 4 events violate the limit at more than the 3σ\sigma level, so that a fraction of events are outliers of the classical external shock model at the ``normal'' decay phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL. 12 page, 2 figures, 2 table

    In vivo imaging models of bone and brain metastases and pleural carcinomatosis with a novel human EML4-ALK lung cancer cell line

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    がん進展制御研究所EML4-ALK lung cancer accounts for approximately 3-7% of non-small-cell lung cancer cases. To investigate the molecular mechanism underlying tumor progression and targeted drug sensitivity/resistance in EML4-ALK lung cancer, clinically relevant animal models are indispensable. In this study, we found that the lung adenocarcinoma cell line A925L expresses an EML4-ALK gene fusion (variant 5a, E2:A20) and is sensitive to the ALK inhibitors crizotinib and alectinib. We further established highly tumorigenic A925LPE3 cells, which also have the EML4-ALK gene fusion (variant 5a) and are sensitive to ALK inhibitors. By using A925LPE3 cells with luciferase gene transfection, we established in vivo imaging models for pleural carcinomatosis, bone metastasis, and brain metastasis, all of which are significant clinical concerns of advanced EML4-ALK lung cancer. Interestingly, crizotinib caused tumors to shrink in the pleural carcinomatosis model, but not in bone and brain metastasis models, whereas alectinib showed remarkable efficacy in all three models, indicative of the clinical efficacy of these ALK inhibitors. Our in vivo imaging models of multiple organ sites may provide useful resources to analyze further the pathogenesis of EML4-ALK lung cancer and its response and resistance to ALK inhibitors in various organ microenvironments. © 2015 The Authors