2 research outputs found

    Pengalaman Keberagamaan Ibu Miskin Meninggalkan Gereja Pada Buku “Living Faith: Everyday Religion And Mothers In Poverty”

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    This research reveals the causes and religious experiences of poor single mothers leaving the church in the book "Living Faith: Everyday Religion and Mothers in Poverty" by Susan Crawford Sullivan through economic, psychological, gender and theological approaches. The type of method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with content analysis techniques and library research. The results of this study show that from the resource approach, it was found that the reasons why poor single mothers left the church were limited time resources and financial resources. From the aspect of women's social experience, various problems of discrimination and stigmatization of single mothers and poverty caused these poor single mothers to leave the church. Using the theory of self-acceptance, the poor single mothers assessed that they were poor and did not have the appropriate morals so they felt inappropriate to enter the church.  Through a theological approach, poor mothers experience a transition from institutional religion to individual religion (religious individualism) as a manifestation of religiosity in a new form


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    The low success rate of breastfeeding for up to 2 years and the high rate of stunting in Indonesia are in the world's spotlight. This has an impact on the poor quality of human resources in terms of health. The imbalance between the study of breastfeeding motivation and the study of the introduction of lactation constraints in the Qur'an is one of the causes of the early termination of the lactation process. This study aims to examine breast rejection in the story of the lactation procession of Musa ‘alayh al-salam in the Qur'an by studying QS. Al-Qasas verses 7 and 12. This research method uses a qualitative method. Baby Musa's refusal behavior towards other breastfeeding mothers was due to the chronology of breastfeeding baby Musa with his biological mother in accordance with the management of lactation, baby Musa had recognized the scent of his mother's body and he had reached the indiscriminate attachment phase.Rendahnya angka keberhasilan menyusui hingga 2 tahun dan tingginya angka stunting di Indonesia menjadi sorotan dunia. Hal ini berdampak pada buruknya kualitas sumber daya manusia ditinjau dari aspek kesehatan. Tidak seimbangnya kajian motivasi menyusui dengan kajian pengenalan kendala laktasi dalam al-Qur’an menjadi salah satu penyebab prosesi laktasi berhenti lebih dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji tentang breast rejection pada kisah prosesi laktasi Musa as. dalam al-Qur’an dengan mendalami QS. Al-Qasas ayat 7 dan 12. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Perilaku penolakan bayi Musa as. terhadap ibu susu lain disebabkan karena kronologi penyusuan bayi Musa dengan ibu kandungnya telah sesuai dengan tata laksana manajemen laktasi, pengenalan bayi Musa terhadap Ibu kandungnya memalui aroma tubuh dan ia telah mencapai fase indiscriminate attachment