267 research outputs found

    Triangle areas in line arrangements

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    A widely investigated subject in combinatorial geometry, originated from Erd\H{o}s, is the following. Given a point set PP of cardinality nn in the plane, how can we describe the distribution of the determined distances? This has been generalized in many directions. In this paper we propose the following variants. Consider planar arrangements of nn lines. Determine the maximum number of triangles of unit area, maximum area or minimum area, determined by these lines. Determine the minimum size of a subset of these nn lines so that all triples determine distinct area triangles. We prove that the order of magnitude for the maximum occurrence of unit areas lies between Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) and O(n9/4)O(n^{9/4}). This result is strongly connected to both additive combinatorial results and Szemer\'edi--Trotter type incidence theorems. Next we show a tight bound for the maximum number of minimum area triangles. Finally we present lower and upper bounds for the maximum area and distinct area problems by combining algebraic, geometric and combinatorial techniques.Comment: Title is shortened. Some typos and small errors were correcte


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    This study investigated the effects of different groundcover materials on soil and plant nutrition. Trees of apple cv. ‘Idared’/MM.106 (Malus domestica Borkh.) were planted into lowland chernozem soil in the spring of 1999. Applied treatments can be divided into two groups: different livestock manures and mulches. Soil strips of 150 cm width were covered either with straw, different livestock manure, black plastic foil, pine bark mulch or were without cover i.e. clean cultivation as a check. Leaf and soil samples were collected for chemical analysis. It was found that all groundcover treatments induced an increase in leaf nitrogen, sulphur and calcium. Leaf magnesium was not affected so obviously by different groundcover treatments. Leaf potassium was not affected by applying different livestock manures, except horse manure but lower in mulch treatments compared to the control. Leaf phosphorous was decreased by treatments except using horse manure. Examination of ratios of nutrients showed that there were disharmonies in the available nutrients supply of soil. The best results were obtained by applying horse manure

    Ordering variable for parton showers

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    The parton splittings in a parton shower are ordered according to an ordering variable, for example the transverse momentum of the daughter partons relative to the direction of the mother, the virtuality of the splitting, or the angle between the daughter partons. We analyze the choice of the ordering variable and conclude that one particular choice has the advantage of factoring softer splittings from harder splittings graph by graph in a physical gauge.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-jet cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at next-to-leading order

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    We present the perturbative prediction for three-jet production cross section in DIS at the NLO accuracy. We study the dependence on the renormalization and factorization scales of exclusive three-jet cross section. The perturbative prediction for the three-jet differential distribution as a function of the momentum transfer is compared to the corresponding data obtained by the H1 collaboration at HERA.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Next-to-Leading Order Calculation of Four-Jet Shape Variables

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    We present the next-to-leading order calculation of two four-jet event shape variables, the D parameter and acoplanarity differential distributions. We find large, more than 100% radiative corrections. The theoretical prediction for the D parameter is compared to L3 data obtained at the Z peak and corrected to hadron level.Comment: 11 pages, latex with aps, epsf, rotate styles 3 tables, 3 figures typo in eq. 10 corrected, note and reference added, introduction revise

    Three-jet cross sections in hadron-hadron collisions at next-to-leading order

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    We present a new QCD event generator for hadron collider which can calculate one-, two- and three-jet cross sections at next-to-leading order accuracy. In this letter we study the transverse energy spectrum of three-jet hadronic events using the kT algorithm. We show that the next-to-leading order correction significantly reduces the renormalization and factorization scale dependence of the three-jet cross section.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTEX

    General subtraction method for numerical calculation of one-loop QCD matrix elements

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    We present a subtraction scheme for eliminating the ultraviolet, soft, and collinear divergences in the numerical calculation of an arbitrary one-loop QCD amplitude with an arbitrary number of external legs. The subtractions consist of local counter terms in the space of the four-dimensional loop momentum. The ultraviolet subtraction terms reproduce MSbar renormalization. The key point in the method for the soft and collinear subtractions is that, although the subtraction terms are defined graph-by-graph and the matrix element is also calculated graph-by-graph, the sum over graphs of the integral of each the subtraction term can be evaluated analytically and provides the well known simple pole structure that arises from subtractions from real emission graphs, but with the opposite sign.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, axodraw styl