1,525 research outputs found

    An Unusual Case of Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma Presenting with Rectal Bleeding and Haematuria

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    Adenocarcinoma of the appendix is rare, usually being diagnosed intraoperatively when performing appendicectomy or at subsequent histological examination. Here we report a case with acute abdominal pain, rectal bleeding with haematuria being the presenting symptoms. Subsequent computerised tomography demonstrated a complex mass involving the ileum, right colon, sigmoid colon and bladder with inflammatory bowel disease being the most likely cause. At laparotomy a right hemicolectomy, sigmoid colectomy and partial cystectomy was performed with pathological specimens confirming an appendiceal adenocarcinoma as the primary source of the abdominal mass fistulating into adjacent structures. We conclude that although appendiceal tumours are rare – usually diagnosed at appendicectomy, they should be considered in the diagnosis of complex abdominal masses involving small bowel, large bowel and adjacent pelvic structures

    Excitations and benchmark ensemble density functional theory for two electrons

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    A new method for extracting ensemble Kohn-Sham potentials from accurate excited state densities is applied to a variety of two electron systems, exploring the behavior of exact ensemble density functional theory. The issue of separating the Hartree energy and the choice of degenerate eigenstates is explored. A new approximation, spin eigenstate Hartree-exchange (SEHX), is derived. Exact conditions that are proven include the signs of the correlation energy components, the virial theorem for both exchange and correlation, and the asymptotic behavior of the potential for small weights of the excited states. Many energy components are given as a function of the weights for two electrons in a one-dimensional flat box, in a box with a large barrier to create charge transfer excitations, in a three-dimensional harmonic well (Hooke's atom), and for the He atom singlet-triplet ensemble, singlet-triplet-singlet ensemble, and triplet bi-ensemble.Comment: 15 pages, supplemental material pd

    Peary caribou, muskoxen and Banks Island forage: Assessing seasonal diet similarities

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    Peary caribou (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) and muskoxen {Ovibos moschatus) on Banks Island had considerable similarity in their annual diets, with monthly similarities ranging from 17.8-73.3%. Diet similarity was more pronounced in areas of high muskox density {ca. 1.65/km2) than in areas of low muskox density {ca. 0.4/km2). Willow (Salix arctica) and sedge (Carex aquatilis and Eriophorum spp.) represented >80% of the monthly diet of muskoxen. The caribou diet was more diverse, and was dominated by sedge, willow, Dryas integrifolia, and Oxytropis maydelliana, Lichen use was rare, likely as a consequence of low availability on Banks Island. Lichen standing crop was estimated at 2.96 g/m2. The differences in muskox diet between high and low density areas could not be explained by differences in forage distribution or standing crop. We discuss diet similarities of caribou and muskoxen and potential consequences for the current Peary caribou population in relation to winter weather conditions and increasing muskox density

    Population demography of high arctic caribou on Banks and Melville Islands

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    Caribou numbers, Rangifer tarandus pearyi, (excluding calves) on Banks Island were estimated (standard error of the estimate) at 1005 (SE±133) in 1992, 709 (SE±128) in 1994 and 436 (SE±71) in 1998; no paired estimates were different (P<0.05). On Melville Island caribou numbers were similar in 1987 and 1997 with estimates of 729 (SE±104) and 787 (SE±97), respectively. We conducted annual sex and age classification surveys during July on Banks Island from 1994-2000 and on Melville Island from 1998-2000. The number of calves per 100 >two-year-old females ranged from 24.0 in 1994 to 74.3 in 1998 on Banks Island, and from 44.8 in 1999 to 80.0 in 1998 on Melville Island. Recruitment rate ranged from 18.6% during 1997/1998 to 27.5% during 1999/2000 on Banks Island and from 16.7% during 1997/1998 to 25.0% during 1999/2000 on Melville Island. There has been an increasing trend in the rate of recruitment on both islands during the last three years of the study

    Calf Production, Calf Survival, and Recruitment of Muskoxen on Banks Island during a Period of Changing Population Density from 1986-99

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    Population estimates for muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) (age > 1 year) on Banks Island increased from 29 168 (SE 2104) in 1985 to a peak of 64 608 (SE 2009) in 1994 and then declined to 45 833 (SE 1938) in 1998. From 1986 to 1999, annual sex and age classification surveys of muskoxen were conducted during summer. We estimated calf production (number of calves per 100 females aged 2 years or more), calf survival, and recruitment (number of yearlings per 100 females aged 2 years or more). Calf production ranged from 31.3 to 56.3 and was similar between periods of increasing and decreasing density (mean = 42.3 vs. 40.8). Calf survival ranged from 23% to 83% and was generally higher while density was increasing than during its decline (mean = 60 vs. 45). Survival at a given density was lower following the 1994 peak in density. Recruitment ranged from 10.0 to 41.7 and was higher (p = 0.06) during the period of increasing density than during the decline (mean = 28.0 vs. 17.2). Calf survival and recruitment were lowest following two consecutive severe winters, but animal density explained more of the variation in survival and recruitment than did late-winter snow depth. There was a positive relationship between the proportion of sedge (Carex spp., Eriophorum scheuchzeri) in the summer diet and calf survival and recruitment. Patterns of calf survival and recruitment plotted against density were consistent with those modelling a density-dependent relationship. Our results suggest that severe weather alone cannot explain the fluctuations in the population dynamics of Banks Island muskoxen and that underlying density-dependent responses acting upon calf survival and recruitment offer an alternative explanation.Les estimations de population du bƓuf musquĂ© (Ovibos moschatus) [Ăąge = 1 an] sur l'Ăźle Banks ont augmentĂ© de 29 168 (erreur-type 2104) en 1985 Ă  une valeur crĂȘte de 64 608 (erreur-type 2009) en 1994 pour ensuite dĂ©cliner jusqu'Ă  45 833 (erreur-type 1938) en 1998. De 1986 Ă  1999, on a procĂ©dĂ© en Ă©tĂ© Ă  des relevĂ©s annuels de classification par sexe et par Ăąge des bƓufs musquĂ©s. On a estimĂ© la production de veaux (nombre de veaux par 100 femelles de 2 ans ou plus), la survie des veaux et le recrutement (nombre de petits d'un an pour 100 femelles de 2 ans ou plus). La production de veaux allait de 31,3 Ă  56,3 et Ă©tait semblable durant la pĂ©riode d'augmentation et celle de diminution de densitĂ© (moyennes de 42,3 et 40,8 respectivement). La survie des veaux allait de 23 Ă  83 p. cent et Ă©tait gĂ©nĂ©ralement plus Ă©levĂ©e quand la densitĂ© augmentait que pendant son dĂ©clin (moyennes de 60 et 45 respectivement). La survie pour une densitĂ© donnĂ©e Ă©tait plus faible aprĂšs la crĂȘte de densitĂ© de 1994. Le recrutement allait de 10,0 Ă  41,7 et Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ© (p = 0,06) pendant la pĂ©riode d'augmentation de densitĂ© que pendant son dĂ©clin (moyennes de 28,0 et 17,2 respectivement). La survie des veaux et le recrutement Ă©taient les plus faibles aprĂšs deux hivers rigoureux, mais la densitĂ© des animaux expliquait mieux la variation dans la survie et le recrutement que l'Ă©paisseur de la neige Ă  la fin de l'hiver. Il y avait une relation positive entre la proportion de carex (Carex spp, Eriophorum scheuchzeri) dans l'alimentation estivale et la survie des veaux ainsi que le recrutement. Les tendances dans la survie des veaux et le recrutement tracĂ©es en fonction de la densitĂ© donnaient des courbes en accord avec celles reprĂ©sentant un modĂšle variant avec la densitĂ©. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la rigueur du climat ne peut Ă  elle seule expliquer les fluctuations dans la dynamique de la population du bƓuf musquĂ© de l'Ăźle Banks et que des rĂ©actions fondamentales variant avec la densitĂ© qui influent sur la survie des veaux et le recrutement offrent une autre explication

    Overwinter changes in urea nitrogen:creatinine and cortisol:creatinine ratios in urine from Banks Island Peary caribou

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    Over 200 snow urine samples were collected from Banks Island Peary caribou between March 1993 and May 1998. Most (n = 146) samples were collected during 3 time periods in 5 successive years: early winter (3 November-3 December), mid-winter (9 February-1 March), and late-winter (23 April-2 May). We determined the ratios of urea nitrogen:creatinine (U:C) and cortisol:creatinine (C:C) for each sample. U:C ratios had significant year, time, and year x time interaction effects. Mid-winter ratios were higher than early or late-winter ratios. U:C ratios ranged from 0.53 to 19.05 mg/mg, and were lowest in 1997-98. Five calf caribou sacrificed in February 1994 had significantly (P<0.02) higher U:C ratios than other caribou in mid-winter. Three adult male and 2 calf caribou sacrificed in November 1993 had U:C ratios similar to other caribou in early winter. Sacrificed caribou were in similar condition to animals that have been harvested for subsistent use in other years, not overly fat nor in an advanced state of starvation. U:C ratios for Peary caribou range from 10 to ca. 100-fold higher than those reported for barren-ground caribou; ratios > 60-fold higher than those indicative of prolonged undernutrition in barren-ground caribou were common. This difference is likely because the winter diet of Peary caribou has a higher crude protein content than that of barren-ground caribou. C:C ratios had significant year and year x time interaction effects, and were highest in 1996-97 and 1997-98. C:C ratios of sacrificed caribou were similar to those of other animals during early and mid-winter. C:C ratios for Peary caribou ranged from 0.0120 ug/mg to 0.2678 ug/mg; ratios indicative of morbidity in mule deer were common. C:C and U:C ratios from the same individuals were not correlated (R = -0.073). Monitoring U:C ratios of Banks Island Peary caribou may provide useful management information

    Monozygotic Twin Wolves with Divergent Life Histories

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    Genetic evidence for monozygotic (identical) twinning in mammalian species is rare in the literature. Here we report what may be the first pair of monozygotic twins identified in a wild caniform carnivore, the grey wolf (Canis lupus). One of these individuals remained in its natal population of Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, while its twin migrated across the polar sea ice to the mainland. This suggests divergent life history strategies in genetically identical individuals, making this incidence of twinning particularly interesting.Il est rare que la documentation fasse Ă©tat de preuves gĂ©nĂ©tiques Ă  l’égard de jumeaux monozygotes (identiques) chez les espĂšces de mammifĂšres. Ici, nous faisons mention de ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre la premiĂšre paire de jumeaux monozygotes identifiĂ©e chez un carnivore caniforme sauvage, le loup gris (Canis lupus). Un de ces individus est restĂ© au sein de sa population natale de l’üle Banks, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, au Canada, tandis que son jumeau a migrĂ© jusqu’à la terre ferme au moyen de la glace polaire. Cela laisse entrevoir des stratĂ©gies de cycle biologique diffĂ©rentes chez des individus gĂ©nĂ©tiquement identiques, ce qui rend cette gĂ©mellitĂ© particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressante

    Growth in Skull Length and Width of the Arctic Wolf: Comparison of Models and Ontogeny of Sexual Size Dimorphism

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    We compared four classical nonlinear growth curves (Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, and von Bertalanffy) in modeling observed skull condylobasal length and zygomatic width as a function of age in wild arctic wolves (Canis lupus arctos). We analyzed gender-specific growth patterns and the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in this species as revealed by the best model from these alternatives. For both genders and skull size measurements, the size-at-age data provided the best support for the von Bertalanffy model because of higher fitting degrees, lower root mean squared standard deviation of data points about the fitted growth curve, Akaike weight of 37.4% or higher, and fewer parameters derived directly from metabolic laws. Male asymptotic condylobasal length was 3.2% longer, and zygomatic width 4.1% wider, than in females. Sexual size dimorphism in this species develops in part because males grow faster, which might benefit them in terms of reproductive success and the capture and killing of large ungulate prey.Nous avons comparĂ© quatre courbes de croissance non linĂ©aires classiques (Gompertz, logistique, Richards et von Bertalanffy) se rapportant Ă  la modĂ©lisation de la longueur condylobasale de crĂąnes observĂ©s et Ă  leur largeur zygomatique en fonction de l’ñge chez les loups arctiques sauvages (Canis lupus arctos). Ensuite, nous avons analysĂ© les tendances de croissance en fonction de la sexospĂ©cificitĂ© et de l’ontogenĂšse de dimorphisme sexuel chez cette espĂšce, tel que rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par le meilleur de ces modĂšles. Dans le cas des donnĂ©es relatives au sexe et aux mesures de tailles de crĂąnes, les donnĂ©es propres aux tailles selon l’ñge ont fourni le meilleur support pour le modĂšle de von Bertalanffy en raison de degrĂ©s de raccord plus Ă©levĂ©s, d’un Ă©cart-type moyen infĂ©rieur des points de donnĂ©es sur la courbe de croissance ajustĂ©e, d’un poids Akaike de ≄ 37,4 % et de moins de paramĂštres directement dĂ©rivĂ©s des lois mĂ©taboliques. La longueur condylobasale asymptotique du mĂąle Ă©tait de 3,2 % plus prononcĂ©e et sa largeur zygomatique Ă©tait de 4,1 % plus grande que celles de la femelle. Chez cette espĂšce, le dimorphisme sexuel se dĂ©veloppe en partie parce que les mĂąles grandissent plus vite, ce qui pourrait avantager les mĂąles en matiĂšre de rĂ©ussite de reproduction, de mĂȘme que les aider Ă  capturer et Ă  tuer les grosses proies ongulĂ©es

    Does seasonal variation in forage quality influence the potential for resource competition between muskoxen and Peary caribou on Banks Island?

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    Inter- and intra-annual variation in forage quality may influence population dynamics of Peary caribou and muskoxen on Banks Island. From 1993 to 1998 we collected 300 composite samples of sedge (Carex aquatilis and Carex spp.), willow (Salix arctica), legume (Oxytropis spp. and Astragalus spp.), and avens (Dryas integrifolia). Samples were collected in mid-June (start of the growing season), mid-July (peak of the growing season), mid-late August (senescence), and early (November), mid- (February), and late- (April/May) winter. We analysed forages for percent digestibility (in vitro acid-pepsin dry matter digestibility), crude protein (CP), fibre, lignin, and energy content. There was significant inter-annual variation in levels of lignin, fibre, and energy, and significant intra-annual (seasonal) variation for all quality measures and forages, which reflected the strong difference in quality between summer and winter. We discuss the relationship between forage quality and seasonal diet composition of Peary caribou and muskoxen, and the potential implications for the reduced Peary caribou and high muskoxen populations

    Magnetic docking aid for orbiter to ISS docking

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    The present docking system for the Orbiter uses mechanical capture latches that are actuated by contact forces. The forces are generated when the two approaching masses collide at the docking mechanism. There is always a trade-off between having high enough momentum to effect capture and low enough momentum to avoid structural overload or unacceptable angular displacements. The use of the present docking system includes a contact thrusting maneuver that causes high docking loads to be included into Space Station. A magnetic docking aid has been developed to reduce the load s during docking. The magnetic docking aid is comprised of two extendible booms that are attached adjacent to the docking structure with electromagnets attached on the end of the boom. On the mating vehicle, two steel plates are attached. As the Orbiter approaches Space Station, the booms are extended, and the magnets attach to the actuated (without thrusting), by slowly driving the extendible booms to the stowed position, thus reacting the load into the booms. This results in a docking event that has lower loads induced into Space Station structure. This method also greatly simplifies the Station berthing tasks, since the Shuttle Remote Manipulation System (SRMS) arm need only place the element to be berthed on the magnets (no load required), rather than firing the Reaction Control System (RCS) jets to provide the required force for capture latch actuation. The Magnetic Docking Aid was development testing on a six degree-of-freedom (6 DOF) system at JSC
