142 research outputs found
Correlation between Knowledge, Experience and Common Sense, with Critical Thinking Capability of Medical Faculty’s Students at Indonesia Christian University
This research discusses correlation between knowledge, experience and common sense with critical thinking of Medical Faculty’s Student. As to the objective of this research is to find the correlation between knowledge, experience and common sense with critical thinking of Medical Faculty’s Students at Christian University of Indonesia. It is conducted in Christian University of Indonesia at Medical Faculty precisely, which of 72 students had been elected as research from total population of 250 students who actively attend Medical Educational Program of 2011/2012. Random sampling technique is the the applied one, it is questionnaire comprising 34 questions. The Data analyzed by Skewness and Kurtosis test. Research finding had obtained that knowledge, experience and common sense has positive correlation with critical thinking of students. As to correlational coefficient between variable X1, X2 and X3 to Y is 0.234. Hence, it may be concluded that to increase critical thinking capability of students then, knowledge, experience and common sense should be increased as well. Keywords: Knowledge, experience and common sense, critical thinking capability, correlation
Effects of Servant Leadership and Training Programs on Servant motivation of Hospital Medical Personnel
Servant motivation is a basic thing that must be owned by medical personnel as a profession that prioritizes
service. This research wants to see how servant motivation of medical personnel is affected by servant
training and leadership style. The study used a correlational survey method with neuroresearch. The results
of the study indicate that the role of leaders who have the character of service will increase the effectiveness
of training which will ultimately have an impact on servant motivation of medical personnel
Employee Performance of Private Hospital Non-Medical Services
The performance of non-medical employees is a very important concept especially for a hospital in measuring
the quality of services provided. Therefore a measure is needed that is able to measure how the expected
performance and its achievements can provide input to produce optimal performance. This study aims to
look at the factors that can be used as benchmarks for performance and how the performance description
of non-medical employees in private hospitals. The study was conducted with a correlational survey. The
results showed that the performance of non-medical services in private hospitals showed good service
supported by the ability of employees to complete a number of service tasks simultaneously and carefull
Determinants of Nurse Quality Service in Jakarta Private Hospital
The quality of hospital services can be seen from the quality of services provided by nurses. This study
aims to look at the factors that determine the realization of nurse service quality. The study uses the
Neuroresearch method, a mixed method or alternative method used to obtain a truth in the field of social
science. Data collection techniques used questionnaire instruments with a Likert Scale ranging from 1-5.
Instrument calibration using Orthogonal Iteration with a trial sample of 30 nurses, r-criteria of 0.361. The
study population was all nurses in private hospitals in Jakarta with a sampling technique in the form of
cluster random sampling, which was chosen by all nurses from UKI, Jakarta, Tebet and Pluit hospitals. The
study sample was 300 nurses. The results of the study were nurses who had a very good response to the
patients who most determined the Quality of Nurse Service in a private hospital in Jakarta
Learning Achievement of UKI Students Eastern Indonesia
The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between learning motivation with learning achievement.The
research was conducted at the Christian University of Indonesia Faculty Student from Indonesian remote area by simple random
sampling (51 samples). This study concludes that there is a significant correlation between: Learning motivation with Learning
achievement. In addition, there is a significant relationship between Learning motivation with Learning achievement, if the control
variables Childhoo
Zat gizi sangat penting untuk tumbuh kembang otak terutama zat yang mengandung asam lemak omega 3 yang merupakan rantai panjang asam lemak tak jenuh ganda yang terdiri dari Docosahexaenoic (DHA), asam eicosapentaenoic (EFA), asam arachidonik (AA). Ketiga rantai panjang asam lemak tak jenuh ganda yang lebih berperan penting adalah asam DHA untuk perkembangan sinapsis otak janin dan bayi dibandingkan EFA dan AA. Omega 3 adalah lemak essensial yang tidak diproduksi oleh tubuh, tetapi terdapat pada makanan, seperti ikan dan
kacang – kacangan. Asam lemak omega 3 berperan dalam sinaptogenesis, pembentukan dinding sel neuron dan mielinasi pada otak bayi. Ibu hamil dan menyusui sangat membutuhkan nutrisi, lainnya juga yang mempengaruhi dalam pembentukan dan perkembangan otak bayi, yaitu termasuk energi protein, zat besi, zink, tembaga, dan kolin dan memiliki fungsi dan efek yang berbeda terhadap otak. Kekurangan omega 3 dapat
mengakibatkan gangguan ketajaman visual, gangguan kinerja kognitif dan perilaku dan yang sangat penting mempengaruhi perkembangan sel otak. Tumbuh kembang otak tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi tetapi juga, dipengaruhi oleh genetik yang menentukan tingkat kecerdasan dan IQ pada bayi. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode tinjauan pustaka pada bab selanjutnya akan dibahas lebih lanjut tentang manfaat omega 3 untuk tumbuh kembang otak bay
Investigating the effect of learning multimedia and thinking style preference on learning achievement on anatomy at Universitas Kristen Indonesia
This study is aimed to investigate the effect of learning multimedia and thinking style
preference on the learning achievement of anatomy, and it was done at Medical Faculty of
Universitas Kristen Indonesia. It was quantitative research with the quasi-experimental design.
The population were the students batch 2017 and 2018, and the sample was chosen randomly.
Test (consisted of 37 test items) and non-test (a set of the questionnaire consisted of 15 items )
were used as the instruments in this study. The data which was obtained through the instruments
of the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis through anava test
2x2 The results were; a) the student's learning achievement average when they were taught using
multimedia (video) was 27.37, while student learning achievement average when they were
taught using multimedia (powerpoint) was 23.6, means that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted;
b) the student learning achievement average with abstract thinking style preference was 30.89
and student learning achievement average with concrete thinking style preference was 21.01,
means that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. As a conclusion that there is no interaction
between learning multimedia and thinking style and the effect on students’ learning achievement
of Anatomy
This research ivestigates the effect of organizational culture on the lecturers’ organizational citizenship behaviour at Christian University of Indonesia. The research is aimed to know whether there is an effect of organizational culture on the lecturers’ organizational citizenship behaviour or not. The method of the research used is quantitative method with a survey design. There are 314 lecturers were chosen to be the population of this researh and from the population 109 lecturers were chosen to be the sample of this research. The data of the research was collecting through a set of questionnaire. The questionnaire was given to the all of the chosen sample. After the data was collected so it was analyzed, and after that a finding was drawn. The finding is; there is an effect of organizational culture on the lecturers’ organizational citizenship behaviour at Christian University of Indonesia. By then, in order to improve the the lecturers’ organizational citizenship behaviour, so organizational culture is an important element needs considering by the higher institution whether it is public higher institution or private higher institution.
Keywords: organizational culture, organizational citizenship behavior.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour dosen di Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap organizationl citizenship behaviour dosen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survey. Adapun populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 314 orang dosen, dan terdiri dari 109 orang. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen kuesioner. Peneliti memberikan kuesioner kepada seluruh sampel terpilih. Setelah data dianalisis maka ditemukanlah kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap organizationl citizenship behaviour dosen di Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Dengan demikian, dalam rangka perbaikan organizationl citizenship behaviour dosen maka budaya organisasi menjadi elemen yang penting diperhatikan oleh lembaga-lembaga perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta.
Kata kunci: pengaruh, budaya orgasisasi, organizational citizenship behaviour
Non-Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction In Children: Diagnosis And Procedure
Bladder dysfunction is a urinary problem commonly found in children,may be neurogenic, anatomical, and non-neurogenic dysfunction. The problem is often accompanied by urinary tract infections, vesicoureter reflux, and renal scarring, potentially leading to chronic kidney disease, as well as having severe physical and psychosocial effects on the child. Clinical manifestations of bladder dysfunction appear to be in accordance with urinary pathophysiology, ie, storage or micturition disorders (voiding), with terminology referring to the consensus of the International Children's Continent Society (ICCS) 2015. Diagnosis is made clinically by anamnesis and physicalexamination with the main
principle of getting rid of neurological and anatomical abnormalities, and routine urine recording. The modalities of investigation can be noninvasive (urinalysis, ultrasound, uroflowmetry) or invasive (sistogram). Comprehensive management of non-neurogenic bladder dysfunction consists of urotherapy (including biofeedback therapy),pharmacological therapy, surgical therapy, and neuromodulation or
This paper examines the exact and precise diagnosis of the Cervicalys Herniatted Nucleus Pulposus (CHNP). CHNP comes from the displacement of the nucleus pulposus in the intervertebral disc at the cervical level, which can cause direct compression of the spinal cord or nerve root suppression. The posisition of the body which is less ergonomic during daily activities as a result of a misposition in a long time so as to cause high levels of stress on the muscles and tissues supporting the body in the long run and asymmetrical loading on intradiscal (disc migration). This condition causes the transfer of the nucleus pulposus to the front of the burden received, if this lasts a long time it can cause protrusion of the disc backwards so that it can directly irritate pain-sensitive posterior longitudinal ligaments. The purpose of this study is to find out how the precise and exact diagnosis of CHNP is. The research method used is library research, by referring to books, journals, articles relating to topics discussed as data sources to answer research question. The results of this study is; there are several ways that can be done in CHNP diagnosing such as: a) laboratory examination; b) imaging; c) electrodiagnostic, d) somatosensory evoked potentials. While the prevention of CHNP can be done in several ways such as: a) physical therapy; b) cervical traction; c) pharmacology; d) surgery; e) prevention; f) biomechanics; g) pathophysiology, and; h) decreased structure of the intervertebral disc. It can be concluded that in the accurate and precise enforcement and handling of CHNP, it is recommended to do the several methods mentioned above.
Keywords: cervicalys herniated nucleus pulposus, head and neck positio
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