13 research outputs found

    Nutritive value of half-finished cheese products

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    U cilju unapređenja kvalitete prehrane i proširenja asortimana dijetetskih proizvoda na bazi sira, načinjeni su slani i slatki proizvodi koji osim svježeg kravljeg sira sadrže griz, jaja, šećer, cimet i špinat. U kontroliranim laboratorijskim uvjetima proizvodi u obliku pogačica su pripremljeni za jelo termičkom obradom (prženjem i kuhanjem). Standardnim kemijskim analizama utvrđeni su parametri nutritivne kvalitete: proteini, masti, ugljikohidrati, pepeo i celuloza u sirovim i termički tretiranim pogačicama. Računski je određen aminokiselinski skor u sirnim pogačicama. Provedena je organoleptička procjena prženih i kuhanih proizvoda. Rezultati kemijskih analiza su pokazali da je energetski udio proteina u strukturi proizvoda visok i kreće se od 16,6% do 26,8%. Količina masti (osim prženih pogačica zamjesa 1) je niska (5-30%), što pruža mogućnost upotrebe pogačica u dijetetskoj prehrani. Energetski udio ugljikohidrata se kreće u poželjnim granicama. Aminokiselinski sastav pokazuje da su esencijalne aminokiseline u prote-inim,a pogačica zastupljene u dozvoljenim količinama. Organoleptička svojstva slatkih prženih i slanih sirovih pogačica sa špinatom trebalo bi popraviti, dok su ostali proizvodi prema ocjeni potrošača visoko poželjnih organoleptičkih svojstava.In order to improve food quality and widen the assortment of dietetic products, both sweet and salty cheese products containing besides fresh cottage cheese eggs, cinnamon, semolina and spinach were prepared in form of small pies for eating by thermal handling (roasting and cooking) in control laboratory. The parameters of nutritive quality such as: proteins, fat, charbohydrates, ash and cellulose in raw cheese products prepared by thermal handling were determined using official chemical analysis. Mathematical calculations helped to determine aminoacid scor in cheese products. The organoleptic evaluation of roasted and cooked cheese products was carried out. The results of chemical analysis show high energetic value of proteins in structure of these products (16.6% to 26.8%), but quantity of fat (except in roasted products) was low (9.6%- 27.0%) and that\u27s why these products can he used in dietetic nutrition. The energetic value of carbohydrates is desirable. Determined aminoacids show that these products are of a satisfactory quality. Organoleptic quality of sweet roasted and salty raw products with spinach should be improved, while other products are of a high organoleptic value according to the evaluation expressed by the consumers

    The importance of milk and dairy products in the structure of workers\u27 nutrition

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    Znanstvena istraživanja iz područja nutricionizma pokazuju da su u prehrani našeg pučanstva premalo zastupljene visokovrijedne namirnice kao što su mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi Obzirom na značaj prehrane za održavanje radne sposobnosti i zdravlja radnika zaposlenih u industriji, dobro organizirana društvena prehrana može doprinijeti korekciji postojećih deficita nutritivnih tvari koji se javljaju u obiteljskoj ili individualnoj prehrani radnika. Naša istraživanja, koja su provedena u desetogodišnjem razdoblju u društvenoj prehrani radnika kapaciteta 1200-1500 obroka dnevno, pokazuju da su mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi u »standardnom* obroku bili zastupljeni s 3,78%, Što iznosi samo 42% preporučenih vrijednosti. Uvođenjem »dijetalnog* obroka u strukturu prehrane radnika postignut je udio od 7,78% ili 86% od preporuke, što je nešto niže od preporučenog energetskog udjela koji iznosi 9-10% za obroke od 13.388 j (3200 kcal) i više. Tjednom kemijskom analizom gotovih obroka utvrđeno je da u dijetalnim obrocima energetski udjeli proteina, masti i ugljikohidrata odgovaraju preporukama. Vitamini (B1, B2, niacin, C) također se nalaze u obrocima u dovoljnim količinama, dok vitamina A ima samo 29,5% od RDA. Od mineralnih tvari, Ca nije u svim obrocima zastupljen u odgovarajućim količinama (13,3% RDA). Navedeni deficiti mogu se sanirati većini uvrštavanjem mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prehranu radnika. Mjesečna kemijska analiza gotovih obroka pokazuje da se standardnim toplim obrokom unese 234,8 mg Ca tj. pokriva se obzirom na preporuke za topli obrok s 83,9% Ca, dok se dijetalnim toplim obrokom unese 310,9 mg Ca, tj. pokriva se, obzirom na preporuke za topli obrok, potrebe od 111% Ca. Vrijednosti za A vitamin su, u standardnom i dijetalnom obroku, prilikom mjesečne analize, blizu dnevnih potreba ovog vitamina.The research in the field of nutrition has shown that there is a shortage of milk and dairy products in the nourishment of our population. Since nutrition plays an important role in maintaining working and health efficiency of the workers employed in industry, it is necessary to introduce the deficient foodstuffs into meal composition. The investigation of the workers\u27 food intake (a broad assortment of 1200-1500 meals was prepared daily in the central kitchen), carried out during a ten year period, has shown that a standard meal contains 3.78% of milk and dairy products, that is, only 42% of the recommended values. By introducing diet meals into the structure of workers\u27 nutrition, a share of 7.78%, which is 86% of the recommended values, has been achieved, approaching the recommended energetic allowances; 9-10% for a meal of 13,388 J (3200 calories) or more. By weekly chemical analysis of the ready-made meals, it has been determined that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well of the vitamins (B1, B2, niacin, C) in diet meals meets the recommended values. However, the vitamin A makes up only 29.5% of the RDA. As for the minerals, calcium amounts to only 13.3% of the RDA. The revealed deficits could be removed by introducing well-planned diet meals rich in milk and dairy products. Monthly chemical analysis of the ready-made meals, have shown that a standard meal introduces 234.8 mg of Ca, that is 83,9% of the recommended workers\u27 food Ca intake values. Diet meals introduce 310.9 mg Ca, that is 111% of the recommended workers\u27 food Ca intake values. The values of vitamin A in standard and diet meals, which were checked in monthly chemical analysis, were near the recommended daily values

    Milk and dairy products in hospital diets of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus

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    Svrha ovoga rada bila je odrediti udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prehrani trudnica oboljelih od šećerne bolesti zbog važnosti koje ova skupina namirnica ima u prehrani ove populacije. Analizirani su bolnički obroci pripremani isključivo za trudnice oboljele od šećerne bolesti. Rezultati su obrađeni matematički i statistički, te uspoređeni s važećim preporukama. Petnaestodnevnim praćenjem dnevnih jelovnika hospitaliziranih trudnica oboljelih od šećerne bolesti može se zaključiti da trudnice dobivenim obrocima nisu u potpunosti zadovoljile energetske potrebe određene RDA standardima. Unutar obroka udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda bio je zadovoljavajući, što se također odnosi i na unos minerala (kalcij, fosfor) i vitamina (riboflavin) čiji su mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi glavni nosioci. Radi li se o trudnicama koje imaju povećanu tjelesnu masu, preporuča se odabir manje masnih i nemasnih mlijeka i jogurta, te smanjivanje udjela visokomasnih polutvrdih sireva u dnevnom obroku.The aim of this work was to determine the milk and dairy products share in hospital diets of pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus, due to special importance for this population. Hospital meals for this population were therefore mathematically and statistically analysed and compared with valuable recommendations. Meals were prepared exclusively for hospitalised pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus. Results showed that meals were energetically lower than they should be. Milk and dairy products share as well as share of minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins (riboflavin) in hospital daily diets were suitable. If pregnant women have higher body mass that they should, they should have in there diets more low-fat and non-fat milk and yogurt, and less high-fat cheese in their daily diets

    Milk and dairy products in socially imperiled seniors\u27 all day meals

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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u strukturi cjelodnevnog obroka socijalno ugroženih starijih osoba, kojima se dostavlja jedan topli obrok (ručak) na dan. Dijetetičkim istraživanjem bili su obuhvaćeni štićenici jednog većeg zagrebačkog naselja te analizirani obroci koji se dostavljaju. Prema dobivenim rezultatima prosječna energetska vrijednost obroka koji se dostavljaju iznosi 2848 kJ, što je 29-35 % od preporuka za dnevni unos (RDA) energije u starijih osoba. Udjel proteina u tim obrocima bio je 30-55 g ili 20-42% od RDA za proteine. Udjel minerala i vitamina bio je promjenjiv. Od minerala najlošije je zastupljen kalcij (19.3 % RDA), a vitamin B2 (45.7 % RDA for men and 53.3 % RDA for women) od vitamina. Prosječni dnevni udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u dostavljanim obrocima bio je vrlo nizak. U njima, je mlijeko jedini zastupljeni proizvod i to manje od 1 dL na tjedan. Cjelodnevnim obrokom 90 % ispitanika konzumira 1.5 dL do 2.0 dL mlijeka na dan. Osim mlijeka, svega 5 % ispitanika konzumira jogurt i polutvrdi sir jedan do dva puta na tjedan. Prema utvrđenim podacima u obroke koji se dostavljaju trebalo bi uvrstiti mlijeko i mliječne proizvode (osobito nemasni jogurt i svježi kravlji sir). Time bi se povećao udjel kalcija ali i poboljšala prehrambena vrijednost obroka.The aim of this study was to determine share of milk and dairy products in all-day meals socially imperiled independent-living elders who had organized one meal (lunch) on wheels daily. Dietetic monitoring was made in one subarea of Zagreb and meals on wheels were analized. According to results average energetic value of meals on the wheels was 2848 kJ, what was 29-35 % of recommended daily intake (RDA). Protein content in those meals was 30-55 g or 20-42 % of RDA for proteins. Content of minerals and vitamins was very fluctuating. Of minerals the lowest content was for calcium (19.3 % RDA) as well as for vitamin B2 (45.7 % RDA for men and 53.3 % RDA for women) of vitamins. Average daily share of milk and dairy products in meals on wheels was very low. Milk was the only present product in those meals and frequency was once per week in quantity less than 1 dL. By all-day meals 90 % examinees consumed 1.5 dL to 2.0 dL milk per day. Except the milk, only 5 % examinees consumed yogurt or semihard cheese once or twice per week. According to results some dairy products (as non-fat yogurt and fresh soft cheese) should be include in the meals on wheels. That would increase the share of calcium as well as nutritive value of the meals on wheels


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    Zbog brojnih nutritivnih vrijednosti i potencijalnoga pozitivnoga učinka na ljudsko zdravlje, šparoga se pokazala kao interesantna kultura za konzumaciju te predmet brojnih znanstvenih ispitivanja. Samonikla šparoga (Asparagus acutifolius L.) raste duž Jadranske obale i otoka, dok se kultivirana šparoga (Asparagus officinalis L.) uglavnom uzgaja u istočnome dijelu Hrvatske. Ovim istraživanjem određivan je ukupni sadržaj polifenola (spektofotometrijski) i antioksidativna aktivnost (DPPH) kod samoniklih i kultiviranih šparoga. Rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajne razlike u sadržaju ukupnih polifenola između samoniklih i kultiviranih šparoga. Najviša vrijednost ukupnih polifenola samoniklih šparoga iznosila je 6,20 [mg GAE/g svježe tvari], odnosno 49,60 [mg GAE/g suhe tvari], dok je kod kultiviranih šparoga bila 4,52 [mg GAE/g svježe tvari], odnosno 50,93 [mg GAE/g suhe tvari]. Antioksidativna aktivnost mjerena DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) metodom, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike. Veća je antioksidativna aktivnost izmjerena kod kultiviranih, nego kod samoniklih šparoga. Također je utvrđeno da porastom polifenola raste antioksidativna aktivnost, ali više kod kultiviranih šparoga. Temeljem rezultata, zaključujemo da je kultivirana šparoga odlična alternativa samonikloj, koja bi trebala biti zaštićena od pretjeranog ubiranja, kako bi se zaštitila prirodna raznolikost obale i otoka.Asparagus is an interesting vegetable as a part of a healthy diet and has been widely studied due to the high nutritional value and potential positive effects on human health. Wild asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius L.) grows along the Adriatic coast and islands, while the cultivated asparagus (A. officinalis L.) is mostly grown in the eastern region of Croatia. The aim of this study was to determine total polyphenol content (measured spectrophotometrically) and antioxidant activity (DPPH) in wild and cultivated asparagus. No significant differences in total polyphenol content were found between wild and cultivated asparagus. The highest content of polyphenols in wild asparagus was 6.20 [mg GAE/g fresh weight] and 49.60 [mg GAE/g dry weight], and in cultivated asparagus it was 4.52 [mg GAE/g fresh weight] and 50.93 [mg GAE/g dry weight]. Antioxidant activity measured using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method showed statistically significant difference. Higher antioxidant activity was measured in cultivated than in wild asparagus. The results also indicate that increased polyphenol content leads to higher antioxidant activity, but more so in the cultivated asparagus. Based on the results, the cultivated asparagus is an excellent alternative to wild asparagus that should be protected from over-harvesting, thus preventing devastation of plant diversity of islands and coast

    Evaluación de posible exposición a ocratoxina A por la consumación de productos cárnicos contaminados

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    Okratoksin A je sekundarni toksični metabolit kojeg proizvode plijesni rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium. Podaci ukazuju na učestalu kontaminaciju okratoksinom A žitarica i proizvoda od žita te posljedično moguću kontaminaciju mesa i mesnih proizvoda. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi moguću razinu izloženosti potrošača okratoksinu A konzumiranjem tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda kon- taminiranim ovih toksinom. Uzimajući u obzir prehrambene navike i koncentracije okratoksina A u različitim mesnim proizvodima dobivenim iz sirovina tretiranih životinja, procijenjena je moguća izloženost okratoksinu A. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je vjero- jatnost izlaganja okratoksinu A u dozi koja je iznad TWI (120 ng/kg TM tjedno) vrlo niska. Podaci su pokazali da bi samo konzumiran- jem pancete 0,8% populacije bilo izloženo okratoksinu A u dozi koja je iznad TWI vrijednosti od 120 ng/g TM tjedno, a koja je de3ni- rana od strane EFSA. Podaci za kulen, slavonsku kobasicu, šunku i dimljena rebra ukazuju da je mala vjerojatnost da će stanovništvo (prosječne tjelesne mase 70 kg) biti izloženo okratoksinu A u dozama većim od TWI ako konzumira kontaminirane proizvode.Ochratoxin A is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by the fungi of the Aspergillus and Penicillium species. The data indicate to frequent ochratoxin A contamination of cereals and cereal products and consequently to possible contamination of meat and meat products. The aim of this study was to determine the possible level of consumer exposure to ochratoxin A through consumption of traditional meat products contaminated with this toxin. Taking into account the dietary habits and concentration of ochratoxin A in various meat products derived from raw material of treated animals the potential exposure to ochratoxin A was estimated. The results showed that the probability of exposure to ochratoxin A in a dose that is above the TWI (120 ng/kg BW per week) is very low. The data showed that through the consumption of pancetta alone 0.8% of the population could be exposed to ochratoxin A in a dose which is above the TWI value de3ned by the EFSA. The data for kulen, Slavonian sausage, smoked ham and smoked ribs indicated that it is unlikely for the population (average body weight 70 kg) to be exposed to ochratoxin A in doses greater than TWI if consuming conta-minated meat productsOchratoxin A ist der sekundäre toxische Metabolit, den die Schimmelsorten Aspergillus und Penicillium erzeugen. Die Angaben wei-sen auf eine häu3ge Ochratoxin A - Kontamination der Getreide und der Getreideerzeugnisse hin, und demzufolge eine mögliche Kontamination von Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnissen. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, das mögliche Niveau der Ausgesetztheit der Konsumenten dem Ochratoxin A durch die Konsumation der traditionellen Fleischerzeugnisse, kontaminiert mit diesem Toxin, fest- zustellen. In Betracht ziehend die Ernährungsgewohnheiten und die Ochratoxinkonzentrationen in verschiedenen Fleischerzeugnis- sen stammend aus den Rohsto>en von trätierten Tieren, wurde die Möglichkeit der Ausgesetztheit dem Ochratoxin A eingeschätzt. Die Resultate haben gezeigt, dass die mögliche Ausgesetztheit dem Ochratoxin A in der Dose über TWI (120 ng/kg TM wöchentlich) niedrig ist. Die Resultate haben gezeigt, dass nur durch die Konsumation von „panceta“ (Speck) 0,8 % der Population dem Ochratoxin A ausgesetzt ist, in der Dose die über TWI Werte von 120 ng/g TM wöchentlich liegt, was seitens EFSA de3niert wurde. Die Angaben für „Kulen“ (Dauerwurst aus SchweineYeisch von bester Qualität), slawonische Würste, Schinken und geräucherte Rippen weisen darauf hin, dass es eine geringe Möglichkeit gibt, für die Bevölkerung (durchschnittliche Körpermasse 70 kg) für die Ausgesetztheit dem Ochratoxin A in Dosen größer als TWI, wenn sie kontaminierte Erzeugnisse konsumiert.L’ocratossina A è un metabolita tossico secondario prodotto da specie dei generi delle mu>e Aspergillus e Penicillium. I dati mostra- no la frequente contaminazione dei cereali e dei prodotti del frumento e, di conseguenza, la possibile contaminazione delle carni e dei prodotti della carne. Questa ricerca è stata condotta con lo scopo di accertare il possibile livello di esposizione dei consumatori all’ocratossina A mediante la consumazione dei prodotti della carne tradizionali contaminati da questa tossina. La possibile esposi- zione all’ocratossina A è stata valutata prendendo in considerazione le abitudini alimentari e la concentrazione di ocratossina A in vari prodotti della carne ottenuti da materie prime degli animali trattati. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che la probabilità di esposizione all’ocratossina A in una dose superiore a TWI (120 ng/kg TM la settimana) è molto bassa. I dati hanno dimostrato che sol- tanto la consumazione della pancetta ha esposto lo 0,8% della popolazione all’ocratossina A in una dose superiore a 120 ng/kg TM la settimana (in base ai dati EFSA). I dati sul salame kulen, la salsiccia della Slavonia, il prosciutto cotto e le costine di maiale a>umicate, invece, hanno evidenziato una bassa probabilità che la popolazione (composta d’individui con massa corporea di 70 kg), una volta consumati i prodotti contaminati, possa essere esposta all’ocratossina A in una dose superiore a TWI.Ocratoxina A es el metabolito secundario tóxico producido por los hongos de géneros Aspergillus y Penicillium. Los datos indican la contaminación frecuente de los cereales y productos cereales y consiguientemente posible contaminación de carne y productos cárnicos por ocratoxina A. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel posible de exposición de consumidores a la ocratoxina A por la consumación de productos cárnicos tradicionales contaminados por esta toxina. Tomando en cuenta las costumbres alimen- tarias y la concentración de la ocratoxina A en varios productos cárnicos provenientes de carne cruda de los animales medicados, se ha estimado la exposición potencial a ocratoxina A. Los resultados mostraron que la probabilidad de la exposición a ocratoxina en la dosis por encima de TWI/IST (120 ng/kg del PC por la semana) es muy baja. Los datos muestran que con tan solo consumar panceta 0.8% de la población podría estar expuesta a ocratoxina A en la dosis por encima del valor de la TWI/IST de 120 ng/kg por la semana del PC de3nida por JECFA. Los datos sobre kulen, salchicha de Eslavonia, jamón ahumado y costilla ahumada indican que es poco probable que la población (con el PC promedio de 70 kg) sea expuesta a ocratoxina A en las dosis por encima de TWI/IST si consuma los productos contaminados

    Slikarske tehnike

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    Osnovno izražajno sredstvo slikarskog postupka jest boja. Boji su se oduvijek pridavala iscjeljujuća i magična svojstva te je u svakom kraju svijeta postojala neka druga tehnologija boja i postupaka koja je uglavnom ovisila o dostupnim prirodnim izvorima. Boja je i danas bazirana na pigmentu: prirodnom ili sintetičkom, a vezivo je veže uz podlogu (platno, papir, karton, zid...). Boje razlikujemo po fi zičkim svojstvima (kromatske i akromatske) i prema dimenziji – (kromatskoj kvaliteti, svjetlini i intenzitetu, tonu). Djeca u predškolskoj dobi bojom izražavaju emocije bojeći prizore atmosferom koju osjećaju ili koju žele dočarati pri čemu već jako rano odaju i senzibilitet za kolorizam ili monokromiju

    Scripta in honorem Igor Fisković: zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana

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    The International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages prepared a Festschrift in honour of one of its founders, Igor Fisković on the occassion of his 70th birthday. The Festschrift  includes works addressing the periods that Igor Fisković has dealt with most, thus reflecting the diversity of his interests, ranging from Late Antiquity to contemporary art, with key emphasis on the Late Middle Ages and early modernity. Due to the diversity and the broad period of time the texts are covering, they have been arranged more or less chronologically. The works focus mainly on the Late Middle Ages and the early modern period, Fisković’s forte and the topic of some of his best writings. There are also several texts addressing the baroque period, which was not one of the honouree’s interests, but they were written by some of his closest friends and members of the generation of his former students who have had prestigious careers. (from the Foreword)Zbornik je pripredio Međunarodni istraživački centar za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek povodom sedamdesetog rođendana jednog od svojih osnivača Igora Fiskovića. Zbornik obuhvaća radove koje pokrivaju razdoblja kojima se Igor Fisković ponajviše bavio, reflektirajući raznolikost njegovih interesa, od početne kasne antike i suvremene umjetnosti, do ključnoga naglaska na kasnom srednjem vijeku i početku modernog doba. Zbog te raznolikosti i širokog vremenskog razdoblja koje pokrivaju, radovi su poredani manje-više kronološki. Ističe se brojem radova upravo kasnosrednjovjekovno doba i početci modernoga, forte u kojem je Igor Fisković dao svoje ponajbolje radove. Uz njih je i više priloga koji pokrivaju razdoblje baroka, kojim se slavljenik nije bavio, no koji su iz pera njegovih najbliskijih prijatelja i one generacije njegovih bivših studenata koji su danas ostvarili ugledne karijere. (iz Predgovora

    Scripta in honorem Igor Fisković: zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana

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    The International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages prepared a Festschrift in honour of one of its founders, Igor Fisković on the occassion of his 70th birthday. The Festschrift  includes works addressing the periods that Igor Fisković has dealt with most, thus reflecting the diversity of his interests, ranging from Late Antiquity to contemporary art, with key emphasis on the Late Middle Ages and early modernity. Due to the diversity and the broad period of time the texts are covering, they have been arranged more or less chronologically. The works focus mainly on the Late Middle Ages and the early modern period, Fisković’s forte and the topic of some of his best writings. There are also several texts addressing the baroque period, which was not one of the honouree’s interests, but they were written by some of his closest friends and members of the generation of his former students who have had prestigious careers. (from the Foreword)Zbornik je pripredio Međunarodni istraživački centar za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek povodom sedamdesetog rođendana jednog od svojih osnivača Igora Fiskovića. Zbornik obuhvaća radove koje pokrivaju razdoblja kojima se Igor Fisković ponajviše bavio, reflektirajući raznolikost njegovih interesa, od početne kasne antike i suvremene umjetnosti, do ključnoga naglaska na kasnom srednjem vijeku i početku modernog doba. Zbog te raznolikosti i širokog vremenskog razdoblja koje pokrivaju, radovi su poredani manje-više kronološki. Ističe se brojem radova upravo kasnosrednjovjekovno doba i početci modernoga, forte u kojem je Igor Fisković dao svoje ponajbolje radove. Uz njih je i više priloga koji pokrivaju razdoblje baroka, kojim se slavljenik nije bavio, no koji su iz pera njegovih najbliskijih prijatelja i one generacije njegovih bivših studenata koji su danas ostvarili ugledne karijere. (iz Predgovora

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value