450 research outputs found

    Non-universal behavior for aperiodic interactions within a mean-field approximation

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    We study the spin-1/2 Ising model on a Bethe lattice in the mean-field limit, with the interaction constants following two deterministic aperiodic sequences: Fibonacci or period-doubling ones. New algorithms of sequence generation were implemented, which were fundamental in obtaining long sequences and, therefore, precise results. We calculate the exact critical temperature for both sequences, as well as the critical exponent β\beta, γ\gamma and δ\delta. For the Fibonacci sequence, the exponents are classical, while for the period-doubling one they depend on the ratio between the two exchange constants. The usual relations between critical exponents are satisfied, within error bars, for the period-doubling sequence. Therefore, we show that mean-field-like procedures may lead to nonclassical critical exponents.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Preferences of Kikuyu mothers for children's foods

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Family life training centres, Kenya, 1978

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    The nutritional impact of the Pre-School Health Programme at three clinics in Central Province, Kenya

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    Contains an account of a study of the effects of the Pre-School Health Programme at three clinics in different ecological zones in Central Province, Kenya. Two groups of mothers were selected for interviewing: recent entrants and longtime participants. The study concentrates on the following aspects: nutritional knowledge; maternal food preferences; food consumption of the children during the previous day; and nutritional status of the children. Conclusion: the strenght of the programme lies in the food distribution rather than in the educational component.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Этиопатогенетические аспекты терапии хронических воспалительных заболеваний органов малого таза

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    Наведено сучасні принципи лікування запальних захворювань жіночих статевих органів з урахуванням етіопатогенезу запалення й особливостей продукції у цервікальному слизу запальних і протизапальних цитокинів. Показано, що включення до комплексу терапії інтерферонів сприяє відновленню порушеного імунологічного гомеостазу й зниженню ймовірності рецидивів захворювання.Modern principles of treatment of inflammatory diseases of female genitals taking into account an etiopathogenesis of an inflammation and features of production in сervical mucous inflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines are resulted. Including in a complex of therapy of interferons is shown, that, promotes restoration of the broken immunologic homeostasis and depression of probability of relapses of disease